Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 7: The pride of the lion king


Flanner's voice spread far in the quiet night, and his words gave Ryan a glimmer of understanding. When Ryan figured it all out, he suddenly felt enlightened in his heart, and he said loudly to himself : "Since you think you are doing the right thing, there is nothing to be confused about."

Flanner took in all the changes in Ryan, saw that Ryan became more relaxed, knew that he had eliminated his inner demons, and was very happy for him.

Ryan felt no more burden in his heart, and suddenly felt a little tired. After all, there had been a fierce battle during the day, which was both mentally and physically draining. He stood up and said, "Thank you, Flanner, I figured it out. "

When Flanner saw that Ryan was about to go back to rest, he hesitated and decided to tell Ryan the truth. He was a little embarrassed and said: "Lian, um, there is something, there is something I want to tell you."

When Ryan heard Flanner's stammering tone, he couldn't help but ask: "What's going on? Can't you tell me tomorrow morning?"

Flanner said: "Ryan, actually I didn't tell the truth at the beginning. Among the goods I transported this time, there was actually something more valuable..."

Ryan smiled and said: "Flanner, I was inspired by what the thief said today. I guess you must have some more precious goods, so you have to hire a mercenary group of more than five people in Takli Town. Only then will you pay more than twice the commission to hire me. But it has nothing to do with me what kind of goods you transport."

"It doesn't matter?" Flanner repeated Ryan's words in confusion.

"Yes." Ryan said with certainty: "I have to come to Alfa anyway. This time I go with your friend on the road. Not only do I eat and drink for free, but I also get 50 gold coins. Where can I find such a good one? It’s something.”

When Flanner saw that Ryan didn't care about some of the things he had concealed, he was relieved. If Ryan was worried about this, then his efforts in the past few days would be in vain, and he would also bring a new person to the Chamber of Commerce. Potential enemies.

The result this time was better than what he had expected. He paid twice the price, which made Ryan leave a very good impression on him and treat him as a friend. Flanner has been in business for many years and knows that a good impression will help him make further contact with the other party more easily. Wayne Gass, chairman of the Dolock Business Alliance and known as a business genius, once said: "A good beginning is half the battle." He and Ryan also experienced a danger together, and they were able to communicate with a future magician. Going on an adventure together is an experience that rarely occurs in the entire continent of Eslar. I believe that everything I do will be rewarded at some point in the future.

After an unforgettable adventure, Flanner and Ryan's relationship became more harmonious.

On the last day of the journey, Flanner enthusiastically invited Ryan to his home in Yignas City. He also suggested that Ryan go to the Magic Guild in Alpha to conduct a magician level assessment, and gave a subtle reminder in his words. Ryan should not expose his strength too much in front of others. No matter who it is, how can they not be surprised when they see that Ryan can continuously cast five types of magic silently, and even some magic has been smoothly cast? Especially when Ryan is preparing to participate in the Royal Athletic Competition, his opponents will definitely use various methods to find information about Ryan, understand and master Ryan's strength, so that they can prepare in a targeted manner. Therefore, before the game, it is best to hide your strength as much as possible.

Assuming Ryan's opponents know Ryan's strength, they will target him based on his shortcomings. If Ryan can hide part of his strength, he can save his life at a critical moment. For example, when a thief who didn't know that Ryan could use the stone skin technique sneaked up on Ryan, he desperately found that his accurate knife was blocked by the thick stone skin. I believe his face would be very exciting. But if this thief knew Ryan's strength, he might use a military crossbow to sneak attack from a distance.

Ryan was very grateful to Flanner for the reminder, as he really didn’t have much experience in this area. Moreover, Ryan is very interested in the assessment of magician levels. He feels that having a magician title should help him choose teammates better. After all, for mercenaries who venture out, everyone wants their companions to be as strong as possible. , prepare to go after completing this mission.

Of course, Flanner didn't ask much about Ryan's martial arts skills. After all, everyone has their own life-saving skills. So of course Ryan didn't waste any time explaining.

When the sun set in the west and the sky was filled with sunset glow, the carriage drove into Alpha City.

The carriage driver seemed to be very familiar with Alpha City. Without waiting for Flanner to speak, he traveled through most of the city and parked the carriage outside the door of a luxury hotel.

Ryan was enjoying the view of Alpha when he suddenly felt the carriage stop. He opened it and jumped out.

The doorman in red and blue clothing at the door of the luxury hotel had already greeted him. When he saw Ryan jumping down, his face turned into a smile and he said respectfully: "Dear sir, what can I do for you?" Are you here to help?"

Ryan had no experience in this area. He was hesitating about what to say when Flanner got out of the carriage.

Seeing Flanner's figure, the doorman's smile became even brighter, and he said quickly: "It turns out that you are Mr. Flanner's distinguished guest. Come on, come on in!"

