Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 107: Enemy


From Feng Baoyi's sudden attack to Suyou Fengshen soldiers descending from the sky, the four people on the eaves had already caught and fought in pairs. No matter how bright the moonlight is, it is limited, not to mention the agility of these four great masters, the flickering of fists, swords and shadows, and the surrounding black armored soldiers with bows waiting to shoot can hardly tell the difference between the enemy and me, and their heads turn back and forth with the tip of the arrow. , and finally got himself dizzy.

Si Yunping asked his colleague in a low voice, "Can we get on?"

Lu Qingzhong stood with his hands behind his back, thinking of something, was distracted, and was suddenly pulled back to reality by his question, and replied a little disappointedly, "Come on."

Back then, he killed the abbot Huitong at Bao'an Temple. Although it was disgraceful, no one would come out and accuse him. Lu Qingzhong has always thought that this incident has passed, but fate is uncertain, and those who should come can't escape. Who would have thought that after seven years, Wen Heng would still have a comeback day

Si Yunping glanced at him strangely, not understanding why he was so depressed, just as he was about to speak, in the not-so-quiet night behind them, a roaring wind suddenly exploded, the flexible long whip swept out, and the head was shot on the spot. The platoon of the forbidden army made people turn on their backs; a heavy punch came with a strong wind and hit the back of Lu Qingzhong's head. Thanks to his quick response, he flew forward and rushed forward, causing the fist to pass over his head, making a blow, and at the same time, he returned a palm, "The Rock Piercing the Air", this movement was all electric light. In the midst of the fire, he barely gave him a chance to breathe, and turned around.

Si Yunping saw that his colleague was attacked, and immediately stepped forward to help, but before he could draw his sword, a green sword shadow fell from the air, and the sword was so dashing and fierce, it stabbed at his right shoulder. Jianjing Point", forcing Si Yunping to jump back and dodge, pulling a few steps away from Lu Qingzhong.

The two masters were artificially separated in an instant, and the other places were no exception. This group of people was like a charm that suddenly appeared in the dark night. After a drill, the Neiwei and Chuxingzong masters were held back one by one. First, the Imperial Army was frightened by this group of people who suddenly rushed out. Second, Feng Baoyi was incapacitated, and the crowd was headless, so they didn't dare to rush forward to cut it rashly. Therefore, the Chengxiang Hall seemed to be surrounded by a lot of people, but in fact it was already done. A plate of loose sand. During the melee, the white-clothed scholar who kidnapped Wen Jiu was swept away with a sword silently, Wen Jiu mixed garlic with the soles of his feet, stumbled forward, and another person unblocked the acupoints for him, and sighed smoothly: " I'm really a good person to retaliate with virtue."

Before Wen Jiu was restrained, he moved his hand with Feng Baoyi and suffered some internal injuries. The moment he relieved the acupoint, the blood couldn't stop rushing to the ground. He was dizzy, and after hearing this, he couldn't help squinting to look at the man, and through the dim moonlight, he really made him look a little familiar from his handsome appearance.

"It's you?"

Wen Changqing gave him a generous hand, so that he would not stand firm, and teased: "Oh, your lord still remembers me being a prisoner at this level? I'm really flattered."

Wen Jiu didn't think it was a good word to hear, so he didn't follow up. He took a deep breath and suppressed the bloody smell in his throat, but when he heard the sound of gold and iron intersecting, he followed the sound and saw that the two were fighting fiercely not far away, making the sword technique calm and simple. It seems blunt and clumsy, but the real possessions change. Surprised in his heart, he couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Who is...?"

Wen Changqing replied, "It's my senior brother, Liao Changxing."

Wen Jiu had previously heard that Wen Heng had been prepared, and still had doubts in his heart. When he was deceiving Feng Baoyi in reality, but now seeing the reinforcements with his own eyes, a big stone in his heart finally landed firmly on the ground, and he slowly let out a sigh of relief. .

