Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 87: Farasi’s thoughts (1)


Red nodded and said, "Fanny, you are really smart, continue."

Faras thought of this and immediately thought of it: "Well, the property of Parliamentary Secretary Chad Reeves is in the name of his wife, Mary Shelley, so Mary Shelley will show up tonight. But. Didn't she appear too quickly? Reid, you just called a few times, and she came to the door of our room. Could it be that she was always nearby? "

"Not bad!" Red said: "If I remember correctly, his son also participated in the Royal Arena this year."

Faras immediately said: "Are you saying that everything today was caused by Bailey Reeves? Yes, the last time we fought at the Royal Academy of Magic, he was indeed stronger than me. After defeating me, This shameless guy actually dared to propose to me, which made me unable to step down in front of so many people. I was so angry that I ran out to play for half a year."

The angry look on Farasi's face disappeared, replaced by a solemn look: "He learned that we went to Dreams, so he deliberately created such a scene. If Ryan didn't hold me back at that time, I'm afraid that I would The results of the special training were immediately discovered by him.”

"It's very clever, isn't it?" Reid said mockingly: "When people are angry, they can't control themselves. Maybe they will use some skills they have just learned recently, which can be used by some people with ulterior motives. People see it, which adds a bit of defensiveness.”

Farasi said sheepishly: "In that case, wouldn't the hardships I have endured in the past two months be in vain? Then wouldn't I have wrongly blamed Ryan?"

Reid said nothing and nodded.

Farasi asked: "What should I do?"

Reid looked innocent: "It seems like you shouldn't ask me this question?"


Faras looked up at the full moon at night. Today's moon is bright and bright, which is very rare. If it were normal, Faras might be sitting alone in the courtyard, tasting Bordeaux wine and admiring this rare scenery.

But Faras is not in such a good mood now. He has been lingering at the door of Ryan's room for a long time.

Faras lowered his head and gently kicked the small stones on the ground. She wanted to muster up the courage to walk in, but she was a little embarrassed to face Ryan. Tonight, it was obvious that Ryan had calmly discovered the trap set by Bailey Reeves and stopped himself from casting magic in time, otherwise his two months of suffering would have been in vain.

Bailey-Reeves is Faras's biggest opponent at the Royal Academy of Magic. He is slightly higher than her in magical strength. If Faras can use the results of his special training unexpectedly, he might be able to defeat this person he hates in one fell swoop. Guys who have been together for several years, but if the other party is a little defensive first, the two of them may be in a hard fight again.

In a contest at the Royal Academy of Magic half a year ago, after a hard fight, Faras was defeated by Belle Reeves. Even the arrogant Rose of the Imperial City has to admit that compared to the durability of magic, as a girl, she is indeed a little behind Bailey Reeves in terms of physical strength and will.

Thinking of the defeat half a year ago, Faras felt very unwilling. Why did her dead teacher Victor only make a magic wand for herself? Bailey-Reeves's body is filled with various magic items, such as his weapons, that weird-looking magic wand called "Thunder's Wrath", which can not only greatly enhance the electric magic The power of the weapon can also slightly reduce the consumption of magic power when releasing magic. Fighting with this weapon is equivalent to increasing the strength by half a level. Apart from these, the magic robes Bailey Reeves wore, the rings on his hands, and the accessories were all magic items carefully crafted by the enchanter.

God of Wisdom, Faras felt jealous when she thought of this. If she had so many good things, two Bailey Reeves would not pay attention to them. However, no matter how much he begged, Victor only made himself a magic wand and nothing else. It's funny to think about it. His teacher Victor was such an excellent master, but his disciple only had a poor magic wand. Of course, the scroll of the Gate of Time and Space used to escape at the last moment was not counted.

Faras didn't know why, but suddenly thought of Ryan. If Ryan faced Bailey Reeves, he could easily defeat Bailey Reeves, right? I have been in the Imperial City before, studying magic at the Royal Academy of Magic for several years. I achieved some results under the guidance of Teacher Victor, and I became complacent and felt that I was very powerful. Others gave me the nickname Rose of the Imperial City. Russ was very proud of knowing this, and often claimed to be a magic genius in private.

Unexpectedly, he lost to Bailey Reeves, but he felt somewhat comforted. After all, his opponent was covered in magic items, and he was a girl. It didn't matter if he couldn't beat him. If he was not allowed to carry magic items, he might not be afraid of him. .

But this time when I went out, I met a weirdo called Ryan. You could say he was awesome. He couldn't even pass the test of a trainee magician. When we first met him, I didn't take him to heart. However, I never expected that At that time, when the Elmida Mine faced the legendary invincible Lich, when everyone gave up resistance under the Lich's terrifying magic, when I, carrying the scroll of the Gate of Time and Space, faced the Lich When there was no chance to escape under the magic, the young boy faced an extremely powerful enemy and raised the dagger in his hand without hesitation.

But for some reason, the result was that he won. The 16-year-old boy named Ryan broke through the lich's protective magic from the front and pierced the sharp dagger into the lich's body.

Even the great mage Melen 200 years ago, known as the strongest human magician in the Esrael continent, only banished Kangs, the strongest lich in the undead army, to another world.

Faras believes that she will never forget the scene at that moment. The glorious image of the self-improving young man Ryan will always be clearly remembered in her mind and accompany her throughout her long life.

From that moment on, Faras suddenly figured out a lot of things. Magic genius? Go see Hades, a dead magician, even if he can release forbidden spells, is useless.

In order to improve herself, Faras resolutely begged Ryan to give her special training. She didn't have much hope at first, after all, they didn't get along for a long time. But Ryan agreed immediately and taught everyone with all his strength.