Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 2: mischief


"I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen." Ryan apologized to Lumian politely.

Lumian laughed and said:

"Is this worth another glass of 'Green Fairy'?"

Without waiting for Ryan to answer, he changed the subject:

"Strangers, what are you doing in Cordu, buying wool and leather?"

Many residents of Koldu make a living by raising sheep.

Ryan breathed a sigh of relief silently, and seized this opportunity to say:

"We came to visit the parish priest of the Eternal Sun Church in your village, Guillaume Bennet, but he is neither at home nor in the church."

"No need to tell us which church you are from. There is only one church in Cordu." Pierre, who had drunk Ryan's free absinthe, kindly reminded him.

The other locals around the bar were drinking, and no one answered Ryan's question, as if the name represented some kind of taboo or authority that could not be discussed casually.

Lumian took a sip of wine, thought for a few seconds and said:

"I can probably guess where the parish priest is. Do you need me to take you there?"

"Thank you for your help." Leah said without hesitation.

Ryan nodded:

"Wait until you finish this drink."

“Okay.” Lumian picked up the wine glass and gulped down the light green liquid.

He put the cup down and stood up:

"Let's go."

"Thank you so much." Ryan asked Valentine and Leah to stand up and greeted Lumian.

Lumian smiled.

"It doesn't matter. You listened to my story and I drank your wine. We are all friends now, right?"

"Yes." Ryan nodded slightly.

The smile on Lumian's face grew wider, and he stretched out his arms as if to give the other person a hug.

At the same time, he said enthusiastically:

"Nice to meet you, my cabbages."

Ryan, who was about to embrace her, froze:


His expression was confused and embarrassed.

The same is true for Valentine and Leah.

"This is a nickname we give to our friends. Everyone in the Dariege region knows it. It has been like this for hundreds of years." Lumian explained innocently, "Believe me, my cabbages."

Leah couldn't help but look around, causing a tinkling sound.

Pierre and the others nodded one after another, indicating that Lumian did not lie this time, but the smiles on their faces seemed to say that they were very happy to see that the outsider could not stand such an intimate address.

Lumian stroked his chin.

“Don’t you like it

“Then I’ll change to something else, also to address friends.

"My rabbits, my chickens, my ducks, my lambs, which one do you like?"

Ryan's expression grew more rigid, and Valentine frowned.

Leah replied angrily and amusedly:

"Let's go with cabbage. At least it sounds normal."

Huh, Ryan exhaled quietly, pressed Valentine's elbow, nodded slightly and said:

"They sound like precious things from home."

Without waiting for Lumian's response, he turned his body and said to the bartender:

"Pay the bill."

"Two Felkins." The bartender glanced at the glasses on the bar.

When Ryan paid the bill, Leah changed the subject:

"Lumian is a rare name."

"At least it's better than Pierre or Guillaume." Lumian said with a smile, "If you shout Pierre here, at least one-third of the people will respond to you. If you shout Guillaume, another one-third of the people will respond to you. And this..."

He pointed to the thin middle-aged man who was drinking free wine:

"His full name is Pierre Guillaume."

Leah smiled appropriately, trying to get over the topic of cabbage.

Before leaving the tavern, Lumian looked back.

"What's wrong?" Leah asked curiously.

Lumian replied thoughtfully:

"Today, there are more than three strangers coming to the tavern. There was another one who came before, but I don't know when he left."

"What does it look like?" Ryan's expression straightened.

Lumian thought about it:

"A lady, very elegant, obviously from a big city. I can't describe what she looks like. How about I draw her for you?"

"Can you draw?" Leah asked cautiously, knowing Lumian's character.

Lumian laughed.


"Then let's go find the parish priest first." Ryan ended the topic.

There were no street lights in Koldu Village at night, but it was not completely dark. The stars twinkling in the sky brought a quiet glow, and with the yellowish light coming through the windows of some houses on both sides of the road, the group of four walked steadily.

Before long, they arrived at the "Eternal Sun" Church next to the village square.

On a dark night, the most magnificent building in the village seemed to blend into the night, appearing slightly hazy.

"We've been here and there was no one." Valentine, who had been indifferent and silent all the time, frowned and said.

Lumian smiled and said:

“The fact that there is no one at the main entrance doesn’t mean there is no one elsewhere.”

As he spoke, he led Ryan and the other two around the front of the church and came to a place near the cemetery.

There is a dark brown wooden door here.

Without waiting for Ryan to knock on the door, Lumian reached out and fiddled with the keyhole.

With a creak, he opened the side door.

"Isn't this impolite?" Ryan frowned.

Leah nodded with a tinkling sound:

"We are here to visit the curé, not to confront him."

"Okay." Lumian was very receptive to other people's correct opinions.

He pulled the wooden door closed and knocked gently.

"Hello, is anyone there? If you don't answer I'll come in." He lowered his voice, as if he was talking to himself in the night.

There was silence in the church.

The next second, Lumian opened the door again and pointed inside:

"go in."

