Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 61: Tune the tiger


At this point, even if he was as sluggish as Nie Ying, he could see that something was wrong. They gathered a large number of people to collect the debt immediately, but they happened to fall for the other party's plan, and they were caught in a urn. Obviously, he and Wen Heng had not seen so many officers and soldiers when they followed the convoy into Xingcheng, and they were not interrogated when they rescued Longjing and escaped from the city. At that time, they said that it was a fluke, and it turned out that the Lord was waiting for him here.

"The dog thief is so vicious, it turns out that I underestimated you." Nie Ying clenched the handle of the knife in his hand, gritted his teeth, and said, "There are hundreds of people who can't risk their lives today, and I will never teach you this thief's trickery plan to succeed!"

"Young Master Nie, who returned to Yanmen, advises you not to talk too much." Seeing his impatience, the nine masters felt more comfortable and smiled slightly, "You don't want to kill yourself, don't drag others. When you take a step, thousands of arrows will be fired immediately. Although you are all experts in the rivers and lakes, you have to be wary of your own people in such a narrow place. I am afraid you will not be able to use it? Those who escape will be reduced to prisoners, and live with your brothers and sisters - Xingcheng has nothing else, but the prison is enough."

Longjing knew that Nie Ying couldn't say anything about him, so he took the lead and said, "This word must be returned to your Excellency as it is. Everyone knows the principle of catching the thief first and the king. We can't resist thousands of troops and horses, and we can always do it by only catching one person. Here. For the sake of your own safety, you should say a few words less."

The Nine Masters said, "It's wrong. Long Shaoxia, don't think that you are the only people in the world who are righteous. If I can accomplish everything in one fell swoop today, what does it matter if I live or die?" He looked around with contempt in his eyes. With a smile, he slowly said, "Besides, if you use these shrimps, soldiers and crabs to threaten me in the future, you will underestimate me too much."

Nie Ying sneered and said, "Don't listen to his bullshit, everyone, this person has already been seriously injured, and it's not enough to rely on one mouth to support him."

Before he could finish the word "fear", his cheeks suddenly became cold, and a flickering breeze passed by him. He only had time to see the silver embroidery on the green robe flickering slightly in the sunlight, and then the figure went away to the ground, brightly lit. A delicate dagger with the wrong gold in his palm.

The surrounding people exclaimed in unison "ah", Longjing grabbed the front, but was a step late, and his brows were very deep. In the sight of thousands of people, Nie Ying dazedly raised her hand and rubbed half of her palm blood red, and only then did she feel the stinging pain on her face.

A slender wound of about two inches was scratched on his face. But even this is enough to make people fear the perpetrator: in front of the public, this man came and went like a ghost, and he just raised his hand and slashed on Nie Ying's face, so fast that no one could see what he was doing. Shoot, let alone block counterattacks.

At this moment, everyone is thinking: What if this knife fell on my face

Who dares to say that he must escape

If this person is not seriously injured and his martial arts are so advanced, everyone present may not be his opponent; What else? Obediently put down your sword and accept your fate.

Nie Ying was so stunned that he was speechless. The injury was a small one. He was a dignified man and didn't care much about his appearance, but the humiliation of being played between his palms and his feet made him speechless for a long time. Take it easy.

He hated so much that his eyes burned red, and everyone in the field fell into a stagnation for a while.

Someone couldn't help but suggested in a low voice, "Or should we... go back to the outside of the city first, and then make plans?"

Master Jiu was playing with a short dagger in his hand. Hearing this, he laughed without raising his head: "Go? You came to Xingcheng and knocked on the door of Shiyue Prison. Where do you want to go?"

Longjing suddenly raised his head and said, "What do you mean by this?"

The nine masters pulled away the dagger, and the thin blade was almost colorless in the sun. He replied lightly: "It means that you made a wrong move, and this time you have to explain yourself. You two are at the door with a group of ineffective people. The former cliché, move the tiger away from the mountain, and let another team go around to the back to rob the prison - the abacus is shrewd, but it also depends on whether the official buys it or not."

Longjing's face changed suddenly, and he seemed to be greatly surprised.

The nine masters smiled complacently: "It seems that Long Shaoxia's deception skills are still not at home—"

"It's a good tune out of the tiger, but I just don't know, who is the tiger?"

Another laughter suddenly floated from the top of the head, and the nine masters looked back suddenly, and saw that there was an extra person on the roof of the main hall at some point, sitting leaning on the ridge, with a sloppy posture like a sharp sword, straight. nailed to the bottom of his eyes.

"It's you."

These two words were almost forcibly squeezed out of the teeth, exuding an unusual chill in June. Anyone can hear the deep hatred contained in it, but Nie Ying has already cheered: "Brother Yue, how are you!"

Wen Heng smiled and said, "Brother Nie, Long Shaoxia, are you two safe?"

Longjing stood beside him, and nodded lightly to greet him. Nie Ying had been ridiculed by the Nine Masters for a long time, but now she finally waited for someone to support her, she couldn't help but raised her eyebrows, Xinyue was very excited. Fang Yuanzhuo and the other guards, as if they were facing a great enemy, immediately drew their swords and shouted angrily, "You are so courageous, how dare you escape from prison!"

Wen Heng replied leisurely, "It's not surprising that I draw a gourd in the same way and learn from your family."

