Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 163: Negligence


The "Magician" lady laughed:

"Why care about this? You can't use it, you can only use it to forget all the memories and original feelings and become a brand new person.

"Well, in the three paths of 'Corpse Collector', 'Sleepless One' and 'Warrior', the 'Samaritan Woman's Spring' has different uses depending on usage, rituals and combinations, including but not limited to temporarily clearing memories, healing damage to the essence of the soul, improving one's own inspiration, becoming the material for important rituals, bringing different branches of ability, and so on, and so forth."

Corresponding to the three adjacent paths of "Corpse Collector", "Sleeping Man" and "Warrior" that can be converted into each other? Lumian extracted the key information.

At this time, the "Magician" lady glanced at him and put away the smile on her face:

"Is there no problem?"

Lumian thought for a moment and said:

"temporarily unavailable."

The "Magician" lady nodded:

"Then I should ask."

"What?" Lumian was confused.

He gave all the details.

The "magician" lady tapped the air in front of her a few times with her fingers:

"Why didn't you tell me that Miss Justice asked you to go to the Samaritan's Fountain?"

Lumian was stunned:

"I thought she would tell you. Besides, I thought she is also a Major Arcana of the Tarot Club. It should be no problem to accept her commission. I don't need to confirm with you."

The "magician" lady showed a thoughtful expression:

"There's nothing wrong with being normal, but there are always too many abnormalities in this world."

Lumian asked doubtfully:

"Is Ms. Justice showing any abnormality?"

"That's not the case." Ms. Magician shook her head. "The problem is that not long after you agreed to go to the 'Samaritan Woman's Fountain', the Blood Ore was lost, and I didn't know you were going to the fourth level of the catacombs, and Ms. Justice didn't know that the Blood Ore fell into the hands of others. It's not that you didn't want to take it, but you definitely wouldn't take it.

"If we communicate well in advance, I can let you postpone it for a while until the whereabouts of the Earth Blood Ore are confirmed, or make some arrangements."

Lumian thought about it carefully for a while and found that it was really as the "magician" lady said:

Foreseeing that the underground blood ore would bring certain encounters, she would not ignore the hidden connection between the two events of "the loss of the underground blood ore" and "going to the Samaritan Woman's Spring".

Lumian's small negligence or what he thought was a reasonable approach was the source of his subsequent encounters.

The Magician looked at Lumian deeply for a few seconds, thought for a moment and said:

"I can't blame you for this. There's actually not much problem with your handling of the situation. This is just a reminder for you to be more cautious in the future."

She paused and said meaningfully:

"This will be especially true when we go to find the entrance to Trier in the Fourth Epoch in the future."

"Yes, Ms. 'Magician'." Lumian accepted the education sincerely.

When the "magician" disappeared from his sight with the bottle of water from the "Samaritan Woman's Fountain", Lumian quickly cleaned up the altar and sat down again.

He reviewed the mistakes he made in this operation:

"First, what Madam Magician said is correct. I should have informed Madam Justice of her request, even if they had already discussed it privately and there was nothing wrong with it. After all, my direct Major Arcana is not Justice, but Magician. I have to get permission from my own Major Arcana to do things for other Major Arcanas.

"Second, before entering the 'Samaritan Woman's Fountain', I should check my own status and belongings and make a final confirmation. Unless it is a battle encounter or an emergency, this should be a necessary procedure.

"If I could remember and complete this, I could avoid many problems in advance and not bring the Earth Blood Ore into the 'Samaritan Woman's Fountain' area without noticing. Monite, no, Amon, appeared several times and deliberately frightened me, just to interrupt my thoughts and keep my attention on being alert to Him instead of my own state, so that I would ignore the 'return' of the Earth Blood Ore

“Third, I didn’t notice Thermipolos’ abnormality. Facing the appearance of Monite, He remained silent. He was not as alert and anxious as last time. Ha, although He was sealed, He could use me to sense the surrounding situation. As an angel, would He not have noticed that Amon stuffed the Earth Blood Ore back into my pocket

"Moreover, His fate is linked to mine. When I entered the 'Well of the Samaritan Woman' with the Earth Blood Ore, my fate must have changed. He would not have been unaware of it. Why didn't He remind me

"He also wants to use the special environment of the 'Samaritan Woman's Spring' and the changes brought about by the Earth Blood Ore to find a way to get rid of the seal? Yes, it was He who first reminded me that the Earth Blood Ore was special and said that it would bring me an opportunity!

"Whose power could it be that ultimately prevented Him from achieving His goal

“I really can’t fully trust the angels of the evil god. Thermiporos has been so reliable recently, reminding me from time to time. In addition to the need to avoid dangers that could affect him, he is also trying to paralyze me, waiting for the opportunity to come and stab me in the back.

