Chun Feng Du Jian

Chapter 99: White head


People in the world often say "gentle and affectionate". Usually, if a person has a gentle temperament, he tends to appear amiable, considerate, and very human, which can easily lead to the illusion of temptation. Xue Qinglan knew from the first time that he saw Wen Heng that he was a gentle person. After many years, even though the world has changed and things are changing, the background has never changed.

However, Wen Heng's gentleness seemed to have nothing to do with the word "passionate". He usually treats people mildly and alienatedly. When he gets along with Fan Yang, Liao Changxing, and others, he is more than close, not tender; for Xue Qinglan, he is full of love and affection, more like treating him as a younger brother. He has always been like a gentleman who is not chaotic, given enough tenderness, but he never has the heart, nor does he think.

Of course, for Xue Qinglan who is so ill, it is difficult for anyone with a conscience to have any thoughts.

Xue Qinglan had always thought that he was so deep and restrained, that his joy and anger were invisible, until he was caught off guard by kisses, and then he suddenly understood what Wen Heng's emotions were like. He really couldn't cry anymore, but Wen Heng gently but could not refuse to pry open his lips and teeth, over intimacy, turned into another kind of hot and fiery teasing. Xue Qinglan wanted to compete with him at first, but soon got lost in the airtight kiss. He tried to take a step back, but his waist was firmly clasped by an arm, only the upper body kept bending back, As if shrouded in wings that cover the sky, there is no way to escape in any direction.

"Well… "

Xue Qinglan was just recovering from a serious illness. She was short of breath. Even if she was in a state of confusion, she couldn't hold it for long. In the end, she couldn't even hang her arms. She was so soft that she fell straight down. Panting. Fortunately, Wen Heng still knew what to do and didn't push him too hard. He raised his hand to wipe the wet tears on his face, and stroked his slender fingers from the base of his red ear to his chin, and said softly, "Wait for a long time. , then I'll give you my whole life, okay?"

The messy breathing in his arms stopped for a moment, and then hot tears pierced through his shirt and branded on his shoulders.

"it is good."

For the past seven years, the passing of each other's hearts and the ignorance of each other, just in these words, the mist was scattered, and it turned into the sweet smell of chestnuts that filled the room.

After nightfall, the surroundings were very quiet, the lights in the room were like beans, Xue Qinglan sat at the table and slowly drank porridge, Wen Heng accompanied him, thought for a long time, and asked, "Since you recognized me when we met at Yueying Mountain, Why didn't you tell me then?"

Xue Qinglan blew off the heat on the porridge, and her lips were rarely a little bloody, and she was scalded vaguely: "It's me who is careful and angry with you."

Wen Heng: "Huh?"

Xue Qinglan: "I didn't know you were blind at the time, I thought you forgot me, so I wanted to see when you would recognize me. Later I found out that you still remember Ah Que, but you just don't recognize me. He said with a smile, "but you had already worked hard in the Chunjun faction at that time. Even if I told you, it would only cause you trouble. Anyway, there will always be a chance to confess in the future, so I didn't say it - who knows. After four years of separation, when we meet again, I dare not say anything."

Wen Heng asked gently, "Why?"

"You asked this yourself, and I told you not to listen to it." Xue Qinglan laughed at herself, "Although Xue Ci is a bitch, outsiders don't know that the reputation of killing a master will be trampled on by 10,000 people. Feet, not to mention that I am the guardian of the demon sect, the A Que in your memory is already two completely different people, what if you are disappointed?"

"Silly words." Wen Heng really wanted to shake his head to see how much paste was in it, "Do you think I look disappointed tonight?"

Xue Qinglan quickly turned red from the base of her ears to her neck, and accidentally choked.

"Slow down," Wen Heng pushed the teacup over, and did not pursue further investigations, "So, the person who chased you back then was Xue Ci?"

Xue Qinglan corrected: "He is not chasing and killing me, but stalking me and insisting on accepting me as an apprentice. My family originally lived in Weiying Village on the outskirts of Beijing. When he fell in love with me, he asked his parents for a child to be a drug boy. I remember that the family was relatively wealthy at that time, and I was the only son in the family. No matter what, my parents refused to let go. Xue Ci was angry and took advantage of the night I took it away, and a fire burned my house to the ground."

"I wasn't very sensible at that time. I only knew that my parents were killed by him and the house was burned down by him. Even if I died, I couldn't go with him, so I sneaked away while Xue Ci was sleeping."

Hearing this, Wen Heng knew what was going on without him having to say more, and sighed softly.

Xue Cina and other cunning and vicious people, how could a mere child deceive him? Xue Qinglan thought it was a good thing to escape, but it was actually a game of cat and mouse. Whenever he escaped to a place and felt safe, Xue Ci would follow him, destroying all his hopes mercilessly again, and then let go again, and then Once he was allowed to run away until he was exhausted, and then Shi Shiran appeared in front of him, letting him know who was invincible and completely extinguishing the idea of running away, and Xue Ci's ultimate goal was achieved.

It's just that he did all kinds of calculations, but he didn't expect that what he met was not a docile rabbit, but a little wolf cub who had hated for years and could never be tamed.

The old things are tragic and painful, the blood and tears of the past are still in front of my eyes, and the bitterness floods the tongue from the bottom of my heart, and even the sweet chestnut porridge can't be suppressed. Xue Qinglan put down the spoon and vaguely took the word "Ban'an Temple": "Later... When I went to Runing City to buy medicine, I met Xue Ci on the street. He knew that I was with you and pointed to the restaurant. The person in the house told me that that person was Li Qi, the 'embroidered leopard', who came to arrest you. If I go back to find you again, he will definitely lead Li Qi to your hiding place. I can't leave. So I have no choice but to promise him, if he can kill Li Qi, I will willingly worship him as a teacher and go back to Yisu Mountain with him."

