Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 71: Enter the palace


After the two finished washing up, they went out to meet with Fan Yang. Poor Mr. Fan was disturbed by Wen Heng's few words and had a nightmare. In the morning, he saw the two of them walking out of a room side by side. He was shocked again. He couldn't even taste the meat buns, so he just wanted to hurry up. To end this matter, the farther away from the two of them, the better.

After dinner, the three discussed what to do tonight. It is not difficult to sneak into the palace, but where to find a sword. The forbidden palace covers an area of 1,000 acres, and there are countless houses. The pure Jun sword is probably hidden deeper. , If you don't know the exact location, you will slam around like a headless fly when you enter.

When Xue Qinglan searched for the whereabouts of Chunjun Sword for Wen Heng, he got a clue that "the Chunjun Sword is in the hands of the inner guard" from a retired robber. It's a pity that he was only concerned about confirming whether it was a pure Jun sword, he didn't pay attention to ask more about the situation in the palace, and after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't help but sigh: "If I had known today, I should have arrested the thief in advance and let him do it for us. A guide, save yourself from breaking your head here."

Wen Heng's words evoked his thoughts, a flash of inspiration, and suddenly said: "Exactly, you reminded me, why should we bother, can't we find a guide to guide the way?"

Fan Yang was stunned: "Young master is joking again. It's a big crime to break into the forbidden palace without permission. How could the guide be willing to sacrifice his life for us?"

Wen Heng smiled and said, "It's up to him whether he wants to or not." He asked the two of them to come over and talk about it like this.

Rao is that Fan Yang and Xue Qinglan knew that Wen Heng had always been resourceful, and after listening to his plan, they couldn't help but feel unbelievable.

Xue Qinglan poured a cup of tea for him and asked, "Brother Heng, tell the truth, did you get to where you are today when you were in Xingcheng?"

"The fortune-tellers under the overpass are not so good." Wen Heng took the tea, "It's just luck, it's just a coincidence. If it wasn't for the two of you, I wouldn't dare to do this risky trick by myself."

At first glance, this plan seems outlandish, but after careful consideration, it is indeed a simple and effective method, but ordinary people can't easily think of it, and they don't know how long Wen Heng's brain is. Actually the sword is so slanted.

Fan Yang couldn't help but sighed: "Young master has never lost anyone in this area of thinking. Even if I live for another 30 years, I may not be so smart. It can be seen that it is always unfair to create people."

Xue Qinglan laughed when she heard this, Wen Heng nodded at him, and said in a feigned anger, "Still laughing? A guardian of the Weeping Star Sect and the chief escort of the Luming escort bureau, crying and complaining about injustice in front of me, a man without a family and a job, Who are you trying to get mad at? Someone else has beaten the two of you out early." Seeing Fan Yang laughing along, Wen Hengfu sighed, shook his head and said, "Stupid people have stupid blessings. It's good after all."

After finishing speaking, the three of them burst into laughter at the same time, and it took a long time to stop. The plan has been decided, and now they will act separately to prepare for entering the palace tonight.

Due to something in their hearts, the day went by so fast, until late at night, the three of them put on black clothes and black scarves, quietly slipped out of the inn window, and took a shortcut to the palace. Wen Heng and Fan Yang knew the way, so he went around to the west side of the forbidden palace, climbed over the wall, and sneaked along the roof. Although the guards of the forbidden army were patrolling vigilantly, the three of them were quick and easy, coming and going like the wind, and the night was obscuring them.

Gongyuan West is divided into two parts, the former is the residence of the Empress Dowager, the Longevity Palace, the Great Buddha Hall, and the latter is the Ice Cellar and the Inner Book Hall. The Neishutang is the place where the books are collected in the Great Nei, and it houses the countless martial arts secrets collected by the imperial court throughout the ages. At this moment, the interior of the inner book hall was completely dark, and the rooms on both sides were also dim, except for the dim candle light on one of the window papers.

In the room, Master Jiu was at his desk and writing a book, when there was a sudden thud outside the window lattice, as if something had fallen. Master Jiu paused for a while, and looked up vigilantly, only to hear the sound of "Kala" outside. , this time it was the movement of a branch breaking.