"Haha, you are a hunter too

"After entering the 'Samaritan Woman's Fountain', my choice was not a problem. Negative influences erupted, and various mental pollutions piled up. I was able to make basic responses, which was already very difficult. I didn't care whether it was right or wrong... If those pollutions hadn't contradicted each other and held each other back, I might have gone crazy on the spot."

Lumian reviewed the entire incident and suddenly laughed softly:

"Thermipoulos, why didn't you notice that Monitor had stuffed the Earth Blood Ore back?"

Thermopylae remained silent and did not answer.

After Lumian roughly confirmed the role played by this fateful angel in the events that just happened, he checked the items on his body, fearing that they had also gone to "death".

Fortunately, the impact on inanimate objects was relatively low, with no substantial damage, and the "rust" encountered by the "torture" gloves was not a real attack, and apart from leaving some marks, it did not affect its use.

As for the attention and dangerous creatures that wearing the gloves would bring, Lumian did not feel anything, believing that the special environment of the "Samaritan Woman's Fountain" limited the corresponding negative effects.

After doing these things, Lumian looked around and felt an indescribable fear and disgust towards this safe house that Amon had entered. He always felt that there were eyes hidden in the air around him.

Of course, this was mainly his psychological feeling, after all, Ms. "Magician" had been here.

After disarming the hidden traps in the safe house, Lumian took all his belongings, opened the door and left, intending to never come back here again, preferring to waste the rent.

… …

Trier, in a green park.

The "magician" in a brown dress looked at the big golden retriever walking on the edge of the grass and said to the lady next to him:

"The 'Samaritan Woman's Fountain' has been taken back."

The lady was wearing a simple long dress with a white background and green stripes. Her blonde hair was flowing and only tied up casually. Her eyes were as green as gemstones, and seemed to be reflected in the clear lake water of the trees.

She smiled and said:

"Has anything happened? You should have sent a messenger to bring it here."

The Magician nodded, briefly mentioned the key information of the whole matter, and finally said:

“It just so happened that we hadn’t met in the past few days and lacked communication.

"That's why I knew he had lost the Earth Blood Ore and suspected it was stolen by Amon, but I didn't know he was going to get the 'Samaritan Woman's Fountain'. And you were just the opposite. You knew he was going to get the 'Samaritan Woman's Fountain', but you didn't know the Earth Blood Ore was stolen."

Justice listened quietly, remained silent for a few seconds, and then sighed and said:

"It's very similar to that person's style..."

"Is it really that person?" The Magician frowned slightly. "When did He cast His gaze upon me? Did He not hide it from Him from the beginning?"

Justice thought for a moment and said:

"This is not surprising. The most important thing now is what He wants to arrange."

"I don't know." The "magician" laughed at himself, "but since the 'Samaritan Woman's Fountain' incident has already happened, I can foresee..."

Having said this, she sighed as she walked into the void surrounded by starlight:

"It won't be long before the gate to Trier in the Fourth Epoch will truly open."

… …

Outside an abandoned castle.

The figure of "Justice" appeared at the door, holding the golden bottle containing the "Fountain of the Samaritan Woman" in his hand.

In front of her, a dark and illusory sea emerged. She stepped into it and arrived at a special dreamland.

In the dream, the black mausoleum that was shaped like an inverted tomb layer by layer was not only missing a part, but also split into two halves. There were many deep cracks on the surface, and oily yellowish feathers and various symbols of death were scattered everywhere.

"Justice" floated in the air and poured out the golden bottle in his hand.

Under her guidance, part of the water from the "Samaritan Woman's Fountain" turned into dark rain, gently falling onto the earth.

All the damaged marks healed further, and the two halves of the mausoleum gradually moved closer together.

In this change, Justice put away the golden vial, looked at the remaining "Somalian Woman's Fountain", and said silently to himself:

"Two more times should be enough."

… …

On the second floor of the Breeze Ballroom, in Lumian's bedroom.

After a good sleep, he raised his right palm and found that the bright red scar had faded a lot, more like the mark left by squeezing.

"This way it won't attract attention." Lumian breathed a sigh of relief.

He originally planned to wrap his right palm with a white bandage to prevent the boss and others from noticing the problem at a glance.

Now, Lumian thought about it and wrapped the bandage around his left palm, which looked normal.

After finishing this task, he looked forward to the reward that Ms. Justice had mentioned, but he didn't know when it would be delivered.

He believed that he wouldn't have to wait for a few days.

Suddenly, Lumian turned around and looked at the window facing the alley behind.

Bang bang bang!