Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 68: Silver Butterfly


Fan Yang was so shocked that he forgot to wipe his tears, staring dumbfounded at the two people hugging not far away, suspecting that he was dazzled by the sun, and he could see their son's heart move in his lifetime - that "disaster" is still a man!

Back then, that pair of bracelets was indeed called to marry a daughter-in-law!

After all, in broad daylight, Wen Heng and Xue Qinglan didn't hold each other for a long time, and soon separated. Aside from the reddened eyes, Wen Heng's face no longer looked like he had been crying, and he regained his usual composure. Xue Qinglan asked in a low voice carefully, "Is it better? Do you still want to go in and take a look?" Wen Heng shook his head and said, "No need." He took a deep look at the old residence, took his hand, and turned to walk out. go.

Fan Yang was still stunned, and when the two walked away, he remembered that he was left behind, and hurriedly shouted "Wait a minute". When Xue Qinglan turned around, she was amused and embarrassed to see him hurriedly catching up. He had just hugged Wen Heng, and the pity in his heart had not dissipated, so his tone was extraordinarily gentle: "I just left in a hurry, I'm sorry."

Fan Yang hadn't recovered from the previous scene. He didn't know how to face the male "Prince Concubine", so he had to laugh twice, "It's okay, it's okay."

Wen Heng glanced at him, didn't say much, and asked Xue Qinglan, "It's so easy to come to the capital, what else do I want to do? I won't be free tomorrow."

Xue Qinglan originally wanted to go back to the inn, but then thought about Wen Heng revisiting the old place. Although he was calm at the moment, he was afraid that his heart was still full of depression, so he said, "After walking for a long time under the sun, it is better to find a place with good scenery to rest. , drink a sip of tea to get rid of the heat, so as not to get sunburned."

Wen Heng used to think that his mind was too pure, and he had no desires or desires at a young age. I was afraid that he was bound by Xue Ci's nature. He didn't expect that when Xue Qinglan grew up, he entered the Weeping Star Sect instead. After two face-to-face meetings, apart from learning to drink, I didn't see him go anywhere.

In the end, it is still a little casual, and there is still restraint in front of him.

Wen Heng thought for a while, and asked Fan Yang, "I remember that there is a Jin Yu Yu Temple next to Fangzhou Pond. If it's still open, let's go take a seat."

Fan Yang said with a smile: "I heard people mention it when I was in the capital last year. Unfortunately, I was in a hurry that day, and I didn't have time to have a drink. Since the son has Yaxing, I have to join in the fun."

The three of them walked six or seven miles to the east of the imperial city, but when they heard the song blowing faintly, a smoky wind rushed towards them with cool water vapor. It is clustered with green leaves, and the fragrance is red. A long bridge lies on the waves, like a white dragon hanging on the ridge, connecting the two banks, three sandbars stand side by side in the lake, and pavilions and pavilions are hidden in the green shade of willows. Although the scenery is not as exquisite as the south side, it is still moving and worth watching.

In summer, there are many tourists by the pool, most of them come to enjoy the cool air. The three passed the pontoon bridge to the sandbar, and saw a lake stone standing at the head of the bridge with the four characters "Yingzhou Wonderland" written on it. Xue Qinglan asked curiously, "What is this saying?"

Wen Heng explained: "It is said that there are five immortal mountains in the East China Sea, two of which drift without a trace, only Penglai, Yingzhou, and Abbot are the residences of immortals. Longevity', that Jin Yuyu Temple was opened here to take advantage of this idea."

Dividing the flowers and the willows, walking through the winding path, I saw a red building rising from the ground. The door plaque reads "Golden Yu Yu Temple".

This building is in the shape of a zigzag, with three floors, all around the lobby. On a high platform surrounded by flowing water, a group of musicians played the piano and sang songs. In front of the platform was a half-zhang deep pool filled with fine wine. There were many shiny silver flakes under it. Get up, straight to the zenith. The tree is about 30 feet high, with jasper as leaves and gold as birds. There are more than a dozen silver flowers cast on the branches, and each flower contains a cup of wine, which shines brightly under the sunlight, and carries brilliance. Brilliant and extravagant.

The three sat down in the elegant seat by the window on the second floor, and the man came up to listen to the order, but he didn't report the name of the drink, and there was no water sign, he just spread his hand to ask for money. Fan Yang gave 12 taels of silver and said, "Dried and fresh storage boxes, four kinds of snacks, a pot of clear tea, and three more brands." Seeing that he was skilled and knew that he was a regular customer, the man responded with a smile on his face.

Not long after the dishes were ready, the man brought a small tray to the table and said, "Invite the official to choose the wine."

Wen Heng sat next to Xue Qinglan and explained: "The flower tree downstairs in their house contains a kind of wine in each flower, and the guests want to drink whichever kind they need to throw the silver butterfly on the plate properly. Into the flowers, and when you hit it, you will bring wine."

Xue Qinglan asked, "What if you miss it?"

The man smiled and said, "If it misses and falls into the pool, our store will also deliver the second-class good wine. If it falls somewhere else, you will have to drink clear tea."

The so-called "silver butterfly" is carved out of light and fluttering silver pieces. A butterfly costs two taels of silver, but since this store is here, there are naturally many people who are willing to spend money to join in the fun. Depending on the famous wine in its glass, the store can only make a steady profit.

Xue Qinglan first saw that this restaurant is elegantly decorated, and also said that it is a gathering place for literati and scholars, but he didn't expect it to be a true chapter of Kung Fu.

