Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 88: ambush


There has never been a shortage of rumors and anecdotes in the rivers and lakes, but this year seems to be different. From the birth of a young swordsman at the Siyoushan Sword Conference, to the new elder Linqiufeng of the Chunjun faction who turned out to be the orphan of King Qing. Again, the center of the whirlpool is the young master Wen Heng, whose experience is already legendary.

Wen Heng is considered a semi-recluse in Zhanchuan City. He doesn't go out very much, and mostly uses letters to pass news. Fan Yang's staff outside can hear different new rumors every day. In just four or five days, Wen Heng's life experience over the past twenty years has been arranged in a hype, about how he escaped from the Qing King case, how he was taken in by Qin Ling, and how he was unknown in the Chunjun faction. After many years, it has suddenly become a blockbuster... All the secrets of the past have been excavated one by one for evaluation and discussion, and it has become the talk of countless people after drinking and drinking.

Among the many mysteries surrounding him, the most intriguing is that the prince, the grandson of the king, who is known as "frail and sickly", got what chance, so that his martial arts could advance by leaps and bounds in just a few years. Become a peerless master who swept the Central Plains martial arts

Some people say that since he became the elder Lin Qiufeng of the Chunjun faction, he must have inherited the mantle of Gu Chuifang; but some people retorted that although Gu Chuifang was also a prodigy back then, Wen Heng's swordsmanship at the Sword Discourse Conference was completely unique. , it is no longer the martial arts method of the Chunjun School; some people have combined various gossip and old stories, infer that Wen Heng was born with poor roots and cannot practice martial arts at all. Martial arts secrets, can have today's martial arts. And what he stole from the palace was the lost sword of the Chunjun faction, which has been confirmed by the Chunjun faction, and the vague martial arts secret book in the rumors must be the key to his rebirth.

When Wen Heng heard this statement, the words "as expected" appeared in his heart. This time, all the winds have turned to the "secret book that does not exist". There are more and more conjectures, more and more specific, coupled with the deliberate guidance of people with a heart, and finally accepted by most people is that Wen Heng's hand It is true that he holds a copy of Nei Gong Xin Fa, which has been recorded in ancient times, but has been lost for a long time and is almost legendary.

"Master," Fan Yang stood outside the study, raised his hand and knocked on the door, said, "Chunjun sent a letter."

Wen Heng was talking to Xue Qinglan about this matter, and after listening to his report, he got up to open the door and smiled at Xue Qinglan: "It must be in a hurry over there, so I hurriedly sent a letter to ask, whether to gamble or not?"

"Don't gamble." Xue Qinglan said helplessly: "Brother Heng, if you have no choice, don't bully people."

Wen Heng took the letter, read it hastily, put down the paper and said, "The sect head told me to go back to the mountain immediately, I'm leaving now. You eat well, don't wait for me. There shouldn't be anything very important over there. I'll try to be back at night."

Xue Qinglan got up and followed behind him, just a few steps away, but insisted on sending him to the door, but after hearing this, he advised Wen Heng: "It's hard to walk on the mountain road after dark, don't rush back and run back, it's a big deal. Take a rest on the mountain for a night, and come back soon after tomorrow."

Wen Heng picked up his sword and glanced at him with a slight smile: "Aren't you afraid that you will sleep alone today?"

Xue Qinglan pushed him out of the door with both hands, and replied ruthlessly, "I'm not afraid, so you can hang out as much as you like outside, it doesn't matter."

Wen Heng was like an annoying cat who owed his hands to a cat. He wasn't annoyed when his paw was scratched. Instead, he got infinite pleasure from the puffed up fur of the little animals, and went out satisfied. Xue Qinglan closed the courtyard door, turned back to the room, felt that Wen Heng's back had just disappeared from sight, and a piece was hollowed out somewhere in his heart, and he couldn't help sighing.

It was near the end of summer, and the peony and hydrangea in the courtyard gradually showed signs of withering. Among the green leaves were mostly withered petals hanging on the branches. There were only one or two budding flowers in shady places such as the corner porch. He lived in this courtyard for two ten days, and he walked back and forth in the courtyard several times a day, but he had no time to notice these corners and corners until today. As soon as Wen Heng left, the whole yard suddenly seemed empty. The laughter and laughter of others came from outside the yard wall. In a trance, Xue Qinglan even wanted to chase it out. He suddenly understood that his home was not somewhere, and the security, trust, and defense that constituted a home were all tied to Wen Heng alone.

