Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 94: Repay


From the moment Wen Heng appeared, Chu Song knew that a fierce battle was inevitable, but he couldn't imagine that the reason for Wen Heng's actions was not to prove his innocence, nor to defend justice, but because of Xue Qinglan.

Not only him, except Fan Yang, everyone present was stunned.

Xue Qinglan by the stage was so startled that she coughed up blood, Nie Ying almost tripped over her own whip, and even Liao Changxing, who had always been calm and calm, opened his eyes slightly, and was speechless for a while.

There is a precedent for Fuyu Mountain Villa. Jianghu people have always been tolerant of women's bonds, but it is very rare for men to cut their sleeves, especially two men whose identities are so different. The last moment Qun Hao was still worried about the right and wrong of the conspiracy and tricks, but at this moment, Wen Heng's words were suddenly dragged into the boundless reverie of the children's private affairs, and even Chu Songzheng and Wen Heng could not concentrate on watching the battle. , but also from time to time out of the corner of the eye to look up and down Xue Qinglan.

Chu Song had seen Wen Heng's swordsmanship at the Sword Discourse Conference. Although he knew it was exquisite, he also expected that he took advantage of the "novelty" to some extent. He is the leader of the school and a master who has been famous for many years in the arena. Naturally, he has won the essence of the Chu family's unique "Fengyun Sword Art". He has decades more experience than Wen Heng, so he is not very afraid of Wen Heng. Then he rushed forward and attacked quickly, so that he could have a taste of being beaten.

Wen Heng was about to make a quick decision. Seeing that he was so cooperative, he was even more unwilling to give in. The two of you came to me to block, and in the blink of an eye, more than ten moves were removed. Chu Song was applying the Unfolding Cloud Word Art, but he saw the sword shadows whirling, like clouds, changing, unpredictable, and continuous, with hidden murderous intentions everywhere. This sword was originally obtained by the ancestors of the Chu family's sword school watching the sea of clouds on the top of the mountain. Stricking the throat, in fact, straight to the eyes, making people hard to guard against.

Wen Heng was destined to fight with the Chu family's sword faction. He was quite familiar with his swordsmanship, and would not have been fooled by these gimmicks. It was just that it was easy to dismantle, but difficult to break. He had promised to demonstrate two moves to everyone. At this moment, if I don't keep my hand, the sword's momentum turns sharply and violently. I swipe a few swords and stab out flat. One sword is faster than the other, and the footwork of the foot is also moving forward. Opened Chu Songzheng's sword road. Chu Song was secretly saying that it was not good, he hurriedly raised his sword to the front of his chest to guard the door, and the sharp steel sword stabbed the body of the sword. The arc light, from top to bottom, slashed straight down towards Chu Song in the sky!

Before the sword light disappeared before everyone's eyes, they suddenly heard Chu Song's exclamation of "ah". He jumped back and fell outside Wen Heng, dragging a long bloodstain, followed by a muffled sound, and a broken The hand immediately fell from the air, hitting the ground between the two of them.

On Du Ruofeng, Qun Hao was all stunned. Chu Song's right sleeve was soaked with blood, and he endured the severe pain to seal several key points around his shoulder to stop the bleeding. The other disciples of the Chu Family Sword Sect saw this and rushed forward to bandage and wrap the wound for him. . However, Chu Songzheng was attacked again and again tonight, his plans failed, he was defeated by Wen Heng's men, and his left hand was beheaded.

Wen Heng saw the blood, and his anger calmed down a little, so he put his sword back and said to Chu Song: "Go back and tell Feng Baoyi, there is no need to engage in these ghostly tricks, I will have a life-and-death battle with him sooner or later, and then he will be If you don't come to me, I will also go to see him."

After that, he walked to the edge of the stage under the gaze of countless eyes, bowed and hugged Xue Qinglan, his tone turned soft and soft, completely different from the previous sternness, and said in a low voice, "I'll take you back."

Xue Qinglan's face was bloodless, and his body was as cold as if he had just been pulled out of an ice hole. His breath was full of blood, so he could only hear a vague voice, but still tried his best to answer: "Okay."

Fan Yangji winked, drew a knife and held it in front of the two of them, and said, "Young Master and Young Master Xue go first, I will stay behind."

Wen Heng nodded, and was about to turn around and get off the high platform when dozens of Chu family members suddenly rushed forward from all sides and surrounded him. The three elders of the Chu family sword sect were at the head, and one of them had a white face and long beard. The old man shouted: "Stop! The two of you seriously injured the head of the family, slandered the reputation of the sect, and you still want to just walk away?"

Wen Heng's footsteps paused, and before he could turn around to answer, a rustling sound suddenly sounded in his ears, and two more people flew up to the stage, landed in the encirclement, each drew out their long swords, and stood in front of him along with Fan Yang.

Long Jing said politely and politely: "When Xia was trapped in Xingcheng prison, he was rescued by Young Master Wen and never had a chance to repay; if your faction insists on being so aggressive, there is no distinction between right and wrong, and you will have to repay your kindness on the spot and deal with Young Master Wen. Two."

Liao Changxing also said solemnly: "I also hope that your faction will respect itself, and don't deceive me that there is no one in the Chunjun faction."

Nie Ying flicked the long whip in her hand, clicked her tongue impatiently, and said, "The Chu family is completely shameless, what are you two going to do with them! Brother Wen's account is over, mine is not over, you guys Treat everyone as a fool, grandpa will teach you how to be a grandson honestly and dutifully today!"

Seeing that the disciples of the three major sects stood up for him, the others were not far behind, and rushed to the front of the stage, shouting: "Today is a good time to repay, count me!" "Count me too!"

Liao Changxing took the time to turn around and said to Wen Heng, "Just go, don't worry, we are here to stop Hufa Xue's injury."

Wen Heng held Xue Qinglan in both hands, so it was inconvenient for him to do the full salute, so he could only bow to the crowd, nod and solemnly said, "The meaning of your friends' help is in my heart, and it will be repaid in the future. Wen Mou takes a step first and says goodbye."

He jumped off the high platform, and everyone spontaneously made way for him. There were hundreds of people on Hengwu Peak, just silently watching his figure drift away, disappearing into the silent mountains and forests in the middle of the night.