Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 6: Thief


Flanner was shocked. He reached out to lift the curtain of the carriage and walked out.

The driver raised his head with both hands and squatted on the ground fearfully. According to the rules of robbery, if the driver does this during robbery, he will not kill people randomly.

Directly in front of the carriage's ears were several large rocks blocking the road, preventing the carriage from passing. Crouching on the stone was a thief dressed in black. There was a scar on the thief's face. The scar was so long that it almost occupied half of his face, from the center of his eyebrow to the bottom of his right ear. It seemed that he had suffered a serious injury.

Next to this thief, there were two thieves holding long swords in their hands. The bright swords reflected the sunlight onto Flanner's face, making him tremble with fear. There was a thief holding a hammer on the left and right sides of the carriage, obviously to prevent the people on the carriage from escaping. Flanner estimated that there must be someone behind the carriage. It seemed that there were at least six thieves in this group of robbers. They were obviously I had been prepared for it, and I was in a good position, but there was a magician on my side, so I was in trouble this time.

Not to mention how upset Flanner was. If he had known this, he should have insisted on hiring a few more mercenaries in Takli Town. He had no choice but to bravely say: "Brother thieves, I have fifty men here." Give some gold coins to the eldest brothers to drink in the bar. The younger brother is a businessman in Dolok. This road is often traveled, why not make a friend?" After saying that, Flanner took out a money bag and threw it over.

A thief picked up the money bag. He opened it and looked at it. He smiled and said to the thief who was squatting on the stone with a scar on his face: "Boss, we will make a fortune this time."

The scar-faced thief jumped down from the stone. He walked up to the thief who picked up the money bag, stretched out his hand to grab the money bag, shook it in his hand, and lectured: "Idiot, he did it for a load of ordinary goods." Can you come up with 50 gold coins? There must be something better in the car. I, Scar, have been here for so long, I’m not that easy to deceive."

After saying that, the scar-faced thief looked at Flanner sideways, as if looking at a dead man, and said to his accomplices: "The old rule is, kill everyone and move everything back."

In the short time that Flanner was talking to the thieves, Ryan, who was hiding in the carriage, had already observed the surrounding situation. There were six thieves in this group, distributed around him. It seemed that the method of hunting the winter wolf was in There is no need for it here. Not only is the thief standing very close to him, but there are two ordinary people beside him, so there will be no trouble in case of accidental injury.

Ryan was thinking of a way when he saw a thief holding a sledgehammer rushing towards Flanner next to the carriage. He felt anxious and quickly cast a magic missile without thinking of any countermeasures. The magic missile hit the thief accurately in the face. The thief holding the hammer screamed in pain, dropped the hammer in his hand, covered his face and fell to the ground. After rolling a few times, he stopped moving.

Ryan's attack shocked the scar-faced thief. Seeing the miserable condition of his companions, he quickly shouted: "Everyone, be careful, there is a magician on the other side."

At this time, Ryan had jumped out of the carriage. He picked up Flanner and threw him into the carriage. He said to him: "Hide inside and don't come out!" Then he motioned to the carriage driver to hide under the carriage to avoid accidental injury.

After the scar-faced thief saw Ryan's appearance, he breathed a sigh of relief. He pretended to be relaxed and said: "It turns out he is a young man. At his age, he is at most a magic apprentice. Everyone gather around him and don't let him have time to cast magic. .”

Hearing the leader's words, the thieves around the carriage laughed. They all took their weapons and slowly pushed towards Ryan, being careful to guard against Ryan's spells.

Seeing that the situation in front of him was not good for him, Ryan did not panic. He decided to kill the opponent's leader first. With first-level magic like magic missile, Ryan didn't even need to recite a spell. He raised his hand and cast a spell on the scar-faced thief. remember.