Flanner looked calm, holding Ryan's hand and striding into the luxury hotel. Ryan had never seen such a scene, but he had secretly decided that no matter what happened, he would blame it on Flanner. He looked up at the sign hanging at the door of the hotel, which had a lifelike golden lion engraved on it. It should be the name of this hotel, right

As Flanner pulled Ryan away, he said to the doorman following him: "Old rule, prepare two of the best noble private rooms next to each other. In addition, we are all hungry, prepare a dinner for us. .”

After saying that, he pulled Ryan directly to a luxuriously decorated private room.

The luxury hotel was very efficient. Only a few young and beautiful female waiters were seen coming in and out. Soon a sumptuous dinner was placed in front of Flanner and Ryan. Flanner waved his hand to indicate that no one was needed, and the two female waiters standing behind him quietly walked out.

Seeing that only he and Ryan were left in the entire private room, Flanner smiled and explained: "This hotel is called the Pride of the Lion. Twenty years ago, Mr. Orlando, the leader of the Royal Knights, participated in the Royal Athletic Competition in the Imperial Capital. He lived there at that time, and later he became a champion and was appointed by His Majesty the King as the deputy captain of the Royal Knights. Because the Royal Knights use the golden lion as their emblem, isn't his leader a brave lion king? ? Because the hotel was renamed Lion King’s Pride!”

This was the first time Ryan had heard of such a story. He scanned the entire private room and saw that the spears and swords used by knights hanging on the walls were all shining with gold. The tables and chairs were also carved from the precious skywood. . In addition, there are exquisite decorations everywhere. He nodded and said: "I think the decoration here is very luxurious. I don't know much about those weapons, but I have seen the sky-watching wood used for these tables and chairs. It seems to be only produced deep in the Hengduan Mountains."

"That's right." Flanner nodded. He was a little surprised by Ryan's profound knowledge. He said, "I didn't expect that Ryan, you actually know Wang Tianmu?"

Ryan nodded and said: "Once, my master and I entered the depths of the Hengduan Mountains. There was a place full of tall trees. The master said that these trees are trying their best to grow upward in order to compete for sunlight, so They all grow very tall. When I stood on the ground and looked up, these trees seemed to reach into the sky. If I stood on them, I could see the gods in the sky. I believe this is the origin of its name."

Flanner misunderstood what Ryan meant, thinking that the magic master had taken his disciple Ryan deep into the Hengduan Mountains, but he did not expect that Ryan did go with his teacher, but it was Teacher Galib who taught him martial arts.

The two talked and enjoyed the delicious meal. The "Pride of the Lion King" brand is not something that ordinary people can create, so it naturally has its own uniqueness. Ryan was so excited after eating this meal that he sighed repeatedly. He wished he had come out earlier so that he could eat such delicious food earlier.

After dinner, Ryan and Flanner each returned to their rooms under the guidance of the waiter. Ryan was lying on the bed, looking at the luxurious decoration in the room. He didn't believe that he could live in such a room. However, as a magician, Ryan trained his mental control with Mr. Delanai, and he soon got rid of it. I was thinking wildly and fell into a deep dream.

I slept until the sun rose above my head the next day. Ryan sat on the bed and couldn't help but shook his head. It seemed that he was not used to this kind of luxury. For many years, he had woken up before dawn and ran around the town carrying a bundle of birch wood. Ten laps, almost every time I have to wait until I finish running, the sun has just come out! I think that although I have only been out for a few days, many of my usual habits have changed. I don’t know whether this is good or bad.

Just as Ryan was reviewing himself, Flanner's voice came from outside: "Lian, are you up?"

When Ryan heard Flanner calling him, he jumped up from his bed and jumped to the ground. He quickly got dressed and opened the door.

Flanner was already dressed and standing outside. His polite hat had been thrown away because it was knocked out of place and stepped on several times when he was held hostage by Scarface. Now he was wearing a new hat and all the clothes he was wearing. Replaced with new one.

When Flanner saw Ryan coming out, he smiled and said to him, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Ryan shook his head and said, "I just slept so well. I'm not used to it at all."

Flanner laughed and said, "You'll get used to it gradually. Let's go have breakfast."

Ryan followed Flanner toward the restaurant. Still in the same private room as last night, Ryan and Flanner enjoyed their breakfast together.

After breakfast, Flanner suggested going to the Mercenary Guild to pay off the mission rewards, and Ryan agreed.

In the carriage, Ryan was a little surprised when he saw Flanner's relaxed face, without the anxiety and uneasiness hidden under his usual smile, and asked why.

Flanner said with a smile: "It was completed yesterday and I have handed over the goods. Now I have nothing to do. Of course I am relaxed."

Ryan thought for a moment and couldn't remember when Flanner had made the handover with someone else. He felt strange in his heart. Flanner guessed what Ryan was thinking, and he said with a smile: "Actually, the Pride of the Lion is the property of our Dorok Chamber of Commerce. And that thing is not very big, it can fit in a storage pocket."

After hearing Flanner's explanation, Ryan suddenly understood. No wonder Flanner felt like returning to his own home when he entered the Pride of the Lion yesterday. It turned out to be that. Now that you are back home, you can hand over the goods at any time.

