Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 119: transport


Lumian remained patient and waited until midnight.

As 11:30 approached, the light in the glass window corresponding to Ev's room was gone, but no one left the apartment.

It looked like the cheapskate saw that it was getting late and in order to save on gas bills simply turned off the lights and went to bed.

As midnight approached, the last play at the Old Dove Cage Theatre came to an end, and the audience left one after another, with no one entering.

Lumian once again thought to himself, “Could it be that the answer from the prophecy is not accurate enough? After all, the ritual magic was a prayer to myself, so it’s understandable that it didn’t work. Hmm, that’s one possibility.”

"But what if, what if the "prophecy" is correct?"

Lumian's thoughts turned and he was shocked.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at the gate of the Old Dove Cage Theatre which was surrounded by posters.

If the "prophecy" is correct, it means that Mr. Efe was really in the Old Pigeon Cage Theater between 11 and 12 o'clock.

And Mr. Efe is really in the Old Dove Cage Theatre. Who is the Mr. Efe who just entered the apartment and did not leave

He is most likely fake!


"No way… "

Lumian couldn't believe his own speculation. It was not like he had never met Mr. Efe and had never talked to him before. How could he be fooled by a fake

In comparison, he would rather believe that the "prophecy technique" was not effective.

“Perhaps there is a tunnel under the building leading to the Old Dovecote Theater?” Lumian tried hard to find the reason.

It is easier to dig a tunnel in Trier than in other cities. You only need to dig a very short section to connect to the underground tunnels and sewers. But it is also easy to be discovered because there are really people coming and going in underground Trier. There are often quarry police patrols, smuggling caravans passing by, and planters passing by. Unless the tunnel is dug to a deeper area or there is a good way to cover the entrance and exit, it will not take long for someone to ambush it.

And if there really was a similar tunnel in Mr. Efe's apartment, he would not have gone out last time in the dark and gone to the nearby underground Trier entrance.

As his thoughts raced through his mind, Lumian recalled two things: First, when he first met Mr. Efe, he "saw" his fortune, but when he "met" him the next day, he discovered that his fortune had strangely changed.

2. Mr. Efe clearly has extraordinary abilities and is likely to believe in the evil god "Mother Tree of Desire", and his sequence is not high. However, when the official extraordinary people took him to the Police Headquarters for questioning, they did not find anything abnormal.

Combining the answer from the "prophecy technique" with the contradiction in reality, Lumian's eyes narrowed and he said to himself in a deep voice, "Is it true?"

After being "robbed" by him, the person living in the apartment opposite was the fake Mr. Efe

That's why the fortune changed, and the official Beyonders didn't find any problems

"Why does he look exactly like Mr. Efe? Did he use some magical makeup like the "Peeping Glasses" or some other method? Is the fake Mr. Efe an ordinary person? Has the real Mr. Efe been hiding somewhere in the old pigeon coop?"

The more Lumian thought about it, the creepier he felt. How could someone be replaced without anyone noticing

The person in the mirror on Christo's side will at least be reversed left to right!

"This is getting more and more bizarre, as expected of the followers of the evil god."

Lumian sighed.

From the various abilities of the perverted Hedsey, he had guessed that Mr. Efe should have discovered something unusual after being "robbed". After all, 1 Felkin is also money, and no robber would be willing to throw it away. If it was really thrown away, it would mean that robbery was not the real purpose. Therefore, it is understandable that Mr. Efe was well prepared and concealed it from the official Beyonders. Lumian just didn't expect them to use such a weird method.

They actually created a person who looks exactly like Mr. Efe!

For a moment, Lumian had no way of telling whether the fake Mr. Yifu in the apartment was an ordinary person who had been given a "magical makeup" by a Beyonder or a believer of the evil god with special abilities.

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As for the former, he really wanted to go to the man's house in the dead of night, arrest him, beat him up, force him to tell the truth, and then throw him to the police headquarters or a church to let the official Beyonders deal with it.

If it was the latter, he would not dare to be too reckless, as no one knew what sequence the fake was at and what abilities it had.

Lumian once again turned his head and glanced at the three-story brick-red building where the Old Pigeon Cage Theater was located, and found that there were no audience members coming out of the door.

This dissuaded him from the idea of going in and taking a look around again.

The last drama of the day has come to an end. After thinking for a while, Lumian decided to make some preparations.

He stood up slowly and walked towards the Honest Man Market along the shadows that were not illuminated by the gas street lamps.

Along the way, he kept looking at the homeless people sleeping on the roadside and in the corners, his eyes deep and serious.

Finally, he found a suitable target: the homeless man huddled at the bottom of the street in the alley, his clothes were tattered and covered in mud, and his legs had wounds from being bitten by stray dogs, with blood stains and yellow liquid oozing out.

In Lumian's eyes, this guy is extremely unlucky and will encounter a series of disasters in the next two or three days, and his life may even be in danger.

