Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Chapter 97: Royal Academy of Magic (2)


Victor went to prepare for teaching on his own. He asked Farasi to take Ryan and his party to the magic classroom first.

Under the leadership of Faras, Ryan and his party came to a huge hall surrounded by green trees.

The hall was neatly lined with long tables and chairs. Ryan counted a total of twenty-five rows. He checked visually and found that each row could seat almost 20 people. Calculating from this, the entire hall could be filled. It looks like five hundred people. This is indeed big enough. Even the mercenary guild in Alpha City is just like this.

Directly in front of the hall is a huge black stone wall. This black stone wall is so huge that it almost covers the entire wall. Directly opposite the hall are the students' desks and chairs.

There were a lot of people sitting sparsely in the hall, but there was no one in the first two rows. Everyone in the hall is wearing magic robes of various colors, from the most junior magic apprentices to more advanced junior magicians. Seeing a junior magician walking in with a magic apprentice and several adventurers not wearing magician robes, everyone's eyes were immediately attracted.

Faras ignored other people's gazes at all. She walked straight to the seat closest to the black stone wall in the hall, and sat carelessly in the middle. Then she turned sideways and greeted everyone: "You're welcome. If you want to hear it, just sit here. If you don't want to hear it, just sit down. Just sit in the back and take a nap like Red did.”

Ryan turned around and saw that Red was indeed sitting in the last row, drinking Bordeaux in a very inconspicuous corner. Oz was also sitting next to him, and it seemed that after having unlimited Bordeaux, the two guys had become closer and closer recently.

Ryan shook his head helplessly. Even Orlando did not tell him how to deal with those companions in the team who like to drink. Instead, he reminded Ryan that in many cases, he should not interfere too much with the unpopular habits of certain teammates. An outstanding and qualified captain is able to tolerate the flaws of his teammates.

Ryan pulled Allendo to sit next to Farasi. He saw Farasi take out an exquisite magic book from his storage pocket and put it on the table in front of him, just like the one Vladimir gave him. Book.

Ryan asked Faras casually: "Fanny, do you also have a magic book?"

Farasi turned around and said, "Yes, mine is the most common kind. It is mainly used for taking magic notes. It is very different from yours."

Ryan nodded and stopped talking.

Faras asked Ryan: "Do you want one? I'll go find Victor and get another one for you? No matter how good your memory is, it's not as good as cheap magic ink."

Ryan shook his head. For him, these things are very luxurious. If he can't rely on them, it's better not to rely on them.

The conversation between Faras and Ryan was not deliberately kept quiet, so it was naturally heard by many people.

In the third row behind Faras, a male student wearing a magic apprentice robe, who looked about eleven or twelve years old, curiously asked a male student next to him wearing a magic apprentice apprentice: "Senior , who is the lady in the front row? How dare you sit in the front row. Doesn’t it mean that only teachers in the college or high-status guests sit in the front row? "

The trainee magician looked at the apprentice next to him and said in a contemptuous voice: "You're new, right?"

The male student wearing a magic apprentice robe suddenly turned red and said sheepishly: "Yes, I am a freshman this year, and I am still memorizing books that are almost as tall as a person."

The apprentice magician carefully looked at Faras in the front row and found that the latter had not heard his conversation. He then said to the magic apprentice: "You are lucky today, you can see the ten legendary figures of this academy." Two of the big shots.”

The magic apprentice asked curiously: "Top ten legendary figures? Is it the Archmage Melen?"

The trainee magician couldn't bear it any longer. He hit the magic apprentice on the head with his finger and said, "Stupid, I guess you won't be promoted to a trainee magician in another five years. What about Archmage Mellen?" He is a character among the Seven Heroes, how can the characters in this academy compare to him."

The magic apprentice said aggrievedly: "Senior, I'm just asking you because I don't know. Why do you do it? You have tarnished the dignity of a magician."

The trainee magician was stunned and quickly explained: "Your words are illogical. It makes me mad, otherwise I wouldn't do anything. We magicians should use spells to solve problems, not physical problems."

The magic apprentice quickly said: "Senior, class is about to begin, you'd better tell me about these ten legendary figures."

The magic apprentice thought to himself: "You can still use spells to solve this problem. Your trainee magician knows at least level 2 magic. I don't even know how to use magic missiles. I'm afraid I won't be able to lift a bag on my head by then."

The trainee magician said: "We don't have much time, so I will just talk about the two characters you can meet today. One is the teacher who will come to teach you in a while, Master Victor."

The magic apprentice asked: "I just heard others say that Archmage Victor taught very well, so I secretly came out to listen. I will have to recite the Encyclopedia of Magic when I go back."

The trainee magician said: "You are right to come out this time. You must know that it is not just magic apprentices who are here to attend the class today. You see, there are people from the three grades of magic apprentices coming, and there are also trainee magicians like us, and even some There are already junior magicians, and sometimes you can even see intermediate magicians attending classes.”

The magic apprentice asked: "How can Master Victor teach so well?"

The trainee magician explained: "The lectures of Grand Master Victor are profound and thought-provoking, and can often bring you inspiration, which is why so many people come to listen. As for how the lecture is, you can listen to it after a while. You’ll know now. Let’s talk about the second one.”

Having said this, the trainee magician raised his head and secretly glanced at Faras in the front row, then lowered his voice and said, "This person is the lady in front. She is a genius magician in our academy. She only took five years to Successfully promoted to a junior magician, and a dual-system junior magician. For others to be promoted to a junior magician, it will take at least seven years, and for dual-systems, it will take more than ten years. If you don’t believe me, take a closer look. Among the junior magicians who came today, are they all over 20 years old?"

The magic apprentice carefully observed the seniors wearing junior magician badges on their chests. Sure enough, they were all in their twenties. From the age of eleven or twelve to the age of more than 20 years, it is not about 10 years. This senior Farasi can achieve the same strength in half the time of others, which is indeed considered a genius.