Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 110: spring breeze


In the small courtyard in the south of the city, more than a dozen tall and big seniors and young heroes huddled together in the main room, too many people to have a place to stay. Wen Heng and Xue Qinglan were each surrounded by a group of people. Although they were close, they never had a chance to speak. They had to leave a corner of their eyes and follow each other silently.

Liao Changxing, Wen Changqing, Yu Junchen, Longjing Nie Ying and others from the Chunjun faction all stood in one place and shared their feelings for each other. Wen Heng thanked everyone for their help again and again. Nie Ying smiled and said, "We have long been friends. After this battle, we can only get closer. Why do brothers need to say these kind words? Besides, everyone is here tonight, not only for you, but also for you. For the righteousness of the Central Plains martial arts."

Liao Changxing also said: "Brother Nie is right. There is no egg under the nest. We said that we are helping you, so why not save yourself? Otherwise, the head will not personally take action and take over the task of protecting the prince."

At first Wen Heng guessed that Feng Baoyi planned to attack the east and west and use Wen Jiu to lead him in, so on the surface he pretended to be a planner, but in fact he secretly contacted Fan Yang and asked him to bring reinforcements, and also asked Liao Changxing and Longjing to deal with it, and persuaded him. With the heads of the Chunjun faction and the Zhaoyao Mountain Villa, they secretly escorted the prince along the way to the imperial mausoleum. With both hands ready, even if he really blamed Wen Jiu, Feng Baoyi would not easily succeed in harming the prince.

Longjing asked: "Listening to your answer just now, what exactly are those three ancient swords that attracted Chu Songzheng, Fang Chun, Feng Baoyi and these people to go crazy?"

Wen Heng glanced at Su Youfeng and sighed, "That's a long story."

With the death of Feng Baoyi and Fang Chun, many problems have become unsolved mysteries. Why did Feng Baoyi want to wipe out all the martial arts sects madly? He didn't tell the truth until his death, but the three ancient swords still exist in the world. .

Su Youfeng took the initiative to tell the story with a wink, attracting the attention of Liao Changxing and others, Wen Heng was able to escape, and quietly slipped into the courtyard to wait for Xue Qinglan. At this time, the sky was nearly twilight, the new moon was falling in the west, and the morning star was adorned in the center of the cold and dark blue sky. A thrilling and fierce battle ended his blood feud that had been hidden for several years. It is conceivable that the feeling of letting go of the burden has not come. There is still a heavy heart pressing on his chest, like a steel rope hanging above the abyss. He was standing at one end, and Xue Qinglan was at the other end.

"Brother Heng."

Xue Qinglan stood a step behind him with her hands behind her back, as if she had something to say, but she didn't speak. He stared at Wen Heng's face, the previous decisive momentum faded, and he suddenly hesitated. It stands to reason that he did nothing wrong, and there is no need to feel guilty, but Xue Qinglan also understood in his heart that he concealed Wen Heng over and over again, and let a person who cared about him hear the truth from the mouths of others. Wen Heng felt his affection for him.

Wen Heng saw that he was silent and his eyes were erratic, so he almost wrote all his thoughts on his face, and he didn't have to guess what was going on in Xue Qinglan's mind. He was already so thin that he couldn't hold on for a moment, and it quickly dissipated. He stretched out a hand to Xue Qinglan and sighed, "Come here."

Xue Qinglan took two steps forward in a daze, and was hugged and buried in a warm embrace. Wen Heng seemed to be holding a lost and found baby, wrapped his arms around his waist and put the other hand on the back of his neck and kneaded gently. He didn't seem to be holding grudges, but full of tenderness and pity.

Xue Qinglan had thousands of words in his heart, but when the words came to his lips, the only thing that finally came out was "Brother Heng."

"Well, I know." Wen Heng tilted his head, kissed the tip of his cold ear, and said in a low voice, "My A Que is suffering."

The two were close to each other's chests, Wen Heng's heartbeat was clear and strong, just like him, he was always steady and firm, making people unconsciously rely on him, and even wished to be by his side for a long time, preferably a lifetime. Neither are separated.

"It's not hard." Xue Qinglan finally found his voice. He wrapped his arms around Wen Heng and replied in a low voice, "This is the price I have to pay for returning to you."

At that time, Fang Wu Jiu was framed by Fang Chun's design and was poisoned, but he did not die. At that time, there was a young man in the Weeping Star Sect who had been in love with her for a long time. When the turmoil broke out, he did not escape with everyone, but insisted on going back to find Fang Wu Jiu. In a short breath, the man took her away from Lu Weishan and returned to the Colorless Valley of Kuangxue Lake, which had become an empty mountain, to find a way to save her.

Wen Heng understood this and asked, "That man is Xue Ci?"

