Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 20: Recruiting


Osta forced a smile, "I'm not lying to you, there really is a Samaritan Woman's Spring!" "Really?" Lumian approached Osta step by step and said with a smile, "When the time comes, drink a sip and show me. If it works, you will forget that I haven't paid you yet. If it doesn't work, why should I pay you?"

Osta didn't know how to answer for a moment, so he could only smile and nod, saying, "Believe me, believe me..."

Suddenly, he looked behind Lumian, his eyes suddenly widened, as if he had seen something horrible.

Lumian "subconsciously" turned around and looked towards the door, but there was no one there.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Osta ducked, passed by him, and ran towards the open door.


Osta was tripped by Lumian's right foot, which he had extended at some point, and fell straight to the ground. His tall nose turned blue and his thin face became swollen.

Lumian slowly closed the door, pulled a chair over and sat down, looking down at Osta who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and said, "You don't want to tell me that you are very inspired and just saw some strange creature behind me, and you rushed to the door to help me deal with it?"

Osta was stunned for a moment, then stood up and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, that's it!"

Lumian smiled and turned his gaze towards the rectangular wooden table against the wall.

There were silver daggers, white candles, several small bottles filled with different liquids or empty, two sheets of imitation parchment and a paper box that exuded a herbal scent.

He has some knowledge of the occult... Lumian retracted his gaze and said to the anxious Osta, "Who was that guy with the pipe just now?"

"Baron Brignaire," replied Aosta hastily, "the chief of the Savoy gang in the market district."

Sava is the name of an inland province in the Republic of Intis, adjacent to the Upper Honachis Province and the Lower Honachis Province. It is rich in mineral resources and has a tough folk character.

"Baron? There are still barons now?" Lumian asked with a smile.

Since the death of Emperor Roselle, the noble titles established by the Republic have disappeared from daily life.

Osta said fearfully, "That's a nickname he gave himself. Maybe his ancestors had such a title."

Lumian leaned back in his chair and asked in a relaxed manner, "Why did he come to you? Do you owe them money?"

Seeing Lumian looking harmless and chatting with his friends, although Osta was scared, he felt a little relieved inside.

He said bitterly: "I borrowed 3,000 fil gold from a moneylender in order to buy, buy, buy something. Later, the merchant sold the debt to Brinell.

"I paid back at least 3,000 Felkins, but he told me there was still 2,000 in interest!"

"If you delay for another two or three months, what you owe will not be 2,000, but 4,000." Lumian successfully saw Osta's expression fall, no longer the mysterious temperament he had before.

He then lowered his voice and said in a bewitching tone: "If it were me, and I encountered such a thing, I would find a way to trick Brinell and the others underground, to a hollow in a quarry, and then collapse the stone layer above, so that they would sleep there forever.

“Without creditors, there are no debts.”

The more Osta listened, the more panicked he became, and he looked at Lumian as if he were a devil.

He suspected that the other party had already planned to do so, but the target name in the plan was not Brinell, but Aosta. Trull!

"This is murder! This is a crime!" Osta shouted in horror.

"Keep your voice down. You don't want to lose the ability to speak forever, do you?" Lumian reminded him with a smile. "You also know that this is a crime? Did the detectives tell you that fraud is also a crime?"

Osta couldn't find the right words to respond for a moment.

Lumian stood up and dusted off his gloves. "I was just kidding. I was just testing your character."

"What?" Osta looked confused.

Of course, Lumian would not tell him that the real reason for saying those words just now was to establish a cold-blooded and bloodthirsty terrifying image in his mind, which would be helpful for the subsequent "communication".

Being forced to trust is also trust!

"Congratulations, you've passed my test. This proves that you're not a criminal without any bottom line." Lumian smiled and opened his arms.

He suddenly brought the topic back on track: "What did you borrow so much money for?"

He then looked around and added, "It seems there is nothing valuable here..."

Osta subconsciously opened his mouth and wanted to make up a lie on the spot, but he instantly remembered what the other person had just said.

He shuddered and said, "You, do you know potions?"

“You really are a Beyonder, huh?” Lumian laughed.

Seeing that he knew about Beyonders and potions, Osta secretly breathed a sigh of relief, glad that he had not lied just now.

The story he wanted to make up would be full of loopholes in front of a true Extraordinary Person, and would be easily exposed. In that case, he might have to "sleep" in a corner of underground Trier tonight.

Osta took two deep breaths and said, "A few months ago, I borrowed 3,000 Fel Gold from a loan shark to buy the main ingredients for the potion. With the 4,000 Fel Gold I saved, I successfully transformed from an ordinary person into an extraordinary person."

"Which sequence are you from? How come you can't even deal with a few gangster thugs?" Lumian asked in a deliberately suspicious tone.