Soon, the carriage arrived at the entrance of the Alpha City Mercenary Guild. Flanner and Ryan stepped out of the carriage one after another.

Ryan raised his head and carefully looked at the huge building with a spire in front of him: the entire building was made of boulders, which were very strong. Ryan even felt the presence of trace elements of earth from the boulders. He believed that earth magic was blessed during the construction. ; The building is as tall as ten people, and its appearance is damaged in some places, full of the vicissitudes of the changing world; On a thick sky-watching tree at the door of the building hangs the mercenary guild logo of a sword and a wand. No matter in terms of the choice of materials or the exquisite workmanship, the one in Takli Town cannot be compared with it; Ryan walked to the ground paved with palm-sized gravel. This ground should be cleaned frequently and it appeared to be very clean. Moreover, Ryan discovered that these palm-sized gravels were not laid randomly. He could clearly see a sharp long sword and a magic wand intertwined. It was obvious that the designer had put a lot of effort into it; most importantly, Yes, in the short moment when Ryan stepped off the carriage and walked towards the door of the mercenary guild, more than three groups of adventurers had already walked out and passed by Ryan. The number of these three groups of adventurers exceeded 20, which was already the total number of people in the Mercenary Guild in Takli Town in one day.

Ryan followed Flanner into the mercenary guild. The broad hall made Ryan's eyes light up. Looking over, the entire hall was clean and basically devoid of decorations. However, in Ryan's heart, it made people feel more calm than the decorations of the Lion King. Dressed in various Adventurers in similar clothes shuttled through the hall, each busy with their own affairs. Seeing someone coming in, countless pairs of eyes looked at Flanner and Ryan. Flanner seemed to have experienced this situation often. He didn't care and took Ryan directly to the mercenary task processing desk located in the corner of the hall.

In front of the mercenary task processing desk was a beautiful lady, about 30 years old, wearing uniform blue and white work clothes. When she saw Flanner and Ryan, she greeted them very warmly and said, "You two Good afternoon, my name is Lucy, how can I help you?".

Flanner carefully explained to Lucy the situation of his escort mission in Takli Town, saying that the mercenaries around him had completed the mission to his satisfaction, and now he was going to make the settlement. Lucy operated skillfully and soon completed the relevant procedures for Flanner, and Ryan also took Shen Diandian's small bag of gold coins from her hand.

Ryan felt a little embarrassed when he suddenly took so many gold coins, hoping that Flanner could get some of them back. Flanner smiled and said: "Ryan, gold coins can be counted one by one, but my life cannot be measured in gold coins. Take it, you deserve it." Ryan felt that Flanner's words There was some truth to it, so I accepted the gold coin.

After everything was done, Ryan was ready to take a stroll in Alpha City. After all, it was his first time to visit such a large city with a population of more than 1 million. In addition, Ryan also planned to find a blacksmith shop to collect the "collected items" he had made a few days ago. Sell the spoils from the scrape. Just when he was about to turn around and leave, he unexpectedly spotted a reward notice posted behind Lucy.

The notice that attracted Ryan's attention showed a man with a long scar on his face. The scar ran from the center of his eyebrow to the bottom of his right ear. This feature was exactly the same as that of the thief he killed a few days ago.

Flanner saw Ryan suddenly looking at Lucy, thinking that Ryan thought someone else was pretty. Just when he was about to make fun of him, Ryan suddenly spoke: "Flanner, look! Is that the thief on the reward picture? Is it exactly the same as the Scarface we met the day before yesterday?"

Flanner followed Ryan's gaze and saw a familiar face. He asked Lucy quickly.

Lucy said to Flanner and Ryan: "No one knows what this guy's name is. He only knows that his nickname is 'Scar'. In recent years, he has been robbing passengers on several necessary roads outside Alpha." , and ruthless, killing people every time after robbing. This mission was issued by the Alfa City Defense Officer. They found a small piece of memory crystal on the corpse at the robbery scene, and then they knew who did it. "

Ryan said to Lucy: "A few days ago, Flanner and I met him on the road, but he was already killed by me."

"What?" Lucy was shocked when she heard Ryan's words and shouted out, immediately attracting the attention of a group of mercenaries around her. Lucy said in disbelief: "You said you killed Scar, what evidence do you have?"

Ryan quickly took out the long sword and three daggers that Scarface had used from his storage pocket, and placed them on the wooden board of the counter. Suddenly a group of mercenaries surrounded them. Lucy doubtfully picked up a dagger and examined it carefully, but she had never seen "Scar" and didn't know any more information, so she couldn't tell.

At this moment, a voice from the outside sounded: "Let me in." A burly mercenary pushed aside the crowd and squeezed to Ryan's side. When he saw the daggers placed on the counter board, he looked stunned, immediately rushed forward, grabbed one, examined it carefully, and said excitedly: "Yes, this is the dagger commonly used by 'Scar'. "After that, he took out a dagger that was exactly the same as this one from his arms and put it on the counter with trembling hands.