This makes sense. Four years ago, the night Yueyingshan Chunjun Sword was stolen, Wen Heng fought against the man in black in the back mountain.

Xue Qinglan said: "Although Xue Ci is mad, but the other party is blameless and has deep affection. 'Ten Thousand Spider Blood' is a rare poison in the world. Xue Ci searched through the family medical books and could not find any antidote. , In the end, I could only break the jar and use a method of fighting poison with poison.

"There is a rare ice-winged worm at the bottom of Yingxue Lake, which can prey on spiders several times larger than it. Its venom has a restraining effect on spider venom. However, Wanzhuxue is different from ordinary spider venom. Insects used as medicines are poisonous, so Xue Ci thought of a way to make the ice-winged worm parasitize in his own blood, and use his own flesh and blood to warm it. The leech sucked the blood out of the body and sent it into Fang Wujiu's body, so that it could restrain the blood of the spiders and prevent it from recurring for a whole year."

"He rescued Fang Wujiu by this method, but the ice-wing worm feeds on human blood, and the person who is sucked by blood has a lifespan of only ten years at most, so Xue Ci has to look everywhere for a suitable person to be the servant of the ice-wing worm. A host. None of the 'seniors' above me lasted five years, so Xue Ci found me."

When Xue Ci met Xue Qinglan for the first time, she felt that this child had excellent roots and was a good seedling in martial arts. He had traveled most of the Central Plains and had never met someone more talented than him. And this kind of beautiful jade is hidden in the stone embryo, and no one has noticed it yet. Of course, he will use all means to capture him back to make medicinal materials.

It's just that Xue Ci didn't expect that what he was looking at was not a sword, but a demon sword that devoured the master.

"I thought at the time that I would die sooner or later, so why not let Xue Ci die with me, lest he go to harm others, so I chopped up that old thing."

Wen Heng listened to him silently, and touched the side of his neck with his fingers along the back of his neck, rubbing lightly on the two almost invisible small scars. Xue Qinglan was a little itchy when he touched him, she couldn't help shrinking her neck, as if to hide deeper into Wen Heng's arms: "When I touch the basement stone room with my knife, I want to take Fang Wujiu to get out with me, But she told me that as long as I was willing to help her find Fang Chun to avenge her, she would use her own blood to help me draw out the parasitic ice-wing worms in my body."

Xue Qinglan had already made up his mind to die at that time, Fang Wu Jiu's words were tantamount to a ray of hope in a desperate situation. Because there is still a person in his heart who can't let go, even if he can only look at him again, Xue Qinglan is willing to take his life to fight for this last look.

"Thinking about it now, killing Xue Ci is really the right thing to do." Xue Qinglan was hurt a little by Wen Heng, but she didn't dare to move, so she pretended to be relaxed and said, "Will you be very happy after killing him? My feet, I also found you, now Feng Bao and Yifang Chun are all dead, Fang Wu Jiu's revenge plan has been completed, only the last step is left—"

"What percentage of you are you sure you will succeed?" Wen Heng didn't dare to think about every word he said, he just listened to it and asked in a deep voice, "What about here? What's going on here?"

Xue Qinglan deliberately omitted the previous question and only answered the latter one, and said lightly: "It's not a serious injury, as I said before, didn't Xue Ci prepare a pair of elixir for Qin Ling that can enhance internal strength? My blood is also One of the herbs."

Wen Heng has been stable for so many years. For the first time, the thought of wanting to dig up other people's graves and turn the dead into ashes, he tightened his arms, and a sentence seemed to be squeezed out of his throat: "If you fail... What will happen... Sample?"

Compared to Wen Heng's anxiety, Xue Qinglan felt a sense of relief at this moment. He resented, struggled, and gave up on himself, and finally chose to hibernate and forbear, gritted his teeth and tried his best. At this point, no one can guarantee success. The will of God is unpredictable. It is the same for everyone. Xue Qinglan can only let go and hand over fate to the judgment of fate.

But he couldn't say that to Wen Heng.

"It won't matter," Xue Qinglan broke free from Wen Heng's arms, pressed his hands slightly, pressed his shoulders, and said without a doubt, "Brother Heng, Fang Wu Jiu is only one step away from death, and he was also saved by Xue Ci. Come back, even if my poison dies, I still have three years to live. You promised to take me all over the world to find famous doctors, no matter how bad our luck is, can we still be worse than Xue Ci?"

Wen Heng had never had such an urgent fear in his life, and he wished to immediately hug Xue Qinglan and hide it, so as not to show it to others for the rest of his life; but Xue Qinglan's words pinned him to the spot, just like he inadvertently pulled Wen back seven years ago. Heng Qiu's thought of death, whether it is the naive Aqueen or the resolute Xue Qinglan, this trust has never changed. Like a bone, it can always support his crumbling rationality at the most critical moment.


