Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 92: Full moon


Besides Fan Yang, since Wen Heng disappeared, he has been sending people to look for it, but found nothing. There are many rumors on the rivers and lakes, but none of them are reliable. Fan Yang knew the inside story, and secretly suspected that Wen Heng had been plotted by Feng Baoyi, and that Xue Qinglan had either been recruited together with him, or chased after him alone and waited for an opportunity to rescue him.

Fan Yang sat in the Luming Escort Bureau for a few days, suffering unbearably in his heart, and finally couldn't sit still. Just the night before his departure, an urgent letter was suddenly sent from Yueying Mountain. It was written by Liao Changxing. It was written that the Chu family sword sect had published a heroic post and invited all the sects to gather in Hengwu Mountain on August 15th to hold a "trial test". Sword Conference", at which time a key figure will come out to explain the truth about the attack on the disciples of the Eight Sects after the Sword Conference, and return the lost secrets to the Central Plains martial arts.

Although the letter did not name the name, anyone with a discerning eye can see who this "key person" is. When Wen Heng was in Beijing in the past, he once said that there are ghosts in the Chu family's sword faction, but now it seems that they are indeed a group with the imperial court. Feng Baoyi did not come forward himself, but borrowed the hands of the Chu family to murder Wen Heng.

The Chunjun faction got this post, and it was very shocking. Liao Changxing remembered that the Luming Escort Bureau was Wen Heng's henchman, so he hurriedly wrote a letter and passed it to Fan Yang. . When Fan Yang got the news, he immediately packed up and rushed to Tuozhou with a few good players.

On the 15th day of August, about 100 people came to Du Ruofeng in Hengwu Mountain. Someone had set up a round platform on the peak. The eight gates each had one side. The gangsters and rangers loose. Everyone gathered together in a rush, and the discussions came one after another, but they were all guessing the "truth", discussing secrets, and arranging Wen Heng with rumors that came from nowhere. Fan Yang listened to it for a while, but there were not many who were Nian Wenheng good. He was so angry that he rushed to his forehead. To relieve the anger in his chest.

He looked around. Apart from the Chunjun faction, there were also a few familiar faces elsewhere. They should have been people who had been rescued by Wen Heng in Xingcheng. He thought it was because of the rules of the sect that they didn't follow the rumors and laughed, but no one was willing to stand up. Defend Wen Heng.

It was written on the invitation that the trial meeting would start at Xu. Today is the full moon night of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Seeing that the time of Xu is approaching, the sky is dim, a bright moon hangs halfway up the mountainside, and the jade plate is clear and bright. This kind of scenery can only be seen once a year. Everyone praised it, and forgot to speak for a while. They all turned out to enjoy the scenery of the mountains and the moon, thinking that it would be better to have a few pots of wine to go with it.

The moon climbed higher and higher, the sky turned from dusky yellow to dark blue, only a "hu" sound was heard, the heat wave spread, and the brazier at the four corners of the round platform ignited at the same time. daytime.

The audience was silent for a moment, only to see four men in black carrying a huge box half a person high and covered with a black cloth flying up to the stage, placing the black box in the center of the round platform, followed by a man dressed in the Chu family sword school costume, hanging from the waist. The middle-aged man with a long sword stepped forward, clasped his fists in the four directions as a salute, and said loudly: "I am Chu Songzheng, the fifth-generation Patriarch of the Chu Family Sword Sect, thank you all friends for coming."

Everyone in the audience returned their salutes one after another, listening to him continue: "I invite you here today to clarify the unfortunate attack on the disciples of various sects of the Sword Art Conference. The fact that our sect failed to take precautions caused the traitors to enter and kidnap the various sects. More than a hundred disciples are really to blame, so over the past few months, the faction has been trying to find out the truth and give everyone an explanation."

As soon as these words came out, someone in the audience immediately shouted: "Master Chu, isn't this the case that the imperial court is playing tricks behind the scenes, deliberately taking hostages and enticing us to send people to rescue them, so they can turn the tiger away from the mountains and take down all the factions in one fell swoop? What else can be clarified?"

Chu Song nodded and said: "Yes, but you must have doubted why these disciples were not arrested on the return trip, but were taken away with drugs on Siyou Mountain, and what's more, they also falsely claimed that the Chu family's sword sect was secretly colluding with the imperial court. , intending to subvert the Central Plains martial arts."

What he said was the truth. All sects had some doubts after the incident, but according to the surviving disciples, some of the children of the Chu family were also kidnapped. Therefore, they were only talking about it in private, and had never confronted the Chu Family Swordsmen in person. Seeing that Chu Song is upright and upright at this moment, he does not shy away from it. All factions feel that since he is so open and honest, he dares to say this in front of the heroes of the world. There must be some hidden secrets in it.

The head of the Boshan faction asked loudly, "Then dare to ask the head of Chu, what is the truth?"

Chu Song glanced at the place where the Chunjun faction was standing, and said lightly, "This matter has something to do with a newly appointed elder of the Chunjun faction, and what Chu said next refers only to the wolf's ambition and has nothing to do with it. The meaning of the Chunjun faction, please don't take offense to the friends of the Chunjun faction."

Han Nanfu said coldly, "Who is the head of Chu talking about?"

Chu Song said righteously: "It is the new elder Linqiufeng of your faction, the one whose alias is Yue Chi and whose real name is Wenheng."