The scar-faced thief also reacted very quickly. When he saw the magic missile coming too fast, he raised the long sword in his hand and blocked it in front of his face. He only heard a "ping" sound, and the scar-faced thief felt The long sword seemed to have been hit by a heavy object and immediately broke into two pieces. He narrowly escaped death, rolled over on the spot, hid behind the other thieves, and cursed: "You idiots, hurry up. Damn it, kill this guy, and I'll give you an extra 20% of the stuff." "

After hearing Scarface's heavy reward, the other thieves plucked up their courage and rushed towards Ryan brandishing their weapons. Seeing Flanner hiding in the carriage, his heart kept beating. Everyone knew that a magician who was surrounded by a group of thieves would not have time to recite spells. A magician who could not cast magic would not be able to escape death.

Ryan did not guess what Flanner was thinking at this time. He had already taken out Shadow Shang and calmly looked at the thief who was approaching step by step.

A thief shouted, swung his sword and stabbed Ryan in the chest. Ryan turned slightly to the right, used Shadow Sword with his right hand to deflect the thief's sword, and immediately aimed a magic missile at the thief with his left hand. The magic missile hit the thief's face, and the thief's face immediately splattered with blood, like a blooming flower.

At this moment, a short sword stabbed Ryan's back silently. It was the thief hiding behind the carriage who bypassed Ryan's back and launched a sneak attack.

Ryan noticed his presence from the shadow on the ground, turned around, and used his left hand to drag the blooming thief on his face, blocking the backstab coming from behind.

"Ah." The thief who was hit by a magic missile in the face screamed and was quietly killed by his companions.

Finding that his backstab accidentally injured his companion, the thief showed no mercy. He pulled out his dagger, kicked his companion away, and prepared to attack again. However, he was surprised to find that there were five Ryans in front of him.

It turned out that Ryan felt that he might be caught in a one-on-six fight if he wasn't careful, which was too dangerous. He decided to use all his strength to end this battle as soon as possible, just as Teacher Jialib taught him. So Ryan cast a mirror image spell on himself. This second-level magic of the water system can create multiple mirror images of the mage. All the mirror images will act like the mage's body, making it impossible for the enemy to distinguish the true from the false.

The scar-faced thief felt secretly anxious when he saw Ryan casting magic continuously without even reciting a spell. He took out his dagger, pointed it at Ryan, who was in the middle of the group of mirrors, and shot out. The dagger was ready to hit the target without fail, but the hit Ryan disappeared into the air, while the other mirror images still existed. The target the Scarface Rogue hits is fake.

The actions of the scar-faced thief alerted the other thieves, and they all targeted a mirror image and attacked with all their strength. Soon, only two of Ryan's five mirrors were left.

Although the mirror image spell didn't last long, enough time was bought for Ryan to successfully complete the next spell.

A bolt of lightning flew out of Ryan's finger and accurately hit the thief who was holding a dagger and trying to sneak attack. The thief holding the dagger fell to the ground before he even had time to make a sound of pain. The parts struck by lightning were burned black, and pungent black smoke emitted.

Immediately afterwards, Ryan cast another magic missile, knocking down another thief's weapon. The thief who threw away his weapon suddenly lost his courage, turned around and ran away shouting for his life.

The only thief holding a hammer beside Ryan was also influenced by his companions. He threw away his weapons, followed his companions, and ran quickly towards the woods on the roadside.

Of course Ryan would not let the thief run away like this. He recited the spell silently, and a ball of flame the size of a pair of fists formed in his hands. "Fireball." Ryan pointed with his hand, and the hot fireball roared away and exploded with a bang, sending the two escaping thieves into the sky and into the arms of death.

"Be careful!" Flanner's voice came from behind Ryan.

In fact, without Flanner's reminder, Ryan had already felt the wind of the scarred-faced thief's sword stabbing at him, not to mention that he had already been prepared.

"Stone Skin Technique" As Ryan whispered, a layer of rough stone skin enveloped his body.

"Ding~" The scar-faced thief's sword stabbed Ryan's body, but was blocked by the rough stone skin.