Just at this moment, Sima Qiu pushed open the door and walked out, looking down as if he had seen something he shouldn't watch, and said politely, "Hufa Xue, Zong... Miss, please."

Wen Heng suddenly jolted, grabbed Xue Qinglan's hand, frowned and said, "I'll accompany you."

Sima Qiu still had the same sad look, as if he was embarrassed, and said, "Sorry Wen Shaoxia, this is a family matter of the Chuixing Sect, and I ask outsiders to avoid it."

"It's okay," Xue Qinglan motioned for Wen Heng to go with him, "He is not an outsider."

Once inside the room, Fang Wu Jiu had occupied one side room without seeing it, as the temporary meeting place of the Hanging Star Sect. Maybe it was because she had been isolated from the world for too long, her eyes were very indifferent, and she looked at Wen and Xue for a while, but she didn't mean to exclude Wen Heng. When everyone came to stand together, she said indifferently: "Today the traitor Fang Chun was put to death, everyone put the chaos in order, and you have contributed to this sect. After returning to Lu Wei Mountain, the sect master will reward you for your merits and deeds."

She is the daughter of the previous sect master, and she personally ended Fang Chun, and she took over as the sect master of the Chuixing Sect. It was reasonable and reasonable, and the guardians acquiesced in her establishment of the sect master, and they all bowed and said in unison: "Thank you sect master. "

Guess Fang Wujiu said: "I am weak and sickly, I am afraid that I will not live forever, so I cannot bear this important task. Xue Qinglan got me to teach martial arts personally, and also for the sect to wipe out the rebellion. In this battle, I should take the lead and return to the mountain. After that, he will take over the position of the suzerain, and you need to assist you with all your heart, and you must not violate it."

Sima Qiu and the others were all heavy in their hearts. Before they could express their stance, Xue Qinglan stepped forward and resigned, saying, "This subordinate has decided to follow your son's wanderings around the world, and will no longer interfere in the martial arts disputes in China. The sect master loves you, please forgive me. Please also ask the sect master to think twice.”

Fang Wu Jiu raised his eyes and glanced at Wen Heng, as if he was asking him for confirmation. Wen Heng nodded, Fang Wu Jiu thought for a while and said, "That's fine, Sima Qiu and Mei Zihan, the two Dharma protectors, temporarily handle the affairs of the sect on behalf of the sect master, and within a year, they will choose a character from the sect. Talents with excellent martial arts have established a new suzerain. Xue Hufa will supervise on my behalf, if anyone dares to deviate from the right path and play tricks, you will personally send him down to see Fang Chun."

She had already taken a big step back. Xue Qinglan could not refuse any more, so she could only say, "My subordinates obey."

Fang Wu Jiu explained a few other things, and then dismissed the members of the Weeping Star Sect, leaving only Xue Qinglan and Wen Heng in the room. She sat on the side of the bed alone, sat cross-legged, raised her hand to greet Xue Qinglan: "I promised you before that as long as you get your revenge, I will help you draw out the ice-winged worms in your body. Now that Fang Chun has been eliminated, I have no regrets. , it's time to repay the debts owed to you over the years."

He said to Wen Heng again, "Since he trusts you, please stay here to protect the Dharma, and don't let outsiders come in."

After she finished speaking, she stroked her right wrist with an oddly long fingernail, and blood quickly poured out of the wound and into the palm of the slightly closed. Her blood color was different from others, with an ominous black purple, Xue Qinglan did the same, cut a wound on her wrist, stretched it out, and hung it an inch above Fang Wu Jiu's palm.

The two of them moved faster than the other. Wen Heng was not yet fully prepared, and the blood was already pouring out. Soon, fine cold sweat began to ooze out of Xue Qinglan's forehead, and his face gradually turned pale. The ice-wing worm was forcibly awakened by the blood of the spider, and began to swim along the blood to the wrist wound.

It resided in Xue Qinglan's heart, and any movement would be a severe pain for Xue Qinglan, but in order not to disturb the unfortunate bug, Xue Qinglan had to keep still, and Wen Heng did not dare to help him, he could only anxiously Standing aside, the cold sweat on his head and the blood on his wrists flowed down at almost the same speed. Where the two wrists intersected, a large pool of blood was spreading rapidly.

The ice-wing worm was small and transparent, and Wen Heng didn't notice it when it fell into the blood. All he saw was Xue Qinglan, who seemed to have been drained all of a sudden, with his eyes closed, and fell back straight. Wen Heng rushed up to take the man in his arms, and quickly tore off a jacket to wrap the wound on his wrist. He couldn't help but touch Xue Qinglan's hand between the wraps, and the temperature was so cold that it didn't even look like a living person.

Wen Heng tried to call him his name, but didn't respond.