The guy stood aside and said, "Guest officer please."

Fan Yang asked Wen Heng first, and Xue Qinglan hurriedly held his hand and reminded, "Brother Heng, the injury on your arm is not yet healed, so you shouldn't drink alcohol for the time being."

Wen Heng naturally refused to brush his good intentions, raised his eyebrows and said to Fan Yang, "See? I have to follow the doctor's orders, you two should drink it by yourself."

Fan Yang not only saw it, he was almost blind, he hurriedly picked up a piece of silver butterfly and stood in front of the railing, roamed up and down, spotted the one on the east side closest to him, and flexed his fingers, the silver piece popped out, and said, "Yes. ", sure enough. The guy immediately reported loudly: "Twenty years of 'Yu Tuan Chun' a pot!"

This is a rare sight. When other guests on the same floor saw this scene, they all looked at their table. Xue Qinglan also took a piece, and when he looked around, he saw the name of the wine in small letters at the bottom of the flower. He didn't know much about it, so he looked back and asked Wen Heng, "Is 'Lotus Stamen' okay?"

Wen Heng nodded and said in agreement, "Yes, it's the occasion."

The branch where the "lotus stamen" is located is on the upper floor of their floor, and only the bottom bracket and half of the cup can be seen. Xue Qinglan holds the silver butterfly with two fingers, and flings it upwards with luck, the paper-thin silver The piece broke through the air, and the branch that was crossing the top of the wine glass in the middle, bounced back with a "ding", and just fell into the glass. The guy said loudly again: "A pot of the famous Jade Brewery's 'Lotus Pistil'!"

Jade Winery is a well-known large winery. A jar of wine is priced at a hundred gold, and there are still countless people rushing to it. Xue Qinglan gave them back at once. The crowd watching the excitement all cheered, "one more", Wen Heng then said, "I don't drink, and there is another one for you to play with."

Xue Qinglan raised her head and looked at it carefully, but she shook her head and said, "Standing here, the highest one can only be thrown to the third floor. I can't reach the one on the top. It's better for Brother Heng to come."

The higher the silver tree goes, the fewer wine glasses. There is only one wine glass at the top. You can't see the mouth of the glass when you stand on the third floor. To throw the silver butterfly into it, you must have extremely high martial arts and extremely precise head. Since the opening of Jin Xie Yu Temple, only a dozen people have been able to get the first glass of wine. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is one in ten thousand.

Wen Heng got up, stood beside him, raised his eyes and glanced up, but he didn't find it difficult, and asked in a low voice, "Do you want the first cup? I'll throw it for you if you want."

Xue Qinglan smiled and replied in a low voice, "I don't want that. If you have to do bad things tomorrow, I advise you to keep a low profile, so as not to cause trouble."

Wen Heng picked up the last silver butterfly on the plate and said, "This is what you said, so I just throw it away?"

Xue Qinglan nodded with a smile, and everyone else's eyes were focused on Wen Heng's hand, but they saw him throwing the silver butterfly into the air. Although it was thrown very high, it only reached the second floor of the silver tree. The spectators knew that there was no hope of getting the first glass, and I was afraid that they would not even be able to enter other wine glasses, so they could not help but let out a long sigh of disappointment.

The silver butterfly collided with the branch on the second floor and was drifting down. Wen Heng raised his hand and hit the butterfly's wings in the air. The silver butterfly seemed to be blowing wind under the wings. Like a real butterfly, Kankan flew up the first layer of branches. The onlookers were already stunned, Wen Heng flexed his fingers again, and bounced the butterfly away again. This time, the angle was adjusted, and the silver butterfly rose and flew to the top silver flower—it was stopping at the edge of the cup, but fell into the cup.

Everyone else mentioned their throats, and they waited for Wen Heng to come again and take the cup for the last time. Wen Heng suddenly tilted his head and glanced at Xue Qinglan. Shi Shiran raised his hand while everyone was watching, only to hear a soft sound of "flapping", and a thin air flow flew through the air and bounced the silver butterfly off the cup. , swirling and falling down.

At this moment, the sun is sloping westward, and the sun shines from the upstairs window, reflecting the silver butterfly wings, like a bright stream of fire, swaying and falling from the nine-day galaxy. Xue Qinglan didn't know what was bewitching him, so he stretched his hand forward in a daze, as if to put the star in his hand, but it was just such a coincidence that the silver butterfly was actually heading in his direction, and it couldn't be more accurate. into his open palm.

In the Jin Xie Yu Palace, there was no sound.

Even the guy who has worked for more than ten years has never seen such a scene, and stayed with the guests. Wen Heng laughed, raised his hand and closed Xue Qinglan's palm, wrapping the silver butterfly, and said softly, "I hit it."

Xue Qinglan asked him to call back to God, wondering, "What happened?"

Wen Heng smiled but didn't answer.

Those who were far away could not hear what they were talking about. Only Fan Yang, who was close, understood. In an instant, it was like a dozen thunderbolts were chasing after him, and each one came down with the words "hit" and "hit". ' echoes.

According to the rules of Jinyu Yujinglou, whichever wine the silver butterfly falls into, it represents which wine the guests want to drink.

And the silver butterfly thrown by Wen Heng fell into Xue Qinglan's hands.

The author has something to say: I have only written three chapters on this week's affairs, and the comments in this chapter will be sent to make amends.

For two weeks, I was still testing back and forth on the edge of the emotional drama. The plot made no progress.