But how long can he rely on Wen Heng like this

Are those whispers and soft words just out of love and ambiguity, or just out of a heart of pity and love

When Wen Heng was at home, he never had the time to ponder these issues, but now the courtyard is full of shades and no one, except for the wind and the leaves, and Xue Qinglan was standing on the steps, staring at the flowers in the corner. God came out for a while. After an unknown amount of time, there was a knock on the door behind him, which interrupted his contemplation.

A strange man's voice said from outside: "Master Xue, there is a guest who wants to see you."

Xue Qinglan had lived here for a long time, and was interrupted by the voice, so she didn't think much about it. She opened the door subconsciously and asked casually, "Who?"

"it's me."

A tactful voice like a tingling sounded, and when she saw the person coming, Xue Qinglan's face completely sank, as if she had changed from the same place. Face: "What are you doing here?"

Qianhong Qingsha was fluttering in the summer wind, and this scene really suits her name. Lu Hongyi returned to her original voice, and jokingly said, "I'm here to see what kind of angel came down to earth, and she Our cold-hearted Hufa Xue stumbled in this kind of place—there was no news for ten days and a half months, and those who didn’t know it thought you died outside.”

Xue Qinglan said coldly, "I follow the orders of the suzerain, and I don't need to worry about Protector Lu."

"It's easy to say," Lu Hongyi said with a smile, "It's a coincidence, I have a suzerain's order here, Hufa Xue might as well take a look."

The two of them have never dealt with each other, and every time they talk, they always have a gun and a stick, and the yin and yang are strange. As soon as Xue Qinglan heard Lu Hongyi's smiling tone, she knew that there was nothing wrong. Lu Hongyi took out a green letterbox from her sleeve and threw it at him: "Here."

Xue Qinglan took the letterbox and saw that the seam was sealed with the fire wax secretly made by the Chuixing Sect, and there were traces of the seal of the Sect Master Fang Wujiu on it. He carefully scraped the surface wax with a dagger, unscrewed it from the top, and pulled out a small paper roll embedded in it.

That letter was written by Fang Wu Jiu, the writing was not very good, and the content was only a few lines, but Xue Qinglan held it and looked at it for a long time, as if she wanted to stare out a hole in it. This kind of silence is unusual for him, but his expression is unusually calm, or it can be said that he concealed his true expression very thoroughly, and did not show any strangeness in front of Lu Hongyi, which made her want to guess from Xue Qinglan's reaction. The abacus that came out of it was completely in vain.

Lu Hongyi didn't wait for him to change color, and knew that Xue Qinglan was deliberately guarding against her, so she snorted coldly, and said unhappily, "What a disappointment!"

Xue Qinglan threw the note into the half-cup of residual tea on the stone table in the courtyard, watched the white paper and ink words quickly melt into the water, and suddenly grabbed the teacup and poured it back. Lu Hongyi, who silently touched him behind him, was taken aback and jumped back quickly, landing lightly outside the gate of the small courtyard, angrily saying, "You are wrong!"

Xue Qinglan calmly put the teacup back to its original position on the table, and said calmly without looking back, "I didn't invite you in."

Lu Hongyi hit a hard nail, and she hated him more and more. She didn't want to say a word to him, and sneered angrily: "You don't need to be shy here, although I don't know what order the sect master gave you, but I know that recently Everyone in Jianghu is coveting the secrets in the hands of that gentleman Wen Heng. You have a very close relationship with him, do you know if you are willing to violate the Sect Master's intention for him? Wait until he is attacked by thousands of people and hunted down by the whole river and lake, see you How long can you be proud!"

She uttered the harsh words in one breath, probably because she was afraid that Xue Qinglan would catch up to her and beat her, she tapped her feet on the ground and jumped over the fence.

Xue Qinglan didn't have to stare, she could feel her breath receding away, and when the surroundings regained calm, his fist hidden in his sleeve slammed onto the stone table. The flesh collided with the warm and hard stone surface, and the dull pain climbed up the arm along the knuckles. He suddenly remembered that the hand injury that Wen Heng suffered when he fought against Feng Baoyi some time ago was not yet healed. He can use a sword, but if he really encounters a strong enemy, he will not be able to cope with it, and the power of his moves will be greatly reduced.

There are so many people outside who are staring at him. If it is as Lu Hongyi suggested, Wen Heng is going out alone now. He usually lives next to the Luming Escort Bureau. A large group of helpers arrived, but if he was ambushed on his way to the Chunjun faction, Wen Heng would not always bring a group of guards with him when he went to the division. Ligers and tigers were also afraid of hyenas. dangerous situation.

