Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 230: formula


Old bones from the Fourth Epoch... Lumian ignored the emotional descriptions of the "Doll" messenger and extracted the most crucial information.

But compared with the information we learned before, this is not substantially in-depth. After all, most of the problems underground in Trier originated from the Quaternary Period.

Lumian considered and asked again:

"Where are you from and what do you look like, old bones?"

The "Doll" messenger replied angrily:

"I haven't seen them! Just their smell is so disgusting, so disgusting, and so dirty!

It turns out that you don’t know the specific situation either... Lumian did not bother the "doll" courier anymore, and watched her disappear before his eyes with the neatly folded letter paper.

Until this time, Lumian, who was waiting for a reply from the "Magician", finally had time to review what he had gained tonight:

A bottle of "Truth Serum", a bottle of "Society of Bliss" drugs, a bottle of occult smelling salts and 1500 Fel Gold.

3 White Coat Street, Apartment 601.

"So late? I thought you would finish it quickly." Janna, who was wearing a thin cotton skirt, stood up and walked towards the door when she saw Franca coming back.

She felt that Franka and Charles would have a chance of winning even if they met the "Fallen Dryad", and it was not small!

Franka muttered:

"I encountered an accident. Uh, wait a moment."

Franca looked at Janna, and her expression suddenly became serious.

"What's wrong?" Janna smelled something unusual.

Franka walked up to her and observed her pupils.

No trace of wearing blue contact lenses!

"Huh..." Franca breathed a sigh of relief, "For a while to come, we'll have to frequently confirm whether we're just 'actors' pretending to be each other.

The "actors" of the "Mother Tree of Desire" path cannot change their flesh and blood like the "Faceless Men" and fundamentally adjust their appearance. They have to rely more on the assistance of cosmetics and various props.

Among these, eye color is the most difficult part for "actors" to reach, and external objects must be used. By observing whether people around are wearing colored contact lenses, you can prevent the "actors" from getting close to you to the greatest extent.

Of course, this doesn't always work, as you can find an "actor" with the same eye color as the target to play the role.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Maip Meier's eye color is dark brown, Janna's is blue, Lumian's is the same, and Franca's is a little lighter, more like the blue of lake water. For the time being, there is no need to worry about being disguised by the former manager of the Old Pigeon Cage Theater - Maip Meier has been estranged from the "Society of Bliss" and it will not be possible to train new "actors" for a while.

The only one to worry about is Anthony Reid, who also has a pair of dark brown eyes.

As an actor apprentice at the Old Pigeon Cage Theatre, Janna was very sensitive to the issues regarding the "Society of Bliss". She immediately became alert, observed Franca's eyes, and asked with a little fear:

"Are they targeting the market area again?"

"It's Maipu Meier. He has returned to the market area, and we don't know where he is hiding." Franca did not hide anything and told the whole story in detail.

Among the members of the "Society of Bliss", the only one Jana was familiar with was Maipu Meier. She even had some instinctive fear of him because he used to be her manager and could decide her future.

She unconsciously touched the "Bloodthirster's Arrow" hidden in her secret bag and nodded solemnly:

"I'll pay attention."

Franka didn't say much. She looked at the wall clock, went into her room, turned on the radio transceiver, and prepared to contact "007".

Soon, she used a mechanical typewriter and the analytical engine to send a telegram:

"007', calling '007'!

After twenty or thirty seconds, a telegram was typed out by the machine:

"Hidden Blade, don't be like this. I'm scared. What's the matter?"

"This time the problem might be a bit serious!" Franca threatened "007" by telling the truth. "Brother, before I tell you the details, please help me collect some information. I want to confirm: First, whether there is any follow-up to the sick god belief that appeared on Pasteur Street and Evelyn Street in the Botanical Gardens. Second, what problems are hidden deep underground in the old cemetery of St. Robert's Church."

After a short silence, a new telegram came in:

"I'm taking a break tonight. I'm taking a break! Now I have to go back to work overtime again!

"Wait for me for fifteen minutes to an hour.

After Franca replied "No problem", she chatted with other members of the Telegram group and took out the diamond necklace she got from Beatrice Ankur. She used various methods to confirm the ability and negative effects of this extraordinary accessory:

That diamond corresponds to exactly five desires:

"Greed, appetite, lust, desire to perform, desire for achievement...

"It seems that the number of times it can be used is limited, and each desire should not exceed two times...

“After wearing it, I seem to be better at acting and putting on make-up… ..

"Just put it in your pocket, no direct contact with your skin or flesh, no negative effects...

"After putting it on, I became more excited than normal, and my desires increased significantly. If I encounter a Beyonder with similar abilities, I will be effectively restrained, or even suffer a great loss...

"Of these, the strongest desire is the desire for recognition...

"Well, this thing can't be used against Beyonders from the 'Tree of Desire' path. Its weakness is their strength.

"What should I call it? Seven Emotions and Six Desires? Uh, the style is not right, forget it, just call it 'Beatrice's Necklace', simple, convenient, and clear!

"007" called back faster than Franca expected. In less than two quarters of an hour, he gave the corresponding information:

"The evil god belief intelligence database shared by various official forces shows that the messenger of the sick god has not been found. He seemed to have sensed the danger in advance and has not appeared again.

