Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 58: The rewards of adventure


Ryan smiled and said: "I can see that Faras and Red both come from relatively wealthy families, so you haven't had any hardships since childhood. Of course it is a good thing to have a happy childhood, but your daily physical exercise It's a lot worse. I remember that in Alpha City, I couldn't stand it after walking for just a while. This is not okay. Time is short now. In order to significantly change your physique, you just need to use some methods. But you all Don't worry, I will slowly add weight to you, and I won't let you wear armor equal to your own weight all at once. This method is very effective, because I have been using it since I was a child."

"In addition, Oz, you may change many of the current combat methods. I don't think passive defense is very effective. If you are willing, I suggest you give up the combat method of holding the enemy back and waiting for the mage to take action. Why can't you take the initiative to attack? The enemy, use ferocious attacks so that the enemy has to passively defend you, thereby creating opportunities for the mages in the team to cast spells?"

Oz's eyes lit up and he said, "How about you and Allen dealing with Nasir?"

Ryan said, "That's right."

Oz slapped his thigh and said, "Okay."

Seeing that everyone else had something to do, Alina quickly asked Ryan: "What about me?"

Ryan said: "You have the most things to do. You have to be able to fight in hand-to-hand combat and fight with warriors without falling behind. You have to be able to sneak attack and give the enemy mage a fatal blow. You also have to cover your teammates. You can even lurk near the opponent and look for opportunities to plot. Enemy. These requirements are still too high for you, but we can do it slowly one by one."

Alando was very happy for him when he saw Ryan gushingly instructing the members of Team Leis to conduct special training. Now Ryan has truly demonstrated his abilities. Perhaps this is the real purpose of Ryan's teacher asking Ryan to undergo the coming-of-age ceremony trial.

I remembered that not long ago, Ryan was still having a headache because he couldn't find a companion. Alando himself was also very unhappy with Ryan's situation in the original Leisi team. Now, Ryan can finally do what he wants. I believe that after Ryan and With this special training, the strength of the entire Leisi team will skyrocket, and they will eventually achieve good results in the competitive competition, right

Ryan talked with everyone for a whole afternoon and finally arranged everything. During dinner, Ryan casually asked Faras about the task of investigating the missing persons in Elmida City. Since it was completed, it was better to get the task reward and do his own thing.

Faras replied: "The city lord of Elmida issued this task, but only provided a sum of money. If the person who completes the task wants to get the fire magic core, he must go to the city lord in person. "

Ryan said: "Okay. We will meet the city lord early tomorrow morning, and then leave the city immediately and return to Alpha."

Faras lowered his voice and said, "Then how should we tell the city lord? Liches and vampire demons?"

Ryan said: "There are several undead, and the most powerful one is an assembled monster. It shouldn't cause too much of a sensation, right?"

Farasi said: "Assembled monsters are not small anymore. 200 years ago, this kind of killing machine harvested countless lives."

Ryan said: "Tomorrow everything will be up to you. From the looks of it, you are the captain of our team. Remember to wear the junior magician's badge. I believe that our team, led by the wise magician Faras, will definitely defeat all evil." Evil undead, right?"

Faras rolled her eyes at Ryan: "I hate it, this kind of thing reminds me of me."

Everyone laughed it off.

On the second day, the members of Raisi's team packed their things and walked towards the city lord's mansion together after Faras paid the fee.

The soldiers guarding the mansion stopped Faras fiercely.

Faras said: "I am the captain of Team Leis, and our team has completed the mission issued by the city master."

The mansion guards didn't care what Faras said, and several strong soldiers came towards Faras with spears.

Not to be outdone, Oz picked up the shield in his hand and stood in front of Faras.

A conflict was about to break out.

A middle-aged man who looked like a butler came out of the mansion. He said slowly: "What are you making noisy about? I don't know that adults like to be quiet during breakfast?"

Farasi saw this middle-aged man and said loudly: "We have completed the task of the city lord and come to claim the reward. Why not let us in?"

The middle-aged man looked at Faras, and his eyes were attracted by the magician's emblem on her chest. The middle-aged man seemed to have changed his expression and said quickly: "It turns out to be a respected magician lady. My soldiers were rude. Please follow me."

The mansion guard saw the housekeeper speaking and immediately made way for a passage.

Faras and his entourage followed the housekeeper and walked in.

The interior of the mansion is decorated with splendor and splendor. This style and the materials used in the decoration should not appear at all in the home of a small city lord with a population of only more than 30,000 people. Faras shook her head secretly when she saw it. She grew up in the imperial capital and had been to many mansions, but the mansion of the Lord of Elmida still surprised her. This shows how luxurious the Lord's daily life is.

The housekeeper brought Faras and his party into the restaurant. The huge room was similar to the hotel lobby where Faras and the others lived. The walls around the room were covered with various murals. There was a long table in the middle of the room. There were piles of all kinds of food on the table. A fat guy sat there, pointing at the food with his fingers. Eight beautiful maids next to him quickly fetched it for him, and then gently fed it into the fat man's mouth. In the mouth.

