Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 105: Rose School


Mr. Fool’s church? Lumian was surprised by this answer, but not that surprised.

He was the one who had not expected that the Church of Fools would have so many Beyonders with the “Prisoner” path, but he also felt that according to the description in the Holy Scripture, it was not surprising that people from any of the paths appeared.

Franka smiled and explained in detail:

"In fact, the Prisoner Path Extraordinary of the Rose School and the Prisoner Path Extraordinary of the Church of Mr. Fool were originally from the same family."

“Then it split up?” Lumian tried to guess.

Franka said "hmm":

"The Rose School is a very old organization, with a history of more than two thousand years, and can even be traced back to before the Fourth Epoch, to before the Great Cataclysm."

A history of more than two thousand years...Lumian was stunned.

When he learned that the "Iron Cross" was founded two or three hundred years ago, he smelled the breath of history and thought it could be called ancient. However, compared with the "School of the Rose", the "Iron Cross" was as young as a child who had not yet received compulsory education.

Franka continued:

"There has been no ideological disagreement within the 'Rose School' since the beginning. We all suspect that will comes from various desires, can change reality, and accomplish all kinds of incredible things, but when it comes to how to treat desires, people with the same opinion have different views:

"After meeting the Purifier, his devotion to the Eternal Sun may have unexpected benefits."

"Yes, you recommended the ability of the 'Sun' domain." Fugena laughed loudly, "But you also suggested that he run away if he can before encountering similar enemies, and call for help as soon as possible."

"How did you come here to unite?" Lumian was more concerned about that question.

"Something happened to me last night," Fugena explained.

Shao Rongping listened attentively and said thoughtfully: I thought about it and said to Lanka:

"You heard that Saint Sharon of Mr. Fool's church was not a former member of the Temperance Sect. The same is true for the Holy Angel next to Mr. Fool's throne..."

After leaving No. 3 Bailituo Street, Lumian walked back to the Breeze Ballroom.

The more Lanka listened, the more frightened he became. He felt that as a Sequence 9, he really could do anything in the world of mysticism.

"These abilities involving desire are actually quite bad, but why can they be used in the right way?"

"Isn't that harsh? Does he think every secret organization cares about that like the Iron Cross?"

Fugena took two steps leisurely in the living room:

Yes, you want to be a stranger to Him at all...

The "Rose School" actually also believes in the "Mother Tree of Desire". The reason why this "werewolf" investigated the intelligence of the Savoy Party seems to be simpler than you guessed... Are the people of the "Supreme Bliss Society" connected with the "Rose School", or do they share information in that regard? Shao Rongping fell into deep thought.

"Initially, the 'Lustful Faction' and the 'Temperance Faction' could still coexist. He controlled you, and you interfered with him and affected the people he protected. But when the 'Lustful Faction' came, they ended up declaring that the 'Bound God' that the two factions believed in together was the incarnation of a certain evil god."

That must be the case, and the magical items made from "Shadow Branches" will come in handy.

"You should explain the situation of the zombies and the vengeful spirits in detail, so that they won't be vague about everything and just rush ahead, or they will realize that it's normal and know that there's no problem.

I was just about to change to a more comfortable position when I saw starlight seeping out from behind, forming a bright and dreamy little door.

The magician smiled and said:

"They lost their country and went underground, becoming secretive. On the one hand, they fought against the colonists and tried to drive them out of the southern continent. On the other hand, they frequently created terrorist incidents in the northern continent. Haha, this actually had no effect on their resistance to colonization. Instead, it made people from all countries hate us. Of course, our main purpose may not be that. Maybe it's just for blood sacrifice or some rituals."

Lumian responded with normal joy: "You think the 'moderation faction' is right."

The more I came into contact with these secret organizations, the more I realized the lack of my knowledge of the occult.

"The 'ghost' cannot be transformed into a ghost freely. It has no physical body anymore, which means it is afraid of corresponding damage. Our spell ability has been significantly improved, and we can also attach ourselves to you weakly, control their bodies, and let them kill themselves.

"Before we retreat into the 'ghost' state, we cannot travel through the same mirror room, using them to hide ourselves. Even if they open their 'clairvoyance', there is almost no hope of seeing us directly.

The smallest change of "zombies" compared to "werewolfs" is that their bodies are as soft as steel. They are afraid of fire, bullets and artillery shells. They must be hit at the same position seven times or less in a row to break our defense. As "zombies", our lives will be in danger if our heads are broken.

Fu Shaorong is sincerely happy for you:

"Prisoner"...Lumian repeated the name of the Sequence 9 potion, then said absentmindedly:

"People with abnormal brains think so. After all, the body is the prison of the mind, and the world is the prison of the body. Madness must be restrained and desires must be suppressed." Fugena said in a mocking tone, "But there are always people with abnormal brains. If you indulge yourself to the extreme, you will only be crazy, and even your IQ will be lost."

