Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 5: Shocked


Fan Yang has long been accustomed to Wen Heng's thoughtful style, and has always obeyed his orders, so he was always taut at night and did not dare to fall asleep completely.

However, until the sky was about to dawn, the morning light came late, and there was no change in the temple. It seemed that His Royal Highness was indeed overthinking this time.

Fan Yang thought so, and turned over to bed lightly, and went to ask Wen Heng to get up and change. He just raised his hand to open the door, and the door was pushed open from the inside. Wen Heng walked out in a robe, and his face was dark and haggard, as if he hadn't slept well.

"Prince?" Fan Yang was surprised, "what's the matter with you?"

Wen Heng was awakened by a nightmare at the third watch, and he had a splitting headache after waking up. For some reason, he was always feeling uneasy in his heart. At this moment, he didn't have the heart to hide it in front of Fan Yang. He frowned and asked, "Where are the people who sent out last night, have they come back?"

Fan Yang said: "It should be here, my subordinates will go and call him."

Wen Heng let out a tired "um", Fan Yang hurriedly left, a light breeze from the corner of his clothes woke A Que, who was sleeping on the inside of the bed.

He had been wandering for several days, and at the moment he didn't know what day and night it was. He opened his eyes and thought for a long time before realizing that this was not a dream. He was so happy that a carp sat up upright and just happened to bump into Wen Heng's line of sight.

A Que was startled, her excitement subsided slightly, and she opened her mouth in embarrassment, but she didn't know what to call him.

Wen Heng understood what he meant and said, "Just call the young master."

Ah Que quickly settled into the bed and put on her shoes, walked up to him, raised her head and called "Young Master". Wen Heng responded with an "um", reached out and rubbed his unkempt hair, as if he had touched the soft fluff of a bird, and asked inadvertently, "Did you sleep well?"

Ah Que was still a little restrained in front of him, and whispered, "Sleep well... Brother Fan didn't snore."

He asked again, "Where's the young master?"

Wen Heng knew that his face was probably not good-looking, otherwise, A Que wouldn't let even a child notice that something was wrong. He forced a smile, avoided answering, and asked, "You froze outside for a long time last night, do you feel any discomfort?"

A Que hurriedly shook her head, as if she was afraid of causing more trouble for Wen Heng: "No. No discomfort."

Being well-behaved is, of course, very well-behaved, but it is not what a child of this age should look like. Wen Heng secretly kept it in his heart, thinking that he would change it in the future, he said, "If it's uncomfortable, tell me, don't hide it. If you hide the problem, it will be a big trouble, remember ?"

Ah Que nodded like pecking at rice, still thinking it was not enough, and said, "I know."


The two were talking when Fan Yang hurriedly pushed open the door and walked in stride: "The person sent out last night hasn't come back. Before leaving, his subordinates specially told him to hurry and return, from Baoan Temple to A trip back and forth in the capital, four hours is enough, shouldn't it be—"

He was influenced by Wen Heng's cautious attitude, and he was afraid of accidents if there was a slight disturbance, but Wen Heng was calmer than him, and said, "Don't worry, maybe something happened on the road that delayed it. You send someone to the direction of the capital to welcome you. Welcome him."


Fan Yang led the way. As soon as he went out, the calmness on Wen Heng's face disappeared, frowning in a daze. After an unknown amount of time, a deep and distant bell sounded outside, awakening his thoughts that were floating nine days away. Wen Heng looked down, only to realize that A Que had been standing quietly beside his lap for some time.

"Why don't you go and sit?" Wen Heng was reminded by the morning bell of the temple, and then he remembered that he still had to eat. He pinched the bridge of his nose and said to A Que, "I lost my mind for a while. You go to clean your hands first, and someone will bring you breakfast later."

Ah Que is like a little girl with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, every move. Just as he was about to walk towards the outside washbasin rack, there were suddenly several urgent knocks outside the door. He immediately trotted over and pulled the door latch. In an instant, the cold wind with the smell of blood rushed into the room together with the tall figure, and a drop of blood splattered. On the front, like a plum blossom in ashes.


"What's wrong?"

