Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 63: juvenile


Outside the city of Xingcheng, a group of heroes sat on the ground against the sky. Those who were exhausted from long sleep leaned on the tree stumps. The disciples of Zhaoyao Villa brought by Longjing distributed medical rations. guard. Wen Heng walked with the commoner boy, and when no one else was paying attention, he lowered his head and asked him softly, "Why are you here?"

Xue Qinglan disguised herself as an ordinary teenager, wearing narrow-sleeved clothes and her hair tied up high, making her look younger and younger, but at the moment she was not enthusiastic, she only said, "What happened to me, I If you don't come again, you won't use it again."

Seeing his cold face, Wen Heng knew that he was annoyed, so he squeezed the back of his neck with a smile, and comforted him: "It's all arranged under your nose, what's more to worry about? Look, this is not smooth. Can you get out in a timely manner?"

Xue Qinglan shook her head, her heart was bitter, and she said, "Brother Heng, you have always been brilliant in wit and possessed extraordinary power, so naturally you don't take these dangers into your eyes; but I am a mediocre person, even if I know it, I am still worried. , this is impossible."

He is not only talking about the incident in front of him, but also the deep separation four years ago. Wen Heng understood his sadness as soon as he heard it, and remembered what Wen Changqing said in prison, he thought that I haven't settled with you yet, but you should hold me first. , said helplessly: "Little Ancestor, you might as well say a few heavy words directly. What good will it be for you to pierce your brother's heart with a soft knife here?"

As long as Xue Qinglan saw that he was fine, his heart would fall. The words just now were just words of urgency, and he couldn't say anything more serious. At this moment, Wen Heng whispered softly, and his fear disappeared in an instant, but he didn't want to evoke the sadness of the two, and replied with a smile, saying: "How dare you. Does anyone speak?"

Just at this moment, someone next to him suddenly shouted: "I know everyone by name and surname of the Chu family sword sect. I have never seen you before. You are not a disciple of this sect, why are you wearing the clothes of the Chu family?"

Everyone looked at the prestige, and Nie Ying hurried over to persuade him: "Brother, don't be afraid, only the Chunjun faction, Huanyanmen and Zhaoyao Villa are here today, and no one from the other schools is here. of."

His statement was even more confusing, and the Chu family disciple said in amazement: "What is 'no one from other sects'? Could it be that the teacher's sect still doesn't know the news of our troubles? This... What the hell is going on?!"

Nie Ying was at a loss for words, and he didn't fully understand some of the arrangements, let alone tell others, so he pointed at Wen Heng: "Hey, I'm a errand man, I can't figure out what's going on here. It is better to let Brother Yue come to clarify your doubts.”

His move led to disaster, and Wen Heng, who was standing on the edge, instantly became the new focus of attention. More than a dozen pairs of eyes stared at Wen Heng and the boy beside him.

Although others could not recognize him as the guardian of the Weeping Star Sect, but after all, in front of so many people, it was no longer possible to act coquettishly and cuddle like he did when he was a child, so Xue Qinglan pushed Wen Heng's chest lightly, pressing down on him. The voice said: "Let's go, there is still waiting for you to preside over the overall situation."

Wen Heng removed his arm, pulled him into the crowd, and sat cross-legged in the open space under the tree, posing as if he were telling a story. Xue Qinglan also sat down beside him and listened to him: "This matter is a long story, although the enemy has captured the elites of each faction in one fell swoop, their intention is not to hold and blackmail them, but to use the hostages to attract the elites of all factions. Take advantage of the emptiness inside and attack them separately. There are nine masters in the big house, the last one is holding us back in Xingcheng today, and the remaining eight are probably leading their troops to entangle with various factions at this time. ."

These words were extremely frightening, and everyone ruminated for a while, and they couldn't help but tremble, and the forest was silent for a while.

They thought that they were imprisoned, held hostage, robbed of prisons, and set on fire... These are all dangers. The nine masters and Wen Heng battled wits and courage. When they successfully escaped, the outcome was already known, but they did not expect that such a shocking phenomenon was hidden behind them. conspiracy.

The lives of more than 100 people are not enough. What these people are plotting is to overthrow the martial arts in the Central Plains and completely purge the forces of the rivers and lakes.

After a long time, someone murmured: "These people are so vicious... According to this, isn't the teacher's door dangerous?"

Wen Heng said: "Everyone, relax, I have already sent letters to the elders of Chunjun, and Brother Nie and Long Shaoxia are mediating from it. If you want to come and communicate with each other, you are all prepared."

Many people are still stunned and do not understand what is going on. Wen Heng followed him and Nie Ying all the way from the foot of Siyou Mountain to Xingcheng, bribes the food delivery couple into the prison, etc. from the beginning. The afternoon when he first arrived in Xingcheng, Nie Ying worked for others in the small courtyard, while Wen Heng went to the pharmacy to dispense medicine. Fusheng Pill is a detoxification recipe passed down by the Qing Dynasty family. The ingredients are rare. Wen Heng spent a lot of money to get a small one. As for common and easy-to-obtain medicines such as Jinchuang Medicine and Jiedu Powder, I am afraid that it will be too cumbersome. You can only prepare a little, just in case.

When passing the carpenter's shop, he went in and picked up a fine wire saw. The carpenter's shop was facing the prison of Shiyue Prison. When Wen Heng stared at the door plaque in a daze, he suddenly thought: The enemy has detained more than 100 people in the prison of Xingcheng. Report to each faction, several factions will immediately join hands to organize the rescue, then Xingcheng will definitely become a place besieged by a group of tyrants, what can the enemy ask for

His thoughts changed, and suddenly he remembered what Nie Ying said in the morning, and a shocking thought appeared in his mind.

