Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 105: Consideration


On the fourth day of September, late at night, the capital returns to South Lane.

The black-clothed guests covered by the power fence did not walk through the main entrance, but "flyed" from the wall as light as a swallow into the courtyard hidden deep in the alley. Apart from the fact that the host is not afraid of consuming lamp oil and the lights are still lit in the middle of the night, this house is almost the same as the surrounding dwellings, but the guests are very careful. Dazzling, as if he had slipped in through a crack in the door.

There was a young man sitting beside the wooden table in the room, facing him, looking down at the scrolls spread out on the table, and raised his head to say hello: "Here?"

He has a special quiet temperament, described as handsome, sitting alone in a shabby room is not cramped, but inexplicably adds color to the room, although the furnishings are old and not at all comfortable, but it makes people want to sit down. Be quiet for a while.

Wen Jiu's footsteps in entering the room slowed down, but as soon as she said it, her tone was still hard to hide her urgency: "When did you come? The situation has changed, how many people have you brought?"

Wen Heng looked up and said, "It's not long since we arrived, what happened?"

Wen Jiu took off his bamboo hat and frowned, "His Majesty suddenly sent an order today, asking the prince to leave tomorrow to pay homage to the Emperor's Mausoleum at Cishou Mountain. It takes about a day and a half from the Forbidden Palace to the Emperor's Mausoleum of Cishou Mountain, and overnight stays at the Yueqing Palace. , In addition to the guards of the East Palace, there are also the masters Kou Bu Er and Han Sanxian accompanying the prince."

"Well," Wen Heng nodded and asked, "So, what do you want me to do?"

Wen Jiudao: "You and I want to stay in the capital to deal with Feng Baoyi, the prince can only let Xue Hufa-"

Wen Heng didn't wait for him to finish, he raised his hand to stop his words: "Don't count on him, he's not here."

Wen Jiu looked around, only to realize that Wen Heng was the only one in the room, with a look of astonishment on his face: "Where are the others?!"

"Qinglan has other things to do, and I don't know what his plan is," Wen Heng replied calmly, "don't count him into your plan."

Wen Jiu was like being struck by lightning, and immediately his eyes were black, and "You don't care about this" was written all over his face. In his eyes, Xue Qinglan was a dangerous figure who was swaying and mad, and only Wen Heng could hold him down. Out of vigilance, he did not hesitate to take the risk of offending Xue Qinglan to remind Wen Heng to pay attention. However, since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by the beauty pass. The word love is so harmful to people. Now it seems that even a smart person like Wen Heng cannot escape. A happy ending.

Wen Heng understood his face, but couldn't explain it to him, so he just laughed it off.

He usually takes care of Xue Qinglan's eating and sleeping, but he doesn't know much about trivial matters. Instead, he maintains considerable restraint in major life-and-death decisions, rarely intervening, and Xue Qinglan makes his own decisions. It was as if he knew that Xue Qinglan still had a lot of things to hide from him, but he didn't pursue it to the end. Xue Qinglan said that if he wanted to act separately, he would leave him alone. This trust is indeed blind in the eyes of outsiders, but it is a silent tacit understanding between him and Xue Qinglan.

Although Wen Jiu is one of the nine masters, he is only strong in himself. Under the suppression of Feng Baoyi for many years, he has not been able to cultivate any useful subordinates, so he has to ask Wen Heng for help. He came full of hope, but suddenly learned that Wen Heng couldn't count on it alone, and almost gave birth to a bit of desolation of "life should be like this". With the two of them alone, they might not even have a 100% chance of winning against Feng Baoyi, let alone dealing with Feng Baoyi's ally the Weeping Star Sect and the minions he had raised for many years.

"what should I do now?"

"I was just about to ask you," Wen Heng said, "Well, why did you suddenly let the crown prince go to the mausoleum? Is this what the emperor meant, or what Feng Baoyi meant?"

Wen Jiudao: "Theoretically, only the emperor can make sacrifices to the mausoleum. The prince went to the mausoleum on behalf of his majesty. In fact, he acquiesced to his identity. No one can make such a decision except his majesty. Once the prince returns safely, the succession to the throne is a sure thing. Whether it's Feng Baoyi or Concubine Ji, it will be even more difficult if you want to do it again, so this time the prince's trip is the last great opportunity for those who are interested, and they will definitely not let it go."

"According to this, Feng Baoyi will definitely put the strongest force on the prince's side to make sure that the prince will go back or not?"

"That's right, that's what I think," Wen Jiu asked with suspicion in his words, "What do you think is wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong." Wen Heng shook his head, "It's reasonable."

Wen Jiu looked at him suspiciously: "Then why are you in such a tone?"