The scream alarmed Wen Heng, he walked quickly from the window, and saw that the palace guard sent last night was covered in blood and fell to the ground face down, but still struggled to get up: "Prince..."

Wen Heng rushed forward and hugged him, momentarily frightened and angry: "How did you get hurt like this? What happened? Someone!"

"Flee... Shizi, run, run away..."

A Que and Wen Heng supported the guard together, and the two were very close, so he clearly felt a tremor that didn't belong to him. If Wen Heng was hit hard, he gritted his teeth and asked, "What do you mean? Make it clear!"

The guard's body was covered with wounds of different depths, and what was even worse was a severe internal injury. As soon as he opened his mouth, blood gushed out from his nose and mouth. He had already tried his best to come back, but at this moment his voice was so weak that it was difficult to hear, as if it was a soul crawling out of hell, murmuring his dying delirium: "My lord, my lord entered the palace last night... assassinated Your Majesty... Attempted to be punished. The internal masters were executed on the spot and on the spot, and the forbidden army led people to raid the house... The princess committed suicide. They are searching for the prince all over the city... Soon, ahem, they will soon be chasing after..."

There was a "hum" in Wen Heng's mind.

Ah Que didn't understand, but she knew that something big had happened, so she immediately got up and rushed to the door, running and falling, shouting, "Help! Come on! Help!"

The monks who lived nearby were the first to arrive, but they were too frightened to move by the horrific sight, so they hurriedly called for the abbot. After a while, cluttered footsteps came, and Fan Yang rushed into the house, pushing aside the crowd, pounced on the guard's wound, and said anxiously, "What the hell is going on

Wen Heng seemed to be frozen alive, with all five senses lost, only his mind remained. He unexpectedly remembered the dream last night. Wen Kezhen and Liu Shi both fell into the bottomless river. He chased desperately through the knee-length grass, but it was like stepping into the mud, sinking deeper and deeper until there was no top. Finally woke up in suffocation, wiped his face, and found that it was full of cold tears.

Bad luck and good fortune, it should be today.

All the silence around him seemed to have temporarily built a barrier for him. However, Wen Heng knew in his heart that something big had happened, and although he couldn't hear it, those words were ringing in his mind over and over again, and finally came down to a deep-rooted thought: I don't believe it.

The guard was seriously injured, and Wen Heng seemed to lose his soul. Fan Yang almost went crazy on the spot: "What's going on? Who is going to tell me what's going on!"

"Run away."

Fan Yang knelt on the ground and turned around suddenly: "What?"

In the corner by the door, a young, trembling voice rang out: "He said... 'run away'."

The monks separated, revealing Ah Que behind him. His hair was disheveled, his face was pale, and half of the front of his shirt was covered in blood, like a little madman. If it was another child, he would have been scared crazy by now, but he was surprisingly calm and repeated to Fan Yang word by word: "He said that the prince assassinated His Majesty, and was executed by the big inner... Da inner killed, and the forbidden army led people. The house was raided, the princess committed suicide, the whole city was searched, and they will be chased soon."

Fan Yang was horrified: "Impossible!"

Abbot Huitong folded his palms together and recited "Amitabha", and the rest of the monks also recited "Amitabha" in unison.

In the Yoyo Buddha's number, the guard returned to the light and returned to shine. I don't know how to generate strength. Suddenly, he grabbed Fan Yang and said in a trembling voice: "Take the prince away, they want to cut the grass and eradicate the roots... Let's go!"

Fan Yang was caught off guard and was pushed back by him. After the guard explained the last sentence, he finally ran out of fuel and let go. Fan Yang sat on the ground in a daze, his eyes were red, he choked for a while, and finally got up to help Wenheng with tears in his eyes: "Prince... Shizi, we have to go..."

Wen Heng finally raised his eyes in a trance, his eyes were bloodshot, as if he was stunned: "Go? Where are you going?"

Fan Yang came from it sadly, and said abruptly: "No matter where you go, the capital is determined not to go back."

Wen Heng asked in a daze: "What about my parents?"