Osta looked helpless: I am a Sequence 9 'Secret Prayer'. "It sounds strong." Lumian made the judgment based on the name of the potion alone.

Osta said with grief and annoyance: "I also think that the secret prayer people should be very powerful. The seller also said that this can allow me to see the truth of the world.

"As a result, apart from improving my inspiration, they also gave me some impractical sacrificial knowledge and ritual magic. Now, apart from being able to occasionally sense the existence of mysterious things and scare myself half to death, I can't even beat a gang member!"

“Ritual magic should be very useful.” Lumian said with the tone of an experienced person.

Osta looked like he was about to cry: "I have some knowledge of mysticism. I am a believer of the Eternal Sun. How can I pray to an unknown being? That's very dangerous!

"Ah, there are some honorific names in the knowledge that comes with the potion, but they are all secret existences. They sound scary when you hear them. Things like fallen self-nature, true scroll, and the gaze of fate. I don't even dare to pray for them!"

He glanced at Lumian secretly and pretended to be gritting his teeth. "But I've thought about it. If Baron Brinell and his people come to force me again, I will pray to the hidden existence for power!"

He was referring to Baron Brinell, but in reality he was warning Lumian not to push himself into a desperate situation.

Lumian looked at his anxious face and agreed, "This is a good choice.

Baron Brinell and the others underestimated a Beyonder. If it were me, I would never let you have the chance to end your life."

At this point, he smiled at Osta and said, “Before this, you were already dead.”

Osta opened his mouth and closed it again, his expression uglier than crying.

Lumian walked to the wooden table, fiddled with the small bottle that was either full or empty, and said casually, "You seem to have moved several times, but Baron Brinell always found you. I suspect that he or the Savoy gang has a real Beyonder."

Osta was shocked when he heard this.

Lumian picked up the silver dagger on the table, played with it and said to Osta: "I can give you 100 Fel gold as a reward.

"Ah?" Osta felt confused again.

He found that he could never keep up with the other person's thinking.

"You, you still want the water from the Samaritan Woman's Spring?" he asked tentatively.

Lumian smiled and said, "Tell me, is it true

Looking at the other person's smiling eyes, Osta chuckled for a few seconds and said, "I'm not sure."

Lumian nodded in satisfaction. "What I want is for you to take me to the party you just mentioned, the party where you can buy the main ingredients for the potion. The reward is 100 Felgin."

Lumian made this request, on the one hand, because the mission of the "Magician" lady might be related to the party involving extraordinary materials, and on the other hand, because he himself also needed a similar party to collect weapons, materials, seals and mystical knowledge.

Osta swallowed hard and said, "I, I can try, but I must get the consent of the person who convened the party."

"No problem." Lumian took out a gold coin and motioned for Osta to come over. "This gold Louis is your reward for helping me ask. I'll give you the remaining 80 Felkins when I can attend the party."

Osta didn't expect that being beaten up would turn into a commission to collect money, and he was a little stunned for a moment.

After a few seconds, he carefully came to the wooden table, took the gold Louis worth 20 fils, and said to Lumian: "I'm not sure when he will give me an answer, but it will not be later than next Wednesday.

"I stay near the catacombs during the day and sleep here at night. You can come and see me anytime."

Lumian nodded with a smile on his face, raised the silver dagger he was playing with, and stabbed it into Osta's shoulder.

Blood flowed out, and Osta took two steps back in fear, leaning against the wall, and shouted urgently: "Don't kill me!

"I did not lie!"

Lumian picked up a small glass bottle on the wooden table and walked towards Osta with a smile: "Don't worry, I would have killed you a long time ago.

This is called a blood oath, and I am very afraid of being deceived or betrayed."

As Lumian spoke, he brought the empty glass bottle close to Osta's wound and let the blood seep into it drop by drop.

During this process, he smiled to Osta and said, "You have enough knowledge of the occult to know what blood means on other people's hands. Don't lie to me."

"Curse..." Osta didn't know whether to be glad that he didn't die on the spot, or to feel despair that his blood fell into the hands of this guy who was more dangerous than Baron Brinell.

Lumian said nothing more, tightened the bottle cap, pulled a piece of cloth from the room, threw it to Osta and said, "Bandage your wound yourself."

He has no extraordinary skills in curses, but he can try to see if expired blood can trigger the ability of "Corrupted Mercury" to exchange fate.

It doesn't matter if he can't do it, just make Osta believe that he can curse.

Glancing at Osta who was trying to stop the bleeding, Lumian asked casually, "What are you going to do about Baron Brinell?"

"With this gold Louis and the little money I saved, they should be able to stay quiet for a week." Aosta said with a wry smile, "If they force the debtor to death, they won't get a single cope."