Xu Shi saw his confusion, Fang Wu Jiu said quietly beside him, "There is still some residual poison in his body, but it doesn't matter, this child has a good foundation and will wake up after a few days."

Wen Heng looked up at her when he had time, but Fang Wu Jiu stared at the ice-wing worm in his palm intently. It was full of poison/blood, it turned from crystal clear and transparent to a kind of radiant silver, Fang Wu Jiu squeezed it hard, a tiny cracking sound came from the palm of her hand, she spread out her fingers, the worm was already broken It became a pile of silver powder that could not see the prototype.

As early as when she entrusted the people of the Weeping Star Sect, Wen Heng had a hunch, and now that she saw her blowing the ice-wing worm with her own hands, that conjecture was finally verified. He didn't like the other party Wu Jiu at first, after all, it was to save her Xue Ci that he arrested Xue Qinglan to be a medicine man, but Fang Wu Jiu first drew blood to save people, and then destroyed the elixir that could save her life with his own hands, but let Wen Heng There was some improvement in her opinion, and he thanked her in a low voice: "Thank you senior Gao Yi."

"You don't need to thank me. Xue Ci stole my life from someone else," Fang Wu Jiu said softly, "Did you not read the book when you were a child? , trying to change his life to return to Yang, and in the end, he will be punished by God."

She has been an unconscious wandering soul for more than 20 years, and she can finally be freed.

After all, her life should have ended long ago when she was in her youth when she was reading Huaben, eating snacks, inviting friends, or acting like a spoiled child to her parents.

January flies by in a hurry.

After the Qingwang Mansion was renovated and cleaned, it regained some of its former glory. A few days ago, people came in and out every day, most of them were young chivalrous warriors, and occasionally there were light cavalry from the palace; not long after, the news of King Qing's vindication spread throughout the capital, and the number of people who came to visit suddenly increased. The road in front of the palace gate was blocked, but the Qing palace did not seem to have any plans to re-establish a foothold in the capital. In the end, no one from all walks of life was able to step into the gate of the palace, not even the concierge of the housekeeper who had passed the word. .

Later, after another half month, the New Year was approaching, and the front of the palace gradually cooled down, as if it had returned to the way it was when no one cared about it.

But the mansion is very different - although only two masters live here, one of them doesn't know when he will wake up, but the other master has already bought a street of red cloth, decorating the palace like a newlywed On that day, there was also a sense of joy in the silence.

Wen Heng was still waiting for Xue Qinglan to wake up.

Xue Qinglan seems to want to make up for the sleep he owes his whole life, Fang Wu Jiu said that he will be fine after a few days, but after a month, Wen Heng invited famous doctors all over the capital, and all those who came to the doctor said that there was nothing serious except for physical weakness. There was something wrong, but Xue Qinglan couldn't wake up no matter what.

From the initial panic and anxiety, Wen Heng was forced to get used to it, and all his life's patience was used here. He is guarding the redness of this room, and sometimes he feels as if he has woven a huge cocoon. In this cocoon, time will never move forward. Only when the sleeping person opens his eyes, this world will come alive again.

The twelfth lunar month passed, the New Year passed, and on the eve of the Yuan Dynasty, the red silk wrapped around the treetops in the courtyard had been washed away slightly by heavy snow after another, and it was no longer bright. Wen Heng carefully hung a lantern on the window, straightening out the tassels at the four corners, while talking to Xue Qinglan on the couch: "I originally wanted to wait for you to wake up, so I'll take you to see the lanterns in the capital, and if I miss tonight, it seems that only Can wait until next year."

Ye Feng sent faint songs and laughter, and the bright red tassels were scattered in the wind. Wen Heng listened to it for a while, and felt a little unspeakable in his heart, and continued to say to himself: "For the sake of the festival, let you Listen to the lively for a while, but only for a while, be careful of catching a cold, and when you wake up, then-"

"Brother Heng..."

A weak voice lower than the sound of the wind rang behind him, but it was more effective than the deafening firecrackers. The explosion caused Wen Heng's men to suddenly lose their sense of proportion and "click" to break a window lattice.

He turned around in surprise and flew to the bedside, meeting a pair of curved smiling eyes.

"Brother Heng," Xue Qinglan said softly, looking at his haggard face, "I returned Aque to you."

Wen Heng was so choked by him that he didn't say a complete word for a long time. He stared at him for a long time before asking in a hoarse voice, "What about my Qinglan?"

Xue Qinglan thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "It's me too."


"I am back."

"Just come back."

White snow and red silk, the lanterns are on and off, and the bright moon is the same for all ages.

The author has something to say: Thank you for your company all the way, I finally finished writing! ! !

The extras will be updated from time to time, to add the plot not mentioned in the main text, and if there is anything else you want to see, you can comment on the stalks.

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