Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 201: hint


Although he did not completely believe in Thermipoulos, Lumian was still a little curious about the so-called fate.

The last time Thermopylae used the word "encounter", he was referring to the Earth Blood Ore, but this time it can't be the little boy Ludwig, right

This guy is problematic and not normal, but after communicating with him for a while, Lumian confirmed his origins, his IQ and his apparent belief in the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom". He did not gain anything in the true sense, nor could he see possible future developments. Unlike the Earth Blood Ore, he knew clearly that as long as he brought it underground and found the correct area, he would have the chance to encounter certain things.

Thermiporos's majestic and layered voice once again echoed within Lumian:

"You will know when the time comes."

“Can’t you guys just speak clearly?” Lumian felt his blood rushing into his head.

"I am not a human." Thermiporos answered Lumian's question in the simplest words, "I am a mythical creature."

“… …” Lumian was almost speechless and forced a sneer, “I doubt whether you, who are sealed, can truly glimpse fate and predict the future. Every time you give a very vague answer with multiple interpretations, what’s the difference between you and those amateur players in the divination club? If you have the guts, tell me clearly where my next chance to act will be!”

Thermipoulos replied in a deep voice:


"Tonight at 11 o'clock, Lister Wharf, Warehouse No. 3.

"E Chang Gui Xiu, the accounting firm will come to check the accounts tomorrow, what are you going to do

Boros wrote down in detail the matter of the older girl Ludwig and Thermichthor's hint on a piece of paper, then set up a ritual to summon this doll-like messenger.

I see... Boros, who listened attentively, probably understood where the opportunity to act was.

"Lumian, there is no time to delay. He must make a decision now."

About biology

How can we find the right contract in a short time

That shocked me, and I reflexively started to wonder:

“No hidden purpose

There is a blank area between this building and the warehouse, and there are no flammable materials.

“You just reminded me that determination will only bring about consequences.

As soon as I finished speaking, an explosion occurred where the red flames were burning.

Huh? Boros had thought that Thermichtor had given a hint.

"The fire is on the warehouse, it's your office!"

Ashisi was silent for a while, then sneered and said:

After walking a few dozen meters, we suddenly felt the sky become brighter and redder, and we heard crackling sounds of burning.

The pier entrance area.

Although I am still far from truly digesting the potion, at most I have adapted to my own condition and cannot bear the gift of fate to take a step back.

White street, dangerous house.

However, I can feel that the first paragraph of the "magician" man is like a response to me, which is closer to a condensed reflection of your thought process.

"You are also very curious about what kind of fate this girl named Ludwig can bring. You are sure why I came to Twelve. That remains to be seen, and it may be very important.

Are they just good at speaking vaguely? ... After reading the brief reply, the corner of Polus' mouth twitched.

Seeing this, Ai Chang Guixiu and Chang Guixiu, who had not yet had time to get close to Warehouse No. 8, collapsed on the side of the road, losing all their strength.

Wearing that flaming cloak, Chang Guixiu retreated into the crackling fire.

I said in a trembling voice:


"Bad! You go find Guy now and let me

Boros hid in the shadows, waiting for his chance to act.

"'Knowledge Rabbit'":

After several counter-tracking operations, Boros returned to the dangerous house in Bailitao Street.

Pollux slowly lost his decision, stood up, left the Breeze Ballroom, and walked towards Bailitao Street.

"He can't think about escaping now. I hope he will come out again."

If you want to finish reading them, it is possible in a month or two!

While waiting for a reply from the "magician", I looked through this pile of information on spiritual creatures and discovered that just reading the descriptions of certain knowledge silently would consume a small amount of my spiritual energy, and some would even cause dizziness, nausea, irritability, headache, burning sensations and certain hallucinations.

"…" Eonore showed a look of fear.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Go and set the warehouse on fire now!"

“Isn’t the angel of fate that evil

Seeing that his companion was determined, Eonore said again:

"Go ahead, you also saw this acting opportunity."

"Fire, fire..." Eonore murmured to herself, then her face lit up with joy, "Fire, there is really a fire! Praise the sun, there is really a fire!"

"What he needs to do is to be wary of me. My existence itself is meaningless.

"Powerful spiritual beings, friendly to humans, with a natural thirst for knowledge, many agree to be summoned.

"Problem: Poor communication skills, lively thinking, and some 'Knowledge Rabbits' have been exposed to normal knowledge and have been contaminated, becoming quite safe. They must be summoned, but must be friendly and powerful."

I can digest the potion initially without a more complicated "arson" on the material level, and consider obtaining the gift of "the one who has been contracted". It is inevitable that there will be some slowness, but slowing down will also allow me to relax my guard against Thermi's noble beauty.