Wen Heng packed up the picture scroll on the table, took another cup, poured a cup of cold tea and pushed it to him, and asked calmly: "Master Jiu, do you think Feng Baoyi is a person who can follow common sense and conform to human feelings? "

The room fell silent for a while.

Wen Jiu stood stunned for a while, then suddenly came over to dry the cup of tea in one go, with a bit of self-defeating in his wild movements, no longer proud of his former self. He let out a long sigh, and said to Wen Heng as if admitting defeat, "It's really not wrong to lose to you a few times before."

"According to you, you're lucky, you didn't guard against me at that time." Wen Heng humbly gave him a false courtesy, and then said sternly, "But this time is different, no matter what Feng Baoyi wants to do, he will do it. You must be prepared to be interrupted by me."

When Wen Jiu first entered the door, he was still anxious because of the sudden change in the situation, and said a few words to Wen Heng. Although the situation was worse than he expected, he seemed to be in a hurry for no reason—probably because Wen Heng was too calm, Even if you don't have a clue in your heart, it looks like you have a plan and a plan.

With the last bit of luck, he asked Wen Heng, "Have you already thought of a way?"

Wen Heng replied honestly, "Ashamed, not yet."

"… "

Wen Jiu groaned/moaned: "Sir, can't you think about it any more!"

Wen Heng just regarded him as being unreasonable, and said unmoved: "Do you know what it means to have a purpose, my lord? In the previous fights, it was only when you guys acted first that I found a way to solve it; but now Feng Baoyi has not done anything, What else can we do other than let the prince be vigilant and send him more guards?"

"It's like fighting with someone. If the other party doesn't make a move, how can you break the move? Unless you come to take the lead, no matter what kind of magical swordsmanship he has, you can use your strength to break the trick, and you'll have to fight first and then talk about it."

Wen Jiu slowly recalled: "You mean..."

As if he was telling him what kind of tea this pot of tea was brewed, Wen Heng answered lightly and plainly: "It's better to do it first, my lord, you can only be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no reason to prevent a thief for a thousand days. "

Chengxiang Hall is located in the southwest of the harem, with the imperial garden in the north, covering a vast area. Recently, the emperor's dragon has been in poor health, and the imperial doctor comes in and out frequently every day. The strings were tightened up and down, and they were very cautious. If it was unnecessary, they would never take a step or say a word more, which added an indescribable point to this gorgeous palace in addition to its solemnity. of heavy.

At night, all sounds are silent.

No matter how bright the candle light is, it is difficult to illuminate the entire palace room, and the inner hall is covered with screens and stacked with layers of gauze curtains, making it even more dim and hazy. The princes, concubines and medical officials who served by the bed in the daytime have all left at this moment. On the side of the imperial couch, there is only an old man with crane hair standing with his hands down, listening to the old and feeble emperor's voice weakly asking: "Prince offering sacrifice to the prince. Ling's affairs... have everything been arranged?"

Feng Baoyi replied softly, "Go back to Your Majesty, His Royal Highness has already set off, and will return in three days. Kou Bu Er and Han Sanxian will accompany you, as will the guards of the East Palace and the Imperial Army. Your Majesty can rest assured."

The emperor had to rest for a while to gather enough strength to say a word. He nodded indiscernibly and said, "The imperial edict has been sealed in the golden chamber. When the prince returns, let the cabinet announce the decree."

Feng Bao didn't change his face, didn't say much, and said yes. The emperor closed his eyes and breathed for a moment, then replied: "The Ji family is greedy and foolish, attracts foreign relatives into the court, and has the heart to interfere with power and government.

Although the emperor had been ill for a long time, he still knew clearly that Ji's small movements could not escape his eyes, and he could also guess Ji's ambitions. It's a pity that Ji's painstakingly planned for a long time, and she is still dreaming of becoming a queen mother, but she doesn't know that her life and death have been decided by the emperor, and her allies are not moved, not even blinking their eyes, not saying a word The extra words, only said: "Follow the holy orders."

He agreed happily, but it was beyond the emperor's expectations, making him speechless for a moment and fell into silence.

Those turbid eyes stared at Feng Bao for a moment, and the scene of getting along for the past thirty years flashed in his heart like a revolving light. However, at the last moment of his life, he still hadn't figured out what Feng Baoyi wanted.

The number one master in the world served two emperors and lived in the deep palace for thirty years. For him, wealth, status, and fame are things that others have been looking for all their lives. For him, it's as easy as finding something from a bag, so it's not worth his attention. At a glance; he is different from those martial arts masters who have nothing else to do. He has devoted his life to pursuing the mysterious and mysterious martial arts avenue. Instead, he has spent decades helping the court plan how to clean up and conquer the martial arts in the Central Plains.

