Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 43: swagger


The scenery on the cliff is open, and not far away is the main terrace of the Sword Conference. There were about 100 people in the audience, most of them were disciples dressed in various sects of clothing, and there were also a few strange-shaped heroes of the rivers and lakes. For these elites who arrived early, cliffs or valleys were all small thresholds that could be crossed with their feet, and their real opponents were the crowd around them.

Nie Ying stood still on the cliff, just heaved a sigh of relief, but before he could speak, Wen Heng suddenly pulled him back, with the sword in his right hand, carrying the infuriating energy and pushing it out, with a "dang" sound, he held up the falling falling from the sky. With one sword, the tyrannical internal force swept the opponent straight out. If someone hadn't stopped him from behind, Wen Heng would have pushed him back to the bottom of the cliff on the spot.

"Sneak attack?" he asked coldly.

Nie Ying's reaction was also fast, the whip in his hand was about to be thrown out, and the moment he saw the person coming, he retracted his palm. Wen Heng felt his clothes move slightly behind him. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of this eldest brother hiding behind him, with his hat tightly covering his face. He lowered his head as if he was a thief, and said angrily, "I have hatred, so I can't meet."

Wen Heng nodded speechlessly.

The few people who confronted him were all dressed in azure silk robes, embroidered with bamboo leaf patterns on their fronts, long swords hanging from their waists, and silver crowns on their heads. They were elegant and graceful, and they looked like a group of elegant gentlemen. Knowing which tendon was wrong, he even secretly plotted behind his back.

Wen Heng had seen this kind of costume when he was in the Chunjun faction, so he was even more puzzled: "The people of Zhaoyao Villa... When have I provoke you?"

The disciple of Zhaoyao Mountain Villa pulled out a person from behind him, and said angrily: "We have all seen it, but we dare to argue! It is you who hurt people first, and trampled on other people's lives in order to climb the cliff. This kind of thinking is vicious. No matter how high your martial arts skills are, you are still a martial arts scum, so shameless!"

Wen Heng: "..."

Nie Ying shrank behind him, and although he didn't dare to show his true face, he snorted heavily from his nostrils, and let out an equally shameless sneer.

Wen Heng looked at him up and down, and asked sincerely and confusedly, "This friend, didn't your parents take you to visit a famous doctor to diagnose and treat your eyes?"

Someone on Cheng Terrace was attracted by the movement here and looked over. The flamboyant disciple stared at him and asked, "What do you mean? With so many people watching, you still want to deny it!"

Wen Heng clapped his hands and mocked: "As expected of the Zhaoyao Villa known as 'Swords and Swords of Poetry', it's just different for literati to scold people. This dog's barking is quite righteous."

The man said: "You dare to scold me!"

"Yes, I dare." Wen Heng turned the tip of his sword and pointed at the person he rescued: "There are still many people under the cliff. If you really want to know the truth, I can send you down to ask clearly—"

"Together with this shameless 'martial scum'."

Before he finished speaking, the sword wind had arrived, and the icy blade swept across the palm of the swaggering disciple. He shivered subconsciously, and let go of his hand unprepared. Wen Hengjian moved at will, and turned into a move of "slamming waves on the shore". The sword body was shot upright, and it hit the waist of the little man on the back of Nie Ying's back. , planted to the bottom of the cliff.


"Wait a minute!"

Several people shouted at the same time, the man thought he was going to die and screamed in fright, but the expected fall did not come as expected.

Wen Heng stood on the edge of the cliff, the scabbard hooked his collar, keeping him in a leaning forward posture, so that he would not fall or move, so he asked casually, "How, now I would like to say Is it true?"

A few ostentatious disciples came a little later, just witnessed the dispute between the two sides, and just stood on the cliff at this moment.

Their costumes are generally similar to those of the group of young disciples, but they are more delicate in subtleties. Obviously, they are of higher generation and they are the ones who really do the job.

A middle-aged man with a clear beard and a long beard asked in a deep voice, "Why are you making so much noise here?"

The person who was caught by Wen Heng was so frightened that he didn't wait for others to question him. He was the first to ask for mercy. The several disciples of Zhaoyao Mountain Villa acted with impulsive blood. They never thought that there was such a layer behind them. The more they listened, the worse their faces became, all of them flushed red, and the one who shouted the loudest could not wait to bury his head in the ground.

