Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 1: Compare swords


The author has something to say: Merry Christmas! New article is open, welcome everyone!

It will be online at 12 o'clock this week, and will be broadcast every Tuesday at 8 o'clock in the future~ Thank you!

In the early winter of the year, a layer of frost formed on the ground at night, and the next day it was thawed, and the soil was soaked slightly wet.

The mark came from a line of horse-drawn carriages. Several horses surrounded the green caravan in the middle. The carriage was very simple, and there was nothing special about it. Although the men on the horses were dressed in common clothes, they were all tall and sturdy, with bright eyes. The tiger's mouth has many calluses and thick scars, and it is obviously a trainee who has practiced martial arts for many years.

They were riding good horses, but their feet were not fast, and they just walked slowly towards the mountain. The west wind slowly blew the curtain of the car through a slit. Before anyone in the car could notice it, a guard who was accompanying him said, "Sir, it's cold outside, you press the curtain tighter and be careful of the cold."

A hand belonging to a young man pushed open the bamboo curtain along the gap. The voice of the person in the car was slightly hoarse, and he said with a smile: "It's not a sick seedling, are you afraid of blowing me away?"

The guard was still young, so he was not restrained when he talked to the host. Here, if there is a shortage of doctors and medicines, you should still cherish it!"

The young man was only fifteen or sixteen years old. He was handsome and elegant, but he was white and slender from the fingertips to his wrists, with distinct joints. He was a scholar's hand, and he couldn't even lift a knife. He was young and had no martial arts skills, but he was very comfortable talking with these guards, without any strangeness, and continued, "This is easy to handle, you can enter the Medicine Master Hall later, you can simply Just give me two more kowtows."

Everyone next to him laughed. Fan Yang held on for a while, but couldn't help but break his power. He shook his head and said, "The princess is not in front of me, I don't think anyone can hold down the prince."

The young man smiled and said, "If my mother had the time to hold me down, she would carry me to the Baoan Temple with the help of her teachers? She would have come by herself."

King Qing Wen Kezhen's concubine Liu Shi was born in the Wanlai Sect of Mengfeng City. She and King Qing were very affectionate and had their first child soon after they got married. However, when Liu Shi was a young man, he used to defend the city side by side with King Qing. He had experienced hundreds of battles and accumulated a lot of dark wounds. Therefore, the fetal image of this child was quite unstable, and he would be born prematurely before September. At that time, the palace was less than a hundred miles away from the capital by car, and there were no villages around. Fortunately, the abbot of the Baoan Temple in the suburbs of Beijing, Zen Master Huitong, was merciful and made an exception to open the temple gate to take in the princess. So Wen Heng, the eldest son of King Qing, was in a dilapidated wing that day. Cracking down.

King Qing and his wife have been married for many years, and they only have this child under their knees, which is extremely precious. The next day after Wen Kezhen received the letter, he sent the housekeeper of the palace to find someone to renovate the inside and outside of Baoan Temple. Mrs. Liu was even more grateful for the kindness of Abbot Huitong. Every year, he went to the temple to offer incense. It just happened that she was sick this year and had to recuperate at home, so she sent the prince Wen Heng to offer incense for her to repay her vows.

The prince and princess were very careful about this son. Although Baoan Temple was similar to shopping for food on the street, he also sent a group of guards to accompany him. Moreover, Wen Heng's physique was different from other people's, and all the eight extraordinary meridians were dark. How important is the root bone of the meridians to those who learn martial arts. Martial arts geniuses are born with meridians that are a bit wider than others, such as the Great Road, and the inner force of infuriating qi runs smoothly and freely; the meridians of ordinary people are either subtle or stagnant, such as the faint path of sheep’s intestines in the forest. . And Wen Heng has been a wasteland since he was born, not to mention the path, not even a stone clod.

Such a root is tantamount to a waste person. Not to mention self-cultivation, even if he finds a master to teach him, he will not be able to start. Wen Heng is destined to be unable to practice high-quality martial arts in his life. Although Wen Kezhen is a noble king of Qing, he is also a first-class expert, but he has nothing to do with his son's illness. He has also collected many rare books and secret books, trying to wash the marrow of the Book of Changes for Wen Heng, but after all this tossing, Wen Heng's inner breath is still like a pool of stagnant water, without any waves.

