Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 4: heart door


Forgot when it started, Wen Heng rarely took the initiative to get close to anyone, or obviously help someone. As the only son of King Qing with a high status, he knew very well that his every move would be magnified by others. Many times, his self-righteous "good" is arsenic/frost/poison/poison to others.

He has such a habit, so when he first stepped into this yard and saw the little thing hiding on the wall, Wen Heng didn't cry out, nor did he intend to disturb him. I just didn't expect that the second time I bumped into it, Fan Yang shouted someone out of the tree, Wen Heng caught him, and seeing that he was miserably hungry, he couldn't bear to let it go, so he just took care of his own business.

I just didn't expect to pull out the radish and bring out the mud, after I was full and washed it, there were still problems one after another.

"Okay, don't cry." Wen Heng thought for a moment, sighed, and said warmly, "I guess it's not that you don't want to go with me, but that you are afraid that someone who is chasing you will come to you and implicate me because of you alone. Is it or isn't it?"

This inference without cause and effect shocked the child, and even Fan Yang's eyes widened and he asked in surprise, "How did the son know?"

Wen Heng pushed a handkerchief over: "Wipe your face first, it's a big deal, it's like crying."

It is not difficult to infer the origin of this child. Although the clothes on his body are tattered, the fabric is still strong and fits well. It does not seem to be picked up. Moreover, there are no calluses on his hands and knees, only some scratches and scratches, and the color is still new. It can be seen that he is not a homeless child who makes a living by begging, but rather like a lost child in a small household.

"I can see that you are not a beggar, but it seems that you have just started wandering recently. Forty miles north of Baoan Temple is the capital, and there are also villages and towns around. Whether you are begging for food or asking for help if you are lost, you should go to places where there are many people. , but you would rather come to the temple to steal dates than let the monks find you. Thinking about it this way, you probably didn’t get lost by yourself, but you were trafficked and kidnapped, forced to leave your parents’ hometown, and fled here, right? "

The child was so stunned that he even forgot to cry and nodded.

Wen Heng continued: "You are very smart, you can understand what I am saying, you have no hostility towards the two of us, you are just afraid, afraid that the bad guy will come after us and implicate us, and that we will not be able to protect you."

Although Fan Yang didn't know how long Wen Heng's mind was, he didn't stop him from applauding at all: "Young master is very resourceful, and his subordinates really admire him."

Wen Heng glanced at him and continued: "Look, my subordinates are not only good at flattering, but also good in kung fu. Do you believe we can protect you?"

Fan Yang blushed at his mockery, and hurriedly pretended to cough a few times. Wen Heng was too lazy to pay attention to him, and said to the child, "You can think about it carefully, whether to leave or stay, I won't stop you. But it's frosty tonight and it's cold outside, so I'll just stay here for one night."

His attitude here is sincere and convincing. The child seemed to be persuaded by him and did not struggle any more. So after the meal, Fan Yang took the child away, found an empty bed for him in the other guard's room, and returned to Wen Heng after it was properly arranged. The master and servant were finally alone, and he asked the doubts that had been pressing in his heart: "Sir, is there anything special about that child?"

"Huh?" Wen Heng said, "Why do you ask that?"

Fan Yang said: "Sir, forgive your sins. Your subordinates see that you usually don't seem to be nosy, but today you are quite concerned about this child and have doubts in your heart, so you dare to ask."

"It's really special." Wen Heng supported Yi with one hand and leaned lazily against the table, "Didn't you see, he has extraordinary roots and excellent aptitude, and is a good seedling for learning martial arts."

Fan Yang didn't notice it at all, so he could only follow Wen Heng's train of thought: "So you want to put him in the palace and train him well?".

"That's right." Wen Heng said slowly, "I guess he was kidnapped, maybe even kidnapped by force. Eighteen/nine times out of ten, it's because of this talent. You have to be prepared, if someone comes to seek revenge, you can Guarantee or try to protect him once. Guizhu is out of the cheap clam, if he is taught the Dharma, the future of this son is limitless."

Fan Yang was convinced: "As ordered."

Wen Heng handed over a thin letterhead: "You find someone to send this letter back to the mansion for me, and by the way, get a bottle of Woxue Green Bamboo Pills."

Woxue Green Bamboo Pill is the antidote elixir secretly stored in the palace, Fan Yang was taken aback: "Why did the prince take the medicine? Where is it—"

"Just in case." Wen Heng interrupted him, "Don't panic. Just go."

It got dark early in the winter, and dinner was delayed for a long time. When everything was sorted out, the night outside the window was already dark. Wen Heng was drowsy when listening to the scriptures in the afternoon, but now he is more refreshed. He had nothing to do, so he simply put on his robe and went out, planning to take a walk to digest his food, while thinking about how to settle the child.

There was silence outside, and the paper lanterns could only illuminate an inch below the eaves. Fortunately, the moon was full tonight, and the silver brilliance overwhelmed the snow. He walked down the steps slowly, as if stepping into a river covered with veils. This should have been a cold and peaceful scenery, but Wen Heng frowned immediately as he stood still in the courtyard.

Following the rustling movement, Wen Heng looked at the stables only separated from the yard by a wall, and felt a rare suffocation.

The child, who should have been sleeping peacefully in the guard's room, had given him a lot of thought, and was building a nest for himself in the corner of the stable with straw in his arms. In the early winter, the night wind was piercingly cold, his clothes were thin, and his limbs were shaking like chaff from the cold, but even so, he refused to obey the arrangement obediently.

