Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 28: suspicion


"Have you fought against a sword thief?"

In Songfengtang, Wen Heng knelt on the ground alone, Qin Ling, who was sitting upright, frowned, and asked in confusion, "Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night and run to the forbidden area in the back mountain?"

"Master Rong Qi," Wen Heng replied calmly, "This disciple always cooks and eats for himself. That night, he went to pick up some chestnuts in the forest, but he happened to see someone breaking into the forbidden area at night. The disciple has no martial arts skills, so he can't hide it from that person. Ears and eyes, after fighting with him for dozens of tricks, he was slapped down the mountain road, fainted, and rolled into a bush. Today, junior brother Qinglan found the disciple, and the disciple was able to come back to meet the master and state his grievances."

Qin Ling didn't believe it, and asked, "Since that person is going to kill you, why do you have to do this and take your scabbard?"

Wen Heng lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, "The disciple fainted while holding his breath, and he didn't know anything about what happened after that. He also heard about the scabbard from others. But the disciple dared to guess that this person may have done it on purpose, to blame the disciple. , let the head and master suspect me and buy time for myself to escape."

Qin Ling looked suspicious, and said coldly, "Beautiful words. It's been less than half an hour since you were rescued, but you've answered fluently, and you've made up a set of rhetoric. How do you know it's not a thief calling to catch a thief?"

Wen Heng said calmly, "Master clearly understands that if the disciple steals the sword, I will not take my sword with me at all, nor will I leave the scabbard and be ignorant, nor will I come back after stealing the sword. The disciple has only heard that my scabbard is outside the Cangjian Pavilion, but I don't know the details. I dare to ask Master, was there a fight that night in the Cangjian Pavilion? Did someone break the scabbard during the fight? The disciple's scabbard was shot last night. It is broken and correct, and the traces on it are clear, which can be proved after careful inspection."

Qin Ling was silent when he heard the words, as if he was telling the truth. Wen Heng added: "The reason why this matter is so strange is that there is a coincidence. If the thief kills a disciple who knows martial arts, hides the body, and then deliberately throws the scabbard outside the hidden sword pavilion, the blame will appear. It is a matter of course; and if this faction does not know where the scabbard comes from, and forcibly keeps guests from each faction, it will definitely be criticized, and finally under pressure, they have to let them go. "

"But it was me who he encountered. The disciple doesn't know martial arts, has no ability to steal swords at all, and has a little bit of infuriating body protection. Fortunately, he didn't get poisoned. In this way, by mistake, he just broke the trap. ."

His analysis is intricate and reasonable. Qin Ling thought about it for a moment, and felt reasonable. He finally lifted his brows and sighed, "I know your background best. You have been in the Chunjun School for three years, and you have been in the world for all to see. I believe that you are not the one who harbors ghosts. You are indeed innocent in this matter."

Wen Heng's expression was soothing, and he thanked him: "Fortunately, I have master's trust and allow the disciple to defend himself in person and tell the truth. The disciple has not suffered any grievances."

Qin Ling cleared Yuquanfeng's relationship, and his mood was much better. He raised his hand and motioned for Wen Heng to stand up and answer: "I just listened to you, you mean that the sword thief is among the guests on the mountain, what evidence is there? Or you? When you fought against him, did you see his martial arts skills?"

Wen Heng was silent for a moment before he said, "This is the most bizarre thing about this matter, and the disciple has yet to understand it."

Qin Ling: "How do you say it?"

Wen Heng said, "Among the guests who have gone up the mountain recently, there are either famous people in the rivers and lakes, or groups of major sects, who have had friendship with this sect before, and should be trusted people," he said. After a pause, he said in a low voice, "But the person that the disciple fought against last night, what he used... is the martial arts of the Weeping Star Sect."

Qin Ling's heart skipped a beat, and he almost didn't hold back his voice: "You can see clearly, that's really the martial arts of the Weeping Star Sect?"

