Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 38: Kenshin


Wen Heng's attention was not on the fish, but in his words, he repeated: "'Two days'?"

"It took two days to get you here from Zhanchuan City." The old beggar was surprised, "Why, do you think it's only been one day?"

He squinted at Wen Heng's ugly face, and was actually very proud: "I advise you not to daydream about escaping, isn't it good to eat fish honestly? When your magic is perfect, what do you want to do?"

Wen Heng closed his eyes and held back his anger, gritted his back molars, every word was like a broken ice ball: "I still have things to do, I don't have time to play monkey tricks with you here!"

The old beggar sighed, fluffed his clothes, stood up, and said, "Come on, after two moves, if you can beat me, I'll let you out."

Wen Heng subconsciously picked out the words: "How can it be considered a 'win'?"

"It's all cleverness!" the old beggar scolded, "Fight and fight, fear of winning or losing before you make a move, have you ever swung a sword happily even once in your life!"

He was huge in size and lost an arm, but the movement of flying over was extremely fast, and the wind was blowing in a hurry, Wen Heng only cared to block with the horizontal sword, but heard the sound of "clang", the drama uploaded by Jianfeng The shock made his mouth go numb, and the long sword flew out of his hand.

The old beggar said very irritably again: "Fuck! Fight! Win!"

However, Wen Heng was the kind of temperament that became more stubborn and stubborn. Taking advantage of his closeness, he pointed to a sword, and stabbed the old beggar in the throat with an instant "sand from the bottom of the water".

This move can be called a shot, and the timing of the angle is just right.

It's a pity that Wen Heng has no inner strength.

The old beggar clapped his palm on his shoulder, Wen Heng suddenly floated out two feet like a kite with a broken string, and fell into the corner.

The old beggar had no intention of hurting people, maybe he just didn't care about him at all, and scurried back to the fire like the hair on his tail was on fire: "The fish is mushy!"

Fortunately, the fish paste was not too bad. The old beggar blew the flying sparks and turned it over. He took out a small packet of salt from his arms and sprinkled it carefully. His actions were meticulous and his attitude was serious. It's easy to mistake him for thrushing his wife.

Wen Heng's shoulders went numb, and he was shocked beyond words. He has the inner strength of Gu Chuifang in his body, and no matter how hard he hits him, he will be counterattacked the same way. He flew so far, the old beggar could not eat less force than him, but he was like a normal person, with no strange color on his face. , and Xianxin cares about his grilled fish.

It was the first time he had met such a person. It was like a bottomless pool of water, and he couldn't see the purpose and purpose, and he was not aggressive. Underwater swirls are not as innocuous as they appear on the surface.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

"If I were you, I would sit down and have a good meal now, and then ask why." The old beggar sighed, "You brat is cold-hearted and boring, you don't have any youthful air, you look like a young master. , I don't know what to do at all. I have to do something so you can believe I'm not trying to harm you?"

Wen Heng was noncommittal about his evaluation, only said: "Let me go."

The old beggar sneered: "I have never stopped you, but you should go and see."

When Wen Heng thought about the hundred zhang ice outside the cave, his face couldn't be more ugly. He and the old beggar stood in a stalemate for a long time, and finally sighed in a compromising manner, put down his guard temporarily, walked to the opposite side of the fire and sat down on the floor, and said solemnly: "Don't make a fool of yourself, what do you want to do, I believe you."

He is a person who is naturally thoughtful. In layman's terms, he is suspicious and seriously ill. He can skip eating and sleeping, but he must understand what is going on.

The old beggar handed him the bigger fish, and he took a bite of the smaller half of the grilled fish. He ate it with a tsk tsk, and it wasn't too hot. He squinted and enjoyed it, and said, "Look, you have some talent. It's a craftable material, so I want to accept you as my apprentice and teach you a few kung fu."

Wen Heng smiled, it was purely to cheer on his face, and he didn't seem to be persuaded at all: "Since the senior has touched me, you should know that I am a dead wood that can't be taught, so why waste time?"

When the old beggar heard the words, he immediately gave a yin and yang "ha", which contained nine points of ridicule, and one point of complacency that was not easily discernible.

"If you don't have internal strength, they won't teach you." After eating the fish in a few bites, he leaned back on the stone wall leisurely, and asked with his feet crossed, "If I can teach you to open up the meridians and practice internal skills, you will not learn it. ?"

Wen Heng said suspiciously: "My physique does not just need to open up the meridians, but I don't have any meridians at all."

"Oh, there is so much nonsense, I said there is a way, and naturally there is a way."

Wen Heng thought carefully for a moment, and finally said, "Not yet."

The old beggar seemed to have been struck by a big thunder out of thin air, and suddenly opened his eyes: "What?"

"I still have things to do, and there are still people waiting for me outside." Wen Heng said, "Senior is kind, and the younger generation has it, but everyone has their own aspirations, please don't make it difficult for me, senior."

"I've never seen someone as arrogant as you!"

Going around and back to the original point, the old beggar was so angry that his eyes were angry, and his face became more and more fierce: "If the person waiting for you can't wait for these days, then what is there for you to think about!"

