Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 59: past


The author has something to say: In this week's update, there is still no Xiao Xue deity to appear, I will punish myself three cups first, take out the keyboard and kneel.

"What's wrong?" Wen Changqing said worriedly when he saw his heavy expression, "Who is this person? Is it difficult to deal with?"

He was afraid of causing panic among others, so his voice was very low. Wen Heng also replied in a low voice, "Almost. Senior brother, have you heard of the nine masters in the big inner circle?"

It's not that Wen Changqing didn't think about it, but the guess was too terrible, he deliberately avoided mentioning it, but Wen Heng was more straightforward than him, and he pierced the window paper without hesitation.

"A person from the court?"

Wen Heng said: "Yes, they are still the most elite group of people in the court."

Wen Changqing couldn't understand: "The Chunjun faction has always been self-disciplined and disciplined to be a chivalrous person and a good-natured person. Why did the imperial court attack us?"

Wen Heng felt that Dao Xia used martial arts to violate the ban, and it was about himself. Of course, he felt that he had never offended anyone, but others might not think so. It's just that it's hard to say this clearly, he didn't answer and asked: "A ninth-ranked inner guard has tied up so many people, senior brother, didn't you think about what the first two, three, and four are doing?"

Wen Changqing said in horror: "You mean..."

Wen Heng gestured at him with a silent gesture: "What's the use of just catching a group of people and raising them? It's just a waste of food. Wait two more days and see who they are going to threaten you with, what actions they make, and what demands they make. It's the answer to all the previous questions."


"Senior brother," Wen Heng said softly with his eyes half closed, making a silent gesture, "It's useless to worry about nothing, but it will startle the snake."

Although Wen Heng was just recovering from a serious injury, he was clear-headed and calm. Obviously, he had anticipated this episode in his heart and had already arranged a way to deal with it. Wen Changqing is not a fool. Seeing this, he can't help but calm down. He nodded and said, "Okay. You just woke up. It's better to spend less time and rest."

The wound on Wen Heng's right arm has been bandaged with a heart. The wound is not long but deep. It has not healed yet, and is still bleeding slowly. He sat in the corner to adjust his breath, and looked inside. He thought that he had already been absorbed by Huagong San. He didn't want a stream of infuriating energy to flow spontaneously in his body, unobstructed. Instead, the toxins on his arms were more domineering. Qi and blood swelled up, and the gold stars in front of him swept up and kept turning black.

The previous palm drained his inner strength, but now his inner strength has recovered by 30%, even if he can't perform the work, he will be back to normal in a few days.

Since he practiced "Lingxiao Zhenjing", he also has internal strength like ordinary people. Although the internal strength is different in the way of operation, there is no difference in the effect. However, today it seems that his internal strength is still not the same as others, I don't know if it is because of his physique. This inexplicable body-protecting infuriating qi has been circling in his body since he didn't know martial arts. It seems to be an innate inner strength, but then Wen Heng obtained Gu Chuifang's inner strength and learned the "Lingxiao Zhenjing", which is related to these later inner strengths. No conflict, deep integration.

Until this poisoning, the internal power of the whole body was controlled, but this True Qi was not affected at all, its gentle and pure, even better than before.

But where did it come from

"Lingxiao Zhenjing" is already the best martial art in the world. Wen Heng can't remember what more profound exercises he has practiced than "Lingxiao Zhenjing".

He took his breath and slowly opened his eyes. Wen Changqing heard the movement and asked with concern, "How is it?"

Wen Heng said succinctly: "The poisoning is deep, and the internal force is restrained."

Although Wen Changqing had expected this result, he couldn't help but sighed, and immediately comforted him, "It's okay, you should take a pair of Hua Gong San. When we go out, senior brother will definitely give it to him even if he digs three feet in the ground. You found the antidote."

Wen Heng smiled after hearing it, and suddenly remembered the situation when Wen Changqing spoke out for him when he was just starting to fight with others. Although he could not be regarded as a serious disciple of the Chunjun School, his friendship with the same family lasted for a long time, and he taught people to dare to support each other in life and death in times of crisis.

He changed to a more comfortable sitting position and said warmly, "Then I will rely on Fourth Senior Brother."

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet." Wen Changqing said, "Where have you been all these years? What's the matter with this martial arts?"

