Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 198: Make up lessons


Lumian had just preliminarily confirmed that Michel Garrigu should not have been dragged into trouble by Guillaume Bennet and others, and planned to visit the deputy parish priest late at night. However, when he returned home, he heard his sister say that there was something wrong with the other party.

Aurore glanced at Lumian and laughed:

“When I found out he had a problem, your stupid brother was standing in front of him.

"It seems you didn't notice..."

She seemed so happy that she had to raise her right hand and half cover her mouth. After all, her brother, who was clearly illiterate in mysticism, suddenly became a Beyonder, mastered a lot of advanced knowledge, and realized that Cordu Village was in a time loop. As a sister, she not only did not play any role, but was also surpassed in the field of mysticism, which was her best knowledge. This made her inevitably a little unhappy.

Now, she has finally regained her sister's dignity.

Lumian looked at his sister's smile and nodded.

"I didn't notice anything unusual in his behavior."

Aurore said, “Hmm.”

"How should I describe his astral body? In short, it is brighter than that of a normal person. He is not a Beyonder, and he has not trained his body systematically for a long time."

“Maybe he was born with a good physique?” Lumian first guessed, then asked in confusion, “What is a Celestial Body?”

Aurore asked in astonishment:

"you do not know?"

"I don't know." Lumian shook his head.

Aurore smiled again and said in a tone that did not quite understand:

"That lady taught you 'The Way of God', 'The Law of Immortality of Beyonder Characteristics', and 'Acting Method', but she didn't tell you the most basic concepts of the Astral Body?"

"She was in a hurry and could only talk about the key points." Lumian made excuses for the mysterious lady.

Aurore smiled even more happily:

"It may also be that these basic mystical knowledge is of little use to wild 'hunters'. You only need to track, set traps and fight."

She didn't know how to describe her brother's current state. She could say that he was illiterate in mysticism, but he knew a lot, and each thing he mastered was more terrifying than the last. She could say that his knowledge was far superior to that of most extraordinary people, but he didn't even know what a celestial body was.

Aurore exhaled and said seriously:

“Only I can complete your initiation into the occult.

"Remember, in the field of mysticism, the parts outside the human body are divided into four layers. The innermost and most core is the 'spiritual body', which is almost equivalent to the concept of spirit. It is the spirituality that all things have, the spirituality that is enhanced by the spirituality, and it can be said to be the origin of building the soul.

"For secret peepers, the potion mainly improves the 'spiritual body'.

"The 'astral body' is located on the outer layer of the 'spiritual body'. It is the latter's manifestation in the real world and the spiritual world. It is also closely related to your own will and current emotions.

"So, do you understand? When I said that the parish priest's 'astral body' is brighter than that of normal people, I meant that there is something wrong with his 'spiritual body', or his spirit, which is reflected in his 'astral body'. It has nothing to do with his natural physique. Of course, it may be that he is born with a strong spirituality.

"Through the 'astral body', we can also grasp the target's true emotions. For example, red represents enthusiasm, orange represents warmth and satisfaction, yellow represents happiness and extroversion, green represents calmness and peace, blue represents calm thinking, white represents brightness and positivity, dark represents melancholy, sadness and silence, and purple represents spirituality taking the lead, coldness and alienation...

“These colors are difficult to fake, but they are inherently general and don’t allow us to distinguish subtle emotions and feelings.”

Lumian listened very attentively, almost picking up a pen to take notes.

"Just listen now." Aurore was a little tired and sat down at the dining table. "I will give you my first witchcraft notebook later. It contains all this basic knowledge."

“Yeah.” Lumian sat down and nodded obediently, “What about outside the ‘Astral Body’?”

Aurore picked up her carved glass cup and took a sip:

"It is the 'mental body' from which the spirit and the body are united.

"'Mental body' involves the brain, which is related to the ability to reason, think, see and understand things. Some potions are mainly used to enhance this, and there are also many spells that target it.

"The outermost layer is the 'etheric body', which is a manifestation of life energy and physical condition. So I can tell from it that your body has been greatly improved. Well, the thickness, brightness, and color of different parts of the 'etheric body' can also be used to determine the target's health status. As a Sequence 7 'Secret Peeper', I can even judge the life span of the other party from the specific conditions of the 'etheric body'.

"For specific information, look back at your notes."

Lumian suddenly realized:

"The 'Hunter' potion mainly targets the 'Etheric Body'?"

"You got it wrong. It's targeting the physical body and life energy, while the etheric body is the direct manifestation of the two." Aurore replied.

Lumian nodded as he recalled, and had a preliminary grasp of this part of mystical knowledge.

