Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 17: fight


Lu Li Wenheng is one year older than Han Ziqi, but in terms of seniority, Han Ziqi is right to call him "Junior Brother", but there is an extra "small" in front, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

He walked down the steps calmly, glanced at Cui Junan, and waited for him to introduce, but Han Ziqi didn't recognize her life and smiled generously: "My name is Han Ziqi, it's your senior sister. What's your name?"

"Yue Chi." Wen Heng said without a word, "I have seen Senior Sister."

He didn't care too much, and instead looked cold. Han Ziqi had never seen such a proud man among her brothers of the same age, but instead aroused her curiosity and competitiveness, and wanted to tease him to say a few more words.

She smiled slightly, and asked bluntly, "I just heard that you were detained by Uncle Shi. Why, you can't do any martial arts? How could Uncle Qin accept you as a disciple?"

Wen Heng listened to her uncle, and then thought about Han Nanfu, the head of the Chunjun faction, and guessed her identity. It's just that he didn't have the ambition to climb up by taking advantage of this eldest young lady. In his eyes, Han Ziqi only looked like Zhou Zheng at most, and was definitely not amazing, so he still didn't look at Han Ziqi, and replied calmly: "Yes. As for Why did Master accept me as a disciple, you can ask Senior Brother Li Zhi."

Han Ziqi looked at Li Zhi in confusion.

Li Zhi:

No, what is it about me

Wen Heng didn't eat a few bites of food at noon, and now he's a little hungry, and he still doesn't know how to make a fire to cook. He was afraid that he would be worried about the cold pot and stove when he went back, so he was very depressed and just wanted to leave quickly. Unexpectedly, Li Zhi suddenly said: "Junior Brother Yue has a unique skill. Although he does not know martial arts, he is familiar with many martial arts tricks. Master still praised him today for his ability to master it. Junior sister, haven't you been practicing the Heavenly Girl Sword recently? Why don't you ask Junior Brother Yue to give it to him? do you see?"

"Oh?" Han Ziqi nodded, "Okay."

Wen Heng was about to annoy them to death, so he said with a sullen face, "I'm not good at learning, so I don't dare to give any advice to Senior Sister. Mr. Shi is in the room. Senior Sister may wish to ask him for advice."

"I want to ask Uncle Shi, when can't I ask?" Han Ziqi smiled, "Today I want to see your true abilities."

Li Zhi said next to him: "It's just a discussion with the same family, why should Junior Brother Yue refuse?"

Some people just like to beautify what the strong man is difficult to be informal, and they are used to a stinky problem, and they feel that they are righteous. Wen Hengqiang felt unhappy in his heart, took a deep breath, gritted his back molars and said, "If that's the case, then it's better for me to be respectful than to obey."

He walked closer, and casually broke off a long straight branch from the blossoming plum tree in the courtyard, and used it as a sword to show that he didn't mean to hurt anyone, and said to Han Ziqi, "Senior sister, please."

Han Ziqi was about to laugh at him. She held the sword in her hand, stabbed three times, and said loudly, "Stop looking down on people! Who are you going to scare with a broken branch?"

Wen Heng took a step back without changing his face, and with a flick of the plum branch in his hand, he tapped several large acupoints in her right waist and abdomen. Although Han Ziqi's sword was fast, it was not so fast that she would not give others a chance to counterattack. Before reaching Wen Heng, Wen Heng's branch had swept to the corner of her clothes. Seeing that the situation was not good, she immediately swung her sword and chopped off the branch in Wen Heng's hand.

The name of Tiannvjian originally means "Heavenly Girl Scattering Flowers". There are at most 20 swords in one move. "Goddess" name. After all, Han Ziqi is a beginner, she is not familiar with swordsmanship, she lacks energy, and her mood is unstable.

After the battle with the Huang Ying Gang in the broken temple that day, and after the tempering of life and death, Wen Heng's state of mind and swordsmanship seemed to have improved. He had no inner strength to rely on, but he was better able to understand the pure "Tao" in the sword, and then use the broad and broad Based on his martial arts skills, he gradually found out a set of swordsmanship suitable for him.

Han Ziqi fired several swords in a row. Either the plum branch in his hand hit a key point, or it was swept to the wrist and neck, and the Heavenly Maiden Sword could not be used. On the other hand, when Wen Heng drew his sword, it was erratic and strange, so fast that it was dizzying.

Li Zhi looked anxious, and wished to roll up his sleeves for Han Ziqi. Just at this moment, Han Ziqi stepped back step by step, accidentally stepped on a frozen ground, slipped the soles of her feet, and her center of gravity was unstable, and immediately fell to the side. This tilt just happened to send him within the range of Wen Heng's sword, and the side of the neck was poked heavily by Mei Zhi who was too late to take it away.

The audience exclaimed to be careful, Li Zhi immediately rushed to help her, but before his hand touched Han Ziqi, a scabbard suddenly appeared out of thin air, just placed on Han Ziqi's back, and held her firmly. Living.

Han Ziqi immediately took advantage of her strength to stand firm, secretly thinking that she was fortunate. Although the children of Jianghu don't talk so much about the defense between men and women, they can't get too close after all. If they fell into Li Zhi's arms just now, the two of them might not be able to get involved, and I don't know what gossip would be spread.

She gratefully looked at the person who was beside him who was wielding the sword. It was a handsome and quiet boy, not a few years older than them. Seeing that Han Ziqi was standing still, he retracted his sword, clasped his fists in a regular salute, and said, "Offended."

Han Ziqi hurriedly said, "Thank you Senior Brother Yu."

This person is Yu Junchen, the leader of the younger generation of Chunjun Sect and the direct disciple of Elder Zheng Yi from Jixuefeng.