"What can you accomplish and who can you protect with your three-legged cat's kung fu? Even if I let you go today, if you fall into the same situation in the future, how can you escape?" When he came up, he said furiously, "I'll be a wicked person today. If you don't learn martial arts, you definitely can't escape from here. Do you want to go back to see your sweetheart early, or spend your whole life here, you can decide by yourself. Bar!"

Wen Heng: "Not my sweetheart..."

The old beggar left him with an angry back of his head and slept against the wall of the cave.

Wen Heng was tied up for no reason, scolded for no reason, and was so wronged that he didn't know what to do. In the end, he could only raise the cold grilled fish in his hand, and took a helpless bite.

Bah, it's really unpalatable.

On the cliffs, there was nowhere for birds to land, let alone Wen Heng, who would not be light-hearted. He would fall to his death when he first went out. In this extremely simple environment, all the rhetoric and clever tricks were useless, leaving only absolute strength and weakness. Wen Heng had no choice but to compromise.

He ate the grilled fish that made it bitter for two days in a row, and finally couldn't help rolling up his sleeves and doing it himself, taking the first step to surrender.

In addition to his poor craftsmanship, the old beggar promises that he can open up his meridians and practice internal skills like others, but he is not boasting. What he taught was a "Lingxiao Zhenjing" that Wen Heng had never heard of before. This magical power contains a lot of skills, both internal and external, all of which are exquisite and profound. There are nearly 30,000 words of formulas that need to be memorized. The old beggar did not carry paper silk and silk with him. He taught it by word of mouth. Every day, he disassembled the postures and methods of performing exercises in detail and taught them to Wen Heng.

Hundreds of internal skills in martial arts have always been based on the principle of "keeping qi in the dantian". True qi is stored in the dantian and circulated in the eight meridians. The hundred acupoints in the whole body are based on tanzhong, the inner breath is stored in the sea of qi, and flows from the twelve meridians to the hands and feet. If you practice for a long time, the sea of qi will gradually fill up and the inner strength will continue.

Although Wen Heng does not have eight extraordinary meridians, but he personally has twelve serious meridians, so the "Lingxiao Zhenjing" is suitable for his special physique. However, after he really began to practice Lingxiao Zhenjing, he realized why the old beggar had taken him to this isolated place. Although the threshold for this kung fu is low, the twelve main meridians are only the most basic level, which can only allow the whole body to circulate in the meridians. Sculpt the whole body qi meridians. This step is dangerous and difficult, no less than washing the meridians and cutting the marrow. A little carelessness may lead to wrong acupuncture points or even damage to the inner palace.

Even though Wen Heng had outstanding talent in martial arts and possessed the deep inner strength passed down by Gu Chuifang in his body, it took him nearly four years to completely open up these 108 acupoints. During this period, he was almost paralyzed due to mistakes in his practice several times. His right arm was completely unconscious for more than half a year, forcing him to practice left-handed swordsmanship.

However, once his internal skills were established, Wen Heng learned swordsmanship and boxing techniques to enter the country in a thousand miles. He originally dabbled a lot, but after weighing it up, he still took swordsmanship as the director, and used it with Lingxiao Zhenjing, with unparalleled power, but he still couldn't beat the one-armed old beggar, and he was scolded by him every day for being too skilled It is heavy, it is not natural enough to be harmonious, and it has not attained the true meaning of kendo.

Wen Heng's heart has been tense in the past few years, from running away in panic to leaving the Chunjun faction. Many things circled in his mind day and night, and he always remembered where he came from and what he was going to do. The name "Yue Chi" was never accepted by him. From beginning to end, he existed in the world as "Prince of Qing".

As for what kind of person "Wen Heng" should be, what kind of temperament he is, he has no time to care, and he doesn't even think that it is an important matter.

But the old beggar suddenly rushed out halfway, but it completely interrupted his plan, as if he was dragged to another road, and he couldn't break free. He had no choice but to try to accept it and start all over again. .

In this desolate valley called Tian Tian not working, whether Yue Chi, Wen Heng, or even the heir of King Qing suddenly didn't matter anymore, he was just him, like a seed that finally took off its shell, suddenly possessed In the vast and quiet world, the most subtle yearning and joy for swords in nature grows when the wind grows, and gradually grows into a "bone" other than all the tricks.

The days when he stumbled and practiced swords with his left hand seemed to return to the scene of learning swordsmanship when he was a child. If you can make a complete move, there will be a kind of unstoppable happiness.

Martial arts and xinxing complement each other. When Wen Heng is as light as a swallow on the Baizhang cliff, he can come and go freely. In the sword intent. The blood-stained mountain temple and the nightmarish snowy night no longer involve the sword's edge every time he swings. The light of the sword is everywhere, and the sharpest sword in his hand is finally completely inside the sheath.

From then on, the sword follows the heart and is no longer bound.

The author has something to say: When Wen Yuyan accepted the setting and was ready to start a long and bumpy journey through the rivers and lakes—

Author: Little Dragon Girl Crash Training Camp, let's go.