Chronicles of the Modern Empress Dowager

Chapter 658: Go out for a walk


Li Wei's maternity leave ended. After half a year, she returned to the TV station and started her work. The program team, both Producer Lu and Director Wang, trusted Li Wei very much. Less than a month after returning, Li Wei was given an important task by his superiors.

On the one hand, she has to work, and on the other hand, she has to take care of her daughter and breastfeed her baby at night. It is very hard for one person to use it in two parts. Sometimes in order to take care of my daughter, I have to take some work home to do, and I am often busy until late at night. How could Liu Chunzhi not feel bad when she saw her daughter working so hard

"You'll get sick if you keep doing this."

Li Wei said: "It doesn't matter. I'll be fine as soon as I finish this program. I rested for too long and haven't entered the state well. Once I enter the state, I will handle the work well at the TV station and won't take it home." Come."

Liu Chunzhi still felt sorry for her daughter: "Where is Zhao Qian? When will his filming end?"

"Isn't it about to be completed? He will come back after the filming is completed."

"Even if he comes back, he won't be able to stay for a few days. My family told him that I think it's just a hotel, and he comes back to sleep occasionally. He doesn't care about the children, and he doesn't take care of anything else. What's the difference between you and a single mother."

Listening to his mother's complaint, Li Wei put down the pen in his hand and said, "If he stayed at home taking care of the children all day long, you would say he is unmotivated."

The days passed with all kinds of trivial matters, and little Fujia also grew up day by day. Looking at the child's smiling face, Li Wei felt that all the efforts he had made were worth it. Zhao Qian had his own pursuits, and Li Wei let him go. Go pursue your dreams.

Gradually, Fu Jia was the first to learn the pronunciation of dad. When she called little Fu Jia to talk to Zhao Qian on the phone, no matter how Li Wei teased Fu Jia, she would never call him again.

"I don't know what's wrong with this child. She obviously knows how to talk, but she doesn't cooperate when I ask her to bark."

Zhao Qian was calmer than Li Wei: "She's still young, don't embarrass her."

At this moment, little Fujia called out "Daddy" again. Zhao Qian on the other end of the phone heard it and jumped up on the spot: "Oh, my baby can really call me daddy. Jiajia Be good, dad will come back to see you as soon as possible, and both you and mom will be fine."

Little Fujia couldn't respond and just kept shouting "Dad".

This father's words strengthened Zhao Qian's belief. After filming this movie, he terminated his contract with Fei Ying. He wanted to spend more time with his family. After so many years, he has long wanted to be independent.

One day in early September, Li Wei drove out of a TV station and passed by a marriage registration office when she saw a young man and woman walking out hand in hand.

She quickly rolled down the window and wanted to scream, but then she felt it was unnecessary. Tang Shiyun has found her destination. This is the best ending. There is no need for her to bother her anymore.

After returning home, Li Wei told his mother about this. After hearing this, Liu Chunzhi said: "Have she found a new home so quickly? Did she have a premeditated plan?"

"What kind of premeditation? Mom, don't worry too much. Do you still want Shiyun to wait for the second brother to come back? We don't know whether the second brother will come back. You also understand the principle of getting together and breaking up easily. There is nothing wrong with this." Yes. That young man looks very good, tall and handsome, no worse than the second brother. If Shiyun can find his own happiness, the second brother will be happy to know. "

In Li Wei's opinion, this ending was the best arrangement. Shiyun let go of Li Jianbo, and she walked on a longer road.

The planned program was finally successfully recorded. It took a lot of time and a lot of energy from Li Wei, but in the end it was affirmed by the leader, and Li Wei was relieved. The short break allowed her to devote more energy to taking care of her daughter.

Zhao Qian finally came back before the National Day. When he came back, he dragged back two large boxes. Qiu Kai helped him move a box back to his home.

Li Wei saw the pile of things and wondered, "Why did you bring so many things this time?"

"I brought you something."

Zhao Qian took care of everyone in the family and even brought two sets of clothes to Sister Ning. What I prepared the most were the gifts I bought for my daughter. The boxes were filled with everything from clothes to toys.

"Half of the clothes you bought her are too small to wear. Isn't this a waste of money?"

Zhao Qian was embarrassed to say that these items were purchased with the help of his assistant, and he did not have time to see if they were suitable. When his wife said this, he was a little embarrassed and said: "It doesn't matter, just keep it for her younger brothers and sisters to wear in the future." "

Xiao Fujia was attracted by a glowing magic wand and refused to let go of it while holding it in her hand. Li Wei also let her play with it.

When there were only the couple alone, Zhao Qian and Li Wei discussed: "I have decided to go to the company tomorrow to talk to the boss about the termination of the contract."

"What if we really no longer fulfill the contract?"

"The contract expired last month, and I fulfilled my obligations very well during the contract period. I have earned them a lot of money in the past two years, and I have made up for all the debt I owed before. Hello everyone Let’s get together and part ways.”

Li Wei had expected Zhao Qian's decision. Since he had already decided, she had nothing to say. Then asked him about the International Film Festival.

"I received an invitation and plan to take you out for a walk."

"Going to Berlin?"

"Yes, Mr. Gu happens to be in Berlin. Didn't you say you wanted to meet him? This is the right time. How about just treating it as a short trip?"

She was a little reluctant to let her leave Fujia for a few days.

"Can I take Fujia with me?"

"Then you have to ask your mother-in-law to go with you."

"Mom, she has never been abroad before. I'm afraid she won't be used to it."

"What is she not used to having her daughter and son-in-law around? It's a rare opportunity like this. Ask her tomorrow if she would like to go with us."

Li Wei turned around and told his mother about the matter. When Liu Chunzhi heard this, he quickly asked where Berlin was.

"Germany." Li Wei pointed to her mother on the map. From the map, the distance was not too far, but she never knew what it was like abroad. She couldn't speak foreign languages, so she felt a little timid.

"Your son-in-law wants to take you out to see the world. It's a rare opportunity. How about it? Are you willing to go?"

Liu Chunzhi thought about it again and again, and finally agreed: "Okay, I have never been to a foreign country in my whole life. If you ask me to go, I will go."

Li Wei felt relieved when her mother finally agreed, and then she asked the column team for a few days off, planning to take this opportunity to spend time with her family.

Zhao Qian went to the company, and I don't know what happened to his discussion there. She couldn't help but be a little worried and hoped that everything went well for him.

(End of chapter)