“The old cemetery of St. Robert’s Church is highly confidential and I cannot check it for the time being.

The confidentiality level is very high? Franka secretly "hissed" and informed "007" of the abnormal silence of various organizations that believed in the evil god.

Chaotic streets, Golden Rooster Hotel.

The reply from the Magician was slow to arrive. Lumian waited for a full hour before receiving it:

“It is knowledge that after the death of the Gifter, the power returns to the mother body, but under normal circumstances, you cannot perceive it.

"This time it was because you were carrying the 'Torture' gloves, which were made of the 'Shadow Tree' and were closely related to the one the 'Summit of Bliss' believed in, the Matrix of the Gifted Power. So when the Gifted Power in Beatrice returned and the connection was strengthened, that one indirectly noticed the existence of you and the 'Two of the Holy Grail', causing the corpse to mutate, and the mutation allowed the flow of the Gifted Power to emerge.

"To intercept these gifts and prevent them from returning, you need corresponding abilities or unique environments. Sometimes these two are one and the same. Simply put, you need to advance to Sequence 4 and become a demigod, or obtain something at this level, before you have a chance to retain the remaining gifts and form extraordinary items. Of course, in certain underground environments, such as around the 'Samaritan Woman's Fountain', this can also be accomplished. You don't need a very high Sequence."

Seeing this, Lumian had a clear understanding of the changes tonight:

Unlike the previous times when he killed members of the "Supreme Bliss Society", he now has "torture" gloves, which brings about a different development.

If this pair of gloves were used, they would attract the attention of hidden beings. Although it was only carried this time, it had a very close relationship with the "Mother Tree of Desire" that Beatrice believed in, and had a certain impact through the return of the power of grace.

After roughly understanding what was going on and knowing how to prevent it in the future, Lumian continued to read the reply from the "Magician":

"We have noticed the abnormal situation in Trier and are keeping an eye on one of the clues, but it is still unknown when we will get any results. The only thing we can be sure of is that there should be changes in half a year at the longest and two or three months at the shortest.

"I can't get close to what's underground in the Breeze Ballroom, so I can't give you an answer. I can only tell you that it's definitely not just the pollution left by Blood Emperor Alistair Tudor.

“Don’t worry too much, this kind of thing is not something you can handle, all you need to do is accumulate strength and wait for the right opportunity.

Gather strength and wait for the right moment... Lumian read the letter and repeated the last few words silently.

The next morning, after communicating with Franca and Janna, he took all the funds and went straight to No. 11 Quanshui Street in the Memorial Hall District.

"Boss, this is 30,000 worth of gold and 30,000 Fel gold notes." Lumian smiled and placed the heavy small leather bag on Gardner Martin's desk.

He now has 1,000 gold and 1,500 Fel gold left, which are nominally expenses.

Gardner Martin glanced at Lumian, unzipped his small leather bag, and quickly counted the money. He didn't ask Lumian how much money he had left for the event. He smiled, opened the drawer, and took out a piece of imitation parchment that seemed to have been prepared long ago.

"You need to promise two things. One is to remember it on the spot and then burn this paper. The other is that you cannot resell the formula of the conspirator's potion without my or the supervisor's permission." Gardner Martin did not ask Lumian to sign a letter of commitment with impartial effect. It was more like giving an order.

Lumian didn’t care about these two points at all and answered without hesitation:

"no problem.

Gardner Martin nodded with satisfaction and handed the imitation parchment to Lumian.

After Lumian took it, he immediately began to read attentively:

'Conspirator' potion recipe:

“Main materials: compound eyes of hunting black spiders, brain of human-bodied lions;

"Supplementary materials: one venom gland from a hunting black spider, 80 ml of blood from a human lion, 10 grams of amber powder, and two white oak fruits."

After reading it several times and memorizing it completely, Lumian shook his right hand and let the red flame climb up the imitation parchment.

Time passed slowly in the abnormal silence. Unconsciously, the heat in Trier began to subside and the temperature gradually dropped.

One day in mid-September, Franka stood in front of the window of Apartment 601 and cursed Bronx Soren for the hundredth time.

She had passed the examination of the Witch Cult and told Browns that she joined the Sava Party in order to get in touch with the "Iron Cross", but she did not expect that there was a probation period. She could only become a formal member of the Witch Cult after the probation period was over.

Her current contact, Bronx Soren, used this as an excuse to prevent her from attending the women's party at the Red House Cafe, which resulted in her having to bother Gardner Martin and his lover for more than a month. After scolding, Franka turned her head to glance at Janna, who was thinking about something, and sincerely felt for the good luck of this companion.

The Witch Cult had no idea that she was an extraordinary person of the "Assassin" path.

"What's wrong?" Franca asked.

Jenna replied in distress:

"My 'Instigator' potion has been completely digested."

"This is good news!" Franca was pleasantly surprised.

Janna scratched her hair and sighed:

"I haven't even paid you back yet, and I have to think about the recipe and materials for the witch's potion. Ten, why do I feel like I'm getting poorer the more I'm promoted?"