Even thinking a little more terrifyingly, was the letter Wen Heng received really sent from Chunjun? Even Lu Hongyi had a way to pretend to be a male voice to trick him into opening the door. How could anyone know that someone deliberately forged a fake letter to trick Wen Heng into taking the bait and lead him to a safe place to take the legendary legend from him. The "Beidou Bone Raccoon Magic"

Xue Qinglan's face changed suddenly, rushed into the study, tore off the sword hanging on the wall, jumped up the wall, and ran away. It happened that Fan Yang walked in from outside the door and was about to ask him if he could go to the Luming Escort for dinner. When he looked up, he saw a flower in front of his eyes, and Xue Qinglan had disappeared.

Fan Yang was stunned for a moment, then he mumbled, "In such a hurry? Could it be that the young master forgot to take something?"

He took a step forward, stepped on the water marks on the ground, and didn't pay attention. He walked around the yard very generously, keeping the doors and windows closed and wide open. Finally, he carefully covered the yard door, leisurely and leisurely. Went back to Luming Escort for dinner.

On the other side, under Yueying Mountain.

Xue Qinglan galloped on his horse, reined in the reins in front of the stone steps at the foot of the mountain, and the horse neighed and shook his head impatiently. At this time, it was getting dark, but the heat was still not over. The mane on the horse's neck was wet with sweat into strands. Even Xue Qinglan's ice-like physique was sweaty and heavy. , has been rendered unconscious.

Wen Heng was never seen on the way, Xue Qinglan felt more and more uneasy, and when she got off the horse and landed, she almost stepped on the air and slapped her feet. While he comforted himself that there were no signs of fighting on the road, with Wen Heng's skill, even if he was really ambushed, he would have to fight hard, and it would not be easy to be kidnapped. He was afraid that if Wen Heng fell into a well-designed trap, he said before he had time to struggle, where should he go to find him again

Yueying Mountain stands majestically, like a dark statue under the moonlight, silently examining Xue Qinglan who is walking alone.

This was the first time he set foot on the stone steps of Yueying Mountain after four years—this place he thought he would never come back to in his whole life. Sometimes life encounters are so unpredictable. The last time he stood here, he was full of fear and hesitation. He couldn't see Wen Heng, and he was even more afraid to see Wen Heng but hear the answer that frightened him.

At that time, he was still a weak boy, and he wanted to escape from Xue Ci's side in his dreams, so he pinned all his hopes on Wen Heng, thinking that if Wen Heng promised him, he would definitely take him away. But the person he was waiting for never appeared, and in the long torment day after day, he finally could no longer deceive himself.

Wen Heng will not come again.

It was the first time in Xue Qinglan's life that he killed himself, and he killed his own master.

He knew very well that he had committed unforgivable evil deeds, that he had deceived his teachers and destroyed his ancestors, and that he had done great rebellion. After the news spread, he might be despised by everyone, and he might even face a life-and-death crisis. But before that, he still wanted to see Wen Heng and hear a word from him. As long as he got the answer, it didn't matter whether he lived or died in the future.

So he traveled thousands of miles from Mingzhou to Jiuqu, as if he was lingering and praying for redemption, step by step, he walked up the long hundreds of stone steps in front of the Chunjun sect mountain gate.

Xue Qinglan once thought that it was the pinnacle of his life, but he never imagined that there would be another day when he would repeat the actions of the year with the same attitude and completely different courage. It's just that the last time he was like an ignorant and paranoid child, he just wanted to ask why Wen Heng didn't come to the appointment; but now, after four years of ashes, he finally understands what is most important to him. What is the important thing... The person who is going to protect with all his might, has never changed from the past to the present.

Xue Qinglan walked very fast. It only took less than two minutes to get up from the foot of the mountain. When the gatekeeper saw the arrival of a foreign visitor, he took the initiative to greet him and asked for his intention. After walking these hundred or so steps, it was as if he had relived the old events of the past. Xue Qinglan was strangely less panicked, and politely said to the disciple: "Dare to ask your faction... Has Elder Yue Chiyue been here? Is it on the mountain?"

The gatekeeper nodded and said, "I've been here. I just entered the gate a moment ago, and I'm still in the sect. However, the head of the gate has a life. The elder has not seen any foreign guests recently. Your Excellency, please come back."

Xue Qinglan's heart fell to the ground, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief. She waved her hand and said, "I'm not going in to find him, I'm just waiting outside for him to come out. It won't get in the way, right?"

This requirement does not seem to be faulty at first glance, but when you think about it carefully, it always feels that something is wrong. Seeing that he was young and handsome, with outstanding temperament, the gatekeeper disciple thought he was Wen Heng's friend, but his words and deeds were so modest, it seemed that the relationship was not so good. The disciple hesitated for a moment, but did not dare to nod his head in agreement, but said, "Ask Your Excellency's name. If there is anything important, let me go in and report."