Seeing them like this, the middle-aged man had already guessed a bit of the truth, and said with a sullen face, "It's ridiculous!"

A young man of the same age as Wen Heng turned to his juniors and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter with you?"

The disciple who attacked first stood up with a face full of shame, and replied truthfully: "Senior brother, we saw this person being kicked down from the air by that or that young hero at the foot of the cliff, and thought they were harming people, so we were furious for a while. I saved this person and took him to the cliff, trying to get an explanation for him. Who knows... Who knows that we are actually blinded by this person... "

He avoided the important and put it lightly, so Wen Heng interjected coolly from the side: "The disciples of your sect are asking for an explanation, so it turned out to be a sneak attack from behind when someone was unprepared? Who am I supposed to have a bloody feud with me? The upbringing of the villa is really eye-opening."

Longjing turned his head to look at Wen Heng quickly, and just glanced at him casually, only to feel that the man was tall and straight, his posture was like a sword, and his aura was amazing. Looking more closely at this moment, only to realize that this is not the case at all. He was dressed so plainly that it was almost shabby, and he almost wrote the word "poor" on his face, like a piece of beautiful jade that should have been dazzling, but was artificially dressed as the most inconspicuous clod in the mountains.

But the sword in his hand will not lie.

The two swords that had just forced back the arrogant disciple were both extremely well-timed, and such an old-fashioned judgment did not seem like the handwriting of a young and unknown person.

Longjing made a decision in his heart.

"The next one is Longjing, the eldest disciple of Zhaoyao Villa. On behalf of my junior brother, I apologize to Your Excellency."

He came out more and more, and bowed to Wen Heng very solemnly, without avoiding or dodging, and said loudly: "We listened first, rude last, how offended, I hope Your Excellency Haihan."

These words were very polite, well-mannered, and did not cover up, and they admitted their mistakes neatly and simply. I am afraid that the audience will not be able to find a second such sincere apology.

As the saying goes, don't slap people with smiling faces, Wen Heng didn't want to raise a bar with them at first, so he said cheerfully, "It's easy to say."

He picked up the person hanging on the edge of the cliff, like a pheasant, and easily threw the huge living person at the previous disciple who attacked with a sword, saying: "The people you brought up will be returned to Zhao in full, so you don't need to thank me. ."

Naturally, no one would pick him up. All the disciples backed away like they were hiding from dirty things.

Longjing wanted to say something else, but Wen Heng turned away as if he didn't know them, and whispered to Nie Ying, "Let's go."

At this time, Longjing's attention was drawn to Nie Ying. If it wasn't for Wen Heng's past, he would not have counted this tall, silent man as Wen Heng's companion.

He also wore a bamboo hat like Wen Heng, with a single knife on his waist, so he couldn't see his face clearly. He had a strong physique with wide shoulders and narrow waist. Looking at the back of the two leaving, Longjing always felt that the tall man was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while.

"Hai Bo, what does the person next to him look like? How about martial arts?"

The younger junior brother Su Haibo, who caused the big trouble, looked at his face and said terrifiedly, "Eldest brother, I don't know either. He has been hiding behind others and didn't do anything."

Longjing muttered to himself: "Really?"

Would a person who knows martial arts hide behind his companions, let him be besieged and accused by a group of famous disciples, but not stand up and fight side by side with him

Is it because he believes too much in the martial arts of his companions, or is he afraid to show his true colors

"Dragon Realm."

The senior of Zhaoyao Villa recalled his thoughts and reminded: "It's not early, we should enter, don't delay business."

Longjing made an inaudible "um", and when he glanced at Su Haibo and the others, his expression turned stern: "You guys are going down the mountain immediately, there is no need to participate in the Sword Discourse Conference. After returning to Mingzhou, everyone will face the wall. Think about it for a month."

Su Haibo is the leader among the young disciples. He has been looking forward to the Sword Discourse Conference for a long time. He came to the summit today with the intention of showing off his skills. He never expected that Longjing would knock him back to the prototype with a single word, and his eyes were red with anxiety. : "Senior brother!"