The nine masters ignored his provocation, beckoned a guard to come over, and whispered: "Go back and see what's going on." Wen Heng heard it clearly in the room, but he didn't see the outside world and said: "Why bother , you wait here, and you will see the difference in a while."

Fang Yuanzhuo didn't understand: "What?"

The backyard suddenly exploded with three loud noises, the ground beneath my feet shook violently, the beams of the room trembled, and thick smoke billowed into the sky. There is no need for Fang Yuanzhuo to investigate further, the footsteps coming in succession are enough to answer all his questions. As the ground shook and the mountains shook, hundreds of prisoners in Shiyue Prison supported each other and ran out of the backyard. They were described as extremely embarrassed, but they had the viciousness of breaking through the cage and seeing the sun again. Forgot to stare at the nine masters, the hatred in his eyes was like fire, and he wanted to burn him to ashes on the spot.

"God officer! How dare you say that you didn't arrest anyone!"

"Third Senior Brother! Little Junior Brother! So you are all here!"

There were shouts from inside and outside the door one after another, the disciples of each faction recognized each other's relatives, and those who were free were yelling at the nine masters. Not long after, another group of people circled from the backyard to the front. The leader was a young man with a short mustache. His subordinates were all black martial robes, with swords on his waist. He was very capable. The man raised his head and shouted to Wen Heng on the roof: "Young Master, everyone has been rescued! Please show me what to do next!"

This group of people seemed to appear out of thin air, but they came prepared. Not only did the Nine Masters not recognize them, but they also did not recognize the disciples of various sects who were rescued by them.

Wen Heng jumped down from the roof and landed beside the man, looking at the officers and soldiers as nothing, and introduced to Nie Yinglongjing and the others: "This is the head of Zhanchuan City Luming Escort, Mr. Fan, everyone behind him. They are all escorts from the Luming Escort Bureau."

Everyone in the Fan Yang court clasped their fists as a salute, and everyone stood up straight to return the salute, and said in unison, "Thank you Fan Biao for saving me!"

Fan Yang hurriedly resigned and said, "I don't dare, I'm just following orders. It's all up to your son's plans to succeed in one fell swoop."

Wen Heng first defeated the people of the Chui Xingzong at the Sword Discourse Conference, and later went to prison with Nie Ying alone and seriously injured the thief's head. It was originally the hope of everyone to escape. Hearing Fan Yang's words at this moment, he admired him even more. They all shouted loudly, "Young Master Yue's gift of life is unforgettable!"

Master Jiu suddenly said coldly: "Before you walked out of this gate, you showed off your kindness first. Young Master Yue, you are too impatient."

Wen Heng glanced up and saw that the face of the nine masters was ashen, and he was obviously angry, and his mood became more comfortable, and he said with a pleasant face: "I'm not in a hurry, it's the master who should be worried. The cell is already on fire, and the man behind The guards were beaten badly by us, if you don’t withdraw your troops to fight the fire, sooner or later this prison will be burned to a white ground—I guess the adults don’t want to accompany us to die together?”

Fan Yang stood behind him and whispered disdainfully, "What kind of an adult is a lackey who can't see the light? He really takes himself as a character."

"I underestimated you." The nine masters stared at him and asked solemnly, "Rescue the Dragon Realm and let them bring people to restrain me. You pretend to be captured, lurking in the big prison, and contact others internally and externally. Come to robbery, besides these, what else? How far have you come?"

"It's nothing." Wen Heng said calmly, "I am weak and weak by myself, and what I can do is limited. I just asked someone to send a letter to a few friends, reminding them to be careful of 'adjusting the tiger away from the mountain'."

These two sentences were thoughtless, and the rest were completely at a loss. Only the Nine Masters stood stunned for a while, and suddenly laughed as if they had lost their minds: "Okay, okay, okay!"

That laughter was so tragic that it made people wonder if he was going to vomit blood in the next moment.

"It's ridiculous that the old man has been planning for a long time, but he ended up in your hands. It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous!" The nine masters looked at Wen Heng in the increasingly hot smoke, silent for a long time, and suddenly asked, "Who are you?"

Wen Heng stood three steps away, looked at him calmly, and answered unhurriedly, "There is no need to ask someone who is a nameless person in the world."

"I'm curious, who can teach a disciple like you." The nine masters suddenly drew their swords and attacked him like lightning, "Take the move!"

His movements were so fast that there was no warning at all, making it impossible to guard against. Before the last word could be heard, the sword edge was approaching Wen Heng's face. With Nie Ying's lessons ahead, this time he repeated his old tricks, everyone was so shocked that they couldn't even shout, but Wen Heng gently and skillfully turned to one side, avoiding the sharp edge, using his right hand as a sword, quickly pointed at his throat" Water hole".

This time, the dodge was very clever, and there was room to counterattack. The reaction and speed were all at their peak. Fan Yang didn't know that he had mastered such skills, so he couldn't help but admire him. The nine masters missed a hit, and they quickly retracted their swords. The second sword made a "golden hook upside down" style. Wen Heng's body was short. It hit Master Jiu's wrist exactly, blocking his swinging sword in mid-air.

The author has something to say: The house has been renovated and smashed the big wall, and there is no longer a peaceful coding table. I took the time to write three chapters this week. Fortunately, Xiaoxue is finally online. I will send a red envelope in the comments of this chapter to apologize to everyone.