Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 70: Sober up


Why "I don't want to go"

A vague hesitation flashed in Wen Heng's heart, but he couldn't think clearly for a while, and he didn't have time to think about it, so he devoted all his attention to Xue Qinglan.

Wen Heng was originally facing him, with one hand behind his back, and the other empty handed to take something, but he was so scared by his cry that he quickly turned around, wiped away the tears with his chin, and hugged the person face to face to his chest, Whispered comfort: "Don't be afraid, I'm here, no one can take you away."

Xue Qinglan's thoughts were confused, and she was clear and confused for a while, and she couldn't hear what Jin Wen Heng said. Fortunately, she stopped crying, and just silently burrowed into his arms, like a drenched little animal.

Wen Heng couldn't move, so he just stood holding him for a long time, and when his breathing gradually calmed down, he picked up the person in the posture of holding the child and sent him to the couch, and warmly discussed: "Sit here and wait for me. For a while, dry your hair and lie down, eh?"

Xue Qinglan didn't seem to be on the top of her head again at this moment, so she let go when she let go. His pupils are light in color, like two clear amber beads. When he looks at people in this way, he can be said to be peaceful and unsullied, and he is so beautiful that he is not like a mortal.

Wen Heng re-tied his belt, dried his legs and stuffed them into the quilt, busy working like a little maid, and he was uncomfortable, crying and laughing: "What are you doing just staring at me? Not a little dumb."

Xue Qinglan held the end of the dripping hair and took the initiative to hand it to him.

"Understood, little ancestor." Wen Heng took a new towel, sat down beside the bed, and sighed, "Come here, is your Chuixing Sect always so arrogant and extravagant that you even have to ask someone to wipe your hair?"

Xue Qinglan lowered her eyes and slowly moved to his side with the quilt.

In the whole world, Wen Heng was the only one who felt that he was too young to know anything. Xue Qinglan is now tall and eyebrows are widening, Suyi Wufa is sitting in his arms, she is clearly a beauty that can be painted. However, Wen Heng may have been born with the material for meditation. He looked at his appearance like clouds and smoke, and rubbed him again without changing his face. He felt satisfied and then put down his hands, saying: "Okay, lie down. You are drunk. In this way, I'm not afraid of being sold, I'm really crazy to take you to drink, how much work has I found for myself!"

Xue Qinglan listened to the training obediently, and said, "Mmmm" as if holding the venue.

Wen Heng went to clean up the mess he left behind, but when he returned to the interior, Xue Qinglan still maintained the posture when he left, as if hazy, but raised his eyes to look at him with his eyelids. Seeing him like this, Wen Heng felt pity in his heart, and his face softened. He walked over and asked, "What's the matter? What else?"

Xue Qinglan hugged one of his arms, put her forehead on it sleepily, and whispered, "Butterfly."

Wen Heng: "What butterfly?"

Xue Qinglan said: "It can fly."

When Wen Heng said that there were insects flying into the house, he turned his head to look around, but he didn't see any living insects, so he continued to ask him carefully, "Where did the butterfly come from? Why didn't I see it?"

Xue Qinglan said: "It flew from the tree."

Where did the butterfly come from on the tree

Wen Heng also made him confused, and after a moment of stunned he remembered that he was talking about the silver butterfly he brought back from the Jinyu Yujinglou, and he couldn't help laughing: "Why are you still thinking about that? It's a mess, who knows where you put it? Go. Okay, go to sleep for a while, and be careful when you wake up with a headache tomorrow."

Who would have known that Xue Qinglan was so stubborn and stubborn that he must have a silver butterfly. If he didn't give it, he wouldn't sleep. Wen Heng was so entangled by him that he had to get up and go to the pile of clothes behind the screen to turn out the small silver butterfly and ask him He asked him in the palm of his hand, "Is it this?"

Xue Qinglan reached out to grab it, but he gently and skillfully raised his hand to avoid it. Standing condescendingly in front of the bed, he deliberately said with a stern face: "Say it first, then go to sleep when you get it, and don't be a demon anymore, okay?"

However, this time he underestimated Xue Qinglan. This ancestor never had the temperament to wait for others to give alms. Wen Heng didn't give it, he immediately lifted the quilt and got up, knelt straight and grabbed the silver butterfly in his hand.

He was already drunk, so suddenly his center of gravity became unsteady, and he staggered and fell under the bed. Wen Heng was caught off guard by his fullness. No matter how good-tempered he was, he couldn't help but slapped him on the lower back and said angrily, "How old are you, you still don't care! What if you fall and knock your head off? !"

