Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 10: Enter the city


The thrilling, twists and turns of this day are terrifying to think about. Therefore, this night, everyone was rushing through the snow. Although the weather was freezing cold, no one complained of suffering and tiredness.

Ah Que was still young and couldn't stand the sleepiness, and soon fell asleep again as the carriage bumped. However, he slept in the middle of the night, perhaps the carriage ran over the stone, and the movement was so loud that it woke him up. He rubbed his eyes in a daze, and by the light of a small wind lamp, he saw Wen Heng leaning against the wall of the car in a trance, wondering what he was thinking.


He still couldn't tell whether he was in a dream or awake. He even forgot his usual strangeness and reverence. He called what he thought of. The two words were long and vague, like babbling, but also like is coquettish.

Wen Heng really recovered from his call, leaned over and pulled his hand down, and asked softly, "I'm here, what's wrong?"

Ah Que blinked hard to make her eyes clearer: "Why don't you sleep?"

Wen Heng looked down at him, pressing his palm lightly on his eyelids: "Can't sleep."

His palms are very cold, not the normal kind of cooling method. A Que grabbed his hand and felt wrong: "Master, are you cold?"

"It's not cold." Wen Heng tried to pull his hand down and stuff it back into the cloak, "You sleep with you, don't talk, be careful to get sleepy."

Ah Que silently rolled over and sat up, climbed onto his lap, pulled the cloak to cover the two of them, and kept him warm with her own body temperature. Only then did he feel that Wen Heng's shirt was cold, but the body under the fabric was scorching hot.

Wen Heng watched helplessly as he settled himself, and before he could react, there was a warm little body in his arms. Ah Que seemed to suddenly become clingy, grabbed his waist with his hands and feet, and wanted to stick his whole body on him.

The sleep in the evening not only did not relieve the symptoms of the cold, but it became more serious, but Wen Heng was afraid of shaking the military's heart, so he deliberately concealed it. One or two.

The two were so close that they could hear their breath, and their heartbeats gradually merged into one. Although his actions did not seem to relieve the pain, it made Wen Heng feel a lot of pain in his heart, and he didn't feel any discomfort for a while.

Wen Heng stretched out his hand to support A Que, and weighed him up, he couldn't help laughing hoarsely, "It's really going to be a toss up. Who the hell is cold?"

Ah Que muttered "don't care", buried her head in his shoulder, and suddenly asked in a low voice, "Are you afraid of the son?"

Wen Heng laughed: "What are you afraid of?"

As soon as the words came out, his heart moved, and he realized what A Que was asking.

Desperate for the world, the future is uncertain, and the murderous intention is every step... Hua Temple's distress is almost a life-and-death situation. Although he designed and designed to kill the Huang Ying Gang, most of them depended on luck. It was them in the snow.

Not to mention that this was Wen Heng's first serious fight with a sword. Even if the old man died, it was a human life after all. He hadn't even killed a chicken, and a living person died under his sword. No matter how calm he pretended to be, how could he really be indifferent in his heart

Why is he not afraid, but here, he must not bow his head to show weakness, he must grit his teeth and endure the fear and pain, in order to break free from the cocoon of the past as soon as possible, and grow a spine that stands upright.

A Que raised her head from his arms and looked at Wen Heng's slightly haggard face from the bottom up. A few days of running around made him lose weight quickly. Although the youth is still young, the clear and distinct skeleton lines have been revealed, vaguely outlining the outline of this person in the future. He couldn't help reaching out to press Wen Heng's eyebrows, as if to smooth the shallow "Chuan" character, but Wen Heng intercepted it halfway and held it in his palm.

"Shh. It's getting late. Go to bed."

He seemed to have really turned into a little sparrow whose wings were held by someone, and after a weak struggle, he heard a low and gentle "goody" and fell down with the corner of the cloak.

The night flew by, and when A Que woke up again, it was bright outside and the snow had stopped. Not far from the carriage, the towering city wall could be seen, and three large characters he did not recognize were engraved on the city gate.

He was about to ask Wen Heng when he looked up, but saw his face was as pale as paper, his lips were chapped due to the high fever, and his eyes were not clear. Then he knocked on the wall of the car and called someone: "Stop! Stop! The son is sick!"

Wen Heng's tinnitus kept ringing, and he faintly heard his cry. He was about to speak, but an earth-shattering cough erupted when he opened his mouth. That posture was about to cough up all the internal organs, as if a knife was stirring in his chest, and blood was pouring from his throat. He knew in his heart that his condition might not be good, but his limbs were as heavy as lead, and it was difficult to move no matter what, so he had to be supported by someone, leaning against the wall of the car for help.

The carriage stopped, and soon someone got in to check his pulse, but it was not Fan Yang, but another young guard. Wen Heng poured a few sips of cold water into A Que's hand, stopped coughing temporarily, and asked in a hiss, "Where's Fan Yang?"

"Young Master, you can't stand the cold any longer, and you need to take medicine as soon as possible." The guard's face was ugly and he whispered, "Brother Fan, his wound has deteriorated, and he is also developing a high fever."

Wen Heng forcibly suppressed a cough and took a few breaths to calm down: "Stop in front and find a place for the brothers to rest. How much medicine is left?"

The guard said: "We don't have enough wound medicine with us. We ran out of it yesterday. Shizi, there is Runing City in front of me, this subordinate—"

Wen Heng stopped him and said, "Running City is the gate of the heaven, and the guards are bound to be strict. If you enter the city, you may not be able to pass the gate to check the gate. Settle down first, and maybe you can try your luck in the nearby villages."

The guard nodded yes, and hurriedly got out of the car to give orders. A Que held the water and carefully brought it to his lips: "Young Master, drink some more water."