Wen Heng understood what he was worried about, and sighed softly: "The Seventy-two Road Soul Reaper Sword, the disciple also hopes that he is wrong."

Qin Ling suddenly stood up and strode out: "Go to see the head with me immediately!"

If everything Wen Heng said is true, then this is no trivial matter. The Weeping Star Sect was the largest sect in Muzhou, and it was a Demon Sect that people in Jianghu hated and feared extremely. The Weeping Star Sect's martial arts are bizarre, their actions are extremely vicious and sinister, and there are many unspeakable obscene/obscene things. They have even picked up and supplemented the upright children of famous families several times. They are simply a group of madmen. However, there are many masters of the Hanging Star Sect and their strength is strong. These sects can easily do nothing to them. They have to strictly prohibit their disciples from interacting with the people of the Hanging Star Sect. Once they are discovered, they will be severely punished.

In today's martial arts, it is true that everyone talks about the Chuixingzong and changes their color. Famous sects are strictly guarded, not only are they afraid that they will stir up the wind and rain and cause chaos in the rivers and lakes, but also fear that this group of demons will humiliate their handsome children on a whim, and cause a scandal that will bring shame to the sect.

As night fell, the lights on Yueying Mountain gradually lit up. Wen Heng took advantage of the thin light of the paper lantern to raise his eyes and saw the words "Sword Qi Hengqiu" on the plaque. He remembered that when he first came here, he was judged by the Sect Master and the elders of each peak. In the blink of an eye, three years later, he came to the Sword Qi Hall again, and he was still treated like this.

This time it was a big deal, and several of the direct disciples didn’t know the inside story, so they could only wait outside. The eldest brother Kang Changhuai held the scabbard wreckage wrapped in cloth in his hands and sent it to Qin Ling respectfully, while Liao Changxing frowned slightly. I don't know if it's worry or anger. Wen Heng stepped into the Sword Qi Hall, passed in front of him, suddenly stopped, and said to Liao Changxing seriously, "Senior brother, please do something."

Liao Changxing saw his calm expression of dying, and thought he had something important to explain, nodded, and said solemnly, "You say it."

Wen Heng said, "I haven't eaten for two days. Brother Xue didn't eat for a day in order to find me. Brother Xue helped him and asked someone to bring him some food. By the way, he could get some food for me. Thank you, brother."

Liao Changxing: "…"

He turned his head to look at Qin Ling, Qin Ling didn't bother to bother with these trivial matters, he waved his hand and said, "Let him go."

Liao Changxing and Wen Heng looked at each other, Wen Heng nodded slightly, and Liao Changxing said goodbye and left, and went back to Yuquan Peak. Xue Qinglan.

When he arrived at the guest house, Xue Qinglan had just come out of the side room used for refining the pharmacy. When he saw Liao Changxing, he was a little surprised. He stopped and gave him a salute: "Senior Brother Liao."

"Excuse me, Yue Chi entrusted me to bring you some food," Liao Changxing flashed his food box at him, "I haven't thanked Junior Brother Xue for his help."

Xue Qinglan's face was snow-white and her expression was indifferent. She seemed a little wary. She blinked her eyes when she heard the word "Yue Chi", and her attitude softened a little: "It's just that I did my best, and I don't dare to be the word 'thank'. Senior Brother Liao made a special trip, it's cold outside, please come in and sit for a while and have a cup of hot tea."

With this high-sounding excuse, Liao Changxing pushed the boat into the guest room, Xue Qinglan closed the doors and windows, and Liao Changxing was sure that the partition had no ears, so he asked carefully, "Fang Cai Yuechi was called by the master to ask questions, and now he has gone to Jian Qi again. Tang, I deliberately brought me to you. Now only the two of you know the inside story, Junior Brother Xue, what is going on?"

Xue Qinglan had crossed confessions with Wen Heng long ago, so at this time, he skipped the section of the underground palace, and only said that he found Wen Heng unconscious in a hidden bush in the back mountain. Knowing nothing about it, he told him what happened to Wen Heng that night.