Xue Qinglan said: "I'm his... family. The rivers and lakes have not been peaceful recently. I was afraid of danger on the road, so I came here and waited for him to go down the mountain with him. It's not a big deal, so don't bother."

Hearing this, the gatekeeper disciple couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, but Xue Qinglan didn't explain further, and he didn't ask much, so he could only signal Xue Qinglan to take care of himself, and silently retreated to continue guarding the gate.

Xue Qinglan looked around and found a flat rock under a nearby tree, which could clearly see the Chunjun disciples coming and going in and out of the mountain gate, but not too conspicuous to attract the attention of others. He walked into the forest with his sword in his arms and sat down, leaned his back against the rough tree trunk, and listened carefully for a moment, only to hear the sound of wind and insects, and no other strange movements.

It is true that Wen Heng was called up to Yueying Mountain this time. One is that his identity has been restored. Naturally, he should no longer use the name "Yue Chi" in the sect. He has to tell all the disciples to correct his name; In the rumored storm, the Chunjun faction was inevitably criticized by the public, and the magic and secrets had nothing to do with them, but the matter of Xingcheng was solved by Wen Heng and Liao Changxing together, and the Chunjun faction was passively mixed in it and became the leader. sheep. Now that someone has brought up old things again and wants to pick a bone in the egg, the head and the elders have to invite Wen Heng to ask about the situation, so that when facing questions from other factions in the future, they will not have nothing to say.

These two things are not big, but it took a lot of time. When Wen Heng finally left Hengqiu Hall, the sky was already dark. Liao Changxing persuaded him to stay on the mountain for one night and go back tomorrow, but Wen Heng was thinking about Xue Qinglan at home and had to rush back to Zhanchuan City no matter what. Liao Changxing saw that he was firm, so he had to go with him.

Wen Heng bid farewell to the people of the sect and went down to the main peak alone. When he walked to the front of the mountain gate, it happened that the guard disciples were on duty. A young disciple saw him with sharp eyes and rushed over to say hello, and replied, "Master Wen, your home I sent someone to take you down the mountain and have been waiting outside the door, but do you want the disciple to call him over?"

Wen Heng had long since lost the habit of bringing entourages when he went out, and Fan Yang would not care about him so intimately. Hearing this, he couldn't help but stop and asked, "Who is it?"

The disciple shook his head and replied, "I didn't say my name, I just claimed to be your family member." He pointed back to the bushes not far away, "That's that person."

Thanks to the bright moonlight tonight and Wen Heng's good eyes, otherwise, Xue Qinglan, who is dressed in black and integrated with the tree stump, would not have been recognized at all. His expression softened suddenly, thanked the disciple, and walked quickly to the bushes. When he got closer, he realized that Xue Qinglan had probably waited too long and fell asleep because of boredom.

Wen Heng took advantage of the moonlight that filtered through the leaves, and saw that his face was cold and white, his brows were slightly frowned, and he didn't seem to be sleeping very comfortably. There were a lot of mosquitoes nearby, and the rocks and tree stumps were too uncomfortable. Although he was leaning against the tree trunk, he felt like he wanted to curl up. Wen Heng reached out and touched his face, the tentacles were cold, he didn't look like someone who was going through summer.

When Xue Qinglan was touched by him, he immediately woke up. The sky was dark, and his vision was blurred when he suddenly opened his eyes. He could only see the general outline of the person in front of him. He subconsciously grabbed the sword and pushed forward, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Who?"

"It's me, don't be afraid." Wen Heng gently pushed the scabbard away, squatted down in front of him, warmed his side face with his palm, and asked patiently, "Why did you come here?"

Although Xue Qinglan was awake, his mind had not fully recovered. What was in his mind blurted out: "Come to pick you up and go home."

Wen Heng couldn't help laughing on the spot, and said in a low voice, "Why? Are you afraid I wouldn't dare to walk at night?"

Xue Qinglan was only stunned for a moment, but now she is fully awake. When Wen Heng was away, he had the courage to destroy the world, but in front of Wen Heng, he didn't have the slightest sense of pride, and he planted himself on Wen Heng's shoulder, interrupting with a hum and chirping: "What do you say? It's been dark for so long, let's go back."

Wen Heng's eyes fell on the long sword that he took with him, and there was a vague guess in his heart, and his expression became softer. He turned his back to Xue Qinglan, squatted and said, "Come up, I'll carry you down."

