Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 229: Frenzy


Lumian was only briefly surprised, then he had a guess.

Since General Philip is suspected of entering here with the help of a special item that can stimulate the underground mirror world, Franka, who is holding an ancient silver mirror with the same function, should also have a chance.

As for why this is possible, the essence is to use something, which has no meaning for the current situation. It will not be too late to consider it after dealing with Gardner Martin and General Philip, or escaping from their hands - that may contain hope of leaving here.

At the edge of the wilderness, Gardner Martin created a series of explosions but failed to force Franka out and cause her to break out of her invisible state.

His old lover has now moved to an unknown place.


As a "Witch of Joy", relying on the ability of "Assassin", she can move without leaving footprints and hide her own scent and spiritual light, making her very difficult to find, and greatly restraining the "Hunter"'s collection of environmental information.

Gardner Martin, who was wearing a silver-white full body armor, was also constantly moving. He was not unfamiliar with the characteristics and abilities of the "Witch" path. He knew that after being promoted to "Joy", Franka no longer needed to use blood, hair, nails and other objects as the medium of curse. She could use a mirror to reflect her figure and cover it with black flames to achieve the same effect. Therefore, he could not stand still and be a target. He had to ensure that his figure stayed in the mirror for no more than three seconds.

While moving quickly, Gardner Martin glanced at Philip and the intelligence dealer Anthony and found that the latter was already lying on the ground, holding his head, shivering, occasionally using "comfort" on himself, and completely giving up resistance, while the former's black cloak was slightly open, and around him condensed one red and almost white flaming crows after another, as if he was going to hold a grand sacrifice.

Seeing this, Gardner Martin stopped paying attention to the fight over there, raised his right hand and pulled down his visor.

In his hand there suddenly appeared a broad and huge sword that seemed to be condensed with light, and the surrounding area within dozens of meters was filled with bright and holy morning light, which made all kinds of illusions invalid, made the shadows retreat, and let the figure of Franka with a ponytail appear more than ten meters behind him.

This is the power of the Warrior Path Sequence 6 "Dawn Knight".

It comes from the silver-white armor on Gardner Martin.

This armor is a sealed object with an official number. Gardner Martin obtained it from the bodies of two "Purifiers" of the Church of the Eternal Sun when he strangled them in an operation a few years ago.

"Number: 247.

“Name: Armor of Arrogance.

"Danger level: '2', dangerous, use with caution and moderation, only actions of more than three people or deacons and diocesan bishops can apply.

“Secrecy Level: Purifiers official member and above.

“Sealing method: Place in a dark secret room, select strong humans to guard, and rotate every three hours.

“Description: In the late stage of the war between the Kingdom of Loen and the Feysac Empire, a large number of meteors fell from the sky, directly causing many disasters.

“This armor was found in a building on the outskirts of Port Leuser with its roof smashed in and the humans inside brutally killed.


“After experiments, it was found that it can give the wearer the strength of a giant, and fill the surrounding area of 48 meters with the sacred morning light. This morning light can break illusions, dispel shadows and invisibility effects, and affect resentful spirits and shadows, reducing their special abilities and even weakening evil spirits.

"It has good defensive capabilities. It can be destroyed, but it can recover slowly. This depends on the degree of damage, ranging from two quarters of an hour to a day. For specific data, see Appendix 2.

"It can also allow the wearer to condense a heavy, solid but sharp two-handed giant sword. Each strike has a purifying effect. Actively destroying this giant sword condensed from light will create a terrifying 'light storm' that directly destroys the human body, eliminates resentful souls, and injures evil spirits.

"The wearer's combat abilities are also significantly enhanced, and the wearer becomes more arrogant than before, with an abnormal level of hatred for those standing behind them, as well as targets hiding in darkness and invisibility.

“It will indiscriminately kill humans within fifty meters who are not strong enough. If the wearer becomes weak, he will also be attacked by it.

"The standard for judging whether a person is physically strong cannot be unified. Sometimes it is very high, sometimes it is low. It is initially determined to be related to the state of the armor and the surrounding environment. Most humans who have improved their physical fitness through long-term exercise or potions have passed the judgment and have not been attacked. The only few exceptions were later proven to have serious hidden diseases or had overindulged themselves in the previous two days.

“Whoever stands behind this armor must be careful of being attacked, but it doesn’t necessarily happen.

"Similarly, if the wearer uses other magical items, they will also be attacked by it. Experiments have shown that the reaction is most intense when facing items from the 'Night' and 'Earth' paths.

"The wearer of the armor suffered varying degrees of betrayal over a period of time, regardless of whether they were still wearing the item.

“In the dark, the armor is very quiet and its aggression is at its lowest level, but if there is a moon that night, it will become very violent and its aggression will reach its highest level.

"The highest level of the experimental subject is Sequence 5..."

"Addendum 1: The wearer of the armor grows taller to varying degrees, and the effects of wearing it multiple times do not stack.

"Appendix 2..."

Under the influence of the seal "2-247", Franka's figure appeared.

Gardner Martin, who was wearing a mask, hesitated for a second, then swung the giant sword of light in his hand to the side and back.