He is a very contradictory person, as if he is indifferent and wants nothing, but he wants to stir up the wind and rain. The emperor could not tolerate the concubine Ji's coveting the throne, but he did not have much jealousy and hatred for Feng Baoyi, who was also involved and might even be the mastermind.

The emperor on the imperial couch seemed to be entrusting, and seemed to be comforting people, and said with a sigh: "You have been by my side for nearly thirty years, and you are diligent and loyal. Assisting the crown prince, if you have something like this... Crown prince benevolent, I will not treat old ministers lightly."

The dying king looked at him earnestly. At this time, he couldn't help but look away, so Feng Baoyi could find in his eyes the kindness of the waning mountains, the compassion he thought he could see through, and the unconscious begging. He knew that the emperor was fighting and fighting. He first used the Ji family as a deterrent, and then moved it with affection. He hoped that he would not betray the prince because of the relationship between the ruler and his ministers over the past 30 years.

Up to now, it seems that everyone thinks that he is just around the corner, intending to jump out and establish a new master when the emperor is dying, and be a rebellious traitor to the country.

Feng Baoyi was very satisfied, but he didn't show it on his face, and replied calmly, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your love."

A few candles outside the tent swayed slightly, and he bowed back and said, "It's late at night, Your Majesty, please sleep in peace."

The emperor was in low spirits and let out a weak and weary "um", allowing him to retire. Feng Baoyi left the inner hall silently, passed through the empty palace, and walked to the open courtyard outside.

The night wind wafted the fragrance of flowers and water vapor, diluting the smell of medicine he had acquired from the Chengxiang Hall.

"It's said that women's hearts, needles in the bottom of the sea, they dare not see Master Feng before." A sarcastic female voice floated from behind the Panlong column, "The front feet coaxed Concubine Ji into a circle, I can't wait to kneel down and kowtow to you, the hind feet are right there. The emperor sold her off in front of the emperor—Master Feng is ruthless, then there really is nothing to do with women."

As the voice fell to the ground, the figure also turned out from behind the pillar. The coming person is tall and graceful, with a cloud bun in a bun, wearing a moon flower skirt, strict makeup and beautiful face, with a kind of androgynous beauty, only when you get close can you see the faint fine lines at the corners of her eyes. A beautiful middle-aged woman.

Feng Baoyi accepted her ridicule calmly, and did not take it seriously, and nodded slightly at her: "Sect Master Fang."

Fang Wu Jiu curled the corners of his lips, and asked with a little bit of malice, "Aren't you afraid that I will tell Concubine Ji what I just said?"

Feng Baoyi asked back, "How about telling her?"

A concubine in the deep palace, no matter how much she is favored, she is still a weak woman with no strength, how can she still be the first master in the country? When Feng Bao killed her, he didn't have to do it himself, it was just a matter of words. The emperor has eight sons, and it is not necessarily her son.

Fang Wu Jiu didn't see how much he valued Concubine Ji, he just saw his own shadow in her, Feng Baoyi could kill Concubine Ji without hesitation today, on another occasion tomorrow, she might be the one who fell on the head. . So she deliberately found fault, not because she planned to see the injustice and ask Concubine Ji for an explanation, but to subtly intimidate Feng Baoyi and remind him not to stab him in the back.

"Sect Master Fang doesn't need to hurt others," Feng Bao was an old man, and of course he could hear what she meant. His sharp eyes swept away from her face, and he said meaningfully, "You and her. Of course it's different."

He turned his head abruptly, avoiding a piercing cold light from the darkness, the palm wind swept out, Fang Wu Jiu fluttered back a few feet, and landed on the railing of the veranda like a butterfly, his voice was hoarse for some reason, he gritted his teeth and sneered. Said: "What do you mean?"

Before Feng Baoyi could answer, another voice suddenly sounded above the two of them, interrupting the tension between them. The man didn't think it was a big deal to watch the fun, and asked with great interest: "How come I, the foreign enemy, just arrived, and your own people started fighting first?"

Fang Wu Jiu and Feng Baoyi looked up at the same time, only to see a snow-white robe hanging down from the high eaves of Chengxiang Hall, Wen Heng sitting on the roof with his sword in his arms, the night sky behind him was as clear as a wash, and the crescent moon seemed to be hanging by his hand - this The scene is so pleasing to the eye that it can be drawn into the picture, but to those who watch it, it is like a sword quietly cradled around their necks.

One of the best masters in the world, stood in the courtyard for a long time and fought, but no one found out when he came!

The author has something to say: Happy Qixi Festival, everyone, and it's another unfinished week...

Near the end, the deletion, revision, and rewriting are very slow. Next, there will be no weekly updates. After I finish writing a chapter, I will send a chapter.

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