Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 67: old haunt


Xue Qinglan was stunned until she went downstairs and went out and sat in the restaurant. After Wen Heng finished ordering the dishes, he poured some tea and pushed it in front of him. Seeing that Xue Qinglan was still in a daze, he couldn't help laughing.

Xue Qinglan leaned back in shock, and Wen Heng smiled even more: "This one is startled, be careful, don't fall under the stool."

"Not yet—"

Wen Heng said, "What is it?"

Xue Qinglan gave him a deep look, her fingers almost burst the teacup: "You..."


A greeting from outside the door interrupted the subtle ambiguous atmosphere between the two. Wen Heng smiled and said, "Fan Yang is here, sit down."

Fan Yang came to the capital after them, and came alone according to Wen Heng's instructions. This was the first time the two had met in four years. Fan Yang didn't know about his adventures over the years, so he congratulated him on his martial arts achievements, and then talked about the other things in detail. The two were originally masters and servants who came out of the danger of life and death, but now their identities have changed, not as they used to be, but their friendship is as deep as ever.

After reciting the old things, Wen Heng asked a few words about the situation over there. Fan Yang said that everything was fine and told him to rest assured. Xue Qinglan listened for a while, and then Fang interjected and asked, "Brother Heng, you arrange Mr. Fan here. For one thing, are you suspecting that there are ghosts among those people?"

Fan Yang let out an "ah" blankly, but did not understand what he was saying. Wen Heng gave Xue Qinglan an approving look, and said with a smile, "Surely alert. Guess who it is?"

Xue Qinglan pondered for a moment, dipped his fingertips in some tea, and wrote the word "Chu" on the desk.

Wen Heng nodded and said, "Not bad."

Fan Yang finally caught up with the two of them at this moment, but he still didn't understand the meaning of it. He asked, "What does this inner ghost have to do with them? I think there are also people from their family who were arrested?"

"That's the way it is." Wen Heng said, "These people were not arrested on the way back, but drank poisoned wine at the farewell banquet, and woke up and were locked in the iron prison car. The first one Doubtful, the Chu family held a banquet, and there was a drug in the drink, who did it? Who could unknowingly poison a villa full of experts?"

"The second doubt is that even the elders accompanying the Chunjun faction were poisoned and imprisoned. Why were the masters of the Chu family who were also at the banquet that night not captured together, but only a dozen ordinary disciples were unlucky? It happened on Siyou Mountain, so many people are to be taken away, why didn't the Chu family notice such a big move?"

"The third doubt is that the disciples of each sect returned to their residences to rest after drinking, and it stands to reason that it would be quicker to start work on other people's boundaries. For the sake of convenience, it would be the easiest to put all the disciples of the same sect into a prison cart. But when they arrested people, they were very finely divided. There was exactly one disciple of each faction in each car. Therefore, in the Xingcheng Prison, the Chu family's dozen people were evenly distributed in each cell smoothly and evenly. "

Xue Qinglan said knowingly: "To prevent prisoners from escaping, we put eyeliners in prisoners, and if there is any change, immediately report to the top to suppress."

"That's right." Wen Heng said, "Yesterday's plan was successful, but it was a surprise, and the adult was firmly contained in Xingcheng. He also knew that Nie Yinglongjing was the bait to be released, but he didn't obstruct it. Staring at the Origin of Moon Prison. Thanks to the two of you, I was able to keep Chen Cang in the dark under his nose."

Before Wen Heng went in, he had made a plan in his mind to cooperate with the inside and the outside. He could entrust some things to Nie Ying and Longjing, but the only people who could make him rest assured were Xue Qinglan and his long-term cronies. Fan Yang. If it weren't for these two hole cards in hand, he would not have been able to take risks alone and manipulate this game of life and death.

The three of them raised their glasses and touched tea instead of wine. Fan Yang digested it for a while, then said: "But if the Chu family's sword faction is really the inner ghost, the Chunjun faction receives the report and discusses with the other factions, as long as you mention it to the Chu family's sword faction, they won't know that we already know their plan. Yet?"

Wen Heng held the cup and said, "Don't worry, it was Senior Brother Liao who received the letter from the Chunjun faction. I told him to find a way to keep the Chu family sword faction out of the way, regardless of the reason."

Xue Qinglan filled him with tea and asked casually, "What if it's not the Chu family? Or is the Chu family framed by someone else?"

"It's not impossible. The doubts I just mentioned will be thought of by others sooner or later. If you ask the Chu family's sword faction's face in the future, they should also have something to say." Wen Heng said, "I don't know much about the current situation in the rivers and lakes. When I came down, I felt that the Chu family was a little more suspicious, so I was extra careful with them. As for framed and framed, it is hard to say.

Fan Yang remembered the old things and sneered: "If you want to talk about being an official, didn't the surnamed Chu always like to play with these things? How old was Chu, who followed Prince Jian's son, and he was beaten back by the son before he showed up. I don't know. What new tricks have come up over the years."