There were also a large number of red and almost white fire crows gathering around him.

General Philip, who was surrounded by red and white fire crows, looked at Anthony Reed, who was lying on the ground with his head pressed down, raised his chin slightly and said: "Accept your fate."

Anthony Reid intuitively felt the danger, but he couldn't control himself. His body kept shaking, and his mind was full of memories of that night, making it difficult for him to resist.

But when he thought of General Philip saying that he would eventually become a sacrifice, the tragic scenes of his comrades being slaughtered, and the unwilling investigations over the years, a fire ignited in Anthony's heart again.

This is the person!

It was he who murdered my comrades, murdered those rude but lovely guys, murdered the companions who once helped to protect my back!

Suddenly, Anthony recalled Lumian's question: "You are still afraid of what happened that night, afraid of the sudden gunshots. Do you really have the courage and determination to track it down?"

Anthony Reid remembered his answer at the time: "Perhaps, I died in that attack, and now the only one alive is an evil spirit that is chasing the truth and seeking revenge.

"I can be destroyed, but I can't give up..."

Yes, I should have died a long time ago. The purpose of living until now is revenge, and today, the real enemy is right in front of me!

Why should I still be afraid? I am not even afraid of death, so why should I be afraid of gunshots, explosions, or becoming a sacrifice

Isn't the worst outcome to be death and being sacrificed to the evil god? I have already prepared myself mentally!

This time, I chose to stay and not leave Trier, to face the possible disaster. Isn’t it just because I want to do something to make up for the regrets I had before

Now, the chance has come!

The raging flame of revenge completely ignited Anthony Reid's heart. He suddenly raised his head and looked at General Philip who was looking down at him with his slightly reddish and hateful dark brown eyes.


That was once his boss's boss's boss's boss.

Go to hell! Anthony Reid cursed silently, using the "frenzy" of the "psychologist".

It can trigger the target's emotions or unstable mental state, causing him to fall into a frenzy and suffer severe mental damage.

Sometimes, this can even cause the target to lose control.

General Philip, who was about to release a large group of fire crows, suddenly had a premonition of danger, but before he could react, he saw the sacrifice raised his head and stared at him with its bloodshot dark brown eyes.

With a buzzing sound, Philip's head tilted back and his thoughts exploded.

Ever since he began to believe in the "Goddess of Fate", he, who is a Sequence 5 and has the corresponding knowledge, can clearly feel that his personality and thoughts have changed. His body has also gradually changed as the power of the gift increases.

For Philip, who was mentally prepared, this was all acceptable and not a big deal. The only problem that worried him was that his mental state became unstable. Sometimes he was rational, sometimes fanatical, sometimes cold, and sometimes calm, appearing quite confusing.

This is very similar to those great beings.

General Philip's mind seemed to be filled with a storm, the skin on his face swelled up, and his hair became pale and wrinkled as if he had been soaked in water for several days.

In each of those pores, originally invisible fine lines appeared. They were dyed with a light mercury color, making it seem as if there were flames burning inside Philip's flesh and blood.

General Philip briefly fell into a "frenzy".

At this moment, a figure appeared behind him.

It was Lumian, with his white shirt half-tucked into his brown trousers and wearing black leather shoes that looked like oil paintings.

Lumian recognized Franka's voice and sensed that the battle had begun, but he did not rush out to provide assistance immediately. Instead, he chose to wait for an opportunity.


He knew that with his current spiritual power, the best option was to try his best to kill one of Gardner Martin and General Philip in a short period of time, and let the remaining one be dealt with by the team of Franca, Janna and Anthony.

As for the question of who to choose as his target, Lumian had no answer:

Gardner Martin had suffered from the pollution at No. 13 Market Avenue. He was also the "chief" of the "Iron Cross" and had many special abilities. Lumian could not guarantee that he could really be defeated by a combination of punches. General Philip's gift involved fate, and it was possible that he could sense the danger in advance and make the correct response. Lumian did not think that his raid would be successful.

Both options were very risky, so he had to restrain his impulse and wait patiently for the opportunity.

As long as Franca and Anthony would not die for the time being, he would wait.

Patience is the most basic quality for a "hunter", and it is equally important for a "conspirator".

Of course, Lumian was not waiting blindly, he relied on Janna's mirror magic and the broken mirrors in the wilderness to observe the battle situation. He was ready to interrupt Philip and rescue Anthony, but who knew that Anthony actually came out by himself and gave Philip a "frenzy".

This is your chance!

Lumian looked at General Philip, who was struggling to turn around despite the frenzy, and said with a grim expression: "Hmph!"

Two beams of white light shot out and landed on Philip.

The eyes of the "deceased" suddenly lost focus, his body swayed, and he was about to fall down.

Lumian had already raised his right hand, bent his little finger and ring finger, and imitated a revolver, aiming at the back of General Philip's head.

Bang! In the dubbing he made in his heart, as his body leaned back slightly, a ball of red fire quickly compressed, flew out from the tips of his index and middle fingers, and shot towards the nearby target like a bullet.