Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 203: New priest


What is Maipu Maier doing back in the market area

This question appeared in Lumian and Franca's minds in no particular order, and they both smelled the hidden scent of danger.

Could it be that Maipu Meier really loves Susanna Mathis and wants to avenge her

But even so, the best way to take revenge is to tell the real "murderer" and the hidden secrets to other core members of the "Savior Society"!

Without mobilizing and relying on the power of the entire organization, relying solely on personal strength will only indirectly help Lumian, the enemy!

Looking at Beatrice, whose face was pale and eyes were empty, Lumian tried to put himself in the shoes of Maip Meir and think about the reasons for doing so from his perspective:

"Maip. Maier is a Sequence 6 'honor recipient', with an irresistible desire to seek recognition from others and a strong desire for achievement...

"Being excluded and alienated by the other core members of the Blissful Society, he did have the motivation to make significant contributions on his own in an attempt to gain real recognition...

"Although he has made a contribution by telling Beatrice and the others about the Shadow Tree, it is definitely not as important as making up for the previous mistakes single-handedly and pleasing the Mother Tree of Desire to the greatest extent. The latter will make him more recognized..."

“For ordinary people, it is difficult to understand this kind of weird competitive thinking, but it is not surprising at all when it happens to “honor recipients”… ..”

"The question now is, what exactly does Maipu Maier want to do to gain recognition?"

"Looking for revenge against me? Although he has no hope in direct combat, he can still pose a real threat to me by hiding in the dark and suddenly influencing me at the critical moment and delivering a fatal blow. After all, I don't have the ability to be a stand, and my physical strength has not changed qualitatively compared to that of an ordinary person. A revolver can kill me."

"But, Maipu Meier should have heard a lot about me from Susanna Mathis. He probably knows that there is an angel sealed in my body. Isn't he afraid that after my death, the pollution will explode and drag him to be buried with me?"

"How can he satisfy his desire for recognition if he dies?"

"Or, he simply thought about how he dragged such a powerful enemy to death with him, which shocked and impressed the other members of the Bliss Society, and made them feel remorse from the bottom of their hearts, so he climaxed to the point of tears, and then died driven by desire?"

"Or maybe, he also wants to make a sacrifice similar to Susanna Mathis's? Hmm. Gaining recognition from the Mother Tree of Desire is a higher level of recognition that is more worth pursuing."

"But the 'Shadow Tree' has been badly damaged and won't recover for a long time. How can he offer a sacrifice?"

Lumian thought about it over and over but couldn't figure out what Maipu Meier was planning and what he wanted to do. He could only vaguely grasp his motives.

But no matter what, when Lumian thought about the cold eyes hidden among the pedestrians on the street, the tenants nearby, the customers in the dance hall and the vendors everywhere, and when he thought about the familiar people around him being replaced by Maipu Meier without knowing it, he became irritated and violent, and he wanted to pull out the "actor" immediately.

The negative effects of the contract, items, and brand on him combined made his emotions less stable than before.

Franka didn't think too much about it. Although the "Magic Mirror Telepathy" lasted much longer than the ordinary "Telepathy", it was not completely unlimited. It was still limited to minutes. She didn't want to waste time on analysis that could be done at any time later.

She continued to ask about Beatrice Ankur:

"Among all the members of the Bliss Society, who does Maipu Meier have the best relationship with?"

Beatrice's voice became increasingly disembodied:

“He had the best relationship with the members in the market area, but those were either dead or arrested.”

I'm really being excluded... Franka tried to ask without any hope:

"Who in the Bliss Society is most likely to know about Maipu Meier's whereabouts and plans?"

Beatrice said in a dead voice:

"No one, not even the new high priest, knows."

Franka had to change the question:

"Who is the new high priest?"

Beatrice replied with a scary look of emptiness in her eyes:

"It's Sibel."

"What is her real identity?" Franca asked.

Beatrice's face, which appeared on the mirror surface, was much more transparent than before:

"I don't know. She joined later. At that time, we were no longer just a women's love women organization. We began to hide our original identities. Sibel might still be a theater actor now."

On the exterior wall of Adena's apartment.

Brown Silk Soran was like a giant black spider, clinging there quietly.

She only saw two dark shadows not far apart through the curtains, and the sounds she heard were even more vague and distant than before, and she could only vaguely distinguish that they were all female voices.