Wen Heng waved his hand to signal no need, suddenly remembered something, and asked an irrelevant question: "A Que, do you feel any discomfort?"

Akane shook his head blankly.

"It's fine." Wen Heng didn't explain the reason, he drove him aside and said, "The wind and cold are extraordinary, you stay away from me, don't recruit you too."

Ah Que pursed her lips and said stubbornly, "I'm not afraid."

Wen Heng deliberately knocked on his stubborn head, but he was helpless, so he had no choice but to coax perfunctorily, "Be obedient."

Ah Que understands that he can't cause trouble for him, and is anxious about his illness, but after all, he is small and weak, and there is no other way but to be anxious. He was so heavy that he couldn't stop coughing one after another while he was in a semi-coma.

When the carriage stopped under a leeward slope, Wen Heng was burned to unconsciousness. A Que jumped out of the car and followed behind the crowd to see Fan Yang, only to see two sword wounds oozing blood on his body, dyeing the white cloth a deep red, and the same person as Wen Heng's fever, frowning and falling into a coma among.

The two who can call the shots have both fallen, and now it is really the situation where the mountains and rivers are desperate.

The guards gathered in one place to discuss countermeasures, and someone said: "It's not the way to wait like this, it's better to split up, one person goes to the nearby village to find medicine, and the other person packs it into the city. There may not be medicine available in the village, I'm afraid it won't be complete. Runing Although the city is taking risks, for the sake of Young Master and Big Brother Fan, we have to give it a try."

"It's not right." Another person hurriedly said, "When you enter the city, you must check the customs clearance letter. We don't have any fake letters. Once the officers and soldiers are suspicious, you can find out your identity by checking the warrant. ?"

After thinking about this, everyone thought it was reasonable, and the difficulty was stuck on the threshold of entering the city. However, Wen Heng and Fan Yang's illness was delayed for a moment, and it became more sinister, and they could not tolerate their hesitation. Just when everyone was making a difficult decision, a weak childish voice suddenly came from the side, and said in a low voice and resolutely: "I'll go."

A Que stood outside the crowd, not as calm as a child of this age, and said earnestly, word by word, "I'm young, so I can pretend to be a child in the nearby village and get medicine for my parents in the city, without arousing suspicion."

There is no need to clear the customs clearance, and A Que met by accident in the Baoan Temple. Naturally, no one will associate him with the exiled Prince Qing. No matter from which perspective, the chances of him successfully entering the city without revealing his identity are all biggest.

But with Fan Yang's lessons learned, the guards knew that Wen Heng would never allow a group of big men to sit idle, but instead let a child take risks.

"Little brother Aque, if you have this heart, the son will not hurt you in vain." A young guard squatted down and patted him on the shoulder, and said warmly: "But these things are enough for us, you are still young. , I can't let you take such a risk."

"I'm not afraid." A Que stubbornly said, "Young master wants to scold me, let him scold me. I'm just afraid of him..."

His throat choked and he couldn't speak.

The young guard followed him with slightly red eyes.

After trying to calm down for a while, A Que said, "Brothers, there is only one way now. Young Master and Brother Fan can't wait any longer. Let me try it... Trust me, I will definitely bring the medicine back."

The guards looked at each other in dismay, but no one dared to nod their heads. The young guard hesitated for a moment, and finally stretched out his hand to put a heavy pressure on his shoulder, and said sternly: "This is the end of the matter, and I have to take a risk. Aque, this matter is entrusted to you, whether you can sneak into the city or not, your safety is The most important thing, if you have three strengths and two weaknesses, we will have no face to see you again, son."

A Que looked back at the carriage where Wen Heng was, clenched her fists and nodded to him.

After half an hour, the guards of Runing City stopped a thinly dressed child at the gate of the city. The boy's face was frozen and his lips were blue and white, and he said to the guards tremblingly, "My lords, my father can't afford to be sick, and my mother asked me to come to the city to get medicine." folded prescription.

The defender recognized several of the medicines and asked, "What disease does your father have?"

The boy replied timidly, "Father fell into a ditch last night, his back was scratched by a tree branch, and he froze for another night. Now he is burning and talking nonsense."

The defender nodded, and the comparison was correct. He returned the prescription to him, made a gap and said, "Go in."

The boy kept bowing, collected the prescription, and ran into the city in a hurry.

Ah Que pulled someone on the street, asked where the pharmacy was, and trotted over with the prescription and silver in her hands. He dressed shabbyly, acted realistically, and went to the cabinet to grab the medicine. Most of the trip has been completed successfully. Holding the medicine bag, he sighed in the palm of his hand, thinking that Wen Heng and Fan Yang were finally rescued, and couldn't help showing a slight smile on his face.

Just as he walked down the steps of the door of the pharmacy and was walking down the street, he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder from behind. Ah Que was startled and almost missed the medicine bag. He lowered his head and clenched the string in a panic. He didn't dare to look back at all. He only caught a glimpse of a pair of dusty black boots from the corner of his eye.

A soft voice like a poisonous snake, along the frozen neck, slowly climbed up to the ear: "Look, that restaurant over there."

As if someone had taken away his soul, Ah Que followed his instructions dazedly and looked up.

There is a small two-story building where the wine flag is displayed, and the upper body of a man who is drinking is exposed by the open window. The man's clothes are ordinary, and his face is not surprising. The only special thing is that there is a large black tattoo on the skin of his neck.

"Have you seen it? 'Embroidered leopard' Li Qi. That is one of the nine dogs kept by the emperor, the one who was ordered to kill the Prince of Qing." The man smiled and said with great interest, "As long as I recruit Wave your hand, and he will notice you and me. How about you, do you want to try?"