Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 81: embrace



Those vague omens came true in an instant. Wen Heng, such a stable person, when he first saw him, he didn't care about being happy, and his face was startled first.

"It's raining so hard, don't you know how to hide first?"

Wen Heng was shocked and angry, as if a pot of boiling water was burning in his chest, he even pushed and shoved Xue Qinglan into the room, forgetting all manners and respects, he lifted his bamboo hat and untied his knife by himself. He stripped off his soaked robe three times, five times, and two. If it wasn't for his grim expression and his demeanor, he could hardly be called severe. This action was simply a prodigal son. Before Xue Qinglan could react, he stripped him down to a single shirt, wrapped it thickly with a quilt, and threw it into the pile of fluffy pillows.

"Brother Heng..."

Wen Heng didn't give him a chance to speak, and went out like the wind to ask someone to prepare water for a bath. Xue Qinglan looked at his back, the smile in his eyes slowly dissipated, and from his series of over-stressed reactions, he felt something strange. Feel-

After a while, the hot water was ready, and Wen Heng didn't need him to move his legs. He personally took him to the tub and soaked Xue Qinglan in the hot water like dumplings. After a short while, he saw that his face was a little bloody from the white mist, and he was no longer as pale as a living person. The anger that was rising in Wen Heng's heart slowly receded like a tide, and he barely regained a little self-cultivation and restraint.

"You soak for a while, I'll go out..."

There was a sound of water, Xue Qinglan threw himself on the edge of the bucket, and quickly pulled his sleeves, successfully stopping Wen Heng's footsteps and interrupting what he was about to say.

"What?" He frowned, holding Xue Qinglan's arm and pressing it back into the hot water, "Be honest."

Xue Qinglan was very honest when she recognized her mistake: "I shouldn't be in the rain, don't be angry."

He didn't mention it, but when Wen Heng was mentioned, he became even more angry, and he scolded his head and said: "You also know that it is not good to get wet in the rain? I still think you are a fool! What big thing is more important than your own body? Is it worth your disregard and even your life?!"

Xue Qinglan was trained by him to shrink back into the hot water, and argued in a low voice, "I want to see you."

Wen Heng was so angry with his ears that he couldn't hear clearly: "What?"

Xue Qinglan said in a low voice, "Having caught the rain on the way back, if you want to avoid the rain, you have to enter the city tomorrow, but I don't want to wait for a moment."

Wen Heng hadn't seen him for a month, so why didn't he miss him, but he was so angry that he was like a chicken. Xue Qinglan was so simple and straightforward, but Wen Heng choked for a while, his anger gradually subsided, and his distress continued to grow.

When Xue Qinglan saw that he didn't answer, the strangeness in his heart turned into five. Looking at him, he said dryly, "Brother Heng, I am a martial artist after all. Nothing will happen to me in the rain. Don't worry too much."

Wen Heng broke away from the sleeve he was holding, and put his hand against his cold profile face, as if he had finally surrendered, and sighed softly, "I just said one thing to you, so I'm wronged?"

"no… "

"Don't tell me about martial arts practitioners, as long as you haven't become an immortal, you are still a mortal, and you will easily catch cold and cold in the rain. If you fall ill, you will feel uncomfortable and I will feel sorry for the two of us. , what's the trouble with this?"

His palm was very warm, and it was even a little hot when it was pressed against the frozen skin, but it couldn't compare to the gentleness he unintentionally showed. At this moment, Xue Qinglan even understood the moth that died from the fire. Warmth, even a little accidental indifference can make him fall into an ice cave.

He was speechless, turned his face away in Wen Heng's palm, lowered his head to find a place to hide in the bucket, and said palely, "I'm not wronged."

He wiped his bluish eyes with a slightly calloused finger, lingered on his cheeks, and finally landed on his cheeks, turning into a neither light nor heavy twist: "Why are you hiding if you're not wronged? If you don't see me for a month, I'm getting more and more mad at me. ."

He couldn't understand it himself, but Wen Heng saw it clearly. After a heavy sentence, the corners of his eyes instantly turned red, against the traces of rain on his face, as if he had cried a while ago. It can't be said that he was very pitiful, but it made his heart hurt when he saw it, and he couldn't help but want to wipe it off with his own hands. Tears, do something to coax him.

"Have you ever eaten?" Wen Heng scraped a drop of water off the tip of his nose, pushed him to the other side of the wooden bucket, stood up and exhorted, "Go back and sit down, soak for a while to ward off the cold, I'll ask the cook to prepare Dinner, I'll bring you clean clothes later."

Xue Qinglan leaned back following his strength, immersed his whole body in the hot water, only his head was exposed, and let out a lazy "uh".

Wen Heng saw that his eyes were half-closed, a little drowsy, and he said, "You can rest assured, don't fall asleep, be careful to plunge your head into the water."

Xue Qinglan responded with a long voice: "I see, I'm not stupid."

Wen Heng said: "It's hard to say." Quickly flashed a few drops of water that were bounced as hidden weapons, smiled and walked around the screen and went out.

After half an hour, the sound of the rain outside the curtain weakened, turning into a light rain that hit the window lattice. In the warm yellow candlelight of the room, Xue Qinglan put on Wen Heng's homely clothes and sat at the table drinking soup with his sleeves rolled up. Although Wen Heng had already eaten dinner, he was sitting across from him drinking tea.

The two talked about everything after the farewell, Xue Qinglan had nothing to do in Mingzhou, but Wen Heng's experience in Yueying Mountain was worth writing about. He deliberately skipped the Qin Ling section, and only mentioned the past of Gu Chuifang and Zheng Lian. Perhaps he had heard too many stories, and he was also good at telling stories. Even Xue Qinglan, who had always been indifferent to the lives of others, had forgotten it several times. Moved the chopsticks.