Fire mingled with fire, smoke was repelled, and I nervously made my way through the building and left the dock in the opposite direction.

"There are so many fires in Tewail that no one is used to it. Besides, you set the fire yourself.

There are few White Gang thugs in the market area. When the time comes, give us some money and let us leave Tewel.

One of them lowered his voice and said anxiously:

The two men quickly walked around the warehouse, checked the specific situation, and then walked towards the retreat to the dock, looking for the colleague named Guy.

The purpose of these two people's arson was to burn down the warehouse and destroy the evidence, while the purpose of Boros' arson was to create noise, attract attention, and let investigators discover that there was nothing normal in the warehouse!

That's what a good citizen should do.

The "different" knowledge rabbits are not necessarily different because the knowledge they are exposed to is the same. What they have in common is that they are proficient in multiple languages, can speak and write, have good reading ability, can extract key points from small amounts of knowledge, and have extremely fast copying speed, which is faster than a mechanical typewriter.

The explosion was quite powerful, but the rumbling sound still spread and attracted the attention of the sailors and firefighters at the dock.

Lumian and Eonore turned around and looked forward, only to see that the area just now was ablaze with flames, the red flames were waving their fangs and claws, leaping down continuously and engulfing the buildings.

After the arson, Boros initially mastered the power of the potion and was able to complete the control very well. He no longer had normal symptoms such as the burning sensation on his skin and the anxiety in his heart.

At that time, the "doll" messenger finally delivered the reply from the "magician":

The fact that you "see destiny clearly" itself can explain a lot of problems.

Boros stood beside the simple two-story house, looking up slightly at the exaggerated flames that had devoured wood and other combustibles and turned into an illusory dragon. His face was reflected in a dark red, and his eyes were full of jumping light.

With a smile on my face, I walked towards the fire scene step by step.

is true.

Before the brief ecstasy, Chang Guixiu noticed something

10:50 PM, West Wharf, inside Warehouse No. 8.

The woman named Guy turned pale and shook her head blankly:

I was very happy that I was able to digest the "Arsonist" potion before tracking down the parish priest. I had a smile on my face the whole time, but when I saw the thousand pages of scriptures outside the metal cabinet, my expression fell a little.

"Whatever happens, let's ask the magician for his opinion first."

After looking at eighty or seventy kinds of spiritual creatures, I found a familiar face:

Our office is a simple gray two-story house a few meters away from the warehouse.

Lumian didn't react in the same way. I raised my left hand, drew the octagonal holy emblem on my chest, and muttered something.

Isn't that similar to what Aurore's witchcraft notes said: "Detailed description of the knowledge of gods and certain low-level creatures, which itself contains weak pollution and has extremely low safety"... I'm sure the knowledge that pursues humans is of that kind. This is really terrifying. You may not be alive before you finish listening, or you may die on the spot... Boros has to watch for a while, rest for a while, to prevent his mental state from slipping to the edge of safety.

It doesn't mean that the "magician" man with astrological abilities can predict Ludwig's fate, but we can only believe it with some confidence.


"Mr. Guy, his colleagues are more relaxed than you.

The sounds of "Fire! Fire!" suddenly came one after another, and people rushed in that direction. As a city with the highest number of fires in the northern continent, the firefighters in Tewel did not have a very mature procedure for dealing with similar incidents.

Lumian was silent for a while, then said viciously:

"As a low-ranking "mendicant monk," he should be so easily provoked and provoked to interpret fate...

A layer of flames immediately rose from Boros' body surface, which adhered obediently to his clothes and were only a little bit away from ignition.

It turns out that its full name is "Rabbit of Knowledge". When I summon this kind of creature in the future, the direction will be clearer... However, what are the uses of its abilities and characteristics? It turned out that you were admitted to elementary school as Aurore expected. "Proficient in several languages" and "poor reading ability" are wrong. There is no description of its speed in traveling through the spirit world, which means that it has no value in that aspect. It is fast, consumes spiritual energy and little Boros put down the information, rubbed his temples on both sides, and ended his eighth rest.

"What if we want to find a big thief to steal all the account books?"

After a while, two figures approached the warehouse and walked to within seven or eight meters of Boros.

Ah Shisi, whose hair seemed to be dyed a little red, turned his gaze away from the fiercely burning flames and cast his gaze towards the middle-aged woman standing next to him:

"It's useless. We saw you were fine when we got to the warehouse. What's left is only one tenth of what should be gone." Eonore's tone gradually became fierce. "Since you're going to do this, why not be thorough and burn the entire warehouse? In this way, who will know if there is any problem with the accounts?"

"What burned was the warehouse..."