Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 54: imprisoned


The author has something to say: There is no Xue Qinglan in this week's running plot. Those who want to chase Xiao Xue can save it until next week.

Wen Changqing woke up from the turbulent drowsiness, struggling to open his eyelids, and saw that the people around him were crooked, crooked, upside down, and their clothes were all different. There were disciples of all sects, but all of them were pale and their lips were chapped. A layer of dead skin is all haggard and decadence carved out of a mold.

This is their third day of being held hostage.

On the night of the Sword Art Conference, he slept after returning from the banquet, but when he woke up the next day, he found that he and the other disciples were locked in a large car, and their weapons were missing. The inner strength was also blocked by drugs. As for what happened last night, how they were kidnapped, they were completely ignorant.

The four walls of this carriage are all made of fine iron, which is unbreakable. It is not an ordinary carriage, but a specially built prison carriage. The car was hot and dark, and only a small window was left on the ceiling for ventilation and light. In the summer, seven or eight people were crowded together, and their bodies were soaked with sweat. The smell was disgusting, but it was helpless.

Whether awake or in a dream, the sound of the reel of the car is monotonous, and the long road underfoot seems to never end.

The daily supply of drinking water is limited, and a heavy amount of Hua Gong powder is added unabashedly. They were hungry these days, and their bodies became weaker and weaker. They struggled with all means for the first two days. Today, they have been completely defeated. Apart from sitting quietly with their eyes closed, they can't even raise the strength to speak.

Wen Changqing sat leaning against the door. Although it was bumpier here than elsewhere, the door was cracked and the smell was better. He took advantage of the coolness of the black iron to wake himself up, tried his best to ignore this uncomfortable environment, and silently calculated in his heart whether they still had a way out.

Listening to the voices outside, there were at least a dozen of the big carts, not just the one he was in. If you look at the disciples of other factions who were assigned to the same cart with him, I am afraid that everyone on Siyou Mountain will be carried away. The incident happened in Si Youshan, and the first person Wen Changqing suspected was the Chu Family Sword Sect. But now there is a dying Chu family member sitting opposite him. It makes no sense for them to kill even their own family. Besides, in terms of distance, they have been traveling for days, and by this time they have already walked out of the Tuozhou boundary. If the Chu Family Sword Sect wanted to do bad things, they would definitely not give up the site they had been operating for many years, but instead risked sending them outside.

So far, no matter how the people resisted and made trouble, the leader of this group has not shown up. No one knew where they came from or what they wanted to do.

This feeling of having a knife hanging from the neck can drive people crazy more than knowing that they will die, especially for those who practice martial arts with a straight temperament, instead of being manipulated and humiliated by others, it is better to give them a knife directly.

Just as Wen Changqing was thinking about it, the carriage suddenly jolted heavily, and immediately stopped, and the driver shouted from outside, "What are you doing?!"

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry... Hey, come back!" A man speaking in a local accent said in a panic, "This beast is suddenly disobedient, please forgive me, sir. I'll take it away."

The driver said angrily, "I can't take good care of my own donkey, and it gets in the way on the road! Take it away quickly, or I will kill you if I don't!"

The whip whistled, and a donkey roaring "En, ah, ah," resounded in the surrounding fields, and the man yelled loudly: "You dare to slap you, the little beast has turned against you!" The donkey was finally pulled away, the road was clear, and the wheels rolled again. After a while, someone was approaching with a horse in front. Wen Changqing listened carefully, only to hear someone outside ask: "What happened? Why did it stop suddenly?"

The coachman replied, "It's alright, just now two farmers who were riding donkeys accidentally rammed the carriage and were sent away."

The man asked, "Isn't it that you didn't tell anyone to find out the difference?"

Another person replied: "Don't worry, lord, no one is making a sound. If there are two more farmers, even if they are found, what kind of waves can they make?"

Wen Changqing's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself, "How come people in the martial arts are called 'adults', are they from the government? But how could people from the government attack us for no reason?" The conversation between the two aroused doubts: "We These days of disappearance, the Chu family's sword faction has already found out that something is wrong, and the division must try to send someone to rescue them. Did those two people just come to explore the way?"

Suddenly, the sound of horses' hooves gradually faded away, and the convoy was still on its way. Everyone was tired and lethargic due to the heat, and could not distinguish foreign affairs. Only Wen Changqing was puzzled, and he was very awake all the way.

But he said that outside the car, the man who came to the end of the line to inquire about the situation went back to the front, slowed down beside the leader, fell slightly behind him, and said in a low voice, "My lord, I've asked the subordinates, and just now the two farmers didn't hold the donkey. Accidentally rammed the convoy and drove them away."

"Oh?" The man turned his head slightly, and the hat covered his face, only revealing his clearly-turned lower jaw, and his lips were thinned. He asked playfully, "You think it's just an 'accidental collision'?"

The man was stunned for a moment and said, "This subordinate is blunt, please enlighten me."

"If you walk this road, you will know that there are no villages and towns within thirty miles of this place." The man said casually, "Since there are no villages and towns, where did the farmers come from?"

"Are they pretending?" The spy was startled, "This subordinate will go—"

"Hey, no need." The man raised his whip to stop him, and said indifferently, "Sooner or later, there will be such an event, and it will come sooner than I thought. It can be seen that these people are not very useless."

"Don't pay attention to them. Hurry up as soon as possible. The day after tomorrow at the latest, we will settle in Xingcheng."

