Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 121: Vent


Aurore walked towards the table carrying a plate with lamb chops and a knife, talking as she walked.

"I'm not sure if I can use commands in that situation. After all, I'm not a dancer and I don't have the relevant occult knowledge, but I won't lose anything by trying."

"Yeah," Lumian took over the work at the stove and said with a smile, "At most, you can recover after a good sleep, and your wound will bleed a little. What on earth is that person with three heads on the top of the mountain you mentioned?"

"What is the relationship between that hidden being and the pollution in my body?"

Aurore put down the plate, turned around and said:

"You think too highly of me, your sister. I have never encountered or heard of such strange things."

Without waiting for Lumian's response, she added thoughtfully, "However, there are many similar images in the myths and legends of my hometown, with three heads and six arms, either gods or demons."

She continued, "According to our speculation, the dream ruins are closely related to the pollution in your body. The image of the giant is likely to be reflected in the existence of that hidden being. You mentioned the honorific name or description of that person. It is different from the common ones. Each paragraph contains an aspect of a symbol of authority. So it is normal to have three heads, just like the three-faced monster represents the three stages of human faces."

"As for why it has six arms and why it sits on the top of the bloody mountain, I guess there is no way to guess without information."

"For the time being, please focus on that circle of city walls. I think you can find a lot of useful clues there."

"Okay." Lumian put the chopped potatoes into the pan and stir-fried them with oil according to the technique taught by his sister.

Aurore ended the topic of Dream Ruins and said to Lumian, "While you were sleeping this afternoon, I thought about it carefully. I plan to invite those three strangers to live in our house!"

"Why?" Lumian was puzzled.

Aurore looked at his brother's busy back and said, "I think we were using normal people's logic to speculate on the reaction of the parish priest. Don't forget that some of the people in that group have already accepted the gift, which is contaminated from another perspective."

"According to that mysterious woman, the impact of the gift is mainly concentrated on the body and mind. In other words, in addition to gaining abilities, the personality will also be alienated to a certain extent. When the person cannot bear it, the more gifts he receives, the more obvious and serious this kind of influence will be."

"That's right," Lumian recalled the words of the mysterious lady. "She said that if the body can't bear such a great "gift", it will either turn into a monster or become a puppet of that existence, or be transformed into another kind of person and treat the things it once cherished very coldly."

Aurore concluded, "So the shepherd Pierre Barry and others who accepted the gift earlier are likely to take revenge without regard for the overall interests of the parish priest."

"The five of us living together, watching out for each other and seeking help, can effectively increase our chances of surviving until the Twelfth Night."

Lumian thought for a moment and agreed with his sister's suggestion. He then asked a very realistic question

"Where do they live? The guest area? If they are not on the same floor, the mutual assistance will not be that effective." Aurora glanced at her brother who was stir-frying potatoes. "Move to my room, and leave your bedroom and the study on the second floor to those two outsiders."

"Ah?" Ludimian didn't expect his sister to make such an arrangement. "I'll sleep in the same bed with you."

Seeing his reaction, Aurore laughed and said, "What's the big deal? A girl from Jianghu should not be too particular about small matters."

"Ah?" Lumián thought he understood what his sister said next.

Aurore laughed and said, "What I mean is, in this situation, we should stop worrying about small issues."

"Do you want to share a bed with Ryan and Valentine, or with me and Leah?"

"We can't really trust them to have enough money yet," Lumian nodded.

The three official investigators only cooperated with the siblings because they were trapped in the loop themselves. Who knows if they would take advantage of the opportunity when they were sleeping together to do something secretly so as to capture the two wild extraordinary people immediately after the loop was broken.

Aurore smiled and said, "If they are worried, we can choose to share a room and you can sleep in the other one."

"Still, one room is better." Lumian felt that with a wall between them, it would not be easy for O'Xiaoluoer to be defeated one by one.

Then he added: "Remind me to replenish the warehouse tomorrow. After Lent, the villagers will become more and more strange. We may have to hold on here or hide in the nearest alpine pasture."

Then she invited her brother to have dinner. Before the sun had completely set, Lumian came out of the half-underground two-story building, ready to invite Ryan and others to move to his home.

Seeing the old tavern in sight, Lumian encountered Bene walking along the village avenue with three Pons thugs. Almost at the same time, the black-haired, blue-eyed, muscular civilian also saw Lumian.

His legs shook involuntarily, as if he recalled some terrible pain. Pons, looking at Lumian not far away, fell into a daze.