This is a good "material" for performing the "transfer magic"! Yes, Lumian intends to use the "transfer magic" that comes with the "mendicant monk" to create an item that can transfer bad luck.

If the fake Mr. Efe is extremely unlucky and always encounters various problems, then he will most likely expose his own problems to the official Beyonders!

Based on this idea, Lumian has been picking out the most unlucky homeless people - this group itself is the kind of people with bad luck.

Pulling his cap down, he walked up to the homeless man, with his back to the gas lamps on the street outside, and his face completely hidden in the shadows.

Lumian then squatted down, put on black gloves and pushed the homeless man.

"you… "

The homeless man woke up and asked with a little pain and confusion.

"I need your help with something, would you?"

Lumian took out a silver coin worth 1 Felgin, which was engraved with a cherub and radiating lines.

The homeless man's eye was immediately attracted by the silver coin and he nodded without hesitation, "No problem!" As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and seemed to smell the aroma of sour wine and thick meat patties.

After receiving the silver coin, the homeless man's eyes suddenly widened. He looked behind Humian and blurted out in amazement: "That is..."

While Lumian was turning his head, he pressed his hands together, stood up suddenly, and tried to climb over the barricade and run to the bottom of the alley.

Giving money to a homeless person and asking him to cooperate in doing something sounds very dangerous!

The third option for a normal homeless person would of course be to take the money and run away!


Lumian withdrew his right hand and calmly watched the homeless man fall limply on the barricade and faint.

From the beginning, he had never thought of letting the tramp be awake and see everything, because even if he blindfolded him and plugged his ears, it could still be dangerous, and there was a certain probability that his identity and the very evil ritual magic of "changing luck" would be exposed.

Therefore, his plan was to ask for the other party's opinion clearly, and then knock him out directly after getting permission.

Humian carried the tramp the way he would a drunken companion, took him to the nearest entrance to the underground Trier, hid him in a nearby secluded place, tied his hands and feet, blinded him, and blocked his ears.

After doing all this, he sneaked back to the Breeze Ballroom, found a calcium carbide lamp and brought the corresponding tools. Then, he returned to the entrance, carried the unconscious homeless man on his back, and came to the quarry cave where the "prophecy technique" was held before.

Unlike last time, although this time it is still a two-element ritual, the orange-yellow candle on the top, which represents the gods and other objects of prayer, has been replaced with gray-white.

It also contains Lumian's blood.

To increase the chance of success, Lumian planned to use this ritual magic to cast a spell on the dirty thing sealed in his chest.

Dye "Pray" and mobilize a little of its power.

After simply setting up the altar and creating the "spiritual wall", he stabbed the homeless man with the perverted Hedsey's dagger, causing his blood to flow into a small metal bottle.

The homeless man woke up as a result, but was knocked unconscious again in an instant.

Lumian immediately disinfected and bandaged his wound, mixed the blood and the ashes of a few of his burnt hairs into a kind of "black water", picked up the thinnest brush, and outlined several complex and mysterious symbols on a piece of parchment.

There were circles made of the familiar black thorns, small snakes entangled head to tail, rivers made up of small snakes, twisted lines, strange eyes, and so on.

After barely finishing the painting, Lumian's forehead was already covered with sweat.

He placed the tramp and the imitation parchment with symbols on the boulder that served as the altar, dripped perfume into the fire, sprinkled powder, took two steps back, looked at the gently swaying yellow candlelight, and said in the ancient Hermetic language: "Power of fate! You are the past, the present, and the future. You are the cause, the result, and the process."

As in many times before, the candlelight representing the gods was first compressed to the extreme, and then expanded to the size of a fist, silver-white with black, while the surrounding objects were all distorted, gray fog filled the air, and a black wind whistled by.

Lumian, who was hearing crazy whispers, tried to stop the dizziness and said in Hermetic: "I pray to you: I pray that you can change the fate of this poor man; I pray that you can take away his bad luck."

Having said this, Lumian took a step forward, held the parchment covered with mysterious symbols over the silver-white and black candle flame, lit it, and placed it in the natural depression on the surface of the altar.

The next second, he took out a gold coin worth 5 Felgin, engraved with a sunbird, and placed it next to the tramp's hand.

For misers, money is something irresistible and it will be the best medium!

As if carrying a heavy weight, Lumian took a step back, and waited until the parchment burned out before reciting the last spell: "Gray amber, the herb of fate, please pass on your power to my spell..."

The entire altar suddenly became bright and extremely unreal. Before Lumian's eyes, there seemed to be an illusory, complex, cold river of mercury flowing quietly.

It wrapped the homeless man and the gold coin inside, making the whispers in Lumian's ears clearer and the blue veins on his face bulge out one by one.

Lumian instinctively feared the pain that he would feel when praying for a "gift". Suddenly, the illusory image shrank and fell on the surface of the gold coins on the altar.

Everything returned to normal, except that the gold coin looked a little dim under the silver-white and black light.