Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 21: try


It is late at night and everyone is quiet.

Lumian woke up from his dream again, and the first thing that caught his eyes was a faint gray mist.

He instinctively raised his hand and put it into his pocket.

The touch of cold and hard metal immediately entered his mind.

He took out the object he came across, and a flash of gold illuminated his eyes.

This is a gold coin.

One Louis d'Or.

“It’s still there…” Lumian sat up and looked down at himself.

He was still wearing the cotton coat, cotton pants and leather jacket he wore on his last exploration. A nearly two-meter-long steel fork and a sharp iron-black axe were placed within reach.

This was exactly the same state he was in when he came out of the dream.

“That is to say, this dream is developing, and it doesn’t start from the beginning every time you enter it…” Lumian played with the gold Louis and put it into the pocket of his cotton coat.

Although this cannot be brought into reality, it is still pleasant to watch.

Lumian got out of bed and looked out the window for a while, confirming that there was no obvious change in the red mountain in the ruins.

He picked up his axe and pitchfork, walked out of his room and into the dim corridor.

Aurore's bedroom and study remained open.

Lumian took a look and suddenly had an idea:

"In the dream, my room basically corresponds to reality, with everything it should have. Aurore's room also looks the same at first glance.

"Then, can I find her witchcraft notes, secret potion formulas, or how to become a wizard in this bedroom?"

This idea was like the devil's whisper, making Lumian's heart beat fast and want to try it.

Compared to exploring the unknown, dangerous, mysterious and weird ruins, rummaging through Aurore's room is an easier and safer option.

No, no! Lumian shook his head violently, throwing the thought aside.

He would rather take risks than pry into Auror's privacy, and he would not search her bedroom without Auror's permission.

This is a sign of respect for Aurore.

If it weren't for Aurore, he would have died five years ago, as a homeless child.

Lumian looked away painfully and walked towards the stairs.

If the owner of that bedroom was anyone other than Aurore, he would have gone in to look for useful information.

After going down the stairs, Lumian did not rush out, but checked the kitchen supplies.

Aurore's stock of olive oil, corn oil, and animal fats were neatly arranged in barrels and cans, just like in real life.

Almost subconsciously, Lumian took out the bucket of corn oil and placed it next to the stove.

The only reason he chose this was that animal fats and olive oil were more expensive.

Then he skillfully used coal and wood to light a fire in the stove and made several torches to be lit.

This is in preparation for burning that monster.

Of course, it would be better if there were other solutions, but this is the last option.

After completing these tasks, he picked up the axe, opened the door and went out.

Lumian immediately noticed something different:

The light gray mist that permeated this dream was a little more humid than last time, and the ground under his feet was also a little muddy.

“It rained? When I wasn’t here, when I wasn’t dreaming, this place still existed and evolved naturally according to certain laws?” Lumian was a little surprised, but inexplicably felt that it should be so.

Thinking of the weird stories Aurore had made up, he suddenly had a guess:

“This can’t be the real world, right

"My dreams are connected to a real world. Is the purpose of that tarot card to make me awake to cross the barrier between dreams and ruins?"

Lumian glanced around and found that on both sides of the ruins, the "edge" of the dream, was a gray fog with no end in sight.

"We can verify it later. Instead of going to the ruins, walk outside the gray fog and see if what we see after penetrating the gray fog is a strange and illogical dream, or the real earth, sky, villages and towns..."

If it was the former, then this would mean that this was still a dream. If not, Lumian would have to confirm which world this was.

He believed that judging from the use of gold Louis, this place seemed to still be in the Republic of Intis, but not necessarily in the current era. Perhaps it was some lost or disappeared place decades or hundreds of years ago.

However, Lumian felt that there was a high probability that he would not be able to escape from the gray fog surrounding him.

Calming his mind, he continued to move towards the ruins.

He did not forget that the purpose of this dream was to try to deal with the monster.

After walking a hundred or two hundred meters in the muddy wilderness full of gravel and cracks, Lumian suddenly stopped.

He thought of a question.

There was an oversight in the preparation just now!

Before, the two-story building of his own had no fire and was very safe in this world shrouded in gray fog. But now, it has a fire and emits light. Will it attract a large number of monsters and make the safe zone no longer safe

Lumian subconsciously turned around and looked towards where he came from. In the light gray fog, at the bottom of the two-story semi-underground building, crimson light was printed on different glass windows.

It's like a beacon in a dark world.

