Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 56: Prison visit


As soon as she entered the back room, Nie Ying was so anxious that she jumped up and down. Although he and Wen Heng had known each other for a short time, he had already trusted him in his heart. If he was beaten to death, he would never have imagined that Wen Heng's methods would be so cruel. This behavior is completely unlike a disciple from a well-known sect, and it is even more contrary to the chivalrous way of the world.

"Brother, I understand that you are trying to be safe, but you don't need to be so... so cruel." Nie Ying frowned and said, "Two old people can't prevent us from saving people, why should we implicate innocent people?"

"Oh?" Wen Heng said casually, "Killing one person to save a hundred people and sacrificing small profits for the sake of righteousness, I thought this was a widely accepted practice, what's there to blame?"

"It's easy to say!" Nie Ying said with anger on his face, "Whose life is not life? Human life is at stake, how can you compare the two places? What is the difference between your thoughts and those demons who murder and benefit themselves? !"

He was speechless, didn't read much, and he had a lot of advice and rebuttals tossing around in his chest, but it was difficult to explain them one by one. The wicked... No matter what the reason is, I can't just watch you harm others. Saving people is important, but we have to be conscientious in what we do. The big deal, the big deal, I'll go back to the people who returned to Yanmen to help. We won't take risks tomorrow. "

Wen Heng looked at him fixedly, and suddenly sneered.

He shook his head helplessly, resumed his usual tone, and sighed: "Brother Nie, if I really want to harm people, I won't give you the antidote."

Nie Ying dazedly followed his line of sight and lowered her head, and saw the white-bodied porcelain bottle tightly clenched in her hand.

The anger bubbling in his chest was like a pierced fish bubble, which quickly collapsed, and hesitantly said: "You..."

Wen Heng asked again, "Have you heard of the medicine 'Duanhunfeiposan'?"

Nie Ying shook his head blankly: "No."

Wen Heng smiled and said, "That's right. There's no such thing as 'breaking the soul' in the world. I made it up to deceive people."

"..." Nie Ying said with a headache, "Which song are you going to sing?"

"The intention of harming others is a must, and the heart of preventing others is indispensable. Although I can't use poison, I can be very scary, and the effect is the same." Wen Heng said earnestly, "Brother, you and I are gambling with our lives. There is no room for mistakes. Even if they are good people in the tenth generation, they have to be careful."

"But I have listened to what you advised me just now." He seemed a little dazed, his eyes looked very deep under the light, "If I had half your insistence..."

His voice fell, and gradually he could not hear it. Nie Ying couldn't hear it clearly: "What?"

"It's nothing." Wen Heng came to his senses and said sternly, "My big brother's mind really makes me admire it, my little brother has been taught today."

Nie Ying hurriedly waved his hand and told him to stop: "Don't make fun of your eldest brother, why should our brothers say such foreign words. The business is important, what are your plans, let's hear it."

Wen Heng said: "I will go in tomorrow to investigate the situation. I won't do anything for the time being. First, find out the location of the cell and how to change the guard patrol. If you can sneak into the cell, you'd better find one or two of your own people and see what poison is in them. Find out what the government's plan is to arrest people." He handed a paper-wrapped pill to Nie Ying, and said, "This is the resurrection pill, the material is rare, I only got this one this afternoon, you can take it with you. Unfortunately, I got caught in it, and I can use this medicine to detoxify it."

Nie Ying was holding the small paper bag, but felt that a pill was as heavy as a thousand pounds, and he could hardly hold it: "Then what do you do?"

"You don't need it, I can handle it without the internal strength, don't worry." Wen Heng said, "Remember, after you sneak in tomorrow, you must first find a way to find this person—"

The next morning, two carts loaded with vegetables, rice, and noodles stopped at the back corner gate of Shiyue Prison. The old man pointed to the two tall young men behind him, and tremblingly introduced to the guards: "Master, these two are The little old man is a distant grandnephew, this person is called Wang Yue, this is called Wang Jing. Today, there is one more carload of food than usual, and the two of us can’t move it, so I asked them to help unload the goods.”

The two old men were vegetables they were used to in prison. The sergeant had known each other for a long time. Hearing what he said, he approached and said, "Raise your head and stretch out your hand."

One of the two young men had a sallow complexion, the other had a full beard. Although he was tall, he always hunched his back unconsciously. Not only were there thick calluses on his hands, but there was dirt that could not be washed cleanly between his fingers. At first glance, It is indeed like a villager who works in agriculture all the year round.

When the sergeant saw them dodging and cowering, he didn't dare to breathe. He just thought it was a countryman who was naturally afraid of officers and soldiers, and he waved his hand to let them go, "Go in." Then he smiled at the old man and said, "Uncle Wang, come back tomorrow. , remember to bring some good fruit, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the brothers are thirsty."

The old man agreed, Wen Heng and Nie Ying silently pulled the cart into the door, followed the old woman around to the back kitchen, and moved the baskets on the cart into the yard one by one.

Although it was not yet noon, the kitchen was very busy. There is only one cook in this big prison. He can cook enough for dozens of people on weekdays. Suddenly, he has to take care of the food of more than 200 people, so he is a little busy. When he saw the prince and wife brought someone to deliver the food, he immediately greeted: " Well done! Hurry up, I'm missing someone here to help me!"

Wen Heng and Nie Ying looked at each other, Wen Heng took the initiative to step forward, and said in a strong local accent, "What is your order, eldest brother?"

When the cook saw a young man he didn't know, he said "yo" and asked, "Uncle Wang, this is this?"

The old man hurriedly said, "It's my nephew, called Wang Yue."

"Oh, little brother Wang Yue, can you cook porridge?" The cook pointed to the empty stove next to him, "Go and rinse the pot, scoop up a few bowls of rice to make a pot of gruel, and then just pick some leaves and put them in. "

Wen Heng carried out the words "honesty and Bajiao" to the end, without daring to ask any more questions, he lowered his head and walked towards the stove. Nie Ying moved the rice and noodles by the side, and asked in a confused and ignorant manner: "Why do the officials also drink gruel? We farm, and we have a dry meal at noon every day."

The cook laughed at him for not knowing, and sneered: "What do you know, this is for the thieves in the prison to eat. Yesterday, eight cars of prisoners came, and there were more than a dozen officials from the capital. I want to do this comprehensively. Some people, aren't they too busy?"

He also knew that he couldn't say more about the things in this prison, but people always have curiosity and vanity, and can't help but show off. Just at this moment, Wen Heng filled the pot with water and muttered, "This porridge is too thin, you can't even hear the sound when you drink it. What a big crime these people have committed, it's pathetic."

"Haha, they are still pitiful? It's not bad to have a mouthful of food to eat." The cook said casually, "I helped the prisoner to deliver meals yesterday, and I saw those people wearing silk and satin clothes. Not dead."

Wen Heng asked: "According to this, do you dare to have a corrupt official whose home was raided?"

The cook shook his head and said, "No. I heard that they are a very vicious group of thieves in the rivers and lakes. They can't be restrained without any means." He pouted at the rice soup that Wen Heng was cooking, and whispered, "If they are full, Fan, with the strength, this group of people hasn't demolished the house yet?"

Nie Ying and Wen Heng looked awe-inspiring and solemnly looked at the pot of rice soup. The cook's vanity was greatly satisfied, and they pretended to be indifferent and said, "You two are working pretty neatly, come and help me get the dirty water out. fall down."

He is always busy by himself all the year round, and with great difficulty came two errands, and it is very energetic to call people. Wen Heng and Nie Ying were turned around by him. When the porridge was almost ready, footsteps were heard outside, a tall and sturdy man in black walked straight into the kitchen, looked around, and frowned, "Why are there so many people? ?"

This man's footsteps were steady and powerful, his temples were bulging high, his demeanor was neat, his eyes were bright, and his martial arts were obviously not weak. Wen Heng and Nie Ying looked at each other and immediately lowered their heads to restrain their breaths, pretending to be afraid to avoid looking at him. The cook hurriedly wiped his hands to greet him, and said with an apologetic smile: "Sir, calm down, this is the old Wang and his wife who deliver food to the prison every day. They are all old people who are familiar with them. The little ones can't use their hands here, so that's why they are called. Come and help the little one with the chores."

That man was also coming to Shiyue Prison for the first time. He didn't know much about these cooks and handymen, so he asked coldly, "Have you prepared the porridge and water for the prisoners?"

The cook hurriedly led him to the stove and said, "Already got it."

Wen Heng silently stepped aside, and saw from the corner of his eye that the man took out a large packet of medicinal powder from his arms, shook it into the porridge pot, then rolled the oiled paper into a ball, and threw it towards the stove—

Wen Heng then covered his sleeves, his right hand secretly used strength, and with a flick of his finger, a thin air flow shot straight out, and the ball of paper was thrown into the air and landed in the corner of the earthen stove where the flames could not burn.

The man didn't notice his small movements, pushed him away from the stove, turned his head and instructed, "Pour out the porridge and take it to the cell."

The cook was still busy feeding the prisoner and the others, but he responded, but he couldn't get out for a while, so he hurriedly called out, "Wang Yue!" With a wink, he asked him to help.

Wen Heng and Nie Ying couldn't get what they wanted, so they rushed forward in a hurry. Wen Heng quickly took out the paper ball in the stove and put it into Nie Ying's hands while no one was looking. He whispered, "After you go out, find someone to test the prescription and dispense the medicine."

The two of them worked together to fill two buckets full of porridge water, weighing about a few dozen pounds. The man would never take the initiative to do these lowly chores. Seeing that the two of them were doing it carefully, he said, "Carry the porridge and come with me."

From the kitchen and the cell, you need to go around a low wall, which seems to be far away, but in fact it is only a hundred steps away. When the guard at the door saw the man coming, he greeted them in unison, "Master Fang."

The surnamed Fang tapped the chin on the two behind him and said to the guard, "Take the porridge in, the brothers will change shifts to eat."

Hearing this, the guard looked embarrassed, and walked over to reply in a low voice: "Master Fang, the group of people has become more and more violent. Last night, they poured porridge on the brothers and threatened to go on a hunger strike, and would rather starve to death than suffer from this. humiliation."

Fang, whose surname is not deep, sneered when he heard the words: "Then let them starve, and I'm afraid they won't succeed? I want to see how hard the bones of this group of people are."

The guard whispered: "But a few people seem to be dying... The Nine Masters have ordered them to die for the time being."

Fang's brows furrowed, and he cursed, "Damn it! You are so troublesome!"

Wen Heng and Nie Ying stood far away, so they couldn't hear their whispers. But the ears of the martial arts practitioners are so sharp that the guard's whisper fell into the ears of the two of them without fail. After a while, the man turned his head angrily and said to Wen Heng, "Put down the bucket and go back."

The two answered "yes", knowing that they had no hope of entering today and were about to leave when a figure suddenly appeared from the back of the house, and someone raised their voices and asked, "What happened?"

His voice was very clear and sweet, like pearls and jade hitting each other, with a lingering meaning. But the beast-like intuition was at work, and a string in Wen Heng's mind suddenly tightened. After a long time, he felt some kind of imminent danger, which even made him feel cold all over the body in the hot summer.

The author has something to say: There are still two chapters left unfinished, and construction is underway