There was nothing in the prison, so Wen Heng simply told them about their experiences over the years. The two exchanged their experiences and asked about the people in Yuquan Peak. They couldn't help but mention the grievances between Xue Qinglan and the family. Wen Heng only heard about these things from Nie Ying, but he didn't know the details, and he didn't ask Xue Qinglan carefully, but Wen Changqing was very clear and was about to complain to Wen Heng. It leaked out without a word.

When Wen Heng disappeared for almost a month, the Chunjun faction learned the news from the report of the deacon and elders below, but after delaying these times, it was difficult to find it again. At that time, only Liao Changxing was the only one who advocated the investigation, but unfortunately others were mild-mannered and could only rely on their own contacts to search, and in the end found nothing. When everyone thought that this matter was over, one day two months later, Xue Qinglan suddenly came to the gate of Yueying Mountain and asked to see Wen Heng by name.

It happened that the four eldest disciples were not on the mountain that day, and it was Qin Ling's newly-received named disciple who came out to entertain guests. It is said that Xue Qinglan's expression was very strange at that time. The disciple heard him ask about "Yue Chi". He was not familiar with Yuquan Peak, so he told Xue Qinglan directly, "We don't have this person here."

Just because of this sentence, Xue Qinglan went mad and broke the disciple's three ribs on the spot. The disciples who guarded the mountain gate came to dissuade him. Five or six people were beaten slightly by him. Finally, Qin Ling was disturbed. Xue Qinglan fought with him more than a dozen times, and he was seriously injured and lost. Fortunately, he was not crazy enough to beg for death, and struggled to escape Yueying Mountain.

Even though Wen Changqing's narration was very brief and there were no ups and downs, Wen Heng was still heartbroken when he heard this.

At that time, Xue Qinglan's martial arts had just picked up, and no matter how fast he entered the country, he was no match for Qin Ling. He clearly knew this better than anyone else, but he still had to confront Qin Ling head-on. How sad and desperate can a person be to be so crazy that they don't even care about their own life

"And then?" he couldn't help interjecting. "How is he hurt? Has he healed?"

Wen Changqing glanced at him subtly, and replied, "I don't know very well. Anyway, when I see him later, he will be alive and kicking. I think it should be a good one."

He was working abroad at that time, and knew nothing about the fight that took place at the foot of Yueying Mountain, but he heard a shocking news halfway through—Xue Ci, the genius doctor of Mingzhou "Liu Xian", died that month, and the real murderer was his only one. Apprentice Xue Qinglan.

Wen Changqing heard about this, and hurried back to the Chunjun faction to report to Qin Ling, only then did he learn that Xue Qinglan had been to Yueying Mountain. At this time, Wen Heng disappeared, Xue Ci died, and Xue Qinglan offended the Chunjun faction. These incidents were intertwined, making the hatred between the two parties more intense. Qin Ling sent people to Mingzhou to check, and after confirming the news of his friend's death, he was furious. He personally led his disciples down the mountain to hunt down Xue Qinglan, threatening to avenge Xue Ci's revenge.

But at that time Xue Qinglan had already escaped without a trace, and no one could find him on the rivers and lakes. Another half a year later, the disciples of the Chunjun School were stopped by the Chuixing Sect on their way down the mountain. The other party didn't mean to kill, it was more like asking for trouble, and they cleaned up the group and let them go. However, it just so happened that among this group of disciples, there was also a woman disguised as a man and followed by Han Ziqi. She had an excellent memory and happened to recognize Xue Qinglan, who was the leader of the group. She went back and said to Han Nanfu, this is Quan Chun. The Jun faction knew that Xue Qinglan had switched to the Chuixing Sect.

Hearing this letter, Qin Ling, without saying a word, led people to kill Luwei Mountain Chuixing Sect in Muzhou, and wanted to settle new and old hatred with Xue Qinglan. The Chui Xing Sect was not the kind of sect that would protect its own people. Whoever caused the trouble would clean up the mess, so Xue Qinglan stood up alone and faced Qin Ling and his eight disciples alone.

Wen Heng almost vomited out a mouthful of blood and asked Wen Changqing, "There are so many of you, bully one of you?"