When he was caught by Feng Baoyi, he really felt that they were about to finish the game. He was concerned and confused, and was convinced of Feng Baoyi's murder of the prince. At that time, Wen Heng seemed to be persuaded by him, and promised to dispatch the manpower around him to protect the prince. Therefore, when he entered the palace tonight, he thought that Wen Heng would only bring two or three helpers at most. Judging from Wen Heng's past behavior, the candidates should be a few cronies of Fan Yang and Luming's escort bureau. If there were only a few people here, it would not be enough for the Imperial Army to jam their teeth. Fortunately, Wen Heng kept his mind and didn't really fall into Feng Baoyi's trap. Otherwise, the two of them would have been more fortunate tonight, and they might have to explain their lives. it's here.

Liao Changxing, Wen Changqing, Nie Ying, and Longjing had experienced adversity together with Wen Heng, and were willing to stand for him in Hengwu Mountain. They were also the elites of various sects. With them, the battle situation immediately changed from one-sided to a stalemate between the two sides. Nie Ying threw off the golden whip, and the whip came out of a hole like a snake, entangling a leader of the forbidden army closest to him. The man was strangled so hard that his eyes popped out, and he shouted "Ah" in his mouth. quick!"

The leader of the forbidden army was a rich middle-aged fat man, and at first glance he knew that he was pampered, not a hard bone who dared to die with Nie Yingyu. He has lived under the pressure of Feng Baoyi and others all the year round, and is very afraid of these martial arts lunatics who are always fighting. Hearing this, he shut his eyes and opened his mouth in fright, and immediately screamed in pain. Feng Baoyi took the time to glance out during the storm-like offensive of Suyou. Seeing this, he immediately shouted angrily, "Don't retreat! Let the arrows go!"

The sergeant, who was about to retreat, called him to drink, but hesitated again, and stopped in place for a while.

At this moment, I only heard someone say: "Are you the imperial court's forbidden army, or is he Feng Baoyi's subordinates alone? It is a serious crime to move without order, and I don't know how to repent when it comes to the end. Today, Feng Baoyi rebelled. Do you also plan to follow him to the guillotine in the future?!"

Wen Jiu broke away from Wen Changqing's support, glanced at everyone coldly, and scolded: "Your Majesty is still in the palace, how can you be presumptuous, let me retire!"

Except for the few people who were caught in the drama and had no time to distract themselves, the rest were all stunned by his earth-shattering roar. It stands to reason that there is such a big movement outside, and the Chengxiang Hall should have been alerted long ago, but for some reason, no one has come out to pass the news. Obviously, the emperor did not intend to support Feng Baoyi. mean. From the conversation just now, it was revealed that Wen Jiu was actually the prince's person. He was one of the inner guards, and he had such an identity. The words he said were actually somewhat useful. Retreat, but don't aim with bows and arrows, ready to shoot these assassins who are in the palace late at night

This time, the fight in the courtyard has completely turned into a battle between masters. Feng Baoyi can still hold his breath, but his face is solemn, and the wrinkles between his brows seem to be a little deeper. He was pushed so tightly by Su Youfeng that he would worry about his life if he was distracted.

When the two fought each other, it was really dark, the sun and the moon were dark, the tiles were flying around, and the gravel could smash all the people who came to pull the frame into a sieve. On the other hand, Wen Heng and Fang Wujiu were at the other extreme—the two figures were as light as birds competing, but their dangers were by no means inferior to others. The Chuixingzong Gongfa has always been known for its treacherous and changeable skills. Her weapon is neither a knife nor a sword, but several extremely flexible strings hidden in her sleeves. The strings are thinner than the strings, and they seem to be fragile and easy to break, but once they are entangled, gently pull It can cut off a human arm with bone and flesh.

It was the first time Wen Heng had seen her "soft silk thousand changes" kung fu. It should have come from the Xiji Lake underground palace. In the dim and dark night, the string blade is as straight as invisible, only occasionally flashing a very thin cold light. Wen Heng held his breath for a while, and took out his heart to capture these spider silk-like weapons, but they were not very useful, and they were almost cut through several times. After so strong support with Fang Wu Jiu after dozens of tricks, he gradually noticed that his eyes were sore and tired, tears welled up in his eyes, he blinked a little, then he blinded his eyes, and everything he saw had a double image, and he was almost unable to see things. to the point of .

