Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 35: Return journey


Fan Yang, who was holding his ears outside the window, heard this, and his heart skipped a beat: Wen Heng treats Xue Qinglan as a sparrow, it clearly means that he is his own son!

Previously, Wen Heng personally set the pattern and asked him to find an old silversmith to make a pair of bracelets. Fan Yang thought that he finally got enlightened and fell in love with a girl from the Chunjun faction. He also persuaded him that there was no shortage of flowers at home, and a pair of silver bracelets was too much. It's too simple, at least you can see it with one or two golden hairpins and jade pendants. Who would have known that this eldest young master was going to quell evil spirits for the child. In this case, what kind of bracelet would he give him

Wen Heng had already pushed open the door and walked out, glanced at Fan Yang, there was no warmth in his eyes, as if he was not the one who was coaxing the child in the room just now, and said lightly, "Aren't you going yet?"

Fan Yang was jolted in the night wind and quickly followed.

In the past, Wen Heng took the guards of the palace to the Wanlai Gate of Mengfeng City. After weighing it, he decided to part ways. He joined the Chunjun faction under the arrangement of his aunt, while Fan Yang and others were sent out by Wanlai Gate. In order to save money and eliminate disasters, Wan Laimen was not stingy, and gave everyone a sum of money. However, only two or three of the guards have their own place to go. The rest are from the royal family. They have been with King Qing and the prince since childhood. They have nothing but martial arts skills. They are wanted by the court.

So Fan Yang shouldered the public's expectations and stepped forward, told Wen Heng about it before he left, and asked him to help him come up with an idea. Wen Heng's ingenuity along the way is obvious to all. Rather than hiding under the eyes of the government to make a living, the guards would rather believe in this young master who led them to kill a bloody path in the Flower Temple.

Since Wen Heng brought people out, he couldn't leave it alone. He discussed with Fan Yang and others, and finally agreed to set up a security guard in Zhanchuan City at the foot of Yueying Mountain. The guards of the palace are all carefully selected good players, and they have practiced with King Qing for a few years, and have a good foundation in martial arts. In addition, Wen Heng, a living martial arts secret, has been giving pointers from time to time. In just a few years, "Luming Escort Bureau" He made a name for himself in the rivers and lakes and became the number one escort in Zhanchuan City.

Now that Fan Yang has secured his position as chief dart, Wen Heng, the master behind the scenes, is more respected than before. No matter how noble the prince is, he is only the shadow of his father and grandfather. Outstanding talent and skill.

The two walked through the veranda, walked all the way into the East Hall, and took their seats separately.

Wen Heng was in another way of relaxing towards Fan Yang. He used the lid of the cup to open the tea leaves from the water, and said straight ahead: "Ask me, it's been a long night, what do you want to say?"

Fan Yang looked at his face and asked hesitantly, "Young Master, is that Master Xue you brought back..."

Wen Heng: "What is it?"

Fan Yang mustered up his courage: "Did looking at him remind me of the little Aque?"

"..." Wen Heng squinted his eyes indistinctly, and seemed a little surprised, but his expression did not change, and asked calmly: "Why do you think so?"

Fan Yang was stunned for a moment, thinking that Wen Heng was afraid that he was not taking him for a fool. It was so obvious, but anyone with long eyes could see it, so why bother deceiving himself

However, he wanted to think about it, but he didn't dare to confront Wen Heng in person, and said honestly, "Don't you look like Young Master Xue like A Que? To tell you the truth, when he entered the door just now, I thought it was Xiao A Que. back again."

Wen Heng asked in disbelief: "What do they look like?"

Fan Yang: "..."

He asked incredulously, "Isn't it like that?"

Wen Heng thought about it carefully for a moment, and finally came to a firm conclusion: "It's not like that."

Fan Yang was dumbfounded.

After being silent for a long time, he trembled and asked again: "Since it doesn't look like that, why did you bring Xue Gongzi by your side?"

Wen Heng finally figured out what he was thinking about at this moment, and almost laughed angrily: "He went to danger with me, saved my life, and reciprocated, why can't I treat him better? Originally it was a gentleman's friend. , why did you come to you to find out about the people who see things?"

Fan Yang was embarrassed, and quickly apologized and admitted his mistake. At the end, he secretly muttered: "I have to talk about the friendship between gentlemen, I think it's a deep relationship between father and son..."

Wen Heng: "What did you say, speak up."

Fan Yang immediately said, "My subordinate is really happy for you to have made such a friend."

Fan Yang realized that he had been thinking wrong, and just as he was about to relax, an even more bizarre thought suddenly flashed across his mind: "Master, no one saw A Que's death with his own eyes back then, do you think it would happen? We guessed wrong, Ah Que didn't die at all, but was taken away by someone else - Young Master Xue's appearance and age are all right!"

"not him."

Wen Heng's mood was somewhat affected by the frequent mention of Aque, but Nian Zai Fan Yang was kind and patiently explained: "I told Qinglan about Aque, if it were him, he should have known me long ago. already."

"But… "

Wen Heng raised his hand to signal him to stop, and said, "I don't see any similarity between them. For now, I don't need to mention it again."

His demeanor and tone were so determined that Fan Yang couldn't help being led by his nose and began to doubt himself. The time he spent with A Que was limited, and it was far less impressive than Wen Heng. It was the first time he met Xue Qinglan. Wen Heng had a steel scale in his heart. Since he said it was not like it, there must be a more solid reason.

Fan Yang was indeed loyal to Wen Heng, blindly trusting him, and immediately said, "Young master said that, it seems that I really forgot."

Anyway, Wen Heng's treatment of Xue Qinglan now is no worse than his treatment of A Que in the past. No matter if he is alone or not, he has not owed others.