Considering that a lot of time had passed and it was obviously too late to try to extinguish the fire, Lumian simply quickened his pace, entered the ruins, and hid in the building on the edge that collapsed due to burning.

He put the axe on the belt behind his back, climbed up a wall nimbly, and hid in a dark corner separated by bricks and wood.

Lumian looked out at his home on the other side of the wilderness.

Time passed minute by minute, and he didn't see any monster being attracted by the fire and approaching that side.

“It seems that the fire won’t bring any changes, at least my house won’t be surrounded by monsters…” Lumian breathed a sigh of relief.

This means that even if he really encounters any danger, he can escape it successfully as long as he can escape back home in time and fall asleep as soon as possible.

He began to think about how to lure out and deal with the monster from before:

"From the brief fight last time, its strength, speed, reaction and agility are similar to mine, but I can clearly feel that it fights entirely on instinct, without sufficient experience and skills, nor the corresponding wisdom. That's why I was able to kill it after being ambushed...

"It can also be confused and dazed, just like humans...

"Apart from my fighting skills, I am better than it in two aspects. One is my IQ, and the other is that I can use weapons and tools. This is the biggest advantage humans have over this kind of monster...

"As long as I am careful, it won't be difficult to defeat it again. The key is how to completely get rid of it..."

Just when Lumian was about to create some noise to see if he could attract some monsters, he saw a figure approaching silently next to the completely collapsed house on the side.

The figure was covered in blood red, with no skin, and only exposed muscles, blood vessels and fascia. It was exactly the monster from last time.

The difference from last time was that this monster was holding a dung fork in his hand.

Dung fork!

“It can also use weapons…” Lumian’s face was a little stiff for a moment, and his expression became bitter.

His confidence dropped a little without him noticing.

As the monster approached and turned, Lumian saw exaggerated wounds on its back, neck, and back of the head, but the cracks were no longer oozing pus and appeared to be mostly healed.

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“It is indeed the one I met before…

"Its self-healing ability is many times stronger than mine and normal humans..."

Lumian took a silent breath.

He forced himself to calm down and quickly analyzed the current situation.

After a moment, Lumian made a decision:

Now is a good opportunity, and when you encounter an opportunity you must seize it and not miss it!

He quietly pulled out a brick from his side and waited for the monster to reach the expected position.

In just one or two steps, the monster entered Lumian's "ambush circle".

Lumian threw the brick violently, hitting the ground behind the monster.


The bricks fell, causing the monster to turn around quickly and look at the thing that attacked it.

Seeing this, Lumian grabbed the axe with both hands and fiercely jumped from the wall to the monster from the side.


The axe, with its falling weight, struck the monster's neck hard, splitting most of it in half.

With two thuds, Lumian and the monster fell to the ground at the same time.

Lumian quickly jumped up, grabbed the axe, ran over, and chopped the monster's neck hard again.

Once, twice, three times, the monster's head was chopped off before it could even resist.

As the head rolled to one side, the skinless body twitched twice and stopped moving.

Lumian did not stop there. He took a sideways step, turned the axe, and smashed the hideous head with his thick back, smashing it to pieces.

Then he turned around and chopped the body with exposed muscles, blood vessels and fascia several times with the axe, smashing the heart and other important organs.

After doing all this, Lumian took two steps back, looked at his masterpiece, panted, and laughed softly:

"I thought you were truly unkillable, but who knew you were just this capable!"

Amidst the controlled laughter, the headless corpse suddenly bounced.

Lumian's eyes tightened and he subconsciously wanted to turn around and run away.

He forced himself to suppress the urge, stepped forward again, and raised the axe.

The corpse bounced twice and then calmed down, as if it was just making an unsuccessful dying struggle.

Lumian observed for a while and finally confirmed that the monster was completely dead.

“What a tenacious life force…” Lumian sighed to himself, then moved closer, squatted down, used an axe to pry open the muscles and fascia, and began to examine the body.

The monster's body structure was not much different from that of humans, but its muscles were obviously more vigorous. Even though it was dead, some of its cuts still showed slight movement.

“There is no treasure, and no supernatural power has been transferred into my body…” Lumian assessed his current condition and was a little disappointed for a moment.

The idea that you become stronger every time you kill a monster only exists in Auror's story.

He then took the monster's body and head into the collapsed building and buried it with bricks, stones and wood.

Then he searched the burned house, hoping to find something.