Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 22: Witchcraft


Valentine also saw the woman in the gray and white dress. She had a hateful look in her eyes and a stern expression as she opened her arms as if to embrace the sun.

An extremely clear and brilliant beam of light descended from nowhere and landed on the target holding the giant scissors.

The surroundings were instantly lit up, and the transparent faces protruding from the walls and glass disappeared before they could even utter a scream.

The woman's body had clearly been on fire and was evaporating, but suddenly she disappeared.

Lumian found this scene very familiar. When he hunted the monster with mouthparts before, the monster had also behaved in a similar way.


Of course, the woman might not have disappeared, but she was definitely not dead, so Lumian was not happy at all. Instead, he moved closer to Lai En, who was much taller than him.

Lai En, who was covered in silver-white armor and holding a giant sword of light, was the one he felt he could trust the most among the people present.

You can tell at first glance that he's very good at fighting!

At this moment, behind Leah, on the wall near the entrance of the tower, a pale child's face suddenly appeared and turned into the woman in the gray and white dress.

The huge scissors in her hand directly clamped Leah's neck.


Leah's head fell off, but no blood spurted out. Her body and her head quickly became smaller and thinner, turning into a broken paper figure that floated down to the ground.

Her figure in a pleatless cashmere skirt was outlined in the air not far away.

With a clang, Lai En, whose face was covered by a silver-white mask, raised the "Sword of Dawn" in his hand, took a step to the place where Leah had just stood, and slashed heavily at the woman in a diagonal manner.

The woman raised her scissors and tried to block, but she and her weapon were smashed into the wall.

She disappeared again.

Behind Valentine, who was wearing a blue tweed jacket, a swollen and blue face instantly replaced that of the woman.

She leaned forward and cut at the back of Valentine's neck.

"Be careful!" As soon as the woman appeared, Leah shouted loudly to alert her companions.

Valentine snorted immediately and slightly closed his arms which were already outstretched.

Golden, illusory flames suddenly leaped out of the void around him. They connected together and turned the corridor into an ocean emitting the breath of the sun.

The woman was trapped inside, a painful expression on her face and her body was burning violently.

She shrank back into the wall, returning to her swollen, pale face.

This transparent face instantly melted into wisps of black gas in the golden and illusory flames, and then evaporated.


Ryan's "Sword of Dawn" struck this place again, making the entire castle seem to tremble.

But he was still a step too late and failed to stop the woman.

Lumian probably understood the current situation. The woman who delivered Louis Londe was connected to the transparent faces of children on the walls and glass surfaces. She could transform one of them into herself, and then turn back into a ghost to avoid attacks and divert damage.

In other words, she could launch an attack from any wall or glass on the third floor of the castle at any time, and the counterattack of Lai En and others could not really hurt her.

With this judgment, Lumian immediately distanced himself from the floor-to-ceiling windows and the surrounding walls and walked to the middle of the tanning room.

At this moment, ghostly faces appeared on the ground and ceiling.

The woman instantly emerged from behind Lumian's feet and quickly extended the scissors towards his thigh.

Lumian's heart moved and he had a strong sense of danger.

He didn't bother to confirm where the attack would come from, and jumped into the air without hesitation and rushed to the side.

With a "swish" sound, he was still a beat too slow, and a deep cut was made on the lower side of his thigh, and blood gushed out instantly.

As soon as the drops of blood fell to the ground, the woman who had changed her position pointed her finger and they condensed together, stretching into a thin bloody human figure.

The bloody figure turned to Lumian, who had rolled into the armchair, without hesitation and pounced on him who was still bleeding profusely.

And every drop of Lumian's blood became its nourishment, making it clearer and clearer.

At the same time, Lumian not only suffered from severe pain, but also felt that the blood in his body was out of control.

Almost instantly, Lai En jumped over.

He was in mid-air, raising the giant sword of light high up, and slashed it hard on the bloody figure, "nailing" it to the ground and smashing it together with the surrounding transparent faces.

Leah had flipped over to Lumian's side without him noticing, and stretched out her right hand to press on the wound on his thigh.

Then, Lumian was shocked to find that his wound had magically moved along with the opponent's right palm, all the way down to the side of his calf, which had few blood vessels.

The outflow of blood suddenly decreased.

The woman suddenly poked her head down from the ceiling. Her brown eyes became very deep, and there seemed to be a blazing life burning inside them.

The blood dripping from Lumian's calf suddenly ignited, rising into bright flames like spring sunshine, and they quickly spread deep into the wound and into the blood vessels in the body.

At this moment, Lumian felt as if his life was slipping away quickly.

With a "puff", Lai En thrust the giant two-handed sword made of light into the ground.