"I'm here to find Mr. Shi, everyone, please." He didn't like to greet each other. After saying his intentions, he turned around and left without waiting for others to reply.

Yu Junchen was famous for his indifference. Compared with him, Wen Heng could be called amiable. However, he had cold capital, and everyone present didn't even dare to fart. After his figure disappeared behind the door, Han Ziqi breathed a sigh of relief, raised her hand and touched her neck, feeling a little tingling, and immediately Hua Rong paled, exclaiming, "Oh, it won't be cut, right?"

Everyone has a love for beauty, especially little girls. Han Ziqi attaches great importance to her appearance, for fear of scarring, so she is a little surprised. But Li Zhigang was cut off, and he was unhappy in his heart. Hearing that Han Ziqi was injured, he was full of anger and immediately had an outlet to vent his anger. He raised his hand and patted Wen Heng: "How dare you hurt your junior sister? courage!"

He just bullied Wen Heng and had no inner strength, so what if he couldn't compare with the sword? Even if Wen Heng danced the branches out of flowers, he would definitely be able to beat him half to pieces with this palm!

Han Ziqi immediately shouted, "Stop!"

However, it was too late to stop, Li Zhi's palm swept to his chest in an instant, Wen Heng was unprepared, he didn't have time to hide, he almost stood still, and was hit hard in the chest by him—

There was a loud "bang", followed by a series of "ding bells, bangs" that the tables, chairs and benches fell to the ground. Li Zhiwan was kicked in the chest and flew out, smashing the door panel of Haichuan Hall, and hitting it again. He turned over several desks in the hall, and finally plunged into Mr. Shi's desk in an upside-down posture.

Everyone: "… "

"Who used force in Haichuan Hall?!"

Liao Changxing's stern question came from outside the door. He and Wen Changqing hurried in, just in time to have a face-to-face with Shi Peng and Yu Junchen when Wen Sheng came out to check. But seeing the door of the lecture hall suddenly opened, the room was in a mess, Li Zhi disappeared, Han Ziqi and the three teenagers stood stunned on the spot, while Wen Heng stood under the plum tree, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his lips, and slowly closed his eyes and fell down.

His chest was in severe pain, and his breath was unbearable. The last thing in his eyes when he closed his eyes was the white plum blossoms falling from the sky, which looked like the goose feathers snowing outside the Yehua Temple.

He thought blankly, "Am I going to die here?"

"Junior Brother... Junior Brother?"

"Yue Chi!"

Wen Heng suddenly woke up from the dream, and found himself lying on the bed with his right hand on his chest, faintly numb. There was an iron sword beside the bed, a pot of cold water on the table, surrounded by the house he was accustomed to living in and the familiar furnishings.

He raised his right hand in front of him, staring at the fine scars and calluses on it, wondering why he suddenly dreamed of the past three years ago.

"Yue Chi! Open the door! Don't hide in there without making a sound!"


He thought indifferently that it was because some people interrupted when he was sleeping. The scream was so harsh, no wonder he suddenly had nightmares.

He rolled over and sat up from the bed, put on his boots, and walked over to open the door.

"What's up?"

Three years ago, he was only half a head taller than Han Ziqi, but now that Han Ziqi had just reached his chest, Wen Heng bent down to talk to her. However, he was still sleepy today. He simply kept his head down, and only lowered his eyes lazily. The corners of his eyes and brows were swept by a light ink pen and flew up diagonally. His casual expression softened his stern and sharp outline just like a spring sun. Shining deep into the jungle, the solid rock also seemed to warm up.

In the past three years, Wen Heng worked hard to catch up and finally joined Yu Junchen as one of the two big ice piers in Yueying Mountain. The disciples of the Chunjun School jokingly called the two of them "the moon in the mirror lake, the snow on the plum blossom branches", and they were cold-hearted and difficult to get close to. It's just that Yu Junchen has no distractions, naturally speaks few words, and is impatient to spend a lot of time on the world, which means he doesn't eat the fireworks of the world; Wen Heng is meticulous and meticulous. , always standing far away, teaching people beyond reach.

In the past few years, apart from Yuquanfeng's classmates, the only one who was willing to get in front of him was Han Ziqi, the eldest and very noisy eldest lady, the pearl of the head of Han.

"It's amazing, you actually got up so late today. Could it be that you achieved a great feat last night?"

Since the news that Li Zhi beat him up and was bounced off three years ago, everyone who saw him would ask, "Junior and brother have done a great job today?" Over time, it has become a mantra, Wen Heng was too lazy to care about her, raised his hand. Pointing into the yard: "Senior sister disturbing people's clear dreams early in the morning, what's your purpose?"

Knowing his rules, Han Ziqi never let others into the house, so she consciously sat down in the yard, took out a light green sword spike from her sleeve, and shook it in her hand: "I'll give you this."

Wen Heng immediately said, "No—"

"I know you don't like to hang swords, don't accept the needles and threads I made, and don't like blue... No matter what the mess, you have to hang it this time." Han Ziqi pouted, "My mother made this, so I won't break your taboo. "

Wen Heng asked inexplicably: "It's good, why do you suddenly hang the sword spikes?"

Han Ziqi said: "I heard from my father this morning that on the eighth day of November, Uncle Shang will resign as the elder of Yujie and go into seclusion, and Uncle Cui Jin will take over as the elder. At that time, many friends from all corners of the world will come to watch the ceremony and congratulate, so all the disciples You have to dress neatly, so as not to embarrass our sect."

Wen Heng sighed: "Got it."

Han Ziqi said again: "I don't think you will be free for long. For the eighth day of the lunar new year, friends and close friends of the elders of each peak will come, and Uncle Qin will definitely ask you to entertain him."

Wen Heng kept his mouth shut, feeling that he was already starting to have a headache.