He remembered what his sister had just said and asked curiously:

"Aurore, how did you observe the parish priest? Why didn't I notice you were around?"

Aurore smiled.

"In fact, I have been at home the whole time, taking advantage of the special ability of the 'Secret Peeper'."

"What's so special?" Lumian asked, thinking it didn't matter if his sister didn't answer.

Aurore pointed to her eyes:

"The most distinctive ability of the 'Secret Peer' is called the 'Secret Eye'.

“Although I need to reach a higher sequence to open the complete ‘Eye of Peering’, so that it can not only work on me, but also be placed on the surface of other objects to help me monitor remotely, this does not mean that the eyes of the ‘Peering Mystery Man’ do not have special features before this.

"Starting from Sequence 9, the Secret Voyeur can see more than most Beyonders of the same sequence. The simplest example is that the Hunter, who has not yet reached the stage of divine transformation, should only be able to see the Etheric Body, and in a less detailed way. But now I can examine the various details of the Astral Body. In addition, I can also see some things around me that are invisible to normal people."

Having said that, Aurore glanced towards the kitchen.

This made Lumian inexplicably frightened.

There was clearly nothing in that direction, but he felt that there might be something invisible that he couldn't see!

Aurore continued

"Of course, this is not necessarily a good thing. Seeing things you shouldn't see can easily lead to trouble. So, I have always restrained myself and not looked at things I shouldn't have looked at. But as the sequence increases, you can no longer avoid looking at things just because you want to."

Lumian thought for a moment and asked doubtfully:

"Didn't you say that only a higher sequence can release the Eye of Secrets

“Why can you observe people in the church from home?”

Aurore raised her right hand and pointed with her index finger:

“I keep telling you that knowledge equals power, and you still don’t believe it!

"Under normal circumstances, I really can't observe things hundreds of meters away from home, but humans can use tools, and I have two major 'helpers'."

As she spoke, she took out two things from different secret pockets of her blue skirt.

One is a brass monocular telescope that can be retracted and extended, and the other is a pocket-sized dark ink bottle - it looks more like a child's toy.

"You see, the telescope can help me see people clearly hundreds of meters away, and when the 'line of sight' is shortened, I can observe the target's astral body, etheric body, and mental body." Aurore introduced with a smile, "This is suitable for open places without obstacles."

Lumian was a little stunned.

Is this ok

We were discussing mysticism, so why did my sister take out a telescope

"What about this?" He then pointed to the pocket ink bottle.

Aurore didn't answer. She pinched her temples and unscrewed the bottle cap.

Lumian suddenly felt a little cold, and a cool breeze seemed to blow in from the window.

"It is a unique spiritual creature." Aurore introduced.

“It? Where is it?” Lumian looked around.

Aurore was quite surprised:

"You still don't know how to use psychic vision

"But didn't you say you saw a lot of undead in that wilderness?"

Lumian had read the term clairvoyance in the magazine "Psychic" and knew what it meant, but he was completely confused as to how to use it.

He looked at his sister and shook his head slowly:

"don't know."

Then he guessed:

"Maybe we have entered the so-called 'other world', where ordinary people can directly see ghosts and spirits."

Aurore thought about it carefully and asked further:

"So, you don't know Hermetic, Old Hermetic, Elvish, Dragonic, and Giant either?"

"What are these?" Lumian fully demonstrated what it means to be illiterate in the field of mysticism.

Aurore couldn't help but hold her forehead:

"What on earth did that lady teach you?"

"Extraordinary Characteristics: Law of Immortality, Law of Aggregation, Acting Method, Path of God, Sequence 0, Sealed Object..." Lumian answered honestly.

"..." Aurore felt that she was being dazzled, "I think you want to be beaten!"

She sighed for a few seconds, then gathered her spirits and said:

"Then I will use my contracted creature to teach you how to open your psychic vision, how to perform ritual magic, and how to use languages that have supernatural powers.

"This is just a rough introduction. If you really want to fully master it, especially those languages, it will take at least one or two years. Of course, this is also due to your sequence path. The Hunter probably didn't improve your learning ability, and there is no bonus in mysticism. I, your sister, relied on diligence and indoctrination to master everything in just half a year."

She stroked the void in front of her with her right hand, as if she was touching a transparent kitten:

“For extraordinary people, it is very easy to open the spiritual vision, but it is not completely dark yet, so let’s talk about other things first.

"I call it 'white paper'. It is a very weak spiritual creature. As long as you have an accurate description, you can perform a ritual to summon it in your own name.

"In addition to the fact that spiritual beings themselves are difficult to see, it has only one function, which is to carry some supernatural abilities of the contractor, but it cannot be too complicated or too powerful."