Chronicles of the Modern Empress Dowager

Chapter 660: end


2015, early spring.

Not long after the Lunar New Year, the capital was still covered in ice and snow.

A snowfall at the end of February made spring belatedly come again.

In an office building on the West Third Ring Road, the lights on the 6th floor were still on.

Zhao Qian was sitting under the bright lights. He was listening to the screenwriter detailing the setting of a climax point in the script.

This is the ninth script meeting since the inception of this project.

"Last time the director criticized me and said that the previous suspense was not set up enough and the logic was not strong enough, so I made some changes and added some highlights on how the male protagonist saved himself after being in danger for the first time..." the screenwriter also said. Use vivid PPT pictures to illustrate.

Zhao Qian participated in four of these nine script meetings. If the script could not be finalized, the film would be delayed and unable to be launched. The cost would rise accordingly, which would affect subsequent productions and then the schedule.

The entire meeting was chaired by the director and two assistant directors. In addition to the two screenwriters and producers, the meeting was also attended by the head of the props team and two special effects people. Zhao Qian is the chief planner of this drama, and he has the final control over the drama.

Because of some details, an assistant director and the screenwriter got into an argument. Both sides had their own opinions and the argument was fierce.

It seemed that this discussion was fruitless again. At the end of the argument, Zhao Qian spoke.

"This is the last script meeting. I have to finalize the script today. If you can't finalize it, don't leave the meeting. If you have any problems, let me handle them all. You can't delay the start-up time any longer."

"Boss, you have to express your opinion, and we have to listen to what you mean." The screenwriter looked at Zhao Qian.

Zhao Qian said: "I think they are all trivial matters, but the details of a good movie must withstand scrutiny. How to arrest people is the most important point..." Zhao Qian talked about his understanding of the script and everyone was impressed. He opened his ears and listened patiently.

After he finished expressing his opinion, another screenwriter said: "I have come up with another solution..."

Zhao Qian saw his phone flashing. He quickly opened it and saw that there was an unread WeChat message. He opened it and saw that it was from Li Wei.

"I've arrived home successfully, when will you be back?"

Zhao Qian quickly replied: "Soon."

The discussion lasted for nearly two hours, and finally the story was completely finalized and all the problems were solved. Zhao Qian rubbed his temples and said, "I'll be here today. I will revise it within this week." A good script has been sent to me. When will our female lead be in place?”

The producer stood up and said, "Ms. Huang said that she will definitely be able to join the team before next month."

"If you push me further, I'll run out of time."

Zhao Qian ended the meeting, and it was already early morning. He returned to the office. The secretary had not yet finished get off work. He took the coat on the chair and did not put it on immediately. At this time, the director rushed in and asked him about the investment.

"Boss, I'm afraid the funds are not enough. We still need some money."

The camera hasn't started yet. Zhao Qian frowned and said, "When Producer Li comes back, I'll ask her what else she can do."

"Where's Producer Li coming back? That's great." The director smiled. The landlady would sponsor it, so it would definitely happen.

It was almost two o'clock when Zhao Qian returned home. Fu Jia had already entered a dream. The lights in the living room were still on, and Li Wei was sitting there watching a movie. She heard the noise and looked back, Zhao Qian finally came back.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"I thought you weren't coming back. What are you doing so late? Are you going out to socialize?" Li Wei did not smell the smell of alcohol on Zhao Qian.

"What kind of entertainment? We're having a script meeting. It's already here and the script hasn't been finalized yet. It almost pissed me off."

Zhao Qian poured a glass of water to drink. He glanced at his wife and said, "You must have worked hard on your journey. You should rest early."

"I'm waiting for you to come back."

"Did you gain anything from this trip?"

"Guess what." Li Wei raised his eyebrows.

Zhao Qian put his arm around Li Wei's shoulders and said with a smile: "You are so capable, I'm sure the matter will be done."

"What can I do? It's better to use your name. The other party heard that you are a producer and is willing to invest 20 million in us."

"Twenty million! God, with this money I can do a lot of things. My wife is really amazing." Zhao Qian couldn't help but kiss Li Wei on the face.

Li Wei resigned from the TV station a few years ago and followed Zhao Qian wholeheartedly to run their film and television company. Li Wei also learned to be a producer. She made Zhao Qian worry a lot.

"My eldest brother called me during the day and asked when we would go back."

Liu Chunzhi's 70th birthday is coming soon, and Jianping wants to celebrate her mother's birthday properly.

Zhao Qian said: "Once the current matters are settled, we can set off."

"The funds are in place, the script is in place, and we just have to wait for the actors to be in place. By the way, Zhao Qian, I made the decision to sign someone myself, so don't refuse to agree."

"Who are you signing?"

"Chen Zhu, she said that she hadn't acted for several years and her life was not going well. I felt sorry for her so I signed her over and asked her to follow me well and repositioned her. She can't play the leading role at this age, but You can create other characters.”

Zhao Qian hugged his wife, his eyelids were a little heavy, and he didn't dare to really sleep while Li Wei was still talking.

When Li Wei finished speaking, he also yawned again and again.

"You're sleepy, then, go to sleep first, and we'll talk tomorrow." Li Wei lay down, and the two of them leaned back to back. Not ten minutes after sleeping, Zhao Qian suddenly sat up and said, "Tomorrow is Jiajia's opening ceremony, and the parents will also If we want to be there, who among us will go?”