"That night Xue Ci assassinated Li Qi in the inn. The two fought fiercely. I was not reconciled and tried to run again. Unfortunately, Xue Ci still had spare strength, and the drugstore next door suffered together. In the end, his arm didn't cross his thigh. , or was knocked out by him and taken away."

"The cold air on your body is also the poison he gave you?"

Xue Qinglan nodded silently.

Except for the final judgment, this process is basically the same as Wen Heng's guess back then, but Wen Heng was from a normal person's point of view, and decided that in such a dangerous situation, it is difficult for a weak child to survive. In other words, Xue Qinglan Being able to stand in front of him today shows that he must have endured unimaginable and inhuman suffering back then.

Wen Heng's heart was twisted like a knife, he could hardly maintain his calm expression, and reached out to him: "Come here and hug."

Xue Qinglan was reminiscing about the past, when he was interrupted like this, he suddenly burst into laughter, sat on Wen Heng's lap, and was surrounded by his arms that came around from behind. Xue Qinglan was sitting just a little higher than Wen Heng, and Wen Heng's chin was on his shoulder, like holding a big lost baby: "If I turn around and look for you at that time... Wouldn't it be time to take you out of Xue Ci's hand? Take it back?"

Even if his whole body is bruised and bruised, even if he can't join the Chunjun faction and miss the stable life for the past three years, he can protect A Que and accompany him to grow up with stumbling and stumbling - they will always be together, without being coerced by the torrent of time, They had just met each other, and in the blink of an eye they were scattered like duckweed.

Xue Qinglan hugged him comfortably, hooked a strand of his long hair and wrapped it around her fingertips to play with, and comforted him in turn: "Why bother about the past? Anyway, Xue Ci is already cold. I finally took you out of Xue Ci and Li Qi’s hands, if you turned around and delivered it to your door, wouldn’t the time I spent in front of me and the three heads kowtow to you in the snow would be in vain?”

"It's not in vain." Wen Heng smiled slightly, lowered his head and sucked softly on the side of his face, and coaxed in a low voice, "If you want, I'll knock it back for you now."

Xue Qinglan: "Huh?"

Wen Heng looked down and landed on the blue silk on his fingertips. Following his example, he also tucked a lock of black hair from behind Xue Qinglan's ear.

"As husband and wife, when I pray to heaven and earth, I will pay back the three bows I owe you back then, how about that?"

Xue Qinglan was stunned for a moment, her expression clearly thought he was joking, but her eyes were bright. Seeing that he didn't believe it, Wen Heng got up and took his hand to lead him to the bedroom. He took out two sets of bright red wedding gowns embroidered with gold from the closet, and shook one of them over his shoulders.

The wedding dress was very finely made, and the brocade shone with the light of fine gold threads. The size was just right, and even the waistline was very suitable. Xue Qinglan held the satin that was as soft as running water in surprise, and asked softly, as if afraid of breaking something, "Why... when did you do this?"

Wen Heng slowly smoothed the folds of his collar for him, his expression was natural and gentle, but his voice was trembling: "When you first arrived in Wuning City, one night your internal injury and cold suddenly flared up... Very dangerous, I almost thought that You won’t be able to stand it, and you won’t dare to close your eyes while holding you all night. After dawn the next day, I went to the city to find a tailor, and let him rush to make two wedding dresses.”

"I thought, in case... in case you never wake up again, I can't let you go away alone..."

The bright red brocade shone brightly in the room, but behind it was actually a heart-wrenching pain that broke his heart.

"Brother Heng, look at me."

Xue Qinglan held his face, his sleeve slipped, revealing a silver bracelet with red coral embedded on his wrist, which inexplicably matched this wedding dress. He stared into Wen Heng's eyes and said decisively, "Xue Qinglan has been waiting for you for four years. Ah Que has waited for you for seven years, and as long as I still breathe, I can climb back to you from hell."

"… "

Wen Heng clearly heard his heart beat suddenly by mistake.

He has always acted as a "protector", first because of fate - when his family was destroyed, he didn't come out to be a leader, and there was no one else to count on - later it became a habit, and when facing Xue Qinglan, he mostly put "love" in "love" "Brother", in order to reassure Xue Qinglan, he gave him a lot of promises, but it wasn't until now that his voice fell, that he suddenly realized that he had never imagined what it would be like to be "promised".

He looks like an adult who has passed the age of eating candy, but was inexplicably stuffed with a hand of candy, and suddenly a lot of confusion, embarrassment and helplessness arose in his heart. But in this daze, there is clearly a hidden desire - that is the weakness that he has long forgotten and never wants to look back.

But who said that weakness must not become armor

Xue Qinglan leaned over and kissed the corners of his tight lips, almost inaudible: "Do you still remember the last few sentences of 'The hair is a husband and wife'?"

"Life should be a return, and death should be Sauvignon Blanc."

"At the end of your life, when the head is white, you will know that I have not lied to you."

The author has something to say: * "The marriage is a husband and wife, and there is no doubt about love... Life should be a return, and death should be Sauvignon Blanc" Anonymous in the Eastern Han Dynasty asked Su Wu to write "Leave a Wife"

I wrote, deleted, deleted, and revised. The emotional drama is really difficult. Let’s just leave these two chapters this week. I’m going to finish the outline.

In addition, there is no bridal chamber, and the court does not allow bridal chambers.