Wen Heng had a calculation in his heart. If he wants to verify his conjecture, he must go deep into the prison to find out, but Nie Ying arranges for him outside alone, and it is inevitable that he is too weak and unable to cope with it. So he negotiated with Nie Ying that night, and agreed that after the two entered the Origin of Moon Prison, regardless of the three-seven-twenty-one, they would grab the Dragon Realm first. This man has a long-term vision, a smart mind, and is also the senior brother of Zhaoyao Villa. He has a good relationship with Nie Ying and can help fill the vacancy left by Wen Heng; Try to rescue other trapped fellows.

Since he had this plan, half of the sudden changes in Shiyue Prison were made by him pushing the boat along the river, and the other half, but he did not expect that the Nine Masters would use Vientiane Zheluosan for him, and in the end it was caused by poison. Passed out a day in prison. Fortunately, Longjing escaped smoothly, and Nie Ying handed him a letter written in advance by Wen Heng, which reminded him to be careful about adjusting tigers and leaving mountains, and even wrote a general plan for breaking the game.

In terms of knowledge and ability, Longjing is not inferior to Wen Heng. It was what he said to Nie Ying in the past that inspired Wen Heng. During these days of being captured, Longjing witnessed the actions of the Nine Masters with his own eyes. He speculated that the other party's motives were almost exactly the same as Wen Heng's conjecture. Although the two are on the same side, their ideas coincide.

Before Wen Heng left, he left two letters, one to Longjing and the other to Liao Changxing who was far away in Yueying Mountain. He alone influenced the three major forces of Chunjun Sect, Huanyanmen, and Zhaoyao Villa, and Nie Ying and Nie Ying from Longjing helped them comprehensively. , in fact, the elite forces are ambushed in the dark to deal with the menacing big inner masters. On the Xingcheng side, according to the expectations of the nine masters, the three major factions found a lot of outer sect and deacon disciples to pretend to be masters of each faction, led by Nie Ying and Longjing, they made great momentum along the way, and came to the rescue. .

As a result, the nine masters thought they had restrained the elites of the major sects in Xingcheng, but they were actually dragged down by the blindfold and fell into the trap set up by the three major sects.

Longjing sighed: "Yue Gongzi expects the enemy to be first, has foresight, and all his wit, wisdom, and courage are all beautiful. I really admire it."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it. It was absolutely impossible to think that this huge plan that saved more than a hundred people and saved each family came out of Wen Heng's thought.

What did this person eat to grow up to give birth to such a smart head

Someone asked loudly, "What's going on with the Luming Escort Bureau?"

Wen Heng cast a glance in that direction and replied, "Mr. Fan is an old acquaintance. After I was imprisoned, I slipped out of the prison at night to send him a letter, asking him to come and help. Zhu exploded the prison and fought with the officers and soldiers guards, all the friends of the Luming Escort Bureau contributed."

Wen Changqing suddenly realized, patted his thigh and shouted, "You really weren't there that night! I thought it was my dream and I was crazy. After a long time of trouble, you haven't been trapped in the prison from the beginning!"

He said this, and everyone thanked Fan Yang and others again. Wen Heng turned his head to look at Xue Qinglan in this gap, with a smile in his eyes, and he was very fond of it: "We should thank Hufa Xue more, if it weren't for your Anping pawnshop's Xie San, the shopkeeper, I wouldn't be able to call so many helpers."

"Lingxiao Zhenjing" has a chapter dedicated to how to force the toxins out of the body through Zhou Tianxinggong. After Wen Heng woke up, he relied on a stream of innate qi to remove the remaining toxins in his body, and he returned to normal that night. He sawed through the iron bars of the cell with the wire saw hidden in his arms, sneaked out of Shiyue Prison while no one noticed, and found the pawnshop in Anping overnight, and sent a letter to Fan Yang through Xue Qinglan's way, asking him to take him to the front immediately. to respond.

Fan Yang was another move he arranged, and he needed to avoid people's eyes and ears, but he was not afraid that Xue Qinglan would know. It's just that Wen Heng thought that Xue Qinglan had read the arrangement of those letters, so he should rest assured, but he was still alarmed. Xue Qinglan actually put aside the affairs of the Chuixing Sect for this reason, and came to Xingcheng personally from a thousand miles away.

Xue Qinglan pouted and said, "Why do you and I still mention this? Let's talk about business. The most important thing right now is to send them back to their respective homes as soon as possible, so they gather together outside the city. Be careful for a while before the enemy has rested before killing them. Bring them with you. With a bunch of old, weak, sick and disabled, there is nowhere to hide.”

Wen Heng nodded and smiled and said, "Young Master Xue taught you a lesson." He invited Longjing, Nie Ying, Wen Changqing, and Fan Yang to come together, and warned: "This place is too close to Xingcheng, and the pursuit of troops will come in a blink of an eye. I'm not familiar with these sects, the Lao brothers are in charge of the situation, hurry up to assign people, and arrange their return journey as soon as possible." Then he said to Fan Yang: "Let's borrow some people from the security bureau to escort them along the way, so as not to make mistakes again."

Several people agreed to act separately. Wen Heng supported the tree trunk to get up, Xue Qinglan fluttered at the broken grass and leaves on his body and asked him, "What about you? Are you going to follow them back to the Chunjun faction, or do you have other plans?"

Wen Heng's eyes went over the top of his head to the distant eastern sky, but he answered indifferently: "Qinglan, this place is only half a day's journey from the capital."