The back was silently revealing loneliness, and there was a kind of stubbornness that never looked back.

Wen Heng had never met such a child who was so insufferable. He was in a trance for a moment, but just as he was about to speak, a thought suddenly appeared in his heart: He seemed to care about this child for no reason, but Thinking about it carefully, intelligent, precocious, sensitive and stubborn... These qualities that made him angry are so familiar, when Wen Heng was so old, his name appeared with these words more than once.

In other words, when Wen Heng watched the child dodging and retreating again and again, did he not see the years when he stayed behind closed doors and gave up on himself.

So now that he has finally found a way to go on, can he also try to give others a hand

"Busy now?"

In the dark, he spoke out of nowhere, startling the child who was laying the straw. Turning around and looking, I saw Wen Heng standing outside the door wearing a cloak with his arms folded. His profile in the moonlight was like a jade carving. Although he still had the youthful childishness of a young man, it really made him look ashamed and beautiful, and it also made him heartbroken. Reluctant tenderness.

He stood up silently, realizing that he had made a mistake, but he didn't know what to say, so he had to hold the straw in his arms tightly.

Wen Heng took a deep breath, exhausted his life's patience, and stepped into the stable.

The cloak with body temperature fell down, wrapping him like a soft cloud, Wen Heng didn't lose his temper, just said, "Aren't you cold?"

He added, "I forgot to ask, what's your name?"

The frozen body got a sip of heat, and finally began to thaw slowly, but he seemed determined to remain silent to the end, so he raised his eyes slightly to look at Wen Heng and shook his head.

"Don't say it? Then I'll just call it casually." Wen Heng chuckled softly, "Remember what the little master in the temple in Bairili said? Those dates were specially reserved for the birds in the winter. The house sparrow comes from the net."

"If that's the case, how about calling you A Que?"

The child hesitated for a moment, but actually nodded.

"Then it's settled, Aque." Wen Heng had a subtle feeling of being coaxed by this brat, "There's nothing you can do if you don't like it, who told you not to speak."

A Que pursed her lips and squeezed out a slightly trembling "um" from her chest.

"Then do you know what my name is?" Wen Heng asked suddenly.

Akane shook his head.

He heard Fan Yang call his "Young Master" all the way. The monks in the temple were all respectful to him, and there were many guards around him. He thought he was the young master of a big family. Such a kind-hearted person, clean, deserves a lifetime of prosperity and peace, and should not be burdened by him.

"Do you know who owns the world now?"

As soon as A Que silently came up with an answer in her heart, she heard Wen Heng say: "My surname is Wen, and I have a single name with the word Heng."

Wen was the surname of the dynasty, no matter how stupid A Que was, she knew what Wen Heng meant. His heart skipped a beat, and he immediately remembered the stories and rumors he had heard since he was a child: When he saw a high-ranking official, it was always right to kneel down first, no matter what.

Wen Heng's hand never left his shoulders. As soon as Ah Que's knees bent, he was supported by Wen Heng: "No need. When you are willing to follow me, it will not be too late to kowtow again."

This kneeling did not kneel down, A Que was supported by Wen Heng to stand firm, and she was still a little dazed.

"I don't know who you have met or what you have endured, but no matter what it is, for the sake of my surname, you can always strive for a chance to turn around." Wen Heng said solemnly, "If you believe me, stay here. down."

Ah Que's eyes were hot, and the moonlight fell into his eyes through the gaps in the thatched roof, sparkling, and he was about to cry again. Wen Heng quickly raised his hand and pressed it in his eyes: "Hurry up, don't cry, go back to sleep with me."

The temperature of the palm of the hand penetrated through the thin eyelids, and it was even hotter than tears. A Que struggled weakly in his palm, and for the first time whispered, "Here... you can..."

Wen Heng looked down at him: "Whatever you can, it won't freeze you to death."

The fifteen-year-old boy was close to an adult, and Wen Heng's cloak was wrapped around Xiaodouding Aque's body, like an oversized quilt. In the few short steps out of the stable, he stumbled three times. In the end, Wen Heng couldn't stand it anymore, so he simply hugged A Que by the waist and carried it back to the guest room.

This room was specially prepared for Princess Qing, who often came to Baoan Temple to burn incense. Because it was repaired at her own expense, it was larger than the other rooms. It was divided into two rooms, inside and outside. Wen Heng threw him on the couch and deliberately gloated: "Tonight, I can only squeeze a couch with your brother Fan. This man is snoring and snoring in his sleep, so you can do it yourself."

Fan Yang, who had arranged everything according to Wen Heng's orders, just entered the room and stared at the two people's movements in a stunned manner. It's human, the son is so exaggerated, it really makes his subordinates sad."

Wen Heng said coolly: "Really? Then let me say a few more words."

A Que listened to the two of them, and snickered under the cloak, Wen Heng glanced at him, and didn't tease him any more, only said, "After a day of tossing, rest early."

Fan Yang sent him to the door of the inner room, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Prince, everything has been arranged."

"Okay." Wen Heng nodded and whispered, "Be alert tonight."

The author has something to say: A Que (sound like a coincidence)

Although Gong seems to be the male version of Wang Yuyan, and Shou seems to be a disciple of the Beggar Gang, everyone will become stronger in the future (trust me).