Around him, in the area where Lumian and Leah were, a little bit of dawn-like light emerged and filled the entire space.

In the morning light, the remaining bloody figure quickly melted away, and the bright and beautiful flame on Lumian's calf also quickly went out.

The burning in that second just now made his wounds stick together, and actually stopped the bleeding to a certain extent.

Lai En drew out his giant sword and shouted in a deep voice:

"The environment here is not right, we must leave!"

What he meant was that the woman was not as powerful as she appeared to be. She was almost impossible to kill and could not be locked on. The main reason was that the special environment on the third floor of the castle gave the opponent a huge bonus.

Without waiting for his companions to respond, Lai En began to chase the woman.

Although he was always a step slower than the enemy who could jump with the help of a transparent face, he did not spare his energy in vertical slashing, diagonal chopping, and straight stabbing, making the opponent dare not stop every time he stretched out his body, and quickly move to another position after a slight attack.

With the help of the holy light summoned by Valentine and the golden flames he created, the two of them temporarily suppressed the woman, preventing Leah and Lumian from being attacked much.

Seizing this opportunity, Leah jumped onto the armchair and ran back and forth on the surrounding sofas, tables, armchairs, and ornaments - in order not to touch the ground.

During this process, the silver bells on her veil and boots kept ringing, sometimes fiercely and sometimes violently.

Lumian no longer dared to stay on the ground, and stood on the table, paying attention to the ceiling above his head and the ground below, while observing Leah's actions.

Based on his previous experience, he judged that the other party was testing which route could lead to escape.

Soon, Leah stopped her acrobatic running:

"Tower, go to the tower!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman leaned out from the ceiling and shouted:

"Damn you guys!"

She uttered each word one by one, and each word seemed to echo in the minds of Lumian and others, making their hearts beat faster, their heads dizzy, and extremely nauseous.

Valentine suppressed his discomfort and opened his arms again.

A bright and pure light directly engulfed the ceiling.

"Go!" Lai En gave the order.

Lumian immediately jumped off the table, endured the discomfort in his calves, stepped on the transparent faces, and ran towards the tower first. Leah and Valentine followed closely behind. Only Ryan, who was covered in silver-white full body armor, did not rush to escape. He raised the "Sword of Dawn" and slashed the woman who leaned out of her body back to prevent her from stopping her companions from escaping.

After Leah and the others entered the stairs leading to the tower, he turned around and jumped after them.

The woman poked her head out from a transparent face on the side wall and let out a sharp cry.

Along with this sharp cry, a layer of black, evil flames ignited on the surface of Ryan's silver-white full-body armor.

Lai En suddenly felt his strength rapidly draining away.

Without hesitation, he removed the "Dawn Armor".

Spots of morning light accompanied by black flames spread out in all directions and disappeared in mid-air.

Ryan, holding the Great Sword of Light, took the opportunity to jump, completely leaving the third floor of the castle and entering the stairs.

At this point, Lumian, knowing that he was far behind and unable to take advantage of the environment, ran in second place, with Leah in front of him, the sound of silver bells ringing softly.

While running, Leah suddenly stopped.

Lumian quickly braked the car and heard a chattering sound in his ears.

He then looked forward, his whole body a little stunned.

The tower is not big, it can even be called narrow, and there are stairs leading to different shooting holes.

The walls here are densely covered with children.

They were wearing different clothes, some looked like they were just born, some looked three or four years old, and their hands and feet were like bird claws with extremely sharp tips.

Relying on their own "bird claws", these children are like birds in the forest, all perched on the wall and occupying most of the space.

The face and body of a normal human child, the evil and sharp "bird claws", the number of which exceeded a hundred and the abnormal resting method combined together made Lumian's scalp tingle. He once again had the feeling of witnessing Louis Lund giving birth, his spirit, eyes and soul being polluted.

The "children" hadn't noticed the intruder yet, and a few of them were happily discussing different topics:

“The sky outside is so blue.”

"I want to go out."


"Mom said that I must be able to put my claws away like a normal human before I can go out..."

At this time, Lai En caught up with the three people and said urgently:

"Stay away!"

He then turned around, holding the "Sword of Dawn" in his hand, and blocked the entrance of the tower like a giant.

Leah and Valentine didn't ask why, they just ran as fast as they could, finding obstacles such as stairs to cover themselves. Although Lumian didn't understand, his survival experience told him to just do as they were told.

"Get down here!"

The woman's voice sounded shrilly.

Each of these words penetrated the ears of Lumian and the others, making them weak at the same time.

Then, the woman in the gray-white dress appeared at the corner of the stairs, and the entire tower was filled with the breath of life, without any transparent pale face emerging.

PS: Ask for monthly ticket~