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, where do you turn your elbow? I haven't bullied him, and he was clearly bullying me at the Sword Discussion Conference." Wen Changqing said helplessly, "I can't help it, that's my master. Ah, his old man is dead, can I still be a disciple? But Xue Qinglan really didn't suffer in that battle... No, it's not that he didn't suffer, he still suffered a little injury." He glanced at Wen Heng getting more and more gloomy. With a stern look on his face, he hurriedly remedied: "He injured Master, Senior Brother and Third Senior Brother, as well as several younger disciples. If he can still escape unscathed, he should have been the Sect Master of the Hanging Star Sect. ."

Wen Heng didn't make a decision, his face still did not soften, and he asked, "Where is Senior Brother Liao?"

In the Chunjun faction, Wen Heng got along well with the second senior brother Liao Changxing and the fourth senior brother Wen Changqing. However, Wen Changqing was out of character, so Wen Heng was closer to Liao Changxing, and Liao Changxing knew more about him. Wen Changqing didn't know that the two of them had a good relationship until Xue Qinglan called, but Liao Changxing witnessed their friendship from the very beginning. Xue Qinglan and Chunjun faction have formed such a big beam, and I don't know how he will react when he is among them.

Wen Changqing said: "Second Senior Brother is in charge of holding me down, and I don't have time to fight with him. Xue Qinglan didn't come to him to ask for trouble. It should be because of your face. But this man is so unreasonable, he clearly explained 100,000 yuan to him. Eight thousand times your disappearance has nothing to do with the Chunjun faction, he doesn't believe it. After the master retreated, the Chunjun disciples would be harassed by the Chuixing faction every three or five times. Fortunately, you are back now, otherwise the two factions will end sooner or later. become mortal."

Wen Heng remembered Xue Qinglan's mad and ignorant temperament, with mixed feelings in his heart, and sighed slightly: "So this time your boss You Shanqian was poisoned, shouldn't it be him too?"

"Eight/nine are inseparable from ten. Xue Qinglan is Xue Ci's disciple, he is both skilled in medicine and poison, and has high martial arts skills. Isn't it a matter of hand to give us a medicine?" Wen Changqing said, "And look at his actions, he doesn't need deadly poison. / Medicine, it only makes people weak, and it is obviously intended to humiliate the Chunjun faction, but it does not intend to harm anyone—this is a technique we are all too familiar with, and there is no one else except him.”

"If you hadn't rescued the scene in time and given the antidote prescription, the Chunjun faction would have had a big downfall at the Sword Discourse Conference this year." He sighed, "It's a pity that we were caught halfway, otherwise it would have been too early. It's time to go back to Yueying Mountain, thank you so much."

"Don't thank me," Wen Heng shook his head, "It should be."

Wen Changqing subconsciously wanted to ask "what should it be", but looking at Wen Heng's contemplative profile, he suddenly realized his unfinished meaning.

Since Xue Qinglan has repeatedly targeted the Chunjun faction because of him, it is his duty to clean up the mess and pay off old debts.

Wen Changqing was deeply moved by Wen Heng's escape from prison to save people, and believed that he was a good boy who valued love and righteousness, but at this moment, he felt that this "friendship" was boring. Xue Qinglan is clearly the Tie Da's brotherly love.

"By the way, there's one more thing." Wen Changqing suddenly remembered, got close to Wen Heng, lowered his voice and said, "On the night of the end of the Sword Discourse Conference, I met someone at the Chu Family Sword Sect."

Wen Heng: "Who?"

"Li Zhi." Wen Changqing said, "it's the named disciple who fought with you and was expelled from the Chunjun Sect. I saw him that day, and he seems to have become an inner disciple of the Chu family."

Wen Heng thought back carefully for a moment, and then he remembered the past. He remembered that Li Zhi seemed to be a disciple of the Chu family's outer sect, but since he was sent to the Chunjun faction, it showed that the talent and aptitude were mediocre and not qualified to be included in the income of the Chu family's sword faction. Door. And he was later kicked out of the Chunjun faction, which was a shame. I didn't expect Li Zhi to become an inner disciple after returning to Siyou Mountain. The reason for this is very curious.

"Is there something wrong with him?"

Wen Changqing hesitated for a moment, and finally pondered: "When he was in this faction, he was still a stunned young man with only superficial skills, but when I see him now, I feel that this person is very evil."