"Don't underestimate the Chu family. Back then, they were in the district to build the palace, but now they are in the inner guard. There is a big difference." Wen Heng whispered, "The attitude of the imperial court towards the Central Plains martial arts can be seen. Hui Neiwei made the first rafter, and suffered a big loss, and the next time he will act more secretly, it will be hard to guard against."

Fan Yang asked: "Then according to the son's opinion, what will the court do next?"

Wen Heng said: "This time, the behind-the-scenes mastermind is planning to move tigers away from the mountains and defeat them one by one. At the beginning, he used a head-to-head method, with the idea of killing chickens and setting an example. Among the major factions, he casually wins whichever faction will form a deterrent to other factions. , in the momentum of the first to overwhelm the person."

"But this tactic failed, not only did their identities and intentions be exposed, but also made the Central Plains martial arts vigilant, and if they tried to attack any faction, they would definitely be attacked. Provoking infighting in the martial arts of the Central Plains, let them fight their own people, and then the court will naturally take advantage of the fisherman."

Xue Qinglan said: "Understood. Next, just keep an eye on the major sects. Whoever picks up troubles will be the spy of the court."

Wen Heng glanced at him with a smile. After all, there are many people outside, so he didn't want to talk too deeply, and said: "Forget it, some people are worried about these things, and it was not our turn to worry about it. Are you full? I haven't been back to the capital for seven years. If you are free, go for a walk with me?"

Xue Qinglan and Fan Yang both knew his background and naturally would not refuse. The three of them settled the bill and went out to East Street.

They lived in Xicheng, but the former Qing Wangfu was in the northeast, just in front of the palace. Wen Heng and Fan Yang were both used to seeing Chongmen Palace, but Xue Qinglan came to the capital for the first time. Although he was not very curious about the scenery of the capital, Wen Heng intentionally let him take a look at it to broaden his mind, so he deliberately slowed down his pace. . The three walked slowly along a long street, Fan Yang occasionally introduced a few words next to them, just like three or five friends visiting the capital together, they really couldn't see that what they were fighting was stealing swords from the palace. Bold idea.

After passing through Miyagi, another street is Qingwangfu. The more Wen Heng walked, the more stagnant his steps became, and the more Fan Yang walked, the more silent he became. This may be what the ancients said, "closer to hometown is more timid", even if this "hometown" is an image like a broken dream to them.

Turning around the courtyard wall of the other house, the flying eaves and bucket arches of the Qing Dynasty's mansion, the green tiles and the Zhuzhu suddenly appeared in front of them without any cover, giving no room to breathe. At this moment, many years of sorrow and joy collapsed like a high wall, and broken bricks and rubble rolled down, each one shimmering with a faint light and stained with red blood—

Wen Heng stepped on a bluestone floor tile and could no longer take a step forward.

He thought that he had other things in his heart, pretending to pass by and avoid confrontation, so that he could be less painful. But it's all wrong. The truly unforgettable past doesn't even need to walk into it in person, even just a glance from afar is enough to cause the world to collapse.

Seven years have passed, and he has experienced many wind and frost changes, and he can also pass away the deep hatred in the sea of blood in a single stroke, but the Qing Wangfu in front of him is not the object of his hatred. Every pavilion here, even a door and a street, carry With all his memories of "home" in the first fifteen years of his life.

All the lost things were branded in his heart. Wen Heng learned to live with hatred, but he could not learn to say goodbye to the past no matter what.

Fan Yang cried uncontrollably, fearing that his gaffe would attract attention, he walked quickly to the side of the shade to wipe his tears. Wen Heng stayed there alone, almost masochistically motionless. The sun hung high in the sky, and the summer wind was scorching hot, but he was poured down from his head by fifteen years of grief like a sea, and he was cold all over his body and collapsed.

Until a cold hand stroked his face, carefully wiping away his tears.

He held that hand subconsciously, as if with this action, he could grab a floating board in the endless waves and calm him down again.

Xue Qinglan let him clench tightly, as if feeling no pain, and asked softly, "Brother Heng, this is where you grew up, right?"

Wen Heng said abruptly, "Yes."

"I've always wondered, what kind of place can raise someone like you." Xue Qinglan wiped his tears and said in a low voice, "Qi Ge Jinmen, Jinyi and Jade Food are not enough, but also a pair of loving parents and many loyal servants. Righteous servant, these people raised you, accompanied you, and turned you into what you are today."

"Brother Heng, you are very good." Xue Qinglan held his profile, and said solemnly, "you return from a long trip, and they must be happy when they see you."

What he said was sincere and straightforward, without pretense. In fact, upon closer inspection, it was just a few ordinary gossip. But Wen Heng suddenly seemed to be shattered by something, took a deep breath, closed his eyes against the sourness, hugged Xue Qinglan, and buried his face deeply into his neck.

The tears that were not shed seven years ago are finally long overdue.

"Qinglan," he murmured, "I don't have a home anymore."

Xue Qinglan hugged him hard, using a voice that no one could hear, not knowing whether to promise him or herself: "Yes. There must be."

The author has something to say: It's too late!

Although I wiped my tears, I still haven't settled down!