Are Athena and the fake Theresa still chatting? No, at this distance, with the hearing of an "assassin", I can hear it clearly even through the closed glass window and thick curtains... What is going on inside? Brown Silk Soran became more and more worried and curious, and tried to extend the "invisible spider silk" through the gap in the window.

The "magic mirror spiritualism" reached its limit, and Franka rationally ended the maintenance, watching Beatrice Ankur's figure disappear on the surface of the mirror.

She was not too disappointed because she already had the real information about several core members of the "Society of Bliss" and the time, place and method of their weekly meetings.

But it seems unnecessary to track them personally. They don't know the problem with Ciel, and even if "Rose Studies" finds them, it won't be able to get any useful information... Franca glanced at Lumian, put away the mirror, and removed the "Spiritual Wall".

Amid the whistling sound of the wind, they both noticed unusual movement at the window, a dark shadow that looked like a human.

—The “Spiritual Wall” isolates movement and noise, reducing interference while also affecting their perception and monitoring of the surrounding environment.

Franka's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and Lumian took a few steps sideways to avoid the front of the window.

They didn't launch an attack immediately because they vaguely guessed who was outside.

Amid the sound of the crash, Browns, who quietly pried open the window, saw the curtains "move" to both sides, and her figure was suddenly exposed.

Just as she was about to react, she saw the face that Franka Roland was disguising herself in tonight.

The two looked at each other and there was silence for about ten seconds.

Finally, Bronx came to her senses and asked with concern:

"Where's Adeena?"

"Asleep." Franka pointed to the carpet near the window.

Bronx looked at her companion for a few seconds, then at the motionless fake Theresa, and asked again:

"Solve it?"

"It's solved." Franka replied calmly.

The soul is all connected!

Brown's eyes moved back and forth between Franka and Lumian in the corner several times, and asked in surprise and confusion:

"When did you start?"

Before the curtains were completely drawn... Franka wanted to answer like this, but she felt that it would be too revealing.

Lucille and some of her own fighting methods, and quickly changed her words and said with a smile:

"you guess."

Browns, Soran recalled the various subtle movements he had just sensed, but did not find any obvious signs of fighting.

This made her even more shocked:

How could this wild, wild-growing witch and her young lover be so powerful

Are more experiences and more diverse gains really that useful

Feeling the pangs of jealousy, Bronx jumped into the room and closed the window.

She is not worried about being attacked by us... Is she too inexperienced, or is she very confident in the witch's various substitutes, or does she have other things to rely on? Lumian watched coldly and ignored her.

Franka smiled and said:

We got some information, including the current high priest and some core members of the Bliss Society.…

She recounted all the information she had received from Beatrice.

The more Bronx listened, the more astonished she became.

They actually found out so much information

This would probably take a lot of time!

When did they start the fight, and how long did it take to resolve it

It's impossible that as soon as Theresa entered the room and approached the window, she was suddenly attacked and killed in an instant, right

According to the various behaviors observed before, this member of the "Spiritual Society" should be equivalent to a "honoree" of Sequence 6, on the same level as himself and Franka Roland, and higher than Charles Dubois, who is suspected to be a Sequence 7 "arsonist"!

Franka didn't care about Brown's reaction, and said after she finished speaking:

"I'm glad to tell you that our problem is simpler than expected and has been solved. Now it's your turn. Haha, Beatrice is not the only core member of the Bliss Society who has set her sights on the Red House Cafe."

She said this in the hope that the Witch Cult would "take over" the purge of the remaining members of the "Society of Bliss".

"Are you instigating me?" Bronx asked sharply.

Franka smiled and replied:

"No, just a reminder."

While they were talking, Lumian returned to Beatrice's body, squatted down, and began to explore it more carefully.

This time, he found 1,500 fil gold in banknotes and gold coins and a neatly folded note.

Lumian opened the note and saw that it was written in Intis:

"Within three days, go to the inn and take the painting away."

Hostel... What hostel? What painting? This was a deal made by the real art dealer Theresa, but the receipt fell into the hands of the imposter? Where is the real Theresa now... I forgot to ask this question just now... Lumian looked at the note in his hand, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

He stood up and prepared to ask Browns Soren if she knew the real situation of Theresa. Although Browns knew that Franca was instigating her, she had to admit that what she said made sense.

She looked down at Adena, trying to wake her companion.

At this moment, the three of them stopped their actions at the same time and turned their eyes to Beatrice Ankur's body.

The light there seemed to dim a little, and the corpse seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.