On the dusty official road, two farmers managed to soothe the donkey. One of them took out the water bladder from the saddlebag and took a few mouthfuls to quench his thirst. Then he let out a long breath and changed his accent. , said in Mandarin: "On such a hot day, the living people are also sullen. These grandchildren are really fucking reckless."

The other was sitting in the shade of a tree. Although he had a beard glued to his face and was decorated with tree sap, his complexion was thick and dark, but his eyes were full of brilliance, which was extremely incompatible with this face. Wen Heng. He had been fighting with the donkey for a long time, and he was too hot, so he took off his bamboo hat and fan: "I heard the news just now, there are at least eight people in the car, and they are breathing heavily, so they should be given some kind of medicine. Based on such calculations, such a convoy has no less than 100 people, this kind of handwriting can never be done on a whim or accidental, it must have been planned for a long time, didn’t you find any omen before you returned to Yanmen?”

The other farmer was Nie Ying, and said helplessly, "If we could find the omens, we would not have come a long time ago. The Sword Discourse Conference had nothing to do with Huanyanmen. Who knew that such a trip would cause a lot of trouble for nothing. ." He looked at the stove-like sun and sighed: "If I hadn't met you, brother, I wouldn't know where I would be now."

Wen Heng shook his head and smiled, "Brother Nie, why should you be humble?"

Nie Ying stretched one leg, leaned back on the tree trunk, and said, "I won't hide it from you until now, I avoided returning to Yanmen this time and came out alone, but I was not convinced, and I always felt that I didn't rely on me... my family. Elders, you can make a name for yourself by yourself. As long as I stand firm in the rivers and lakes, from now on, no one will point at me from behind. "

"I used to dream that if I were to take charge of returning to Yanmen one day, I would definitely carry forward this school and make a name for itself in the martial arts of the Central Plains. But now I can only watch my fellow schoolmate fall into the enemy's hands, but there is nothing I can do, except to return to the school to ask for help. There is no way out."

He is a few years older than Wen Heng, and he is not too old, but not too young. Most ordinary people have married and had children at this age, and no longer regard themselves as teenagers; but for people who practice martial arts, their twenties are really young. Unless they are geniuses, they may not even have practiced a kung fu. Sophisticated.

Without going through the trials and tribulations, living under the protection of elders since childhood, even if such a person has the lofty ambition to establish a household, it is really difficult to be a big responsibility.

Wen Heng had no family business to inherit for a long time, and he didn't understand his troubles very well, so he could only comfortably say: "It's a matter of human beings, but not one person. Why is it not a solution to go back to the sect to ask for help? Think about it, at least there is still you in Yanmen. If you tip off, aren't those sects that have no one waiting at the foot of the mountain more dangerous?"

"Besides, aren't we trying to figure out a way now?" Wen Heng raised his hand and slapped him on the shoulder, "We have caught up with them, and if we find out the situation early, the people who have been kidnapped will have more vitality. It's your credit. Brother Nie, don't belittle yourself."

Nie Ying knew that he was trying to comfort him in a different way, but Wen Heng's determined attitude made him inexplicably cheered up, and the feeling of depression in his heart lessened a little.

After Xue Qinglan left that day, Wen Heng stayed at the Maling Town Inn and planned to wait for the Chunjun faction to return and go back to Yueying Mountain with them. Unexpectedly, the left and right were not seen, the rangers and FITs had left the mountain as early as the end of the sword-discussion conference, but none of the disciples of the major sects showed up.

Maling Town is the first town you encounter when walking westward from Siyou Mountain. It is the only place to go to Jiuqu. Unless people of the Chunjun faction do not intend to go back to the mountain, they will definitely take the road of Maling Town. . But Wen Heng waited for two full days, but he didn't see a familiar figure. At this time, he finally realized that something was wrong, so he packed up his bags, bought a horse, and returned to Siyou Mountain on the same road. After exploring, he happened to bump into Nie Ying, who was also stalking here.

After a pair of news, it was confirmed that six or seven sects, including Huanyanmen, Chunjun, and Zhaoyao Shanzhuang, had all disappeared silently on the night of the Sword Discourse Conference.

This matter was full of strangeness, Wen Heng and Nie Ying immediately set off, followed the rut marks all the way to the southeast, only to discover the trace of this convoy the day before yesterday.

Every car is sealed like an iron barrel, and the surrounding area is heavily guarded. Moreover, they rush on the road for days and seldom stop, so as not to give the attackers the slightest chance to take advantage. The two did not know the strength of the other, so they did not dare to act rashly, so they found a farmer on the way, exchanged horses for two commoners and a donkey, hurried from behind, and managed to catch up with the convoy, deliberately acting like this on the road. One out.

It's a pity that the other party is too vigilant, they have no chance to talk to each other, and they can't get close to the team. At present, they can only be sure that everyone is alive, but they don't know the specific situation.

Wen Heng pondered for a moment, then pondered: "Brother Nie, do you think the mastermind of this group of people is the two people we met in the woods under Siyou Mountain that night?"

Nie Ying: "What do you say?"

Wen Heng said: "I remember that there was a little bit of clues in their words. One of them called the other 'Sir', and I thought it was strange at the time. Look at those big cars just now, all of them were made of black iron, and there were holes on them. With the transom, this is a prison van for escorting serious criminals."

Nie Ying understood what he meant, nodded and said, "Indeed, other than the government, who would drive so many prison carts for no reason? There are also horses, and it's not like ordinary people can afford to support them."

Wen Heng buckled his hat back, got up and said, "If it's really an official government, this will be troublesome. We have to continue to follow the convoy to see if we can find a chance to sneak in and figure out what's going on."