However, Liao Changxing was still uneasy: "If it is him, from stealing the sword until he is discovered, one day and one night, such a long time, is enough for him to disguise himself well."

Xue Qinglan clenched the teacup's fingers slightly, then shook her head, and said succinctly, "I believe him."

He was so simple, but it made Liao Changxing startled, feeling like an outsider for a while, so he explained tactfully, "I'm not doubting Junior Brother Yue, I just want to find out the truth as soon as possible. To defend him."

Xue Qinglan put the teacup "click" on the table, and said coolly: "Since your head suspects him, do you want me to confront him? Let's make things clear, what's so difficult."

Liao Changxing said in his heart that this little medicine boy would not eat hard and soft, but he was quite protective of Yue Chi. Sure enough, he was able to play together at a young age, and he was cold-faced to others.

Xue Qinglan was an outsider after all, so there was no reason to help Wen Heng lie, and what he said was more credible. Liao Changxing is also a wise man. He carefully reviewed the story of Wen Heng's experience the night before, and quickly figured out the key points. He suddenly said, "No wonder Yue Chi insists on letting me come over. He is too careful."

Xue Qinglan didn't understand: "What?"

Liao Changxing saw that his eyes were dazed, and he rarely showed a smile, so he showed his junior and brother's merit: "If things are as the two of you said, there must be someone else who steals the sword, and Yue Chi is not only not silenced, but also Being rescued by you, that person is very likely to reveal his identity. Yue Chi is now at the head of the sect, so he is naturally safe, but you who know the inside story are left alone. He is worried that the sword thief will hold grudges, and he is afraid of him Taking advantage of the chaos to come to trouble you, so I deliberately made an excuse and asked me to guard you for him."

How meticulous must this person be to think of so many twists and turns in an instant. Xue Qinglan was startled by what he said, and was stunned for a long time, not knowing where to think, her expression was not like the joy of being cared for, but seemed a little sad.

Liao Changxing didn't know that what he said was wrong, which made him like this. He was afraid to talk too much, so he just sat there cautiously, according to Wen Heng's arrangement, and honestly acted as a nurse in the hospital.

I don't know how long it took, someone knocked lightly three times outside the door, breaking the silence of the room and pulling back Xue Qinglan's wandering thoughts. He stood up immediately and asked loudly, "Who?"

A voice he was all too familiar with floated in: "Qinglan opens the door, it's me."

The door of the room opened to the outside, and before Xue Qinglan could clear her expression, she saw Wen Heng standing with a long and jade-like body under the moonlight like water.

"What's the matter, who made you unhappy?" He lowered his head and carefully observed Xue Qinglan's expression, "The dinner is not to your taste?"

Xue Qinglan felt sad just looking at this person. He shook his head, holding back his emotions, and said, "It's okay. Come in and talk."

Wen Heng closed the door and entered the room, without further questioning, he just raised his hand to embrace him, patted his shoulder, and called to Liao Changxing inside the room, "Senior brother."

Liao Changxing nodded and said, "You came back quickly, and the matter has been explained clearly?"

"Yes." Wen Heng glanced at the food box that had been forgotten on the table, and glanced at Xue Qinglan, "Thank you, brother, this time."

Liao Changxing stood up steadfastly and instructed, "I'll go to the master first. It's getting late, you guys should rest early after dinner, I'm afraid you'll be busy tomorrow. You'd better live together tonight, don't be alone, I'll call you tomorrow. The people cleaned up the Shanji Courtyard, and before the person who stole the sword was found out, he wronged Junior Brother Xue and Yue Chi for a while."

This arrangement was made to protect the two of them. Wen Heng nodded and said nothing, but Xue Qinglan hesitated: "This... I'm afraid the tutor will not agree."

However, Liao Changxing said, "Junior Brother Xue, rest assured, I'll tell you about the respected teacher. This matter has a lot to do with this faction, and the respected teacher and the family teacher have a very close relationship, so I can definitely understand this trivial matter."