Ryan turned around, smiled at Flanner who reminded him, and signaled that he was fine. Suddenly, a thought came to his mind for no reason: "This stone skin technique is really good. It not only greatly increases his defense ability, but also It won’t have much impact on your actions, it just looks too ugly.”

The scar-faced thief had completely given up the attack after stabbing Ryan with his long sword several times but still unable to damage him. If you fight, the other party will take care of 6 of you; if you run, the power of the fireball explosion is too amazing, and I don't plan to turn into a turkey.

Suddenly the scar-faced thief dropped the sword in his hand, knelt at Ryan's feet, and cried bitterly: "Hero, spare your life, I am also forced by life, and I have no choice but to be a thief, a career with no future." …”

Ryan didn't expect the scar-faced thief to do this, and was stunned. Seeing that Ryan had taken control of the situation, Flanner jumped out of the carriage and walked over slowly.

Just as Flanner walked past the scar-faced thief and approached Ryan, the scar-faced thief suddenly pulled out two daggers from his boots, threw one at Ryan, and then rushed towards Flanner. Flanner was not careful and was caught by the scar-faced thief. Ryan turned his head to avoid the flying dagger. He was about to use magic missiles to kill the scar-faced thief, but he saw Flanner blocking the scar-faced thief. Ryan hesitated for fear of Supreme Flanner.

At the moment when Ryan hesitated, the scar-faced thief had already held Flanner hostage. He strangled Flanner's neck tightly with his left arm, and held the dagger in his right hand and placed it on Flanner's throat. In order to guard against Ryan's magic, the scar-faced thief tried his best to hide his body behind Flanner, so that Ryan had no chance to take action.

The scar-faced thief with the hostage in hand looked at Ryan and said triumphantly: "Now I am not afraid of your magic. As long as you let us go, I will let you go..."

Before he finished speaking, the scar-faced thief discovered in horror that Ryan's figure began to slowly blur, getting bigger and bigger, and suddenly turned into a huge demon! This demon was as tall as more than 20 people, with ugly wings on its back, green saliva flowing from its mouth, and red eyes as big as wheels looking at itself, as if it was seeing a delicious meal.

The scar-faced thief's hands began to tremble involuntarily. He tried to use the hostage in his hand to threaten Ryan, who had turned into a demon. However, he desperately found that Flanner had also turned into a skeleton warrior covered with bone spurs, biting and biting. own arm. "Ah~~~"

The scar-faced thief let out a fierce scream. He desperately broke away from the skeleton warrior who was biting him, and ran away desperately. As he ran, he looked back at the huge demon chasing behind him. By accident, Scar The face thief stumbled to the ground. He saw in despair that the 20-man-tall demon raised its foot, which was the size of a carriage, and stepped hard on him...

Flanner opened his mouth and "appreciated" the scar-faced thief's "performance" with an expression of surprise. After being accidentally kidnapped just now, the thief who held him hostage hadn't finished speaking. He seemed to have seen something scary and ran away without his life. He accidentally stumbled over the thief's body and fell to the ground, curled up. He fell into a ball and never got up again.

He looked at the thief who fell to the ground, then turned his stiff neck and turned his head to look at Ryan. Although he didn't know what happened, the somewhat funny scene in front of him must be inseparable from Ryan.

Ryan saw Flanner looking at him with a surprised expression, and the open mouth was big enough to put a fat elvet rabbit in. He couldn't help but laugh, and softly said the answer to the riddle: "Fear! "

Only then did Flanner know that when the scar-faced thief held him hostage and tried to escape, Ryan cast a fear spell on the thief in order not to accidentally hurt himself. But I heard that this fear spell attacks all creatures in the cast area without distinction. How come I don't have anything wrong with it? Oh my god, it looks like the sunny boy next door actually has such precise magic control! It's terrible. I don’t know which master’s disciple he is. The apprentices who come out for the trial have such powerful power, so as a teacher, doesn’t he have even more immeasurable power? Thinking of this, Flanner was filled with supreme respect for the mysterious magician in his imagination.

