Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 25: Stone corridor


"… "

Wen Heng was stunned by his ingenious thinking, and after thinking for a while, he answered rigorously, "It's not impossible."

He held up the fire book and illuminated the wall closest to the two: "Look at the nicks on the wall, it seems to be some kind of martial arts move. If you say that the ancestors of the Chunjun School used martial arts secrets as a funeral, I believe it."

They were in a spacious and deep stone corridor. The walls on both sides were engraved with deep and shallow handwriting and pictures. The words were a little difficult to distinguish and obscure. It seemed that they were not Chinese characters, but the graphics were still clear. Weird and out of order.

The firelight suddenly shook violently behind him, Xue Qinglan's legs were weak and he almost fell, Wen Heng hurriedly turned around to support him: "What's wrong?"

Xue Qinglan's chest was filled with disgust and heaviness, his inner qi was running wildly, and there was a hint of rioting. He wanted to answer, but his blood was uncontrollable, and he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Senior brother!"

"Senior brother..." Xue Qinglan grabbed his sleeve and said in a hoarse voice, "cough...don't look at the graphics on the wall, there is a mechanism..."

Wen Heng immediately said, "Okay, don't look at it." He hurriedly asked him to sit down with his back against the wall and cross-legged, focusing on closing his eyes, adjusting his breath, and calming down his true qi.

Under the firelight, Xue Qinglan's face was like paper lips and wax, and her expression was weary, obviously her internal injuries were very serious. Wen Heng closed his eyes and felt for a moment, but he didn't feel any discomfort.

He saw no less than Xue Qinglan, why was he still unscathed

Wen Heng was puzzled, and turned his head to take a closer look at the nicks on the wall. This time, after thinking about it, he finally saw some ways: those figures are indeed martial arts moves, and they are unprecedented tricks. However, only the graphics on the stone wall can be understood, but the words are not understandable. I am afraid that this kung fu needs to be practiced in conjunction with internal energy. The more the foal galloped, the more exhausted it became and the more panicked it became, until it was seriously injured.

Wen Heng himself has no inner strength, even if he rehearsed from beginning to end, there is no inner interest to be implicated. This is a natural disadvantage, but at this time it has become his amulet.

He leaned over to check on Xue Qinglan's condition, but saw cold sweat oozing out of his forehead, frowning between his brows, and a very painful expression, as if he was trapped in a nightmare. I also know that just by looking at the graphics, this weird exercise can make people distracted and even go crazy. It is difficult for people with less skill or unsettled minds to get out of it on their own. Lose.

Wen Heng didn't dare to let him struggle like this, he knelt down in front of him, called his junior brother several times, and found that Xue Qinglan couldn't wake up at all, so he gritted his teeth and exerted all his strength, and pressed hard on the Lingtai acupoint behind him. He whispered, "Qinglan!"

Xue Qinglan let out a faint groan, woke up suddenly, and fell into Wen Heng's arms with all his strength, and murmured in extreme discomfort, "Senior brother..."

Hearing his voice, Wen Heng felt pain in his heart: "Is it hard?"

Xue Qinglan is like a bird with only its wings broken and dying. It took a long time to save a breath and asked intermittently, "One thing... Are you alright?"

Wen Heng could feel his body cold through his clothes, he couldn't stop shivering, and he was pitifully weak. He took off his robe and wrapped Xue Qinglan tightly, hugged him in his arms and comforted: "The nicks on the stone wall are for those who have practiced martial arts, so you were tricked, but I was safe. But the builder Since it is arranged like this, in order to trap the intruders, the exit of the stone corridor must have been sealed, and we can only continue to go inside if we find a way to get out."

Xue Qinglan didn't have the strength to speak, so he coughed a few times, causing severe pain in his chest, wishing he could curl up into a ball and shrink into Wen Heng's arms. Wen Heng touched his forehead and instructed: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, I'll carry you away, you hold the fire book for me, don't think about the things on the stone wall, and don't get angry. After you go out, there will naturally be a way to heal you. internal injury."

This person has always been calm and determined, and Taishan collapsed in front of him without changing his face, which made people feel that as long as he was by his side, no matter what situation he fell into, he was inexplicably at ease.

Xue Qinglan's heart was a little wider, and when his thoughts changed, the disgust in his chest suddenly diminished. He was clutching Wen Heng's shirt. Although his voice was small, the stone corridor was empty after all, and he could still hear: "No need for senior brother to carry it... Just wait for me, let's walk slowly."

"How much effort does it take to carry you, how much are you two?" Wen Heng laughed above his head, "You don't have to be so sensible at such a young age."

He didn't say it was okay, and when he said Xue Qinglan, he sighed: "It now seems that I did something wrong at the beginning. I didn't help you, but instead caused you to fall into this field—"


As soon as Wen Heng made a sound, Xue Qinglan was instantly dumbfounded. He seemed to be acupuncture points, and asked incredulously, "Senior brother...?"

"Why, don't you like to hear it? If you don't like to listen to me, I call you." Wen Heng replied lightly, "No matter how close you call it, it won't stop you from having a relationship with me. Let's not say that you are wrong, even if you are really wrong. Now, will it be useful for me to kill you to sacrifice to the sky now? Can I return to the ground immediately?"

In fact, he didn't speak harshly at all, and his attitude was still kind, but Xue Qinglan fell into silence - in fact, he was stunned by Wen Heng.

He had countless physical contacts with Wen Heng, and he couldn't get more tired of it, but after all, body and mind were different, and there was always a wall between their unpredictable minds. The last time the wall became thinner was when they called each other senior and senior. With this title, the relationship between the two was really close. But Xue Qinglan never imagined that Wen Heng would call him by his name so frankly. In one sentence, half of the wall was torn down, leaving him standing in the gap. He didn't have time to run and dodge. People looked at each other.