Wen Heng thought in his heart that something was wrong. Fortunately, although he couldn't see clearly, he still felt it. He could hear the subtle sound of the string blade piercing through the air. He subconsciously swung the sword to the left, and the sword swayed the thin blade that pierced his eyebrows. .

Fang Wu Jiu didn't notice this detail, but Wen Heng was stunned for a moment, then his mind changed, and he suddenly realized the solution.

Since he couldn't see it no matter what, he simply closed his eyes, and the long sword in his hand circled like the wind, drawing an arc similar to the full moon, and the stringed blades blazing from all directions intersected with the sword body, but he heard a ding. The sound of the ding was incessant, and the reverberations spread out to the surroundings one after another, Fang Wu Jiu felt numb in his fingers due to the shock of the internal force on his sword. The lines flowed all the way to the edge of the palm, dripping onto the hem of her flying skirt.

Even the delicate makeup couldn't save her hideous look, Fang Wu Jiu was forced to retreat by one move, obviously furious, he sneered and said bitterly, "You bastard!"

Before he finished speaking, the eight stringed blades were like a large net, rolling towards Wen Heng from the left and right sides, forcing him to return to the sword to resist. At the same time, a short three-inch thorn flashed from the jewel flower on the embroidered toe of his right foot. Before Wen Heng opened his eyes, Fang Wu Jiu spun around and kicked at his neck!

Hearing the "hum" sound of breaking wind and trembling, the blue shadow suddenly appeared, and the cold blade fell in the air.

The first knife that fell from the sky intercepted Fang Wu Jiu's attack, the second knife returned and picked it up, "Break the Water" is worthy of being a famous knife that cuts iron like mud, on the spot the three-inch short thorn was cut in half. The pointed head flew out in a whirl, and nailed it into the column under the corridor of Chengxiang Hall.

Fang Wu Jiu jumped back into the air and landed a few steps away from the two of them, her right leg was numb from the knife just now, and she was a little unsteady when standing. She is the head of a sect and rarely meets an opponent. She has not been so embarrassed for many years. At this time, her eyes almost burst out with hatred, and even when she speaks, she seems to be squeezing out word by word from between her teeth.

"Xue, Qing, Lan."

Xue Qinglan stood in front of Wen Heng and appeared silently, but the timing was just right. He nodded towards Fang Wujiu as a compliment, and then said to Wen Heng in a low voice, "Brother Heng, leave it to me here."

Wen Heng's eyes haven't recovered yet, only a hazy outline can be seen: "How do you..."

"You dare to appear in front of me, it seems that you can't wait to die with this bastard."

Fang Wu Jiu's tone was cold, it sounded like sarcasm, but no one could ignore the anger that was about to burst out of her words. She raised her voice and said, "For the sake of a mere man, I don't hesitate to betray my seat and the Weeping Star Sect. It's my fault that I misjudged you and left an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf in the Weeping Star Sect."

Not only was Xue Qinglan not annoyed, but she agreed with her words: "In the early years, I brought wolves into the room, but now I regret it, but it's too late."

Fang Wu Jiu stared at him fixedly, put his hand on the string blade between his wrists, and said murderously, "It's too late to regret... But it's never too late to kill a traitor, no matter when you do it."

Suddenly, a voice came from behind her, and he said in a low voice, "That's right. The traitor should be killed. Not only will he be slashed with a thousand swords, but he'd better be ruined and reviled by the world."

It was a woman's voice, light and hoarse, with an erratic meaning, but at the same time it contained extremely strong resentment, as if the ghost who came to claim her life in the middle of the night suddenly reached out and patted her shoulder.

Fang Wu Jiu suddenly looked back.

From the first time I saw the confrontation tonight, Wen Heng had seen the expressions of sneering, contempt, anger, etc. from this Sect Master Fang, but whether it was for Feng Baoyi or Wen Heng and Xue Qinglan, she always looked down from above, not really. regard these people as a threat. However, just now, the moment she saw the face of the man behind her, it seemed that something fell from the clouds and shattered her eyes.

Fang Wu Jiu narrowed his pupils and said something silently, with a look of extreme fear on his face.

The author has something to say: It will not become supernatural and terrifying, but her creditor will come to Liao...