"We have definitely encountered something like a haunted place. We should not be too cautious and should consider the possibility of involving a real 'ghost'."

After finishing what was just discussed, Fujiana added:

Fu Shaorong gave a complicated talk about the "werewolf" and "Rose School", omitting the part about the close relationship between you, Lumian and the "Fool" Church.

"Facing 'zombies' and 'vengeful spirits', attacks against spirits are even less effective?"

The two had just talked about that when they heard Lanka's footsteps approaching.

That makes the idea of becoming an "instigator" even stronger.

Nothing? Lumian stood up.

The small door opened and the "magician" man walked out. Today he was wearing a beige shirt, a brown long skirt and dark brown leather boots.

"Some people think that one should always indulge and burn desires, and hold bloody or primitive sacrifices in a frenzy to lower one's will. Others, based on the name of the potion, think that desires should be suppressed outside the heart, accumulated continuously, and only erupt at the critical moment, setting off a huge wave of terror.

Before Shao Rong opened the door, she unexpectedly saw Lumian was there too.

Fujiana looked at the gradually brightening sunlight in the window and said:

No wonder the "werewolf" didn't behave like this... It seems that I am indeed a member of the "School of the Rose"... The brains of other members of the "School of the Rose" must be not much different from mine, which only proves that we are weak. After all, in the absence of IQ, the only prerequisite for surviving to the present and maintaining basic vitality is that the strength is weak enough... Lumian turned a few bad thoughts half sarcastically and half alertly.

"That's wrong. He won't have a fixed source of resources, but the authorities are very strict about key items, so he can completely rely on us."

"What's the matter?" Lanka looked at Lumian for a few seconds and found that I was not injured.

"That's the theory, but it may have the opposite effect," Fugena specifically reminded.

“We also mastered some spells of decay, frost, and death, which can awaken ghosts and corpses and drive them.

The "temperance faction" that could have an angel following them was hunted down and fled in a panic. The "indulgence faction" was terribly weak. If we didn't have an angel, and there was only one

······And Mr. Fool’s church can protect the “Temperance Faction”······Before listening, Lumian had a brief grasp of the history of the “Rose School” and had even less confidence in the strength of the “Fool” church. He matched some of the names under the holy code with small figures in reality.

"So, one side is called the 'hedonists' and the other side is called the 'temperance'."

"The friend you mentioned later who helped him interpret the symbolic elements has completed his recent work and is taking a short vacation. You can bring him to me now." Fugena smiled awkwardly.

"'The Mother Tree of Desire'?" "Bad!"

"The Rose School was originally an orthodox organization in the southern continent, ruling the Paz Valley and the Star Plateau in a theocratic form until the northern continent countries invaded.

- Lumian is still in contact with the "Magician" man, and plans to wait until Mr. K gives the punishment before deciding which field's ordinary characteristics to use with the "Shadow Branch".

“You are still confused about what you can’t try and what you can do. You know the harm to the evil god better than he does.

“Who says this is an evil god?” Lumian replied, warning his companion, “The worst that can happen is that he tries.”

"Haha, now it should be called the 'Rose School'. Is it bad to just call it the 'School of Indulgence'?" Shao Rongping laughed.

Fujiana sighed sincerely:

Lumian thought that Valentine had also come to the market area, and he felt a certain degree of relief about his lack of necessary disguise - the "secret glasses" can only be used at critical moments.

A certain evil god...indulging in desires...Lumian suddenly frowned and asked as if seeking confirmation:

"Well, coming back again, the 'Luxury Faction' raided the 'Temperance Faction' and dealt a heavy blow to us. The remaining members of the 'Temperance Faction' fled in a panic and were hunted for a long time until they were protected by Mr. 'Fool'.

After discussing the issue of the "Rose School", Shao Rong talked about how she was recruited as an informant and provided information about the Deep Valley Monastery.

"Yes." Fugena laughed, "His acquaintance, yes, familiar god."

"We are all members of the 'Hedonist Faction'. Would it be worse to use the ability to influence desire against us?"

Lumian drank a glass of absinthe to refresh himself and sat in his own office.

Shao Rongping has always felt that shouting "Help" is embarrassing, so while expressing her approval, she proposed a new idea:

"He seems very inexperienced." Lanka's eyes turned slightly, and he felt that Charles didn't seem to have many secrets.

At the same time, I also understood why another Major Arcana wielder, the "Knight of Swords", wanted to blow up the weapons warehouse of the "Rose School".

Fu Shaorong responded with a wicked smile: