Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 221: Unusually quiet


Franka also noticed the footprints and traces, and observed them carefully for a while and said: "In the past two weeks, there were at least four people who came together...

"Maip Meier has other accomplices?"

Lumian stared at the cave-in that had been initially filled, and said thoughtfully:

“What matters is not whether there are accomplices or not, but what they are doing here.

"If it was really Maipu Meier, and not a team of cave explorers passing by, then he would have known that this place had been destroyed by official Beyonders and that there wouldn't be anything of value left. Why did he bring people here recently? To pay tribute?"

"It's not impossible." Franka muttered, "What if he made a great wish to achieve something, received a new gift from the Mother Tree of Desire, and became a 'Fallen Dryad'?"

"That's called 'Little Cupid'. He must have twisted desires for love, just like Susanna Mathis's feelings for Charlie. So, it's in line with the characteristics of the path for Maipu Meier to come here specifically to commemorate his dead love."

"But there's no need to bring three or four people to watch his performance, right?" Lumian retracted his gaze and looked around, "Maybe he didn't do it on purpose, but just happened to come here when he passed by

Franka probably understood what Lumian meant:

"You mean to say that Miep Meier and his gang often go underground in the market district?"

Lumian said, “Hmm.”

"I now feel that Maipu Meier did not return to the market area to deal with me. He may eventually take revenge, but that is only the result of things, not the process.

"Is their goal something underground in the market area?" Franka frowned. "But the Shadow Tree has been severely damaged. What's special here? It can't be that the entrance to Trier in the Fourth Epoch is underground in the market area.

Having said this, Franca stopped abruptly.

That’s not impossible!

Lumian quickly reviewed the market conditions and rumors he knew in his mind, and suddenly remembered something:

Ms. Magician's "Doll" messenger hates the Breeze Ballroom and says the ground there is full of old bones!

This should refer to some special circumstances underground in the market area, and the building opposite the Breeze Ballroom is suspected to be related to the old cemetery of St. Robert's Church.

Lumian immediately told Franka this guess, and then followed the traces to leave the destroyed sacrificial mine.

“That’s a real problem… This is easy to figure out. Go back and summon the messenger to ask.” While lamenting that the Feng Shui of the market area was really bad, Franca followed Lumian and provided mystical support for his pursuit.

The two men moved back and forth underground, but eventually lost their target because the people suspected to be from Maipu Meier's gang passed through several tunnels that were widely known and long-used by cave explorers, smuggling caravans and mushroom-growing citizens. The traces were completely covered up by later comers after more than ten days of erosion.

Lumian, with a ball of red fire on his head, stopped and looked at the dark mine in front of him. He didn't speak for a long time, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Just as Franca was about to suggest leaving, Lumian suddenly spoke up:

"Don't you think the market area has been too quiet in the past month or so?"

"Where is it quiet?" Franca retorted subconsciously.

Brother "007" doesn't think so at all!

Lumian chose his words carefully and said:

"To put it another way, aside from the supernatural problems we caused, is the market district too quiet when it comes to occult matters?"

"No, to be more precise, the followers of the evil god became inactive after the 'Shadow Tree' was severely damaged!"

"Well, there are no new forces coming in to swallow up the remaining small gangs and confront the Sava Party. There are no suspected cases of sacrifice. Even in the secret preaching, I only encountered a sick cult scammer, and he was still an ordinary person..."

After the "Shadow Tree" incident, the only evil god followers that Lumian and Franca actually encountered were "sinners"

Guillaume Bene from the organization and Beatrice Ancour from the "Society of the Blessed", but they actively tracked them down based on previous clues, and they were not in the market area.

The werewolves of the "Rose School" could barely be counted as one, but that was the aftermath of the "Shadow Tree" incident.

Browns Soran of the Witch Cult can only be considered half, because this organization has enough history and believes in the evil existence of this world rather than foreign evil gods.

Franca was stunned for a moment:

"Isn't this normal? A secret organization that believes in evil gods must do things in secret. If they were to encounter people like you every day, they would have been wiped out long ago!

"You see, we didn't notice that Maipu Meier had returned to the market area before.'

If it were someone else, your statement would be completely correct, but I have an alien evil angel sealed in me. According to the "Magician" theory of garbage rejection aggregation, there must be an unusual reason why I haven't encountered evil believers who cause trouble for so long... Thermipolos has been too quiet recently... Lumian's thoughts raced, and he said to Franka:

"Can you use dream divination on me and help me remember something?"

"No, maybe a powerful fortune teller can do it, but I can't." Franka shook her head, "What do you want to remember? You can ask Ms. Hela for help. She can definitely create real dreams now."

Lumian nodded slowly and said:

“I want to remember an address where there are suspected followers of the evil god. I plan to go there and see if they have also disappeared, hidden, or become quiet. Um, there’s no need to trouble Hela for now.” Ma’am, I know who to ask.

He was preparing to carefully verify this based on a bold hypothesis.

Seeing Lumian returning to the ground while speaking, Franca quickly asked:

"What address? Who?"

"Let's talk about it later. Now let's go to Plantagenet Street in the Nore District." Lumian said without turning his head.

Why does this address sound so familiar... Franca wondered as she followed closely behind.

As she was about to reach the ground, she finally remembered:

That's Mrs. Pualis's address!

The "Night Lady" from Koldu Village!

Plantagenet Street, Knole.

This place is in the suburbs, and all the buildings are like villas, with lawns facing the street and gardens at the back.

Lumian walked in the shadows where the streetlights could not reach, constantly looking at the lawns and gardens of each building.

Franka was doing something similar, because they didn't know Mrs. Pualis's house number and could only judge from the abnormally vigorous and vital plants.

When they were almost at the end of the street, Lumian and Franca simultaneously discovered a garden with flowers in full bloom, which looked like a botanical forest.

The off-white building to which the garden belonged had no lights on and was completely asleep in darkness, in stark contrast to the surrounding residents who were enjoying their family time.

"It feels like no one has lived here for a long time..." Franka began to feel that Lumian's worries made some sense, "Mrs. Pualis, a member of the Night Club, also moved away and hid quietly

Lumian observed and listened for a while, and after making sure that there was indeed no one in the building, he took out a piece of wire, opened the door, and walked in.

During this process, Franka used the "magic mirror divination" method to make a mystical confirmation.

The living room of the house was empty, the linens were gone, and there was dust on the table. It was obvious that no one had lived there for some time.

Lumian walked forward, and Franka followed him cautiously, not daring to get close to anything or touch anything.

After reaching the coffee table, Lumian bent down and picked up a newspaper discarded on the ground. It had been torn into pieces by rats, but there were still some "carcasses" left.

Lumian glanced at the newspaper in the moonlight and whispered:

“Early July....”

"This means that Mrs. Pualis did not move out immediately after I asked Louis Lund for her address, nor did she leave immediately after the Shadow Tree incident. She lived on Plantagenet Street for a while, and chose to give up this place for unknown reasons."

"Things are indeed a bit weird." Franka's expression became much more serious.

They quickly searched the building and took a hired carriage to the next location.

After getting an old newspaper with the Star Bridge advertisement from Laurent, the former tenant of the Golden Rooster Hotel and current deputy editor-in-chief of the Le Petit Trier newspaper, Lumian and Franca came to 9 Saint-Martin Street in District 2. The 5th floor here is the office rented by the group of people who look like scammers and suspected followers of the evil god.

Want to raise funds to build an interstellar bridge to the Red Moon.

In the starless night, the entire 5th floor was dark.

Lumian carefully reached out and pushed open the office that existed as an apartment.

The crimson moonlight shone in from the window, and the two saw a lot of papers scattered on the ground. The surfaces were covered with complex mechanical symbols and precise and detailed bridge diagrams, showing some ideas that seemed to be based on imagination and had some feasibility.

Many of the drawers here were open, empty, with no items left, as if the scammers had hurriedly evacuated after discovering that the police were coming.

From the written materials and a large number of traces at the scene, Lumian and Franca judged that this floor had been vacant for nearly two weeks.

"There really is a problem." Franka said with emotion, "Why did the evil god believers of different organizations suddenly reduce their activities, hide, and become quiet?"

Lumian's expression had become serious, and he said in a low voice:

"Anomalies could mean something big is brewing.

Without waiting for Franca's response, he immediately arranged for the other party:

"Contact 007 and ask him if he knows anything about the follow-up to the sick education incident, and what problems are hidden in the old cemetery of St. Robert's Church.

"I'll write to Ms. Magician and tell her about our findings and speculations."

And take the opportunity to ask what the "doll" messenger Old Bones represents!

"Okay." Franca didn't say anything more.

Golden Rooster Hotel, Room 207.

Lumian set up the ritual and summoned the "doll" messenger in a light golden dress.

He handed the folded letter to the other party and said with a smile:

"What did you mean by the old bones underground?"

The "Doll" messenger showed an expression of disgust and disdain:

"Some dirty, disgusting old Quaternary bones!"