He put down his pen in doubt, walked over and opened the window, only to see that the night outside was dark and empty, and at this moment when he was stunned, a piece of white silk suddenly dropped from the top of his head, and when he rolled his neck, it tightened suddenly, A giant force dragged him directly from the window to the roof.

Anyone who is suddenly hit by this blow and is caught at the key point and has difficulty breathing, it is difficult to immediately counterattack. The nine masters are quick to respond, and immediately took out the short dagger hidden in the waist and swung it to the top of the head, intending to cut off the white silk. Try to save yourself. Unexpectedly, it was not just one person who attacked him. When he started, someone grabbed his wrist from the side and removed the dagger with a small grab technique. Another man in black skillfully held him down, opened his chin and forced him Swallowed a finger-sized pill.

As soon as the pill entered the throat, it turned into a bitter medicinal liquid, but after a few breaths, the nine masters felt that the dantian was empty, the internal force was transformed by the medicinal properties, and the hands and feet could no longer struggle, becoming fish meat for anyone to slaughter. At the same time, the sling on his neck gradually loosened, and the loosening was very skillful, so that he could gradually resume breathing without being suddenly choked by the air and coughing to attract nearby guards.

With the dim moonlight, Master Jiu could barely see the three masked men surrounding him. He was lying on his back on the roof of the wing. The group of people not only gave him the poison/drug of Huagong, but also carefully selected several key points on him, making him completely immobile. One of the three lowered his voice and said, "I have something to ask the adults for help, and I have to resort to this. If the adults want to survive, they will cooperate with us honestly."

When Master Jiu heard his voice, he breathed a sigh of relief, raised his eyebrows in surprise, and asked with his mouth: "Is it you?"

Poor Wen Heng had no idea what to do, but even if he was killed, he could not have imagined that the Nine Masters would recognize him. Woolen cloth?"

Fan Yang made a long "uh" sound.

I just heard Xue Qinglan answer coolly from the side: "Just like some people have a particularly poor memory and don't recognize people by looking at their faces, some people are born with a particularly good memory and can recognize people they have seen just by their voices. Strange."

Wen Heng: "..."

Fortunately, Fan Yang remembered what they were here for, and hurriedly said: "This is not the time to talk about this, a big living person is here, don't you two just chat and let others go?"

Nine Masters: "..."

"You are the only one in the inner book hall?" Wen Heng finally remembered the business and asked politely, "Is it convenient to talk?"

The nine masters are now under the control of others, and the other party has played against him again. He is very aware of Wen Heng's methods, and he wants to see what the hell this group of people is doing, so he nodded slightly, expressing his willingness to cooperate. Wen Heng and Fan Yang grabbed his shoulders, jumped down from the roof, and entered the room through the wide open window. Xue Qinglan was behind, and when it was confirmed that the house was safe, they turned back and tightly covered the window.

Fan Yang brought up a chair, Wen Heng untied the acupoints on Master Jiu's body, made him sit on the chair, and said, "Don't worry, Master, I have no intention of hurting anyone, I just want to ask you to do one thing."

Master Jiu was strangled by Bai Ling and asked in a hoarse voice, "What's the matter?"

Wen Heng said politely and politely: "I heard that the Chunjun sword, the treasure of the Chunjun faction, is hidden in the palace, can you ask the adults to fetch it for me?"

The nine masters were inexplicable: "If you want a pure Jun sword, you can steal it yourself. What do you arrest me for?"

Wen Heng said: "It is precisely because I don't know where the Chunjun sword is, so I deliberately took a detour and came to the laborer to show me where to hide the sword."

"Are you crazy?" Jiu Da Ren was shocked by him and coughed, "Xingcheng was lucky enough to escape once, you really think you are omnipotent? The palace is the residence of the emperor, and the inner book hall is even more important. Tonight, the other If the inner guard is here, you will be in the trap of yourselves, and you won't even want to live!"

"It was a fluke the day before yesterday, and it's a fluke today." Wen Heng said calmly, "Who knows it's such a coincidence that the other adults just happened to be absent tonight."

The eyes of Master Jiu suddenly turned deep, and there was even a trace of dread: "Is this also a good thing for you to do early in the morning?"

Wen Heng smiled but did not answer, as if acquiescing to his guess.