It wasn't until Princess Dongyang's birthday three years ago that King Qing brought his family to congratulate him, the adults drank and chatted during the banquet, and Wen Heng was taken by his cousins to play in the garden. In recent years, the palace has said that he is weak and unsuitable for use of force, so these children dare not take him to draw a bow and run horses. However, young people are naturally aggressive, and it is difficult to prevent people with intentions from secretly adding fuel to the flames, so there are good people who propose, since the young master It's not good for the young masters to end the game in person. It is better to let each accompanying guard compete, and the winner will get some rewards.

It is not a glorious game to watch people fight for their lives for fun, but King Qing was awarded a title by military merit, and the princess is also from a family of martial arts. Wen Heng was twelve years old at the time, an age when he was competitive but didn't know anything about it. Hearing this suggestion, he nodded immediately, pointed to Fan Yang beside him, and ordered, "Go and compete with them. ."

Fan Yang was a bodyguard promoted by Wen Kezhen from the army. Although he was young, his martial arts skills were already outstanding, otherwise he would not have been sent by King Qing to protect the prince. Hearing this, he felt a little unpleasant in his heart. However, since he could not disobey Wen Heng in public, and there was no one around him who could speak to him, he had to bite the bullet and lead the order, looking at the guards who came out of Shunyi Uncle Mansion on the other side with a wry smile. , cupped his hands and said, "Please."

Wen Heng didn't bother, walked to the pavilion in the garden and sat down, clapped his hands and said with a smile: "The first game is going to be a good start, you can only win and not lose."

Fan Yang felt even more bitter when he heard this, but he had no choice but to stand up. The two came to an open space, and the guards of Shunyi Bo's Mansion took the lead in taking a stand. Fan Yang took a closer look and knew that it was the "fighting tiger boxing" circulating in the army. The guard shouted and rushed forward. The big fist with the mouth of the bowl rushed to the front with the wind. Fan Yang immediately stepped back to avoid it, and used the style of "Turning the Sky to Change the Sun" to open the heavy punch from the bottom up. , the right palm is sent out, and the person's left shoulder is pushed heavily, causing him to turn around in place. This move is called "Sky Spinning Earth Spinning". The third palm, "Booming Wind and Swinging Water" followed closely, changing the vertical palm into a horizontal palm, pushing out both palms together, hitting the opponent's chest, and immediately slapped him horizontally and flew out.

Although Fan Yang's "Heaven-turning Palm" has not yet reached the fire, Shan Sheng's first move "Steal the sky and change the sun" is wonderful. Fighting Tiger Boxing is powerful and unparalleled, hence the name. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to eliminate.

"it is good!"

There were sparse clapping and applause from the sidelines. Fan Yang was a little relieved because of this small victory, when he saw the losing guard silently get up from the ground and knelt down toward the Prince of Shunyi. He was rewarded by the little master: "Waste dim sum! What do I want you for!"

The guard thought that he was used to the temper of the young master, and did not dare to avoid it. He had suffered the kick, but he still bowed his head and said, "This subordinate is incompetent, please punish the young master."

The young master said coldly, "Go away."

This scene made him feel like a bodyguard, so Fan Yang subconsciously looked back at Wen Heng who was sitting in the pavilion. However, this was clearly a neat and tidy victory, but there was no joy on the young master's face, instead he frowned slightly, as if he was still a little dissatisfied.

Fan Yang was almost suffocated by him.

He brushed off his sleeves and was about to leave the stage when he suddenly heard someone shouting: "Fist and feet are grinding, what's the point, compare with a sword!"

The servant next to him was afraid that the matter would be a big one, so he hurriedly advised: "Young master must not, today is a good day for the eldest princess, how can you use a knife and a sword? Just watch some fists and kicks to relieve the boredom."

Hearing this, the man's arrogance diminished a little, and he did not dare to do it again. Wen Che, the prince of Jianwang, who was always watching the show, turned around and broke off two thick branches from the peach tree, grabbed it in his hand and compared it, and said, "What's so difficult about this, ask them to take this comparison, and the branches will be considered It doesn't hurt anyone."

The branch was thrown in front of him, Fan Yang had to catch it, his heart sank, and he knew that this match could never be good. Wen Che was obviously prepared, he glanced at him confidently, stepped aside to let the guard behind him, and said with a smile, "Mr. Chu, are you here to play with them?"