Longjing glanced at him from top to bottom, and said coldly: "If you have anything to say, keep it back and explain to the master."

Su Haibo looked at the other elders pleadingly, someone saw that he was pitiful, and he pleaded: "Jing'er, Haibo is also kind..."

Longjing shook his head and disapproved: "Uncle Shi, don't take it lightly."

The disciples of Zhaoyao Mountain Villa are all gentlemen who have been strictly brought up, with excellent demeanor, and rarely speak harshly. Longjing is the eldest disciple of Zhaoyao Villa, and has the responsibility of restraining other disciples, and the uncles have to give him three points. Although he was not obviously angry at this moment, as soon as he said these words, the senior immediately winked at Su Haibo and said, "Listen to your senior brother."

No matter how reluctant Su Haibo was, he had to endure it and honestly pleaded guilty and left.

Wen Heng and Nie Ying mixed into the crowd under the terrace, and found a secluded and quiet place to sit down. Seeing that no one was paying attention to them, they relaxed. Nie Ying wrapped the whip around her waist, gritted her teeth and said, "Thanks to my brother just now, I didn't expect that bastard would dare to bite back. Those hypocrites in Zhaoyao Villa are really hateful!"

Wen Heng has been away from the world for a long time, and he is not very clear about many things in the martial arts, so he asked curiously, "What old grudges do you have with Zhaoyao Villa, and why do you avoid them like this?"

Nie Ying said disappointedly: "It's hard to say, it's a long story."

Wen Heng became curious and said, "Anyway, the conference hasn't started yet, so if you're idle, you're idle, so let's talk about it."

"We still go to Yanmen, you know, we originally started as a gang, and then took root in a bitter and cold place like Tuozhou. The disciples in the door would pick up chopsticks and knives since they were young, and they would ride horses and follow adults into the mountains to hunt at the age of eight or nine. He is rough and bold, and he is not at all different from the nerds at Zhao Yao Villa." Nie Ying thought about the past and sighed slowly, "Your elder brother naturally grew up like this, and he never felt that something was wrong.

"It wasn't until one year that there was a happy event in Yanmen, and I invited all the factions to Tuozhou to observe the ceremony. That was the first time I met the disciples of Zhaoyao Villa. Don't look at the dog-like appearance of Longjing now. Kind of like a person."

Wen Heng asked blankly, "Who is Dragon Realm?"

"It's the person who apologized to you just now, the senior brother of Zhaoyao Villa." Nie Ying said, "I liked him very much at that time. I took him to the grassland to go hunting and horse racing, and taught him to draw a bow and shoot arrows. I really regarded him as a brother. Who Know that later... ugh."

Wen Heng saw him describe his grief, and thought that the two later turned against each other and had some deep-seated hatred, and asked cautiously, "What happened next?"

Recalling the past, Nie Ying can still clearly recall the feeling of heartbreak: "At the parting practice banquet, his parents and elders were so excited about poetry, they insisted on pointing to objects and reciting poetry, and it was Dragon Realm's turn... I still remember a poem to this day, a white-eyed wolf, in vain that I was so good to him."

"What poem?"

"He stood up and pointed at me and read, 'Biancheng'er, I didn't read a single word when I was born, but I know that hunting and exaggeration is light.' Although I am a rough person, I know that this is not a good word." Nie Ying patted his With a bit of resentment on his shoulders, he said bitterly, "Brother, remember, every time a dog slaughtered in Zhuangyi, reading is mostly a heartless person, and there is nothing good in Zhaoyao Villa!"

The author has something to say: This poem is from Li Bai's "Traveling and Hunting"

Bianchenger, he did not read a single word book in his birth year, but he knew how to exaggerate about hunting and exaggeration.

Huma is fertile and suitable for white grass in autumn, and He Jinjiao rides to sneak in shadows.

The golden whip brushed the snow and waved its sheath, and half-heartedly called the eagle out of the outer suburbs.

The bow and the full moon are not in vain, and the double owls burst into the air.

The seaside viewers are all open and easy, and the wind and the sand moraine are violently shaken.

Confucian scholars are not as good as rangers, so what is the benefit of the white head!