It was rare for him to understand the feeling of a moth whose half of its wings were burned by the fire. The light source was not honestly shining on the candlestick, and it was so abhorrent that he had to be blinded for a while.

"What are you doing? Speak." Wen Heng still didn't intend to let him go, so he put his arms around him and lowered his head and asked, "Aren't you quite articulate? Come on, tell me where you went wrong."

Xue Qinglan was very concerned, and did not dare to be stubborn any more, and said obediently: "What my brother taught is that I made a slip of the tongue."

Wen Heng slapped him on the back, with a force so light that he couldn't even kill a mosquito: "It's not good to practice, it's quick to admit mistakes. Now you and I are unlucky together, and it's too late to escape, why are you arguing with me about right or wrong? Be honest, come up."

He turned around, carried Xue Qinglan on his back, and slowly walked towards the depths of the stone corridor by the weak light of the fire.

This stone corridor is said to be not long, and it is only a few hundred meters to the end. All the way inward, there are three thick stone gates, all of which were blown up with holes the size of one person, which saved them time.

Xue Qinglan leaned into Wen Heng's ear and said, "This stone gate is about a foot thick. It can be seen that the defense was very strict at the beginning, and we didn't step on any traps along the way. It seems that it should have been destroyed by the people in front."

Wen Heng's ears were itchy because of his breath, and he resisted and didn't hide, and said, "Indeed, apart from the imperial mausoleum, I can't think of any other underground palace that would be built like this."

Xue Qinglan teased: "Senior brother, if your Chunjun faction is either rich or daring, you actually set up a sect on someone else's grave."

Relying on no one here, he was unscrupulous and exposed his nature. Wen Heng was amused by him and deliberately asked: "If it is really an ancient tomb, I am afraid that we will have entry and exit this time, are you afraid?"

Xue Qinglan said meaninglessly: "Sooner or later you will die, what's so scary about death?"

His tone was too natural, and Wen Heng didn't realize what was wrong for a while. Just as they were talking, the two stepped into the last stone gate, and their eyes suddenly lit up. There was no obstacle in front of them, and they suddenly became clear. Wen Heng walked in the dark for too long, closing his eyes for a moment to get used to the sudden light.

As far as the eye can see is a very spacious stone room, half natural and half carved. The main body is a huge cave inside the mountain. There are several holes on the top, dividing the outside sky into beams of light and falling down. There are eight stone gates around the stone room, which seem to coincide with Taiji gossip. In the middle stands a stone platform with a hazy shadow on it.

"Senior brother, look at that." Xue Qinglan quietly pointed to the shadow on the high platform, "It seems to be a person, alive."

Wen Heng also whispered, "How do you know?"

Xue Qinglan: "Just now the shadow has moved."

The voice fell, and the man's figure flashed and disappeared from the high platform. Almost at the same time, Wen Heng took a step back and raised his sword to block, only to hear the sound of "Zheng", and the sword was hit by a ghostly figure. , Wen Heng felt numb from the tiger's mouth to the elbow, and the long sword almost flew out of his hand. At the critical moment, a gust of wind suddenly passed by the ear, the scarlet flames flickered, and the figure shrank back as if being burned.

A faint scorching smell came, Wen Heng refused to miss the opportunity, endured the soreness of his arm, stabbed three swords in a row, forcing the man to retreat three steps in a row, and said loudly: "Senior is merciful, junior is Entering this place by mistake will never hurt anyone!”

An old and hoarse voice sneered: "What a arrogant boy! With your noodle-like swordsmanship, who can you hurt?"

Before Wen Heng could speak, Xue Qinglan blew up first, and sneered in the same yin and yang tone as him: "I don't need him to use the sword, isn't the old senior already half injured? Why, do you think the injury is not deep enough?"

It turned out that Xue Qinglan took advantage of the man's concentration on attacking Wen Heng, reached out his hand like lightning, and slapped Huo Zhezi on the man's face. One of his beards had been neglected for many years, and it was fluffy and strong, and it was burning with fire. Although he retreated in time, no one with the beard was able to hide quickly. In the end, it was still caught by Xue Qinglan's hands.

The man smiled "ha" and said sullenly: "Little brat, death is imminent, and you still have the leisure to play with words here."

Xue Qinglan didn't give in at all, and laughed, "Begging for mercy if you're afraid of death, and killing if you kill. There's so much nonsense."

Through the time the two satirized each other, Wen Heng could clearly see the man's face and clothes. This person is seventy years old at least, with white beard and hair flying around, covering most of his face, revealing the lower half of his face but clear and thin, not like a crazy person.

Wen Heng saw that the nails on his hands were unevenly broken, as if they were bitten off by someone's teeth. His hair and beard might not have been repaired for a long time. Obviously, he lived here for not a day or two. He guessed that he might have made a mistake and was imprisoned here, but When the old man raised his head and scolded Xue Qinglan, a beam of light happened to shine on his sleeve. Following his movements, a patch of embroidery flashed like a streamer.

Wen Heng suddenly spoke coldly and said solemnly: "Yue Chi, the disciple of the elder Qin Ling of Yuquan Peak, pays respects to the predecessors. Dare to ask which peak and generation of elders of the Chunjun faction the predecessors are?"

The author has something to say: During the Spring Festival, I hope everyone can lie down in peace, go out less and read more, and be a salted fish that is beneficial to the country and the people.

[Jinjiang Literature joins hands with the author to wish our dear readers and friends: Spring Festival holiday, peace and happiness! At the same time, a warm reminder to everyone: wash hands frequently, wear masks, ventilate more, and gather less.]