The housekeeper hurriedly took a few steps and said a few words in the obese man's ear.

The fat man waved his hand, and the eight maids immediately retreated.

After everyone had left, the fat man looked at Faras with lustful eyes and said, "It's a great honor to meet a beautiful magician lady. I am the Lord of Hermida City. Do you want to have dinner with her?" Wan pointed to the seat next to him.

Faras frowned and said, "I don't think it's necessary. Lord City Lord, we have completed the task you issued and are here to receive the reward."

The fat city lord said: "Oh, how can we prove it?"

Farasi said: "This was done by a few undead. They tried to create an army, but we killed them all before the ceremony was completed. The ceremony took place outside the city at the scrap copper slag, a very hidden passage on the ground that led to A wide cave, inside the cave is where the dead perform rituals.”

The fat city lord said: "Let's not talk about this for now. Why don't we let the beautiful lady be my personal bodyguard? You see, I have a mansion here. I can enjoy exquisite food every day, beautiful clothes, and many, many more The maid serves…”

Faras suppressed her anger and said to the city lord: "I remember that when His Majesty the King was dining, there were only four maids serving him. And even his palace is not as gorgeous as your restaurant, Lord City Lord."

Faras pointed to a mural on the wall of the restaurant and said: "For example, this "March" depicts Fernando I's expedition against the orc tribe. I remember it was completed by an extremely famous painter during the reign of Fernando III. Several years ago. At an auction in the Imperial City, someone anonymously bought it for 300,000 gold coins. It turned out to be you, the city lord, who bought it. I didn’t know that this small city of Hermida was so wealthy. Then how much tax is paid to the empire every year? ah?"

The fat city lord heard murderous intent in his eyes after hearing Farasi's words.

Reid immediately said: "Lord City Lord, we are also very hard on this disappearance case. The leader of this group of undead is a huge assembled monster. You must know how terrifying this assembled monster was 200 years ago. The punch can break a war horse, and the hands can easily break a person into pieces, just like the mutton chops you are eating, blood is pouring out."

After listening to Red's words, the city lord looked at the mature roasted lamb chops in front of him and spat out "Wow".

Seeing the embarrassment of the city lord, Reid smiled and said: "Mr. City Lord, I have studied with Master Ibel for many years. Do you want me to stay and be your full-time priest? As for Farasi, I guess that won't work. Next month What if His Majesty the King’s birthday celebration doesn’t include her, the Imperial Rose?”

After hearing what Red said, the fat city lord's expression changed and he said, "You guys..."

Faras glanced at Ryan and said: "We came to the Imperial City, originally just to visit the mountains and rivers. Unexpectedly, the Lord of the City was so hospitable. Why don't we stay and stay for a few days. Wait for those idiots from the Imperial City Prosecutor's Office to pick us up. We got it."

No matter how stupid the fat city lord is, he can still understand the meaning behind Faras and Red's words. It seems that these people in front of me are not easy to mess with. It is better to give them the things and let them leave early. I wanted to use this to attract a few magicians. If there are suitable ones, I would hire them to increase my strength.

The fat city lord has recently felt that his miners are a little restless. If 30,000 people make trouble together, his 500 guards cannot stop them. Seeing that Faras is such a beautiful person and a magician, this is perfect. She protects me in the mansion during the day and continues to protect me in the ** at night. It's a pity that I can't afford it.

The fat city lord motioned to the steward to get something. The housekeeper went out, quickly brought back a box, and handed it to Farasi.

Farasi opened the box, and a red light suddenly poured out from the box, making Farasi's face turn red. Faras carefully observed the thumb-sized fire magic core, and easily felt the fire power emitting from it.

Farasi asked: "How did you get this magic core? It must be at least a sixth-level magic beast."

The steward replied: "A few months ago, someone found a mutilated corpse of a monster outside the city. This magic core was found from the corpse. However, the corpse had rotted and was broken into several pieces. It could not be identified. What kind of monster?"

Farasi nodded and said: "Lord City Lord, now that we have obtained the magic core, this pleasant trip to Elmida will be a wonderful memory for us. I believe the Lord City Lord thinks so too, right? Excuse me Lord City Lord. Alright, let’s say goodbye.”

Faras and his party left the city lord's mansion.

Faras said to Ryan embarrassedly: "Lian, actually Red and I didn't hide it deliberately..."

Ryan said: "It doesn't matter, you just said it anyway, I have never been to the Imperial City and I don't know anyone."

Faras explained: "My full name is Faras-Redia, and I am the second daughter of Luke Redia, the finance minister of the imperial capital. Red is a disciple of Archbishop Iber. Apart from that, everything we said is it is true."

Ryan smiled: "Actually, it doesn't matter. We are companions. We have to help each other and support each other. As for identity and status, I honestly don't care. I am not taking risks with the Chancellor or the Archbishop. I am with Faras and Reid. Take the risk and that’s enough.”