Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 9: demolish the temple


From Fan Yang's sudden attack, to Wen Heng's terrifying sword, to the entire annihilation of the Yellow Ying Gang by the palace guards, the whole process only took half an hour. When the last person was also cut down and fell to the ground, Wen Heng and Fan Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Wen Heng had a high fever. Just now, the strong body and the Huang Ying Gang were terrifying, fighting swords and killing people. At this moment, he finally drained all his strength and almost collapsed. The whole person seemed to be fished out of water. The winter clothes were completely soaked in cold sweat. Not to mention, Fan Yang lost too much blood, his face was as pale as paper, he couldn't even speak, he just closed his eyes and couldn't breathe.

The guards were divided into two groups. The seriously injured were helped to rest and bandaged, while the lightly injured were to clean the battlefield and rekindle the fire. A Que was a little frightened, but fortunately she wasn't injured, and she didn't have time to sit around. She squatted on the ground and helped Fan Yang bandage the wound. Wen Heng rested for a long time, feeling that the tremor in his right hand gradually subsided, and finally calmed down a bit.

He turned his head to the side, looked at Fan Yang who was embarrassed, and A Que who was drooping his eyes seriously, he didn't know where he was in a good mood, he smiled weakly and said: "The hands are quite clever, and I will be a doctor in the future. good."

In the past few days, Wen Heng has always been lost and taciturn, his eyebrows are terrifyingly gloomy, A Que is afraid of making him feel bad, even if he is worried, he dare not speak to him. However, at the critical moment just now, Wen Heng came back to protect him several times and turned the tide. All kinds of actions made him flattered, but he couldn't stop being afraid. Now he is willing to take the initiative to speak, Ah Que is like a small animal that has been wandering in the ice and snow for a long time. After suffering all the grievances, he finally found a nest. Instead, he became timid. As soon as he turned his head to meet Wen Heng's eyes, the tears would not stop. Controlled rustling and rolling down.

Having experienced a life-and-death struggle, Wen Heng really broke out of his frozen emotions at this moment, and both people and hearts came to life. The scorching tears scalded, and a rippling pain gradually appeared in the bottom of my heart.

So he raised his sore right arm, waved at A Que, and sighed, "Why are you crying, come here."

Ah Que was still holding the cloth wrapping Fan Yang's wounds, and she lowered her head and shed tears, but she didn't move a step.

Wen Heng's hands were hanging in the air. Fan Yang looked at the big one and looked at the small one. In the end, he was grateful for A Que's courage to sacrifice his life to block the sword for Wen Heng. He endured the pain and reluctantly said, "It's alright, thank you."

This time, Ah Que had no reason to delay, so she slowly got up and walked towards Wen Heng. The closer he got, the more he couldn't help being aggrieved. When he was half-kneeling in front of him, his shoulders twitched from crying, and he looked very pitiful.

Wen Heng didn't expect him to be so courageous and dare to block his sword. Although the child does not know the seriousness, this sincerity is completely sincere, it is definitely not fake, it is more precious than anything else.

Wen Heng stretched out his arms, took the crying A Que into his arms, and said softly, "Now I know I'm afraid? Don't be so messy in the future, who in the world can be more important than your own life?"

Ah Que could still hear what he said, hugging his waist and crying even louder.

Wen Heng has no brothers or sisters, and has never been close to such an old child. He was at a loss when he cried, and he didn't know how to coax him. After thinking about it, he carefully pressed the back of his head on his shoulder, and gently placed the other hand on his back. He patted on the ground: "Okay, don't be afraid, it's all over."

Fan Yang closed his eyes and rested his mind. Hearing Wen Heng coaxing the child to and fro, was funny but also sad. If Ah Que was Wen Heng's brother, and the two supported each other, maybe the days to come would not be so sad. It is a pity that only Wen Heng is the only one in the Qing Palace. Hatred, grief, tribulations and calamities are all on him alone, and there is nowhere to sue, no day or no forgetting. There is only so much space in the human heart, but his chest is heavily filled with blocks, can he still be happy for even a brief moment in the future

Over there, A Que's cry gradually subsided, and Fan Yang suddenly remembered something and asked, "Young Master, the martial arts secrets you and the old man told you..."

"Naturally it's fake." Wen Heng knew what he wanted to ask as soon as he heard it, and replied lazily, "It's just a matter of making up nonsense. Are you not familiar with the peach branch swordsmanship?"