Abbot Huitong let out a long sigh, and stepped forward to help Wen Heng: "The death of Wang Ye and Wang Fei is quite strange. There may be grievances in it, and the prince needs to protect himself before it can be a long-term solution."

Taking advantage of Wen Heng's distraction, Abbot Huitong pointed at his sleeping point. Wen Heng's eyes suddenly darkened, he immediately lost consciousness, and fell on Fan Yang's shoulders.

Fan Yang was shocked when he thought that Huitong would take action at this time: "Abbot!"

Abbot Huitong said solemnly: "The pursuit of troops is coming, it is not too late, Fan Guard please take the prince and leave through the back door of this temple."

Fan Yang has been with Wen Heng for several years, and he has become accustomed to what Wen Heng refers to, and he has no opinion at all. At this moment, Wen Heng collapsed. He seemed to have been taken away from the backbone. He was at a loss for a moment, not knowing what to do, so he could only grab the Abbot Huitong and asked, "The prince is a native of the capital, and he is also the son of the Wangfu family. , where else can we go? Ask the master to show you a clear path!"

Abbot Huitong pondered for a while, and said, "It is Meng Fengcheng that is heading west."

"Mengfengcheng... Mengfengcheng Wanlaimen!" Fan Yang's eyes lit up, "Yes, the master of Liumen is the uncle of the prince, and Wanlaimen will never stand idly by when the palace suffers such a great disaster!"

After a few words, the guards had already set up their carriages and rushed to the outside of the courtyard. Abbot Huitong sent Fan Yang to the door and said to the guards: "The only blood of His Royal Highness King Qing is entrusted to you. The journey ahead is difficult and dangerous. Hope cherished."

Fan Yang placed Wen Heng in the car, and then carried A Que into the carriage. His eyes were full of tears, and his husband said, "Master, don't worry, even if you are smashed to pieces, the prince will be kept safe."

He glanced at the blood stains inside the door, and choked again: "My brother, please ask your temple to bury him. Today we flee, it will definitely cause trouble for the Baoan Temple and implicate you all for no reason. I feel really guilty."

He knew that it might be difficult for him to return to the capital again in his life, and it was even more difficult to predict good and bad luck in the future. This time, he received the blessing of Abbot Huitong's life, and I am afraid that he will not have the chance to repay in the future. He had thousands of words choked in his throat, but he didn't have time to open his mouth, so he brushed his clothes down and bowed, and kowtowed three times to Abbot Huitong.

Abbot Huitong recited the Buddha's name, bowed slightly and returned the salute, saying: "For fifteen years, Baoan Temple has been greatly favored by the palace, and has never been forgotten. Today, the palace is in trouble, and I should do my best to deal with the prince."

Fan Yang couldn't help himself, tears rolled down, he wiped his face with force, jumped on the carriage, and said to his husband, "If you are lucky enough to escape with your life, you will come to thank the abbot for your kindness in the future, and there will be a future!"


Several horses of the palace guarded the carriage and galloped westward all the way.

The northwest wind whistled through thick clouds, the sky was overcast, and heavy snow was coming. In the Baoan Temple, Abbot Huitong sent monks to restrain the dead guards, while he inspected the wing and guest house where Wen Heng and the guards lived one by one, and closed the doors and locked them. After doing all this, he returned to the main hall, sat alone on the futon, and recited the "Ksitigarbha Sutra" silently with the flickering candles in the hall.

When he closed his eyes and was still, everything was silent. In addition to the scriptures he muttered and recited, there were also deep and shallow footsteps, the sound of horses' hooves, and the sound of wind blowing sharp blades, all flocking to this small room. Buddhist hall.

In the uninhabited courtyard, two grey sparrows landed on the tall jujube tree, chirping and pecking at the frosted fruit. After a while, one of them suddenly flapped its wings and flew up, but it didn't fly very far. It suddenly froze in mid-air, and fell outside the temple wall with a "pat".

The other, though still clinging to the branch, never barked or flew again.

A pair of dusty boots kicked away the corpse of the bullfinch, seeming to hesitate for a moment, and finally turned around and headed towards the west of Baoan Temple.