Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 102: Goodbye


"Fenghe Lantern Festival" is the last festival in autumn, so the excitement will continue until midnight, but Xue Qinglan is just recently injured, so it is not suitable to be too tired, Wen Heng saw that he was still a little unfinished, so he found a wonton by the river Picked up, ordered two bowls of wontons, and went back to sleep after eating and drinking.

Now that autumn is deep, and the wind is cold and dew is heavy at night, it is very suitable to eat hot wontons or noodle soup. The old woman who sells wontons has quick hands and feet, and the noodle soup is poured into a large bowl. A dozen small thin-skinned wontons float in the hot soup, sprinkled with a cluster of green garlic sprouts, a pinch of small shrimp, and a few drops of sesame oil. Very tempting. The old woman brought the two bowls to Wen Heng and Xue Qinglan, said "slow use", then turned back and continued to guard the pot. Not long after, she heard Wen Heng calling for a meeting, she slowly walked over and was about to reach out to take the copper coin, when someone suddenly pinched her wrist, Wen Heng said lightly, "Your Excellency is here to wait for me. The two of you, what can I teach you?"

The old lady had heard that Wen Heng was a very difficult and difficult character to deal with. Although she felt that a young man was not something to be afraid of, she was still careful in her actions. Who would have guessed that she was actually seen through at a glance. Slightly discolored, he lowered his voice and asked, "How did you know?"

Wen Heng said: "Since you are an elderly man with your back hunched over, it should be a little inconvenient to move around, but whether you are scooping soup or serving a bowl, your hands are too steady, and you are more stable than the average young man. Steady; and looking at the calluses on your hands, you don't look like a ravioli. In addition, a few days ago, when the pharmacist was talking about the 'Fenghe Lantern Festival', I saw you passing by across the street - your brand The 'wonton' on the top is missing a stroke, although I can't remember the face, but I remember your brand - all kinds of coincidences are in one place, so it's not a coincidence that we met tonight, if you have anything to do with me, let's hear it."

When the old woman heard this, her expression became solemn. She originally pretended that her hunched back was straight, she bowed to Wenheng, and when she spoke again, she changed into a low male voice: "I came from Tianshou, under the order of the nine masters of the inner guard, please Wen Gongzi Xue Hufa will come to the Huixian Tower at noon tomorrow for a talk, the matter is very important, and I hope the two of you will appreciate it."

Wen Heng and Xue Qinglan looked at each other and said suspiciously, "Well, why did he think of seeing us?"

The man just shook his head when he heard the words and said, "Young Master, forgive me, I'm just a messenger. As for the inside story, I don't know. But Master Jiu said, as long as the son is willing to come, he will definitely know the answer you want to know."

"I understand." Wen Heng pondered for a while, nodded and agreed, "Please tell the nine masters that you can meet tomorrow, and the place will be changed to Huaibin Building. I and Xue Gongzi will be there waiting for you."

The man probably didn't expect that he would suddenly propose to change the location, he hesitated for a moment, but finally said: "Okay, I'll go back and tell the adults."

When he disguised as an old woman again and disappeared into the alley at the end of the long street carrying the burden of wontons, Xue Qinglan asked, "Brother Heng, are you really going to see him tomorrow?"

Wen Heng said: "It's easy for a big insider to leave the capital. He ran all the way to Wuning City, and specially sent someone to wait here. It seems that something big has happened. You might as well listen to what he has to say."

Xue Qinglan: "What if this is a trap?"

"Probably not," Wen Heng lightly tapped the table, "if he had arranged it earlier, the location should have been in the Huixian Building, but his subordinates can decide to agree to change the location, it seems that he was instructed in advance, as long as If we can meet, he will try his best to cooperate no matter what conditions we put forward; besides, he not only finds me alone, but also brings you with him. Now the relationship between you and me is known to the whole world. If he offends one, he offends two. Be careful, don't It looks too much like he wants to harm someone, maybe he has something to ask for."

Xue Qinglan thought about it as well: "We have three people here, even if we make a move, we won't necessarily suffer."

Wen Heng laughed and said: "Master is such an unreliable person, now I don't know where to hide and fool around, and I can't even find anyone. If there is a real fight tomorrow, you should expect him to show up to help, rather than relying on the shop assistant to report. Officer?"

Xue Qinglan sighed: "The twisted melon is really not sweet. It's a miracle that the two of you, the master and the apprentice, have not broken up until now."

Wen Heng was teased by him, but he just smiled, took his hand and got up, the two of them dressed in starlight and night, and walked slowly home along the river.

At noon the next day, Wen Heng booked a private room in the Huaibin Building and told Xiao Er to pay attention to the person coming. Just after noon, there were regular footsteps on the stairs, the door of the private room was pushed open from the outside, and a tall and slender figure walked in. The man took off the power fence covering his face, sat down opposite the two of them without seeing the outside world, nodded and said, "It's been a long time."

Wen Heng looked him up and down and said, "Indeed, I thought I would never have to deal with you again in this life. I don't know what kind of wind brought the adults here?"

The nine adults were a little thinner than the last time they met, and his face was slightly haggard, as if he had not slept well. He played against Wen Heng twice, got a rough idea of his character, and knew that he didn't have to go around the corners when talking to smart people, so he said straight to the point: "I made a special trip to Beijing this time, and I need your help."

Wen Heng gave Xue Qinglan a "surely so" look and asked, "What's the matter?"

Jiu Da Ren said, "Kill Feng Baoyi."

"… "

Wen Heng didn't expect him to be so direct, so he hurriedly took a sip of tea to suppress his shock: "I heard it right? You, the ninth-ranked master of internal affairs, let me kill the first-ranked Feng Baoyi? Really friendly."

Master Jiu was not afraid of his poisoning, so he poured himself a cup of tea, and said lightly: "That's right. Feng Bao and the harem plotted the concubine's collusion, and wanted to coerce the new emperor to order the world, steal the country and disrupt the government, and had to get rid of it."

Wen Heng let out an "oh" and said, "It turns out that the hands of the great masters have already stretched out so long. No wonder Feng Baoyi acted arrogantly—then whose orders are you coming here?"

This question silenced the Nine Masters for a moment, but after a while, he still decided to tell the truth: "Your Majesty is too ill to be able to act as a director, the palace has been keeping it a secret, but it seems that it is going to be bad; The eighth prince, he is unwilling to let the prince ascend to the throne, and now the prince's birthday is approaching, at this moment, he may be disadvantageous to the prince."

Wen Heng said: "Ashamed, I have been away from the capital for too long, and I don't know when His Majesty had the Eighth Prince?"

Jiu Da Ren said: "The eighth prince is just six years old this year, and he is still an ignorant child. Feng Bao saw him because he thought he was young and easy to handle, and Concubine Ji and Feng Baoyi had already formed an alliance. He secretly attacked the prince, and now the prince is no longer in the place of His Majesty's holy family, and the situation is difficult.

Wen Heng sneered and waved his hand: "Why do you have to rush me onto the boat? There is a lot of grass in the lower district, and you don't receive any salary from the court. Whether that seat is the crown prince or the eighth prince has anything to do with me?"

The face of the nine masters suddenly became ugly, and he asked coldly, "Dare to ask Mr. Wen, do you still remember your surname?"

Wen Heng also replied coldly: "Dare to ask Master Jiu, do you still remember what crime I was carrying?"

"I remember, that's why I came to you." The Nine Masters looked straight into Wen Heng's eyes and said firmly, "Sir, if you still care about the truth of the Qing King's treason case, then you and I are on the same boat. "