The secret is nonsense, and Wen Heng does not have the ability to make up a set of swordsmanship now. The so-called "Peach Branch Swordsmanship" is basically the "cloud word formula" swordsmanship envoy Chu Boling at the birthday banquet of the eldest princess of Dongyang. Just know the goods. Wen Heng deliberately shouted loudly for everyone to take a closer look, in fact, to remind Fan Yang. In the past, Fan Yang used a trick "Dragon Goes to the Sea" to break the "Double Dragon Playing the Pearl". When Wen Heng called out this trick, Fan Yang immediately understood, and the two cooperated to kill the old man with one blow. When the thief was captured and the king was captured, when the old man died, the rest of the people watched the wind disperse, which happened to call them all at once.

"That's also quick-witted. The nonsense is so true that even I almost believed it." Fan Yang had lingering fears: "If it weren't for the young master's cleverness, we would probably end up here today."

"I think the one who should be thanked the most is Chu Boling." Wen Heng didn't want to listen to his reflection, so he deliberately teased, "If that old gentleman hadn't hampered your spirit, you wouldn't have been able to keep this matter in mind until now."

Fan Yang made him laugh, and asked, "According to your son's opinion, how should these Yellow Eagle gang members be dealt with?"

Wen Heng pondered: "If we leave it alone, or set it on fire, it may expose our whereabouts. If it is freezing cold today, I'm afraid it won't be easy to bury it."

After all, this was the first time he had raised his sword to kill, not to mention the aftermath of throwing/corpse, it was already difficult to overcome the psychological discomfort, and it would be even more difficult for him to think about it. Fan Yang only remembered something was wrong when he asked, and was about to change the subject when he heard Heng say: "There is a way, but it's a bit cumbersome."

Fan Yang listened attentively.

Wen Heng glanced at the sky outside and said, "Place these people in various places in the temple. When it snows tonight, we will leave immediately. Before we leave, we will demolish the ruined temple and disguise it as snow and collapse the house. After the heavy snow, even if there are traces, they are buried cleanly, and no one will find it until the snow melts."

Fan Yang: "… "

At the end of his hearing, Wen Heng's eyes were too complicated to describe. After holding it for a long time, he squeaked out a sentence: "Young master, how long does your mind have? Your subordinates are really convinced."

Wen Heng didn't care, and said lightly, "I usually tell you to read more, but you refuse to."

Fan Yang suddenly felt that he seemed to have changed a person. The innocence, hesitation and kindness that Jinxiu Fugui had raised in the past was stripped away overnight. He no longer had a clear weakness, but became a gray and cold person. Sharp silhouette.

This kind of change can't be said to be completely bad, but he is a flesh and blood person, how can he blindly move closer to the cold iron weapon

There was a layer of worry in his heart, and he was about to speak, but suddenly Wen Heng raised his hand and gave him a "shh", pointing to the child curled up in his arms. Fan Yang took a closer look, and it turned out that when the two of them were talking, Ah Que had been leaning on Wen Heng's chest and listening. Probably because he was tired from crying, and Wen Heng's body temperature was quite high. He felt warm, so he fell asleep in this position.

Wen Heng's profile was still the slightly childish profile of a young man, but his eyes were no longer those of a young man. Only when he lowered his eyes and looked at the sleeping child, the faint hint of tenderness was still the same as before.

Fan Yang looked at everything, and finally turned over and took off his cloak and put it on the two of them.

Wen Heng was also exhausted at this time, hugging a warm Aqueen, feeling sleepy spontaneously. He simply closed his eyes and instructed Fan Yang in a low voice, "Take the time to fix it now, and wake me up as soon as the snow falls."

About an hour later, the guards came to wake up the sleeping Wen Heng. Halfway through the door, he saw snow flakes falling from the night sky like rubbing flakes. It was exactly the heavy snow he had expected. Wen Heng stood up with his sword, made everyone carry the wounded, withdrew from the Flower Temple, and handed over the treasured sword that was taken off from the old man to the guard.

Ah Que also woke up, and hid in his cloak silently, watching from a distance that the guards cut off the load-bearing beams and pillars in the temple with swords. The flower temple has been in disrepair for a long time, and it has long been dilapidated and rotten. It didn’t take a moment for the roof to crumble. When the last knife broke the door frame, the entire dilapidated temple collapsed in front of everyone. Buried clean.

The snowy night was silent, and a ruined temple was thrown down, like throwing a stone into a pond, slamming it down, and sank silently into the dark night of deep diving.

Wen Heng wrapped A Que with a cloak, worried that he might leave a shadow when he saw this, so he raised his hand to cover his eyes. Ah Que clung to his hand tightly, pulling down an inch, silently taking the whole scene into her eyes.

He reminded himself again and again in his heart to remember.

The white snow kept falling, and soon a layer of silver frost accumulated on the ground. The carriage set off again, the rut marks extended westward, and finally disappeared in the vast snowy night.