Ryan originally wanted to refuse, but looking at the deep darkness behind the door, he pondered for a few seconds and then looked at his companion.

"Okay." He took a step forward, slowly but firmly.

Leah and Valentine followed closely behind.

At this time, neither of Leah's boots nor the four silver bells tied on both sides of her veil made any sound.

In the dim and gloomy environment, the four people moved forward.

Suddenly, Ryan stopped and said in a low voice:

"There seems to be some sound?"

“Yes.” Lumian agreed.

As soon as he finished speaking, he pushed aside suddenly and another door opened with a clang.

It seemed to be the confessional of the church. The dim starlight streamed in, illuminating a simple low bed and a naked middle-aged man.

The strong man was pressing on a white female body.

For a moment, everyone was stunned, including the middle-aged man and the woman under him.

A few seconds later, the middle-aged man turned around and yelled at Ryan and the others:

"You sons of bitches, you have sabotaged the actions of the Holy Church!"

Amid the reverberating roar, Lumian, who had moved behind Ryan and the others, waved his hand and said with a smile at a very fast speed:

"It seems that the parish priest has been found. My cabbages, see you tomorrow!"

Halfway through his words, he turned and ran towards the side door, and the words that followed fluttered in the wind, getting lower and lower.

At this moment, a sentence appeared in the minds of Leah, Ryan and Valentine at the same time.

What the middle-aged man named Pierre Guillaume said:

"This guy is the most mischievous person in the village. You must stay away from him..."

… …

Under the starlight from the sky, Lumian whistled.

He put his hands in his pockets and walked leisurely on the country road.

"The curé is in fact having an affair with Madame Puaris.

"It's obvious that these outsiders are of some status. The parish priest certainly wouldn't dare to do anything to them. He must pay a great price to prevent the reputation of having an affair in the church from spreading, right

"Humph, who told him to always want to take advantage of Aurore? I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time..."

Muttering to himself, Lumian returned to his home on the edge of the village.

This is a semi-underground two-story house. The first floor is a kitchen that also serves as a living room, with an oven and a large stove.

"Aurore! Aurore!" Lumian shouted as he walked up the stairs.

No one responded to him.

There are three rooms and a bathroom on the second floor, and their doors are all open at this time.

Lumian glanced at each one, but didn't see his sister.

He thought about it, went to the end of the corridor, and climbed up to the roof from the ladder there.

The orange-red roof was enveloped in the diffuse night. In the center, a figure was sitting, hugging his knees and quietly looking at the starry sky.

This was an exceptionally beautiful woman, with long, thick blonde hair, light blue eyes, and bright features.

At this moment, she was looking at the sky intently, looking at the little bits of brilliance that twinkled, her expression calm, like a statue.

Lumian said nothing, moved next to the woman and sat down as well.

He raised his head slightly, looked at the mountains and forests in the distance, and heard the sound of wind blowing through the trees.

After an unknown amount of time, the woman raised her arms and stretched lazily in an ungraceful manner.

"Aurore, I don't understand what's so good about this view that would warrant you coming to the rooftop so often." Lumian said.

“Call me sister!” Aurore hooked her finger and tapped Lumian’s head.

Then, she sighed, her expression darkened and she said:

"A philosopher once said that there are only two things in this world that are worthy of awe: morality in one's heart and the starry sky above one's head."

Lumian glanced at his sister's slightly sad face and smiled deliberately:

"I can answer this question. Emperor Roselle said so!"

"Pfft..." Aurora laughed out loud.

She sniffed immediately and raised her beautiful golden eyebrows:

"Drinking again!"

"It's called socializing." Lumian went on to talk about what happened just now, "I met three strangers..."

Aurore couldn't help but laugh:

"I am afraid the curate might be frightened into some kind of illness."

The next second, her face turned serious:

"Lumian, don't provoke the parish priest again. He won't do anything to me. It will only cause trouble if you replace him with a new one."

“But I hate the sight of him…” Before Lumian could finish his words, Aurore had already stood up.

She looked down at her brother and smiled:

"Okay, time to go to bed, my drunkard brother."

As she spoke, Aurora threw some silver dust.

Then her whole body floated up, like a little bird, slowly flew down from the roof, and turned into the window on the second floor.

Lumian read it quietly and shouted:

"And me?"

"Climb down by yourself!" Auror in the house responded mercilessly.

Lumian curled his lips, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

He looked at the silver light that was extinguishing rapidly in the night, sighed softly, and said to himself:

"I don't know when I will be able to possess such extraordinary power..."

PS: Thanks to Ren Wutong for rewarding the Gold Alliance, thanks to sfqk, Mu Baijinyu, Jia Lanxue, Qing Lingxusan, Vera 0205, Passerby Orzz, Foxtail Pen, Empire | Qin Shang, Leisurely King Wants to Cheat, Gu Yichuang, Feihui Heiduyi for rewarding the Silver Alliance, and thanks to many friends for their rewards in the past few days.

Also, when the Golden Alliance’s additional chapters are put on the shelves, there will be additional chapters for the Golden Alliance in addition to the normal additional chapters.