He was alluding to Wen Heng inside and out, and everyone knew it, but when the name came out of Chu Song's mouth, the audience still poured cold water into the hot oil pan, causing an uproar.

Liao Changxing said: "Sect Master Chu, many people here have witnessed with their own eyes that it was the elder Wen who rescued them from the prison in Xingcheng that day, and there were many disciples of the Chu family sword sect, but you slandered him empty-handedly. It's a wolf's ambition, I'm afraid some kindness will be revenge?"

Chu Songzheng said: "Liao Shaoxia, I heard that Wen Heng used to be your junior and junior brother, and borrowed your strength last time in Xingcheng. To stand up for him, such actions are somewhat biased."

"To kidnap the disciples of all sects to Xingcheng, and move the tiger away from the mountain, this matter is the imperial court's strategy from beginning to end, and there is nothing controversial, but Wen Heng, who has made a name for himself by saving people, is not completely innocent." Chu Song Zhengdao said, "He knew the imperial court's strategy for a long time, and even on the night of the Sword Discourse Conference, he drugged the hundred disciples who were at the banquet and stunned them, so that the imperial guards could take action. The power of one person rescued a hundred people, benevolent to eight sects, and won a chivalrous reputation for himself. This person is not an upright and kind person, but a scheming villain who deceives the world!"

This nonsense sounded quite reasonable at first glance, and many people were fooled by him. Liao Changxing asked incredulously: "Dare to ask Sect Master Chu, what boundary is Siyou Mountain, how many masters were on the mountain on the day of the Sword Discourse Conference, and how capable Elder Wen is, to be able to give medicine to hundreds of people right under your nose, and how many people are there? No one noticed?"

"He was willing to take extraordinary risks to Xingcheng to save people, and even was seriously injured. This is a real confrontation with the court. If the elder Wen is a person who is famous and famous, there are many ways to make a name. Why should he take the risk and do it? Such a thankless loss-making business?"

Chu Song said righteously: "Liao Shaoxia doesn't have to rush to excuse him, I dare to say so, there is natural evidence. Wen Heng's background is not an ordinary person, his parents died of treason, but he was the only one who took shelter under the Chunjun faction. Incognito, keeping a low profile. Having such experiences, he naturally hated the imperial court deeply, and always had the will to take revenge, so he took advantage of the opportunity of the disciples of various sects to be trapped in the city of punishment. In order to take revenge on the court in the future. Just imagine, everyone, he will be famous in all corners of the world, and he will respect himself. If he wants to rise up, how can he not respond?"

"Everyone, please think about it again, I heard from the disciples of this sect that in Xingcheng prison that day, everyone took porridge with Huagong Powder, and Wen Heng was also among them. Why was he the only one who recovered his martial arts later, and others But he was unable to resist until he was rescued? Naturally, he had prepared an antidote early on, but he pretended to be caught by accident, and when the reinforcements arrived, he would come out to show his strength."

His words were heart-wrenching and eloquent, and when he said it, the hearts of the audience were shaken, and they couldn't help but ponder along his words. Just at this moment, someone suddenly said warmly, "Sect Leader Chu is right, but there is only one thing wrong - there is indeed an antidote for Hua Gong San, but because the medicinal materials are rare, in just half a day, no matter what, there is not enough antidote for hundreds of people. Although Young Master Wen acted poorly, he doesn't need to be too harsh."

Everyone looked at the sound, and saw that the crowd in the southeast corner was slightly dispersed, revealing the embroidered clothes and jade crown, and the tall and elegant young man, who was the senior brother of Zhaoyao Villa, Longjing.

Chu Song's brows twitched, but he still had a serious look on his face, and said firmly, "Although this faction has been wronged and wronged for a few months, they dare not wrong a good person. Wen Heng sent out the Chunjun faction on the first day of the Sword Discourse Conference. He didn't show up on the second day, but that night, the disciple of this sect saw him appear in Siyou Mountain. Since Long Shaoxia has doubts, I will ask all the heroes present to be witnesses today, and let this disciple confront Wen Heng face to face. , and see what the truth is!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was a big uproar in the audience, and some people wondered: "Wen Heng dares to come? Didn't it mean that he was hunted by various killers, and he has long since disappeared, and no one can be found anywhere?"

Chu Song couldn't help showing a bit of lust on the front, and replied: "I entrusted Hufa Xue of the Chui Xingzong to help, and our faction has 'invited' Wen Heng to Hengwu Mountain."

There was a murmur from the audience: "Changing Xingzong? What's the matter with Chuixingzong?"

A tall and thin figure slowly walked out from the shadow of the firelight and walked silently to the center of the high platform. After seeing his face clearly, Fan Yang couldn't help but let out a curse in his heart.

It's really Xue Qinglan!

Xue Qinglan stood beside the box covered with black cloth, and the moonlight made his face pale as frost and snow. He lowered his eyebrows, and his expression was casual as if he was a little tired. If he didn't know the inside story, no one would have thought that the person who was caught by him and sent to Chu Songzheng was actually the person who was the closest to him in the world.

Chu Song was making a gesture behind him, indicating to bring a witness, but after waiting for a while, there was still no movement under the stage. He couldn't help but turn his head and looked back in doubt, and asked in a low voice, "Where's Li Zhi?"

"Are you looking for Li Zhi?"

Xue Qinglan's voice came from the side, he raised his long eyebrows lazily, showing a look like he was watching a play, suddenly raised his hand and ripped off the black cloth on the box with a "swoosh", and smiled softly—

"He's here."