The nine masters pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked: "Since you are already a descendant of Kunlun Buxu Palace, what do you want Chunjun Jian to do?"

Wen Heng was startled when he asked, and replied, "What does Chunjun Sword have to do with Buxu Palace?"

The nine masters had a surprised look on their face: "You don't know?"

Wen Heng subconsciously looked at Xue Qinglan and shook his head. The nine masters became more and more incredible: "Since you don't know the use of the Chunjun sword, and you don't know its origin, why do you go to the palace to steal it?"

Wen Heng thought about it for a while, and answered concisely, "I am entrusted by others."

The Nine Masters asked, "Who?"

Wen Heng didn't want to be led by his nose, and said, "Sir, there are too many questions. I'm here to get the Chunjun sword. It doesn't matter what it does, you just need to tell me where the sword is."

Master Jiu said with a sneer, "You don't really think I'll help you? Trespassing the palace and stealing royal objects are all serious crimes, not to mention that you and I have old grudges first. Why should I listen to your orders?"

Xue Qinglan folded her arms beside her. She couldn't stand it any longer. She said coldly, "He discussed with you kindly. If he promised you earlier, you would suffer less. Don't toast, don't eat and drink fine."

From the time of Xingcheng, it can be seen that Jiu Da is a ruthless and perverse person. This kind of person eats soft and not hard, so when Xue Qinglan is so provoked, he does not buy it: "I said earlier that I am not afraid of death. You don't have to talk, you don't have to say a toast and a fine drink, just give me a knife. It won't take long before we can meet again in Huangquan and cross the Naihe Bridge together."

Xue Qinglan turned the dagger handed over from him, and showed a rare smile: "Why should I kill you? When you die, everything is empty, so what's the point? It's better to let you live and suffer." He put a little cold light on the forehead of the Nine Great Masters, and said softly: "The medicine you take will not only dissipate your internal strength, but also suppress the pain, even if I chop off your hands and feet on the spot, you will still be awake—don't worry. , my medical skills are very good, and I won't let you bleed to death."

The cold light descended from his forehead, hit the corners of his eyes, throat, and heart, and finally landed between his weak wrist veins. The cold and sharp thin blade scraped a small piece of skin back and forth, and could cut off the bones at any time.

For someone as arrogant and arrogant as Master Jiu, humiliation is 10,000 times more terrifying than death.

He was under Xue Qinglan's gaze, and there was a chill behind him: "Tonight is your only chance. If you miss the opportunity, don't expect to see Chun Junjian again in the future."

Xue Qinglan didn't take it seriously, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter if you can't get the Chunjun sword tonight, don't you have several masters in the big house? Ask one by one, there are always people who are interested. But if you are so ignorant, I don't care. Don't be a pure Junjian, you have to find a way to take you out and slowly tune/teach, if you are stupid, you will be obedient." He thought for a while, and then added, "But I don't want you to give in too quickly, that way. It's boring, the more stubborn people live longer, you'd better stick to it for a few more days."

Fan Yang felt goosebumps all over his body, he tugged on Wen Heng's sleeve, and told him to rush up to stop him. Wen Heng stood there calmly watching the play, watching Xue Qinglan go crazy.

The Xue Hufa he saw at the Sword Discourse Conference was gloomy and surly. Although he made a move with the Chunjun faction, in front of many people, his madness was restrained a lot, but Xue Qinglan now seemed to have backing and confidence. , unscrupulously peeled off the layer of harmless painted skin on his body, revealing the true face of the protector of the Weeping Star Sect.

Master Jiu finally met a lunatic who was even more mad than himself. He was completely different from Wen Heng and Fan Yang. To Xue Qinglan, killing people was a more common thing than a regular meal, and he even lost the excitement he deserved. He didn't mind. Make the scene bloodier and crueler.

"Blazing," Jiu Da Ren gritted his back molars, his eyes were like electricity, and he shot at the two people behind him, "You don't take Chunjun Sword in your eyes, what about the people who came with you?"

Xue Qinglan didn't even look back, and without looking at anyone's eyes, she leaned over to him and said softly, "What's wrong with me?"

"Didn't you ask him why he went to great lengths to steal a broken sword? I can tell you now."

"Yes, for, for, me."