Li Wei said vaguely: "Of course I will go, so don't worry."

In mid-March, Li Wei took Zhao Qian and Fu Jia on a plane heading south. She was rushing to Huiliang to celebrate her mother's seventieth birthday.

Li Wei fell asleep not long after getting on the plane. Fu Jia was sitting by the window looking at the white clouds not far away. She turned to her father and said, "Dad, are there really aliens in the world?"

Zhao Qian tilted his head and thought for a moment: "Maybe."

"Then the aliens can't understand the language on Earth, so how should I say hello to them?"

"At this time, I think... just reach out your hand and smile..."

Fujia laughed heartily.

As his daughter grew older, he became cuter and cuter. Zhao Qian looked at his daughter with a very warm smile.

After getting off the plane and riding for more than an hour, we finally arrived at Li's resort hotel.

"I'm looking for grandma." Fujia muttered and ran towards a red building.

"How old are you to be such a naughty kid? Run slowly, Jiajia." Li Wei ran behind.

Fujia ran so fast that he bumped into a little boy with blond hair.

"Ouch, you don't have eyes when you walk!" Fujia was hit by someone. Before she could get angry, there was a very beautiful foreign boy standing in front of her. The little boy was as exquisite as the one his mother bought for her. Like those dolls.

"It's strange, your hair is blond, why are your eyes black instead of blue?"

However, this doll not only cries, but also runs away on its own.

"Mom, Mom!" the little boy cried and ran away.

"Jiajia, you bumped into someone, why don't you apologize to them?" Li Wei's tone sounded a bit harsh.

Zhao Qian was busy shouting from the side: "Okay, don't yell at her, she also needs to have self-respect."

The doll ran up to another foreign woman and muttered a lot of words that Fujia couldn't understand. The doll's crying still didn't stop, so Li Wei had no choice but to pull Fujia over, and then said to the foreign woman in English: " Madam, I'm sorry that my daughter bumped into your son, I brought her to apologize." Li Wei asked Fu Jia to bow again.

The foreign woman with blond hair smiled softly and said, "It's okay to be a boy." Then she bent down and touched Fujia's face, and praised: "He's so beautiful."

"Ellie, why don't you come over?"

Li Wei thought that the voice sounded familiar. Just when she was wondering, she saw a man in a suit and leather shoes walking towards her with long strides.

Li Wei and Zhao Qian were both dumbfounded. When did Li Jianbo come back

"Second brother?!"

Li Jianbo didn't seem too surprised when he saw his sister's family of three. He nodded gently and said with a smile: "The ones who are closer will come later."

"When did you return to China?"


The little boy reached for Jian Bo's hand, and the tears on his face were not dry. Li Jianbo knelt down and wiped away the tears on his face, and said something that Li Wei didn't quite hear.

Li Wei looked at the family of three, and the corners of her lips slowly rose. The second brother had finally found his happiness.

Jianping came over and urged them: "Why are you all outside? Mom is calling you."

The children were playing on the grass behind. As the eldest sister, Yin Yin no longer liked taking her little brother and sister with her. Fujia, on the other hand, had a lot of fun with the blond boy.

In the living room on the second floor, the Li family gathered together. Everyone is listening to Jianbo's experience in the United States in recent years.

Qi Jingzhen died of cancer early in the second year after he arrived in the United States. He returned to southern Fujian with his mother's ashes and buried her in the Qi family's ancestral grave. Then he took over Qi Jingzhen's industry in the United States and has been working hard over the years. Later, he met his college classmate Avery, and realized that Avery had been waiting for him. He and Avery naturally got together and gave birth to their son. Jianbo gave his son a Chinese name, Li Hanyi.

"Last Christmas, my aunt called me and told me that she had found Mr. Song's grave. I just happened to come back this time and planned to bury the two of them together."

This pair of boys and girls who have been separated for almost half a century are not together, at least they can be together until death.

Li Wei heard the news about Qi Jingyi and couldn't help but expressed concern: "Sister Qi, how is she now?"

"She's living a great life and traveling around the world."

Li Wei really envied Qi Jingyi's free and easy life.

The moonlight was like water, and Li Wei stood under the window and looked at the distant starry sky. Zhao Qian came over, hugged her from behind and kissed her hair.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

Li Wei asked: "Where is Jiajia?"

"She has been crazy all day and has fallen asleep."

There were stars twinkling in the distant night sky. Perhaps it was a certain star that brought huge magic and brought her and Zhao Qian into this world.

"Zhao Qian, thank you for finding me."

Zhao Qian whispered in her ear: "Because I installed a radar on you, I can find you no matter where you are."

The night is getting darker and everyone has fallen asleep, except for a couple whispering under the window.

This story took nearly a year to write, from the initial full of hope to the final silence. From the time when this story was brewing to the final draft, I have to say that there has been some deviation from the original idea. This is a story with two male protagonists, and there were supporters from both factions, but I still chose the pairing of the Prince Regent and the Queen Mother. My favorite in the whole story is the second brother, who gave him happiness in the extra chapter. Thank you to the few friends who have supported me all the way, especially the person in the romance novel bar. Thank you. This is a work of transformation, and now I can solemnly declare: the transformation has failed, and the next article has not been prepared yet, so those who support it, please wait for a while. See you in the next article! Love you guys!

(End of chapter)

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