The night was getting darker and the tea in the cup was getting warmer. Wen Heng suddenly asked, "Is there any result for the 'Nie Zhu' that I asked you to check before?"

Fan Yang's spirit froze, and he quickly replied, "Not yet. After all, it's an old thing thirty years ago. Our manpower is really limited. It's not as good as before, and we won't be able to find any traces for a while."

Wen Heng nodded: "No hurry, take your time, collect clues first, and I will be free to take care of this matter when I go down the mountain."

Fan Yang had heard that Wen Heng had disclosed some of the underground palace matters, and he hesitated at the moment: "Young Master, the identity of the direct disciple of the Chunjun faction is rare. Why should you give up your great future and come to this muddy water?"

"'Great future'?" Wen Heng's deep and distinct outline was exceptionally handsome and sharp under the light, but the coldness at the corners of his eyes and brows was like a thin blade of a demon, every word carried the blood of the old years, "Fan Yang, Qing Wangfu Nearly a hundred lives are waiting for me below, and that is my future."


"One month from now, the Chunjun faction will simply select a direct disciple. After I lose the test, I will be sent to the outer door. I may use other excuses to get out of the way. I will be uncertain for the next three years and five years. I'm afraid I won't be able to communicate as often as I do now , the Luming Escort Bureau depends on you to support the overall situation, you better prepare first." He thought for a while, and added lightly, "If you hear any news in the future, try not to get involved with me, let alone replace it. I seek revenge."

His words were meaningful, and there was a hint of an account of the future. Fan Yang's heart beat heavily, and the forehead was sweating.

Wen Heng's eyes glanced into his eyes through the thick tea atmosphere: "If there is nothing else, I will go first, stop thinking about it, and rest early."

Fan Yang was glued to the chair by his unease, and before he could get up to see him off, Wen Heng had already left.

From the time he left to the time he came back, there was only a small lamp left in the bedroom, which was warm and fragrant. The furniture, bed and tents were all soaked in darkness. It was a warm and comfortable environment. A normal person should have fallen asleep by now, but when Wen Heng silently opened the veil, Xue Qinglan's breathing changed almost immediately, and asked in a low voice, "Who?"


With just one word, he let the quiet and intoxicating late night completely fall into this room.

After a rustling sound, the bed next to him sank slightly. The slope was negligible, but as soon as Xue Qinglan turned over, she naturally rolled into Wen Heng's arms.

He still had a slight chill on his body, and the effect of practicing the internal skills for two months was limited, but it was still stronger than before. Wen Heng surrounded him, and his voice was as low as water: "Aren't you going to sleep yet?"

When he didn't come back, whether Xue Qinglan closed his eyes to meditate or tossed and turned, he was always so close to "sleeping" that he couldn't fall into a real deep sleep. When Wen Heng came back, he only said two words and four words. , he felt that his sleepiness suddenly flooded the beach like a tide, and gently but indiscriminately wrapped him into the empty seabed.

He gave a vague "uh", not knowing whether to respond or babble, put one hand on Wen Heng's narrow waist, and fell asleep against his neck.

In the whole world, this person is probably the only one who can let him let go of all his defenses and throw him into his arms without resistance.

With a single layer of clothing, Wen Heng could feel the silver bracelet between his waist and Xue Qinglan's wrist. In the dark, he used his eyes to outline the outlines of the people around him, and thought silently, "Is it really similar?"

Fan Yang can see the similarity at a glance, but it makes no sense that he can't see it. If it wasn't for Fan Yang's misunderstanding, it could only be his problem.

This can explain why when he first saw Xue Qinglan, he inexplicably thought of A Que. Although he couldn't tell the difference between the two in appearance, he subconsciously felt close to people with this appearance.

More absurd thoughts flashed in his mind, and he was quickly thrown into the depths of the dust.

Wen Heng knew too much what it was like to feel the pain in his heart. If it was not necessary, he could try not to touch the old scars as much as possible. Anyway, in two months at most, he will leave the Chunjun faction, and then he will find a way to steal Xue Qinglan from Yisu Mountain.

What happened next was within his expectations, one by one changes and developments. After the first month, Xue Ci set off for Mingzhou. On the eve of his departure, Wen Heng personally packed Xue Qinglan's luggage. When he came, he only brought a bag, containing a few pieces of laundry and daily necessities; when he returned, he had a small bulging bag, which contained the small hand stove that Wen Heng gave him, the sword score written in silent, stuffed full of Bought all kinds of candies from Zhanchuan City, as if he was afraid that he would starve to death on the road.

On the day of departure, the disciples of Yuquan Peak sent the master and apprentice all the way to the foot of Yueying Mountain. Xue Qinglan was very calm and self-controlled from beginning to end, almost as indifferent as when he came, and Zhou Qin was secretly biting his ears with other disciples behind his back: "This kid is cold-hearted, Junior Brother Yue is not bad to him, he is good, he is leaving Still pulling his face, as if someone owes him eight hundred."

Xue Qinglan's ear tip moved slightly, as if she heard it, but she didn't say anything.

It wasn't until the last moment of separation that he faced the person who was most reluctant to leave, and was blocked by Wen Heng in the blind spot of everyone's line of sight, and finally showed his emotions rarely. Brother".

Wen Heng stood there, blocking the Wuthering Mountain wind for him, lowered his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Remember what I told you last night?"

Xue Qinglan's eyes climbed a few bloodshots, and nodded slightly.

"Eat well, sleep well, and practice with your heart." Wen Heng's eyes were real, and he stroked his cheek gently and firmly, "Wait for me to find you."

The author has something to say: Wen Yuyan's hidden setting: face blind √

Then there will be no pure brotherhood.