While Flanner was thinking wildly, Ryan was not idle. He held Shadow Shang and carefully inspected the battlefield. Scarface, who was hit by the fear spell, was frightened to death. The remaining thieves did not run away, and all six thieves were killed. Ryan found a lot of things from the thieves' bodies, including hundreds of gold coins, twenty-seven magic cores, the weapons they used, and even the protective leather armor they were wearing, which Ryan put into his storage pocket. .

It's good that these thieves failed to rob, but were "robbed" by Ryan.

After cleaning the battlefield, Ryan dug a big hole, buried the thief's body in it, and then used fireball to blast away the boulders blocking the road, allowing the carriage to continue moving forward.

At night, Ryan tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. Scenes of the day's battle flashed through Ryan's mind. It's not like Ryan didn't know that these thieves were doing a lot of evil. From Scarface's words, "Old rules, kill everyone and move everything." Go back." I knew that this group of thieves must have had someone's life in their hands before, but this was the first time Ryan killed someone. When he thought of six living lives being taken away by him in a moment, Ryan felt very uncomfortable. After another failed attempt at sleep, he decided to go for a walk.

Ryan walked out of the simple tent quietly. It was a very clear night, and the sky was filled with stars, twinkling like lights all over the sky. Ryan strolled to a creek next to the campsite and sat on a big rock.

"Alas~" Ryan sighed, picked up a small stone, and threw it out.

With a "pop" sound, the small stone fell into the stream and splashed water.

"What, can't you sleep?" Flanner's voice came to mind from behind.

"Yeah." Ryan didn't look back and replied, "I can't sleep."

Flanner walked over and sat down next to Ryan.

In fact, Flanner didn't fall asleep either. He was shocked by Ryan's performance during the day. Ryan calmly fought against the six thieves, not only continuously casting the fire magic "Fireball", the electric magic "Lightning", the water magic "Mirror", the earth magic "Stoneskin", the arcane magic "Magic" "Missile", and actually knows the spiritual magic "Fear". Not only that, Ryan also showed his agility when facing the siege of thieves. Oh my god, a full magician + swordsman

Although Flanner does not know magic, he often travels between the imperial capital of Fernando City, the commercial center of Yignas City, and the important southern town of Moon City. He inevitably has to deal with all kinds of people and has some knowledge of magic. . Generally speaking, magicians will choose to specialize in one department, or minor in another department to make up for their own shortcomings. Today, Ryan's performance completely subverted Flanner's understanding of magic.

In the camping tent just now, Flanner felt Ryan's actions. He didn't expect Ryan to care so much about today's events. Seeing that Ryan couldn't calm down for a long time, he decided to help Ryan. So Flanner followed Ryan gently out.

Flanner also picked up a stone and threw it into the creek. Watching the water splashing, he gently said to Ryan: "Still confused about what happened during the day?"

"Yeah." Ryan nodded.

Flanner smiled and said, "Ryan, I know you are a very kind-hearted young man. I believe that the world is full of curiosity and longing for you, and that everything in this world is beautiful." He paused, His tone changed and he continued: "But have you ever thought about it? If I hadn't hired you, both the coachman and I would have died today. How to calculate these two lives? Moreover, you can hear from their tone that such a thing They did it more than once, so there’s no telling how many lives were taken away from them.”

Having said this, Flanner looked directly into Ryan's eyes and said seriously: "Suppose everyone is like this group of thieves, using force to take other people's lives and destroy the beauty of this world, then what will happen to the continent of Eslar?" What will it look like? There will only be endless killing! Endless fear! Merciless destruction!"

Flanner became more and more excited as he spoke. He said to Ryan in a slightly hoarse voice: "So by getting rid of this group of thieves, you are protecting the lives of other people who are unable to protect themselves! Your actions will be praised. ! Because it restores the order to this world and allows such truly kind people to live a better life!"