The man is not confused, and his temples are already white with stars. He is not wearing the color of a guard, but a heavy old gray cloth robe. His hands are as thin as eagle claws, and he holds a peach branch like a sword, and does not answer Wen Che's words. , walked straight into the battle circle.

Fan Yang saw that his footwork was steady and his breath was long. But before he could figure out how to speak, Wen Heng had already spoken out to stop him: "Cousin, what does this mean, do you want to fight the wheel?"

Wen Che said with a smile but not a smile: "Don't worry, little cousin, this guard is very good, and the three palms just now are just for him to move his muscles and bones. Of course, if you are timid, then I didn't say what I said earlier. ."

He was very proficient in using this aggressive technique, and Wen Heng really took the bait and snorted coldly, "Cousin, don't underestimate me."

Fan Yang thought it was going to be bad, for fear that his mind would be caught in someone else's trap, but only heard Heng: "Although I won't default on my debt, I can't let you take all the cheap. Anyway, my bodyguard just hit a fight. Now, your bodyguard will ask him to make three moves, only to defend, not to fight back, how about that?"

Huh, isn't that stupid

Wen Che and Mr. Chu looked at each other and saw that the other's eyes moved slightly, which was a sign of consent, so he answered loudly: "That's very good, everyone is fair."

Fan Yang was completely put on the fire this time. He was good at swordsmanship and was not good at using swords, but with a peach branch in his hand, it didn't matter whether he was a sword or a sword. He was thinking about how to deal with his wrist, only to see Wen Heng beckoning him from above. Fan Yang hesitated for a while, but went over anyway: "What is the prince's order?"

Wen Heng made him come over and muttered a few words, Fan Yang frowned, and his brows were full of suspicion. When Wen Che saw it across from him, he couldn't help laughing to himself, and whispered to Mr. Chu, "Mr. Kui, this game must show him a lot."

That Mr. Chu didn't talk to him, didn't care about anyone, and stood in the field with a peach branch in his hand, Xiao Xiao Susu, with a high-level demeanor, which made those sons and grandsons who ridiculed him for his shabby clothes curious.

After Wen Heng's explanation, Fan Yang's face became much more complicated when he played again. He took a deep breath, clasped his fists at Mr. Chu and said, "I accept it."

The word "la" was softly sounded, and the other person had already stepped forward. He jumped up with his toes on the ground, and slashed straight down with his toes.

The wind was screaming and ear-piercing, this time it was obviously filled with infuriating energy, and it was actually a desperate act at the beginning. Mr. Chu kept his eyes down, until the tender leaves on the branch were about to sweep his hair bun, then he lightly raised his sword with a sword, twisted his wrist, jumped up, and circled in mid-air with the sword's momentum. Fan Yang's incomparably strong force was unknowingly dissipated by him. One end of his branch seemed to be bitten by Mr. Chu's branch, and it was twisted so tightly that it was like a giant python, and he couldn't break free no matter what.

He had never seen such a strange swordsmanship before, his mind was confused, his palms were sweating, and the thin peach branch was not easy to hold.

There was silence for a moment, and a burst of applause broke out.

Wen Che had a smug look on his face, and compared his mouth to Wen Heng in the other pavilion: "There are two more tricks."

In just one round, Fan Yang was already sweating on his forehead. He picked up the peach branch and regained his composure. When he shot again, the sword technique suddenly changed. It contains knives that are slashed in six different directions, like a snake's shadow, which is impenetrable and airtight.

Just now, Mr. Chu responded to his straight cut with "entanglement", and Fan Yang responded with "Golden Snake Dance" this time. Mr. Chu raised his sword to meet him, the tip of the peach branch cut through the dazzling shadows with great precision, and wanted to touch the Quchi acupoint on Fan Yang's right arm. Fan Yang had no choice but to withdraw the knife, Taozhi turned a round in his hand, changed to a backhand horizontal grip, lowered his center of gravity, and came with a sweeping leg to pick up the backhand knife. Mr. Chu didn't have time to retreat, and he was about to be swept by his blade, so he touched the ground with a peach branch, and the whole person floated up with this weak force, and volleyed and fell behind Fan Yang. If it weren't for the "no counterattack" agreement, he could have given him a sword on the spot.

The three moves have passed, and the battle situation on the field is very clear. The difference between the two swordsmanship is huge. As long as Mr. Chu makes a move, Fan Yang will definitely lose. However, at this moment, Wen Heng suddenly stood up and shouted, "Hold on!"

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