The strength of this palm is almost enough to slap the dust on the clothes, and there is no deterrence. Xue Qinglan is not afraid of him, and pulls the silver butterfly into his hand, drunken eyes but seriously said to Wen Heng: "My Butterfly."

When he said this, his expression was naive and childish and cute. Wen Heng was annoyed at first, but then he couldn't stop laughing. He stroked him from head to back and coaxed him: "It's good, yes, yes, not with you. Rob. Is the little ancestor happy this time? Can you lie down in peace?"

Xue Qinglan said "um", but did not lie down, she just straightened up a little and glanced at Wen Heng, confirmed that it was him, then leaned over and hugged her waist in a relaxed and natural way, put her pillow on his chest and closed her eyes.

Wen Heng: "..."

For a moment, he couldn't tell whether he was taking advantage or being taken advantage of by others.

"Lotus Pistil" is worthy of the famous Jade Brewery. Xue Qinglan had no dreams for a while, slept soundly all night, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a bright sky outside the curtain, and it was the next morning.

The cloth quilt was soft, the body was warm, and one arm crossed his waist, firmly wrapping him in his arms. Xue Qinglan lay still, closed his eyes and recalled how he fell asleep last night, and then the scenes of drunken gaffes appeared one by one, each frame was like a heavy punch that fell from the sky, punching to the flesh, hammering him hard. It's better not to wake up.

Xue Qinglan used to drink alcohol in order to get drunk and sleep a little longer. Often, he poured himself a drink and fell asleep when he was drunk. He woke up the night before and his posture remained the same, so he always thought that he He won't be drunk when he's drunk - who knows, it's not that he can't, but no one around him sees him going crazy. This drunkenness is simply crazy!

The more he thought about it, the hotter his face became, almost his whole body was on fire, and a dozen ways to escape from the desert flashed in his mind. He was thinking about whether to jump out of the window or walk out the door, when a warm feeling suddenly appeared on his cheek.

Wen Heng just woke up, his voice was a little hoarse, and there was a slight doubt: "Why is your face red?"

Xue Qinglan couldn't hear him at all now, her limbs were stiff, her heart was flustered, her eyes rolled around under her thin eyelids. Wen Heng immediately understood: "Oh, I'm shy."

Xue Qinglan: "..."

"What are you afraid of?" Wen Heng smiled and dialed his red earlobe, "Isn't the drunk cat fluttering at the butterfly quite energetic yesterday? It's coquettish and mad, and someone else might not be able to hold you down."

Xue Qinglan knew that she couldn't escape today, so she opened her eyes slowly, and said short-heartedly, "After drinking, there is no state... I'm laughing."

The uncontrollable laughter vibrated with her chest. Xue Qinglan was hugged by him, but she didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, she remembered that Wen Heng was holding him like this yesterday, coaxing him without hesitation, almost responding to every request. It's hard for him to be so gentle and patient with drunks, so that people can't stand up in front of him, because he knows that no matter what his posture is, he will be properly tolerated and accepted by him.

"Okay, I have nothing to be embarrassed about, and I haven't been seen by outsiders." Wen Heng straightened his messy neckline and said slowly, "Besides, I didn't roll around, cry and laugh, just sticky. It's a little bit more painful."

Xue Qinglan defended weakly: "I used to be drunk, that's not the case..."

"I didn't tell you, you came up here yourself." Wen Heng reminded him, and said coolly, "It's okay to have a few drinks on weekdays. In the future, you will dare to be drunk in front of others and be the one who couldn't fight back in front of others. If anything happens, it's useless to say anything, I'll give you abstinence personally."

This is not a joke, Xue Qinglan immediately hesitated, obediently saying "don't dare". Wen Heng was satisfied, and stroked his hair like a cat: "Are you almost sober? Get up to wash up and have breakfast. I didn't call you last night after seeing you slept deeply. Are you hungry?"

Xue Qinglan propped up the bed and sat up, stunned for a moment, then asked Wen Heng with a frown, "I fell asleep, didn't that make you so tired that you didn't eat dinner?"

"In order to make Young Master Xue sleep soundly, I even gave up this arm. What's the problem with skipping half a meal, do you need to use the nonsense of 'tired'?" Wen Heng put his finger on the tip of his nose. After shaving, "It's alright, keep your brother in my heart, I didn't hurt you in vain."

The author has something to say: I know that the comments must say: This is obviously a relationship!

But I want to tell everyone... If you think so, then I have nothing to say (. As long as the ball doesn't go in, it's a goal.