He wanted to take revenge but was afraid of encountering the same thing as last time and being defeated.

While Poncebane was hesitating, Lumian had already smiled brightly.

"Hey, isn't this my rebellious son?" He strode towards the villain who drowned Raymond and his three thugs, ready to beat them up.

Seeing this, Pengsi Guan no longer hesitated and winked at the three thugs beside him, signaling them to take over quickly.

The three thugs immediately ran towards Lumian and took out short sticks, iron bars and other things.

Lumian also quickened his speed, and when he was about to collide with the three thugs, he suddenly jumped up, skipped over one of them, and missed all three thugs. Lumian took advantage of the situation and grabbed one of them by the shoulder, forcing himself to turn over in mid-air.

At this moment, his waist and back seemed to have turned into an extremely flexible spring, helping him to grab the enemy, and completed the subsequent roll with the force, performing a nimble and free-spirited front flip.

Lumian threw the enemy's hand away and smashed him to the ground.

With a bang, the thug was thrown to the ground and his vision went black. He was in so much pain that he could not get up for a while.

At this time, Lumian fell behind the other two, only seven or eight steps away from Poncebene.

He leaned down slightly and rushed towards the villain.

While Poncebane was dodging in a hurry, he shouted loudly, "Quick! Stop him!"

The remaining two thugs quickly turned around and chased after Lumian. Pons Huilibene also adjusted his mentality and bravely went to face the bastard boy, ready to hold him back and complete the encirclement.

Just when the two thugs were about to catch up with Lumian, Lumian, who had deliberately not been running at full speed, suddenly braked and squatted down. Amid the sound of friction, the two thugs not only failed to hit the target, but also tripped over him and lost their balance and fell because they did not have time to stop.

Poncebane fell together with the villain in front of him. Lumian pounced on the two thugs like a tiger, grabbed their necks, lifted their bodies and smashed their heads against each other's foreheads.


The two thugs' foreheads instantly became red and swollen, and they fainted on the spot.

Then Lumian threw away the burden, exerted force on his feet, and slid halfway behind Pons who had just climbed up. He then grabbed the other's arms and suddenly bent them back. There was a cracking sound, and Ponsbene let out an extremely painful scream.

"How was it? Was it fun?" Lumian asked the curled-up Pomshead with a smile, while picking up the guy and walking out of the village.

Soon he reached the river, seized Poncebene by the back of the head and forced him into the water.

Gulu was fuming about Gulu for a while, and Lumian raised Poncebane's water brain and turned his head to his face and asked with a smile: "Is it fun to bully others?"

Poncebene's face was covered with water droplets, his expression was extremely painful, his nose and saliva were flowing a lot, and he was unable to answer at all.

"Isn't it great?" Lumian's voice suddenly became louder. He grabbed the villain's head and slammed his pot forehead into the water and onto the pebbles.

Bright red blood floated in the water. Poncebane struggled hard with his legs but couldn't lift his head.

Gurgle, gurgle, as time passed, the amplitude became smaller and smaller, and Lumian finally picked him up.

I stretched out my left hand and patted his face. "Let me ask you, does it feel good to bully people?"

Poncebane's eyes were filled with fear, and he didn't know how to answer.

Just then a figure walked to the river, it was Pierre Berry.

He looked at the miserable Peng Si and said to Lumian in a gentle tone, "We are from the same village. It's almost the same at this point. You still want to kill him!"

Lumian immediately loosened his grip on the back of Poncebenet's head, stood up and said to Pierre Berry with a smile: "I'll listen to you. Remember to tell this sow not to bully others again."

Without waiting for Pierre Berry to respond to him, he walked past the shepherd to Ryan's room on the second floor of the old tavern in the village and told the three official investigators about his sister's idea. After looking at Leah Valentine respectively, Ryan nodded.

"That's a great suggestion. In this situation, being dispersed means that we don't have enough strength and are easily targeted."

"We can move to your house right now and take our luggage with us." As Lumian and Orodel were on their way home, Leah asked, "What are your plans for the secret room?"

"Arrange?" Lumian sneered. "Do you think that's something I can handle?"

"It seems that you are still quite cautious. That makes me feel relieved." Leah said with a smile.

Ryan helped her add: "What we mean is that if the things in the secret room are really right, then the elements in our room are related to the key of the cycle, and they must be performed in the Twelfth Night ceremony. If they have nothing to do with the source of the cycle, then why should we risk exploring?"

“In short, wait patiently for Twelfth Night?” Lumian asked with understanding.