Xue Qinglan said inexplicably: "I'm fine, I can walk by myself. And the mountain road is so dark at night, if we slip and fall, neither of us will be able to run."

Wen Heng smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't be able to fall you. Did you come here without a meal, and are you still going down the mountain hungry?"

He didn't say it was okay, but as soon as he said Xue Qinglan, he felt a cramp in his stomach, so he spread his arms on Wen Heng's back and put his arms around his neck: "Well."

Wen Heng lightly carried Xue Qinglan on his back, got up and walked down the stone steps slowly, his heart was not beating or panting, and he still had time to tease him: "'Hmm' what?"

Xue Qinglan was clinging to his back, as if hugging a warm stove in the severe winter, the lingering cold air was gradually melted away by the heat, he suddenly felt a little sleepy, and lazily dragged his tail and replied: "No Have dinner."

Wen Heng said, "Didn't I tell you before I left? You don't have to wait for me to let you eat by yourself."

Xue Qinglan said, "I suddenly remembered that it is very dangerous for you to be outside alone. Maybe someone deliberately forged the letter to lead you out, so as to attack you when you are alone. The injury to your right hand is not yet healed. What should I do if I can't beat others with my hands? So I came here."

This is very easy to say, but in these few words, it is actually full of affection, which shows that Xue Qinglan's friendship for him has reached the point of not avoiding danger and regardless of life and death.

Wen Hengji was very moved, but they were walking in the dark mountains and forests, and he turned his back to Xue Qinglan, so only the voice came, which still sounded calm and calm: "Fool, if you say it, you run over to pick it up. Didn't I fall into the enemy's trap too?"

Xue Qinglan replied as a matter of course: "Yes, so what?"

He was so righteous that even Wen Heng was choked, and the words of persuasion that followed were all stuck in his throat. Wen Heng suddenly remembered the time when they were in danger on Yueying Mountain when they were young. Xue Qinglan searched the back mountain for a day without sleep. When he finally found it, he jumped into the deep pit without hesitation and was trapped in the underground palace with him. , and almost lost his life because of the pictures on the stone wall.

If the last time can still be attributed to him being inattentive and unaware of danger, then four years later, this time Xue Qinglan still jumped down without hesitation knowing it was a trap, which is enough to show how much Wen Heng occupies in his heart. important location.

Wen Heng weighed him up, listening to his slowly lengthening breathing in his ears, and suddenly said with emotion, "I am the only child in our family. It would be good to have a younger brother, stand at the door to see me when I go out, and wait for me at the door when I come back. Wherever I go, he will follow me like a little tail... It's a pity that the family was destroyed and there was no chance again. "

Xue Qinglan was about to fall asleep and gave a vague "uh", but suddenly he thought of a bad possibility, and the arm around Wen Heng's neck froze suddenly, "Brother Heng..."

Wen Heng said: "What?"

Xue Qinglan's drowsiness was frightened away, he held his breath, and tentatively asked: "You are so good to me... Is it because you have always regarded me as your brother?"

Wen Heng: "..."

He didn't immediately answer "yes" or "no", he just slowed down his steps, let out a long sigh of helplessness, and said slowly, "I really shot myself in the foot for asking you such a question. "

Xue Qinglan said dumbfoundedly: "Huh?"

Wen Heng said softly, "Qinglan, don't you understand yet—"

Only halfway through the words, he suddenly stopped, his right hand looked into the air, and a sharp silver dart was held between his fingertips: "Who!"

The sound of breaking the air sounded from all directions. Xue Qinglan jumped from Wen Heng's back, threw the sword, and drew the sword in one go. The long sword drew a silver half-arc in front of him. Only a few "ding ding" sounds were heard. There were more than ten hidden weapons. They were knocked to the ground, with different shapes and styles, but they all accurately aimed at the same person.

Wen Heng's predictions and Xue Qinglan's conjectures finally came true. This place is halfway up the mountain with no one. The mountains are steep and the woods are deep. It is suitable for assassins to hide in ambush. Working together, we can quickly subdue Wen Heng before the Chunjun faction detects it.

Xue Qinglan and Wen Heng stood back-to-back on the narrow stone steps. Although they couldn't see the figure of the ambush, they could clearly feel the awe-inspiring killing intent staring at them. Tonight, a fierce battle is inevitable. This is Feng Baoyi's backhand who Wen Heng has been waiting for, and it is also the beginning of the opponent's frantic counterattack and revenge.

Wen Heng held the sword in his left hand and said loudly, "Whoever wants to kill me, please come out to fight in an upright manner, why should I shrink back and do this villain's behavior?"

The author has something to say: For the coherence of the plot, a big chapter has been synthesized.