"Does Zheng Lian hate him or doesn't he hate him?" Xue Qinglan couldn't understand after hearing Wen Heng's speech, and wondered, "Since they are willing to build their tombs on the underground palace, why didn't they meet him back then? How much hatred they have? , You can't be forgiven when you live, and you have to die to let go?"

Wen Heng replied casually: "The entanglement of grievances and grievances for 30 years is not a matter of hatred or no hatred. It is probably a mixture of love and hate, and there are many things that cannot be said, so I have been silent for the rest of my life."

Xue Qinglan asked ignorantly, "What is 'unspeakable'?"

Wen Heng has a keen nature and has the most contact with Gu Chuifang, so he can see more clearly and guess more than others. It's just that Xue Qinglan was afraid to say this guess, so he had to hide it with a smile and change the topic: "Eat your food. Fan, why do you inquire so carefully?"

Xue Qinglan ate this meal absent-mindedly, as if she was always thinking about something. Hearing this, she threw her chopsticks on the spot and said sincerely, "How can you be like this, half of the story is told and half of it is hidden, and the storytellers outside are not as cunning as you."

Wen Heng said helplessly, "Are you full? Finish the soup."

Xue Qinglan said: "If you don't make it clear, you won't drink it."

"How old are you, you still threaten me with this trick?" Wen Heng was unmoved, "A little fool who needs to be urged to drink soup is not suitable for listening to this kind of story."

Xue Qinglan was so angry that she drank half the bowl of ginger soup, gave him an angry look, and said, "I can say it now, right?"

Wen Heng couldn't do anything about his sudden curiosity, it was funny and embarrassing, so he tried his best to explain it succinctly and euphemistically: "Gu Chuifang and Zheng Lian probably both have the same thoughts in their hearts, but the big mistake has been made, and neither one Dare to show signs, so I can only choose to avoid it, understand?"

Xue Qinglan didn't understand, so he opened his mouth and asked, "What is Qisi?" As soon as the words came out, he suddenly woke up and widened his eyes in amazement: "You said they are... that kind of..."

Wen Heng didn't expect him to be able to see through this kind of thing at all, but he was startled, and then he followed his words and asked, "Which one?"

Xue Qinglan coughed twice embarrassingly. Even though there were only the two of them in the room, he still seemed to be afraid of being heard, and said in a mosquito humming voice, "Broken sleeves." He hesitated and asked, "Brother Heng, how do you know they are... Broken sleeves?"

There was an unusual light in his eyes, and it was hard to imagine that a demon guardian would show such an innocent expression. Wen Heng smiled a little and looked at him gently, until Xue Qinglan was taken aback, ready to dig under the table at any time, then he spread a hand towards him and said, "Give me your hand."

Xue Qinglan stretched out his right hand hesitantly, and Wen Heng stretched out his tail finger to hook him, obviously feeling that his wrist trembled slightly, and asked with a smile, "What does it feel like?"

Xue Qinglan and Wen Heng hugged and hugged a lot more, but they seldom did such small gestures seriously.

Wen Heng said earnestly: "Don't you think it's strange for two men to be like this?"

Xue Qinglan choked up in her heart, and suddenly remembered the night they parted outside the capital. He also played with Wen Heng's hand in the dark for a long time. A little further away, the two shared the same bed for so many times. This kind of hooking and holding hands I don't know how many people, Wen Heng has never said anything before, except that he is very cold today. Could it be that he was inspired by Gu Chuifang and Zheng Lian and finally realized that their relationship was not right, so he deliberately said such words to test

Qi Si, who can't see the sun, just shows a little bit... Is it bound to bring a storm

He shook his head and forced himself to say calmly, "I've only heard that men and women don't kiss each other, but I've never heard that men and women also want to kiss."

Wen Heng did have some tentative thoughts, but Xue Qinglan's momentary hesitation did not escape his eyes. When he saw his appearance, all his thoughts disappeared. He was reluctant to persecute Xue Qinglan, so he even opened the whole page, turned his palms and put his five cool fingers in his hands, saying: "The deceased are gone, it's not good to talk about their affairs behind their backs, no respect, no That's it. How long have you not slept? It's business to rest early."

Xue Qinglan followed his strength and got up, although she promised, she didn't move a step, her eyes were still glued to Wen Heng, she followed him, looked at Wen Heng inexplicably, and wondered: "What's the matter? What's on me? , you've been staring at me since you sat down?"

The rainy night outside the window is dark and humid, the courtyard is empty, the candlelight inside the house is like beans, and the person he trusts the most is standing in front of him, patiently waiting for his answer, the two safest environments overlap in a small study , and the shocking aftertaste brought by the temptation just now did not disappear, and the long-awaited reunion also rushed through his mind, causing him to suddenly have infinite impulses.

Xue Qinglan endured for a whole night, and at this moment, her mind finally became hot, and she rushed forward and hugged Wen Heng.

Wen Heng was bewildered, but the bottom plate was as steady as Mount Tai, he stretched out his hands to take him into his arms, and his hands naturally wrapped around the back to hug Xue Qinglan's shoulders, and his movements were very skillful: "Which song is this singing? ?"

Xue Qinglan was buried in his arms, her voice was soft, and the clothes were stifled, it almost turned into a vague babble, who knew that Wen Heng's ears were so good, he could hear every word clearly.

"After coming back... I haven't hugged it yet."

"My God," Wen Heng hugged him off the ground around his waist, and his voice was full of uncontrollable smiles, "You are too good at acting like a spoiled child."

The author has something to say: Wen Yuyan is the only person who can identify the deputy CP of this article with the naked eye... This is why he has a partner and the second brother is a bachelor.